Trump insults a war hero

Yes, he is, you stupid fool.

Military career of John Kerry - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He has done things that most people can only dream of.

So, go fuck yourself, troll.

Now, back to the OP, which is about Don Trump, an even bigger troll than you, SassyFuckSnoot.

Look, asshole.I have a purple heart that hangs in our den and will someday be given to the son of the man that earned it. It was paid for in blood and sacrifice, don't you EVER try to tell me what a hero is. Kerry is no fucking hero. No way, no how

Then you did not earn that purple heart, someone else did. I know you love to be bossy, but it just doesn't work here. Learn to debate like a real adult, well, assuming that you ARE an adult.

LOL Dude,I don't take direction from fools like you. Learn it and then live it. Understand?

You are not very good at this, now are you....

GFY...have a pleasant day
There's that RW greeting again.....
Tell us more about how having a Purple Heart hanging in your den makes you an expert on who properly earned military medals. We're listening.

I said it belongs to the son of the one that earned it, dyke. Now go shave your hairy back and stop bothering me

I wonder how many she has? and she could tell us about the combat she was in while she's at it. she thinks because she served that's gives her a RIGHT to be a witch to everyone

She's an annoyance, I just take her off ignore to btich slap her once in awhile

I never take her off. all she does is troll/stalk as you found out in this thread.

Yeah she thinks I'm you, but of course she thinks munching carpet is normal so there you go

she's a stalker alright. and for munching carpet. I know right. lol
so what. as if you on the left could care

you people and Trump. you weren't any better with Palin. if anything you were downright vile and nasty to a woman running for office

it was some sick sick stuff

worry about your own party of old ALL WHITE corrupted fogies running. You all need a LOT OF HELP

He is leading your party for the 2016 nomination in many polls. Does that not worry you?
I love it , Trump is excellent , hope he gets to the end . He and Ted Cruz are a good team !!
I said it belongs to the son of the one that earned it, dyke. Now go shave your hairy back and stop bothering me

I wonder how many she has? and she could tell us about the combat she was in while she's at it. she thinks because she served that's gives her a RIGHT to be a witch to everyone

She's an annoyance, I just take her off ignore to btich slap her once in awhile

I never take her off. all she does is troll/stalk as you found out in this thread.

Yeah she thinks I'm you, but of course she thinks munching carpet is normal so there you go

she's a stalker alright. and for munching carpet. I know right. lol

I suspect she's a big girl, husky, and hairy LMAO
I've trashed McCains record as a slimeball lying pandering war hawk politician. The idea that the left banged on his military service....beyond noting his less than stellar record with aviation bull. He walked the walk, nutters.
Bullshit, you libs were trashing his war record and you know it. Your favorite nickname for him was "Songbird McCain". Don't try to gloss it over, liar.
Who did you steal that from? The only thing you know about Kerry is that he is a democrat. That is the only fact that lets inbred fucks like you attack him.

Fuck you. Kerry is no fucking war hero. Nada, aint happening. You idiot left loons have low standards if you think Kerry is anything but what he is...a fucking coward and traitor
And where did your daddy/uncle get he Purple Heart? Splinters in his knees while blowing the Sarge?

The man that earned it would have spit in your ass, fag
You mean spit out the Sarge's cum?

Breaking the family rule are you?

Uhm, no, because SassyFattyAss has not explained her exact relationship to the person whose purple heart is hanging in her den, ergo, we cannot possibly know if it's about family at all. And since I don't butt into peoples' family business, I don't care. SassyFattyAss started it by volunteering details she did not need to volunteer and then started insulting people right and Left. As soon as SassyFattyAss clearly indicates that that purple heart belonged to a family member, then the game changes.

And just to let you know how serious I am about conservatives trying to invoke the family rule as a ruse:


so what. as if you on the left could care

you people and Trump. you weren't any better with Palin. if anything you were downright vile and nasty to a woman running for office

it was some sick sick stuff

worry about your own party of old ALL WHITE corrupted fogies running. You all need a LOT OF HELP

He is leading your party for the 2016 nomination in many polls. Does that not worry you?

He won't last

Trump is self destructing before our eyes. What a Dunce!
No he isn't.
I've trashed McCains record as a slimeball lying pandering war hawk politician. The idea that the left banged on his military service....beyond noting his less than stellar record with aviation bull. He walked the walk, nutters.
Bullshit, you libs were trashing his war record and you know it. Your favorite nickname for him was "Songbird McCain". Don't try to gloss it over, liar.

prove your claim liar
McCain is a piece of shit with a big mouth and an itchy trigger finger. I can only imagine how many wars that jackass would have us involved in by now had he won in 2008.
I've trashed McCains record as a slimeball lying pandering war hawk politician. The idea that the left banged on his military service....beyond noting his less than stellar record with aviation bull. He walked the walk, nutters.
Bullshit, you libs were trashing his war record and you know it. Your favorite nickname for him was "Songbird McCain". Don't try to gloss it over, liar.
I've not heard that nickname before you just posted it. But maybe you can help Stephanie post some examples of us trashing McCain's war record. She seems to be a trifle handicapped and is struggling to get some.
You know when you live in a country where Ted Nugent is a hero and John McCain is a war time loser something has gone wrong. I wouldn't lift a weapon and go to war for Americans who thought so little of service and sacrifice. We need to bring back the stinking draft and make people serve and honor military service, they won't be so quick to stomp and spit on service and sacrifice.


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