Trump is Finished

Keep smoking that crack pipe, little fake rabid rabbit rabbi.
How about b actor turned politician Reagan?
Yeah, turned out to be the best president of the 20th century. Go figure.
No he wasn't but Gw was the worst
Yeah, Reagan was the best and Bush wasn't the worst. Carter left a worse economy and he had a Dem majority for his entire term, Bush didn't. Johnson lied us into Vietnam where we lost 55,000 Americans. Both were worse than Bush. Clinton gave missile guidance system technology to China, resulting in them being able to develop ICBMs that can now reach our soil. Bush, by far, was not the worst, you're just led by leftist propaganda and the liberal media. They tell you something and you run with it.
WRONG! You guys use to love saying Carter was the worst but I haven't heard any Republican until you have the balls to make that claim since GW because he is by far the worst president in WORLD history, not just American history. Iraq was maybe the biggest military blunder in world history. Only thing is, it was great for the oil and defense companies.
You're WAY off on that one. Want to talk about Vietnam?[/QUOTE]
And I don't think the Bush regime was stupid either. I think they knew Iraq would be a quagmire. Perpetual war, perpetual profits.

How come Chaney knew this:

Yet Rusmfeld lied and said the war would be short?

They lied, and all these years later you are still a god damn fool because the media has you brainwashed.
Mexico will pay for a border wall !

The Donald says so.

Donald Trump: Mexico will pay for wall because I say -

Idiot, and idiots believe his bullshit. Trump was finished before he ever started.

RW's are toast.

The End.
We don't have any power over Mexico? They'd be in a god damn revolution/depression if we cut them off and sent back all the illegals they sent here. Wake up America. Fuck the Mexicans and fuck Muslims coming to this country.
How about b actor turned politician Reagan?
Yeah, turned out to be the best president of the 20th century. Go figure.
No he wasn't but Gw was the worst
Yeah, Reagan was the best and Bush wasn't the worst. Carter left a worse economy and he had a Dem majority for his entire term, Bush didn't. Johnson lied us into Vietnam where we lost 55,000 Americans. Both were worse than Bush. Clinton gave missile guidance system technology to China, resulting in them being able to develop ICBMs that can now reach our soil. Bush, by far, was not the worst, you're just led by leftist propaganda and the liberal media. They tell you something and you run with it.
WRONG! You guys use to love saying Carter was the worst but I haven't heard any Republican until you have the balls to make that claim since GW because he is by far the worst president in WORLD history, not just American history. Iraq was maybe the biggest military blunder in world history. Only thing is, it was great for the oil and defense companies.
You're WAY off on that one. Want to talk about Vietnam?
Iraq: The Biggest Mistake In American Military History

We had reasons for invading Viet Nam. For one, a national strategy called containment that was embraced by both political parties as a necessary response to communist aggression. Iraq, in contrast, is a country of warring ethnic and sectarian communities, and our military involvement there resulted from an ad hoc response to faulty intelligence in the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks.

The first lesson we learned after toppling Saddam Hussein was that our main reason for invading the country — Iraq’s nuclear-weapons program — didn’t even exist.

We soon determined that another big reason for going, the supposed presence of Al Qaeda elements, was largely imaginary. But the really big and enduring lesson was that the Iraqis were not by nature a peaceful people — they had longstanding scores to settle, not only with each other but also with us, and they proved remarkably persistent in pursuing that purpose. If anything, our presence helped spur recruiting by sectarian militias and local supporters of Al Qaeda.

When the immediate rationales for invading Iraq were revealed as misguided, the Bush Administration then defaulted to the argument that a brutal dictator was being deposed to make way for the first real democracy in the Arab world. That certainly was a laudable objective, but it begged the question of how Saddam had managed to remain in power for decades.

You need to make the font even bigger and bolder so more people will believe these discredited talking points.
Ya because Sleepy the dwarf is so much more attractive.

Let's be honest if just for a moment. The GOP is NOT going to nominate a black candidate. They are no where close to doing so. And certainly not after 8 years of a black Democrat administration.
So much for being honest. That's a load of BS.
We have yet to have a black president. Obama is the offspring of an absentee African national father from a country with little to no involvement in slave trade. Obama's only heritage connection to black Americanism is ironically through his white mother.
It took repubs to appoint the highest black American positions in US history, Powell and Rice.
Republicans have to "appoint" blacks to be their tokens because lets face it, Republican voters just won't vote for a black person. Run Herman Cain or Ben Carson and watch the GOP base stay home next year.

So what Bush found an uncle tom and aunt tina to do whatever he asked.
Yet they reelected the guy who appointed those blacks. Democrats can't even appoint any blacks to SOS let alone elect a black president. What you have now is a faux-black president, an Oreo, the offspring of an absentee African national, non-American father.
You guys can spin anything so this idiotic reply doesn't surprise me one bit.

That's like saying back during slavery they re-elected the Mayor of Hickville USA even though he let his house slave manage his books.
You're a bigot. A hypocritical bigot.
How about b actor turned politician Reagan?
Yeah, turned out to be the best president of the 20th century. Go figure.
No he wasn't but Gw was the worst
Yeah, Reagan was the best and Bush wasn't the worst. Carter left a worse economy and he had a Dem majority for his entire term, Bush didn't. Johnson lied us into Vietnam where we lost 55,000 Americans. Both were worse than Bush. Clinton gave missile guidance system technology to China, resulting in them being able to develop ICBMs that can now reach our soil. Bush, by far, was not the worst, you're just led by leftist propaganda and the liberal media. They tell you something and you run with it.
WRONG! You guys use to love saying Carter was the worst but I haven't heard any Republican until you have the balls to make that claim since GW because he is by far the worst president in WORLD history, not just American history. Iraq was maybe the biggest military blunder in world history. Only thing is, it was great for the oil and defense companies.
You're WAY off on that one. Want to talk about Vietnam?
Iraq: The Biggest Mistake In American Military History

We had reasons for invading Viet Nam. For one, a national strategy called containment that was embraced by both political parties as a necessary response to communist aggression. Iraq, in contrast, is a country of warring ethnic and sectarian communities, and our military involvement there resulted from an ad hoc response to faulty intelligence in the aftermath of the 9-11 attacks.

The first lesson we learned after toppling Saddam Hussein was that our main reason for invading the country — Iraq’s nuclear-weapons program — didn’t even exist.

We soon determined that another big reason for going, the supposed presence of Al Qaeda elements, was largely imaginary. But the really big and enduring lesson was that the Iraqis were not by nature a peaceful people — they had longstanding scores to settle, not only with each other but also with us, and they proved remarkably persistent in pursuing that purpose. If anything, our presence helped spur recruiting by sectarian militias and local supporters of Al Qaeda.

When the immediate rationales for invading Iraq were revealed as misguided, the Bush Administration then defaulted to the argument that a brutal dictator was being deposed to make way for the first real democracy in the Arab world. That certainly was a laudable objective, but it begged the question of how Saddam had managed to remain in power for decades.

The Vietnam conflict was not an invasion. Johnson could not have gotten a declaration of war so he and Robert Macnamara lied about the Gulf of Tonkin incident to give them an excuse to send troops in. We lost because Johnson fought the war with only political considerations. We lost 55,000 soldiers (most of whom were drafted) because our POS president was more concerned about his poll numbers than he was American lives.
    conservative post ^ | 10/02/2015 | P W
    “Absolutely” hire him. Trump said Friday if he wins the election he has a special place for Carson on his Cabinet. “I would put him — I’d love to have that,” Trump said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” Trump also stated he regards Carson as a “nice man” although he seriously doubts Carson’s negotiation skills. Trump feels like he is the sure-shot for the presidential run. Could we possibly see a Trump-Carson ticket?

  • Trump Change: ‘The Donald’ Rebounds ^ | October 02, 2015
    Donald Trump added some substance to his campaign this week with the release of a major tax cut plan and has reversed his declining fortunes in Rasmussen Reports’ latest Trump Change survey. Our latest national telephone survey shows that 58% of Likely Republican Voters think Trump is likely to end up as their party’s nominee for president in 2016. That’s up six points from 52% a week ago and matches the findings the week before that...
The great Daniel Heninger explains why Trump is past his sell by date.

Trump: Odd Man Out
The oddest moment in the second GOP debate was when the first thing Donald Trump did was to launch an assault on Sen. Rand Paul, who was standing about three miles away at the end of the podiums: “Well, first of all, Rand Paul shouldn’t even be on this stage. He’s number 11, he’s got 1% in the polls, and how he got up here, there’s far too many people anyway.” Ummm, what was that all about?

Since that Sept. 16 debate, as measured by the RealClearPolitics polling average, Mr. Trump has lost about a quarter of his support, down to 23% from 30% on the eve of the debate. In this week’s Wall Street Journal/NBC poll, he is at 21%.

It’s not going to get better. The Trump numbers are going to drift sideways, or fall.

XXXXX -- Moderation Edit --- Clipped for Copyright.

Politics is about winning at the margin. It is about securing a base of voter support and then finding ways to attract additional voters at the margin. In the highly partisan presidential elections since 2000, the Republican and Democratic nominees both have had a base vote rotating in the mid-40s. Then the candidates have to add marginal votes toward the 50% threshold. (In 2000, with third-party candidate Ralph Nader getting 3%, George W. Bush and Al Gore both finished with about 48%, hanging chads and a generation of political bitterness.)

The Trump candidacy is pure base, and Mr. Trump has not built out from that base, which topped out at about 30%. It’s become obvious that this third of angry conservative voters is volatile. Mr. Trump’s famous support base has eroded, dispersing to the other outsider candidates, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina.

More important, it is now clear that Mr. Trump is personally incapable of doing what is necessary to expand beyond his early burst of support. The tax plan he released this week, admirable as a broad outline, is supposed to show he’s getting serious. That’s the problem. His core base didn’t want that kind of serious.

XXXXX -- Moderation Edit --- Clipped for Copyright.

Mr. Trump’s singular personality is simply at odds with the political skills necessary to carry that mood any further than his mere arrival accomplished. His support is moving to candidates who are variations on the Trump theme. What people saw and heard in Carly Fiorina was your basic straight-razor woman. Her rage looks to be about one degree below boiling. Ben Carson radiates an intelligent everyman’s bemusement at a gridlocked system.
-more at the source.

Donald Trump hit his peak at 32%, and now he's down to 21%. This indicates that approximately 70% are saying Oh Hell No to a Trump nominee.

He's not even a Republican and I don't understand why he isn't running on the Democrat side of the isle? He has shown nothing that would indicate to anyone that he's even conservative. He's often been referred to as the Liberal's--Liberal for a reason.

1. He supported Obama's 878 billion dollar stimulus in a Fox News interview (Only 1 Republican in the entire congress voted for that and they lost their job over it.)
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News

2. He's changed his party status at least 5 times. He doesn't even know what he is--LOL
Donald Trump changed political parties at least five times: report - Washington Times

3. He's for single payer health care.
Trump Pushes Single Payer Healthcare, Tax Increase on Wealthy - Breitbart
4. He has a real love affair with Eminent Domain.
Donald Trump's eminent domain love nearly cost a widow her house | David Boaz
5. He tells his supporters that the bible is his favorite book--NOW REALLY WHO IS STUPID ENOUGH TO BELIEVE THAT ONE--:badgrin: He sure couldn't quote a single verse out of it when asked.
Trump declines to share favorite Bible verse -

6. He sure didn't want to build a WALL in 2012--because he blasted Romney for losing, citing it was because he was too mean spirited toward illegals.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
7. He can't answer foreign policy questions--"but he's going to be really--really good with the military"--LOL
Trump stymped on terror questions but Carly knows the answers cold
8. His pick for Vice President is none other than Oprah Winfrey--LOL
Election 2016: Donald Trump: Oprah would be a "great" vice president - CBS News

Now he wants to be "unpredictable" with his foreign policy--LOL There is absolutely NOTHING that is predictable about Donald Trump. Today Republican--tomorrow Democrat--who knows?

Last edited:
Trump is the greatest man on earth. fininia's fake boost in the polls is over.
Fuck the Mexicans and fuck Muslims coming to this country.

Or, fuck irrational cowards who add nothing but their own petty, mindless bigotry and fear to discussions of issues of real import.
And fuck little bitches who cry about it then add nothing of substance in return. Why would we want more Muslims or Mexicans coming here? If we need the workers just say so.
Donald Trump hit his peak at 32%, and now he's down to 21%.

He's now down to 17%.

Trump isn't Presidential material.

He's too irrational.

Still spreading that LIE from an INVALID poll paid for by Wall street.... Here's the REAL DEAL, Bullshitter, just bullshits!

  • Polling Convergence – OAN/GRAVIS and Reuters Show Donald Trump Surging With 34 – 35% Support…

    Conservative Treehouse ^ | October 2, 2015 |
    Reuters Trend Polling and OAN/Gravis Polling have each announced and updated Presidential Polling for the GOP race 2016. The results are exceptionally similar. Both polling outcomes reflect Donald Trump with a massive lead amid the rest of the field. Gravis Polling has Trump with 35% support. Reuters shows an almost identical 34% outcome. The downstream alignments with the remainder of the field are also very similar. Here’s the OAN/Gravis result: […] Gravis Marketing, a nonpartisan research firm, conducted the random survey of 2,665 registered voters across the U.S. regarding the presidential election. The poll has a margin of error of...

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