Trump impeachment defense is throwing Trump supporters under the bus


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Trump impeachment defense is throwing Trump supporters under the bus.
The "patriots" who gave everything they had to follow Trump's demand to stop the steal are being defined as criminals who deserve to be prosecuted with the the full force of the law for their crimes.
That is what happens when you follow Trump. He will throw you under the bus for his advantage no matter how dedicated you are. Many of his most loyal White House staff found this out.

Minions, cultists, wake up before it is too late.

Following Trump is like a woman marrying a man as his 6th wife and then be shocked when he divorces you. What made her think he would treat her any different than the 5 previous wives.

The idiots who broke into the capitol for Trump are getting what they deserve because of their blind, stupid following of Trump.
LOL, yea sure.

Yes we believe people that attacked any cops should be prosecuted, most are Antifa or BLM anyway.
At most others can be charged with with “trespassing”, although those cases will likely get thrown out when it is shown that cops let a bunch of them into the building.
Trump impeachment defense is throwing Trump supporters under the bus.
The "patriots" who gave everything they had to follow Trump's demand to stop the steal are being defined as criminals who deserve to be prosecuted with the the full force of the law for their crimes.
That is what happens when you follow Trump. He will throw you under the bus for his advantage no matter how dedicated you are. Many of his most loyal White House staff found this out.

Minions, cultists, wake up before it is too late.

Following Trump is like a woman marrying a man as his 6th wife and then be shocked when he divorces you. What made her think he would treat her any different than the 5 previous wives.

The idiots who broke into the capitol for Trump are getting what they deserve because of their blind, stupid following of Trump.
Trump impeachment could help Capitol rioters’ legal defense
Trump impeachment defense is throwing Trump supporters under the bus.
The "patriots" who gave everything they had to follow Trump's demand to stop the steal are being defined as criminals who deserve to be prosecuted with the the full force of the law for their crimes.
That is what happens when you follow Trump. He will throw you under the bus for his advantage no matter how dedicated you are. Many of his most loyal White House staff found this out.

Minions, cultists, wake up before it is too late.

Following Trump is like a woman marrying a man as his 6th wife and then be shocked when he divorces you. What made her think he would treat her any different than the 5 previous wives.

The idiots who broke into the capitol for Trump are getting what they deserve because of their blind, stupid following of Trump.
No, they are getting what they deserve because they are like all of the other rioters in the country...unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

Anyone who sees that differently is lying to themselves..
LOL, yea sure.

Yes we believe people that attacked any cops should be prosecuted, most are Antifa or BLM anyway.
At most others can be charged with with “trespassing”, although those cases will likely get thrown out when it is shown that cops let a bunch of them into the building.
You are a fool. 5:21 (King James version): "Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not."
Trump impeachment defense is throwing Trump supporters under the bus.
The "patriots" who gave everything they had to follow Trump's demand to stop the steal are being defined as criminals who deserve to be prosecuted with the the full force of the law for their crimes.
That is what happens when you follow Trump. He will throw you under the bus for his advantage no matter how dedicated you are. Many of his most loyal White House staff found this out.

Minions, cultists, wake up before it is too late.

Following Trump is like a woman marrying a man as his 6th wife and then be shocked when he divorces you. What made her think he would treat her any different than the 5 previous wives.

The idiots who broke into the capitol for Trump are getting what they deserve because of their blind, stupid following of Trump.
No, they are getting what they deserve because they are like all of the other rioters in the country...unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

Anyone who sees that differently is lying to themselves..
The violence to "stop the steal" happened many times before the attack on the capitol. Trump did not, once, denounce the violence until well after 1/6/2020. Antifa and Trumpsters are the same. Biden multiple times said violent riots were not the answer.
Trump impeachment defense is throwing Trump supporters under the bus.
The "patriots" who gave everything they had to follow Trump's demand to stop the steal are being defined as criminals who deserve to be prosecuted with the the full force of the law for their crimes.
That is what happens when you follow Trump. He will throw you under the bus for his advantage no matter how dedicated you are. Many of his most loyal White House staff found this out.

Minions, cultists, wake up before it is too late.

Following Trump is like a woman marrying a man as his 6th wife and then be shocked when he divorces you. What made her think he would treat her any different than the 5 previous wives.

The idiots who broke into the capitol for Trump are getting what they deserve because of their blind, stupid following of Trump.
No, they are getting what they deserve because they are like all of the other rioters in the country...unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

Anyone who sees that differently is lying to themselves..
A President shouldn't incite people that are "unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame."
Trump impeachment defense is throwing Trump supporters under the bus.
The "patriots" who gave everything they had to follow Trump's demand to stop the steal are being defined as criminals who deserve to be prosecuted with the the full force of the law for their crimes.
That is what happens when you follow Trump. He will throw you under the bus for his advantage no matter how dedicated you are. Many of his most loyal White House staff found this out.

Minions, cultists, wake up before it is too late.

Following Trump is like a woman marrying a man as his 6th wife and then be shocked when he divorces you. What made her think he would treat her any different than the 5 previous wives.

The idiots who broke into the capitol for Trump are getting what they deserve because of their blind, stupid following of Trump.
No, they are getting what they deserve because they are like all of the other rioters in the country...unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

Anyone who sees that differently is lying to themselves..
A President shouldn't incite people that are "unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame."
So a politician should never say anything that some person with emotional issues may take out of context.

So when Michelle Obama said "we need to fight" there was no one unstable who heard her.

When Eric Holder said "when they go low we kick them" there was no one unstable who heard him.

When Maxine Waters said "tell them they are not welcome here anymore:" there was no one unstable who heard her.

When Joe Biden said he wanted to take Trump behind the Gym and fight him there was no one unstable who heard him.

When democratic politicians said that Trump was a Russian asset and a threat to the well being of every aAmerican, there was no one unstable who heard them.

Nice try.

Not good enough though.
In a world where there are a lot of damaged people, those in the public eye have a duty to moderate their behaviour.
Trump ramped it up when the evidence showed he was spouting bollox. (again)
Trump impeachment defense is throwing Trump supporters under the bus.
The "patriots" who gave everything they had to follow Trump's demand to stop the steal are being defined as criminals who deserve to be prosecuted with the the full force of the law for their crimes.
That is what happens when you follow Trump. He will throw you under the bus for his advantage no matter how dedicated you are. Many of his most loyal White House staff found this out.

Minions, cultists, wake up before it is too late.

Following Trump is like a woman marrying a man as his 6th wife and then be shocked when he divorces you. What made her think he would treat her any different than the 5 previous wives.

The idiots who broke into the capitol for Trump are getting what they deserve because of their blind, stupid following of Trump.
No, they are getting what they deserve because they are like all of the other rioters in the country...unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

Anyone who sees that differently is lying to themselves..
The violence to "stop the steal" happened many times before the attack on the capitol. Trump did not, once, denounce the violence until well after 1/6/2020. Antifa and Trumpsters are the same. Biden multiple times said violent riots were not the answer.
So September 7th was the first sign of violence from Antifa and other rioters?

You sure he was not silent for the first 3 months of those ripots?

You sure?


Are you sure?

Better make sure.


Because you aren't sure.
In a world where there are a lot of damaged people, those in the public eye have a duty to moderate their behaviour.
Trump ramped it up when the evidence showed he was spouting bollox. (again)

Eric Holder should never had said "when they go low, kick them".

That was irresponsible.

Obama should never had said "the police acted stupidly"....damaged people may want to attack police for it.

Michelle Obama should have never said "we need to fight".....

That was irresponsible.

Give me a break.
Trump impeachment defense is throwing Trump supporters under the bus.
The "patriots" who gave everything they had to follow Trump's demand to stop the steal are being defined as criminals who deserve to be prosecuted with the the full force of the law for their crimes.
That is what happens when you follow Trump. He will throw you under the bus for his advantage no matter how dedicated you are. Many of his most loyal White House staff found this out.

Minions, cultists, wake up before it is too late.

Following Trump is like a woman marrying a man as his 6th wife and then be shocked when he divorces you. What made her think he would treat her any different than the 5 previous wives.

The idiots who broke into the capitol for Trump are getting what they deserve because of their blind, stupid following of Trump.
No, they are getting what they deserve because they are like all of the other rioters in the country...unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

Anyone who sees that differently is lying to themselves..
A President shouldn't incite people that are "unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame."
So a politician should never say anything that some person with emotional issues may take out of context.

So when Michelle Obama said "we need to fight" there was no one unstable who heard her.

When Eric Holder said "when they go low we kick them" there was no one unstable who heard him.

When Maxine Waters said "tell them they are not welcome here anymore:" there was no one unstable who heard her.

When Joe Biden said he wanted to take Trump behind the Gym and fight him there was no one unstable who heard him.

When democratic politicians said that Trump was a Russian asset and a threat to the well being of every aAmerican, there was no one unstable who heard them.

Nice try.

Not good enough though.
You are a fool. 5:21 (King James version): "Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not."
Trump impeachment defense is throwing Trump supporters under the bus.
The "patriots" who gave everything they had to follow Trump's demand to stop the steal are being defined as criminals who deserve to be prosecuted with the the full force of the law for their crimes.
That is what happens when you follow Trump. He will throw you under the bus for his advantage no matter how dedicated you are. Many of his most loyal White House staff found this out.

Minions, cultists, wake up before it is too late.

Following Trump is like a woman marrying a man as his 6th wife and then be shocked when he divorces you. What made her think he would treat her any different than the 5 previous wives.

The idiots who broke into the capitol for Trump are getting what they deserve because of their blind, stupid following of Trump.
No, they are getting what they deserve because they are like all of the other rioters in the country...unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

Anyone who sees that differently is lying to themselves..
A President shouldn't incite people that are "unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame."
So a politician should never say anything that some person with emotional issues may take out of context.

So when Michelle Obama said "we need to fight" there was no one unstable who heard her.

When Eric Holder said "when they go low we kick them" there was no one unstable who heard him.

When Maxine Waters said "tell them they are not welcome here anymore:" there was no one unstable who heard her.

When Joe Biden said he wanted to take Trump behind the Gym and fight him there was no one unstable who heard him.

When democratic politicians said that Trump was a Russian asset and a threat to the well being of every aAmerican, there was no one unstable who heard them.

Nice try.

Not good enough though.
You are a real stupid dumbass. You need to look at trends of multiple words said by Trump, Obama and Holder. There is no reasoning with stupid.
In a world where there are a lot of damaged people, those in the public eye have a duty to moderate their behaviour.
Trump ramped it up when the evidence showed he was spouting bollox. (again)
Trump looked to damaged people for his main support. Trump takes advantage of damaged and intellectually challenged people. They are his base.
None of the stuff you dangerous rumpetsers are bring up have anything to do with the impeachment trial. Your "Whataboutisms" can't be considered. It's about Rump and Jan6th and the events leading up to it. And the House is making a very compelling case.

Rump isn't necessarily on trial here. The Republican Party is. Either way, the Republican Party is harmed for many decades. If Rump is not found guilty then the Republican party is splintered into a 37% loss. If he is found guilty and not allowed to run for any federal public office ever again, that same 37% will continue and the Republican Party splintered but the violence from the 37% will be unleashed.

Rump may get away with the Impeachment but DC will have charged waiting on him or over the violence right after the Jan 6th invasion of the Capital Building. It didn't stop at the Capital Building. And it would have made the riots in the other cities look like cake walks had the NG not intervened. So it's not just political, it's also criminal. Even racial due to churches being attacked.

I don't see Rump being convicted by the Senate due to fear for many Senators families and selves. This is beyond imagination. OR it would be if it wasn't real.
Trump impeachment defense is throwing Trump supporters under the bus.
The "patriots" who gave everything they had to follow Trump's demand to stop the steal are being defined as criminals who deserve to be prosecuted with the the full force of the law for their crimes.
That is what happens when you follow Trump. He will throw you under the bus for his advantage no matter how dedicated you are. Many of his most loyal White House staff found this out.

Minions, cultists, wake up before it is too late.

Following Trump is like a woman marrying a man as his 6th wife and then be shocked when he divorces you. What made her think he would treat her any different than the 5 previous wives.

The idiots who broke into the capitol for Trump are getting what they deserve because of their blind, stupid following of Trump.
No, they are getting what they deserve because they are like all of the other rioters in the country...unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

Anyone who sees that differently is lying to themselves..
A President shouldn't incite people that are "unable to control their emotions; likely destitute; likely have no planned future; likely looking to blame others for their situation; likely looking for their 15 minutes of fame."
So a politician should never say anything that some person with emotional issues may take out of context.

So when Michelle Obama said "we need to fight" there was no one unstable who heard her.

When Eric Holder said "when they go low we kick them" there was no one unstable who heard him.

When Maxine Waters said "tell them they are not welcome here anymore:" there was no one unstable who heard her.

When Joe Biden said he wanted to take Trump behind the Gym and fight him there was no one unstable who heard him.

When democratic politicians said that Trump was a Russian asset and a threat to the well being of every aAmerican, there was no one unstable who heard them.

Nice try.

Not good enough though.

So you are saying the good majority of those that voted for Trump have mental issues and were easily fooled by a charlatan?

Yeah, I agree!
None of the stuff you dangerous rumpetsers are bring up have anything to do with the impeachment trial. Your "Whataboutisms" can't be considered. It's about Rump and Jan6th and the events leading up to it. And the House is making a very compelling case.

Rump isn't necessarily on trial here. The Republican Party is. Either way, the Republican Party is harmed for many decades. If Rump is not found guilty then the Republican party is splintered into a 37% loss. If he is found guilty and not allowed to run for any federal public office ever again, that same 37% will continue and the Republican Party splintered but the violence from the 37% will be unleashed.

Rump may get away with the Impeachment but DC will have charged waiting on him or over the violence right after the Jan 6th invasion of the Capital Building. It didn't stop at the Capital Building. And it would have made the riots in the other cities look like cake walks had the NG not intervened. So it's not just political, it's also criminal. Even racial due to churches being attacked.

I don't see Rump being convicted by the Senate due to fear for many Senators families and selves. This is beyond imagination. OR it would be if it wasn't real.

If Trump is acquitted then you can bet I will never vote for anyone that voted to acquit that sorry piece of trash!

I will vote third party!
Well they should turn on their master. He played them and incited them to "stop the steal" with over an hour of rhetoric and had his boys (son and lawyer) warm them up. Then spent about 3 minutes of his speech telling them to do it peacefully. His get out of jail card.

Spent the last month telling them " it is going to be wild". telling them that the election was fixed, and tell them how he will be pleased if they "stop the steal".

Now when faced with real charges, real jail time, and no one to grant them a pardon, it up to every man, woman, and patriot to save themselves. Trump skipped town.

If there defense is going to be blame Trump then the impeachment trial should be a no brainer.

Still it is a political trial.

I would hope that people should understand that this is a way to be rid of him for good.

Otherwise we will here "Here's Johnny" I am back baby..
Well they should turn on their master. He played them and incited them to "stop the steal" with over an hour of rhetoric and had his boys (son and lawyer) warm them up. Then spent about 3 minutes of his speech telling them to do it peacefully. His get out of jail card.

Spent the last month telling them " it is going to be wild". telling them that the election was fixed, and tell them how he will be pleased if they "stop the steal".

Now when faced with real charges, real jail time, and no one to grant them a pardon, it up to every man, woman, and patriot to save themselves. Trump skipped town.

If there defense is going to be blame Trump then the impeachment trial should be a no brainer.

Still it is a political trial.

I would hope that people should understand that this is a way to be rid of him for good.

Otherwise we will here "Here's Johnny" I am back baby..
The majority of Republican Senators are spineless. They fear Trump.
In a world where there are a lot of damaged people, those in the public eye have a duty to moderate their behaviour.
Trump ramped it up when the evidence showed he was spouting bollox. (again)
Trump looked to damaged people for his main support. Trump takes advantage of damaged and intellectually challenged people. They are his base.
You notice the Trump minions are silent. No real American can justify Trump's actions.

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