Trump, if you aren’t willing to declare martial law and send troops to LA to ask for papers then STFU about immigration.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
The theatrics are over buddy, nobody is buying your bullshit on immigration any longer.
Trump, good real Americans elected you in 2016 because you promised to stop illegals from invading and you promised to send those here now back to Mexico. You’ve been quite terrified to talk about this issue as of late. You better stick to the script, don’t forget what earned you the keys to the Oval Office back in 2016.
Before the coronavirus lockdowns, we were experiencing the best economy we've had in decades. Unemployment was at record lows for all nonwhite minorities: Asian, Hispanic, and black (in fact, 70% of working black women worked in white collar jobs). Even BET founder Robert Johnson, who claimed whites owe blacks reparations in the trillions, also admitted Trump's economic policies had been the best of any President's for African Americans. Well, Trump had to fight Democrats tooth and nail to push the policies that created that economy: tariffs designed to bring American jobs back home from overseas and deportations of illegals. Before the lockdowns, Trump's campaign slogan was "Keep America Great Again" based on the wonderful economic turnaround he had given us after Obama, but the coronavirus gave Democrats the excuse to destroy those economic improvements just before the next election. Suddenly, the same guy who had called Trump racist for trying to restrict travel from China in January (Joe Biden) had the gall to blame Trump for the coronavirus reaching our shores (no, just kidding, it was actually the mainstream media that twisted it into that). Trump had his hands full trying to defend his "racist reaction" to the coronavirus of restricting travel from China, which the media now wanted to call a "complete lack of action" to it. Trump continues to have his hands full trying to figure out how to re-open and salvage any semblence of the economy we had before the lockdowns. Fortunately, the virus has discouraged illegal immigration for now (the Mexicans who were supposedly fleeing for their lives now want to wait until after the virus is gone to come here), but the next election is coming up, and Americans vote Democrat when they are poor and Republican when they are wealthy.

Unfortunately, Americans continue to vote Democrat after the economy has been destroyed, even if it was destroyed by Democrat policies such as bloating the labor pool with illegal labor and sending American jobs overseas. These are policies the Democrats fought hard against Trump to maintain. Today, Joe Biden promises a $15 minimum wage to American workers, but fails to mention how he's going to prevent American businesses from simply hiring the Chinese instead for $3 per hour. No increase in minimum wage will help American laborers so long as outsourcing is an option, because it simply means more American jobs sent overseas. Biden is simply promising more American work will be outsourced to India and China, which is exactly what his big business global corporate supporters want. They don't like Trump because he A. makes it difficult to hire illegals by deporting them and B. makes it difficult to send American jobs overseas by imposing tariffs, so they use their powerful positions, money, and media influence to trash Trump, and naive Americans buy it and vote against their own interests. Democrats, what interest do you have in competing with Mexicans and the Chinese for American jobs?

The Democrat party has been the party of global corporations for decades now, yet they still get the votes of the very Americans they are making poor. Trump has been the first politician in decades of either party to promote economic policies that benefit the average American worker who is not a business owner. He is busy trying to restore the economy he worked so hard to build, because he must do this in order to win the next election. Americans don't vote for the guy who created a wonderful economy that was booming until a few months ago. They vote for the guy who promises a $15 minimum wage today, while Americans are poor and unemployed. Trump doesn't have time to make himself unpopular by sending troops to a border that's not even currently being crossed.
The theatrics are over buddy, nobody is buying your bullshit on immigration any longer.
Trump, good real Americans elected you in 2016 because you promised to stop illegals from invading and you promised to send those here now back to Mexico. You’ve been quite terrified to talk about this issue as of late. You better stick to the script, don’t forget what earned you the keys to the Oval Office back in 2016.
There is another option. Trump can call in the militia, every able American male between 18 and 47. They will report to the Arizona, California border with their modern military rifle and rounds to run it. Here's the good part and one showing up without his gear or fails to show up will be tried under military law. It's in the 1903 Dick Act. Invade California for disobeying Federal laws, just pick one. They have been crossing a lot of lines, immigration, poverty, voting, education, drugs, damns ready to collapse, one big shit hole of DemocRat utopia. The need is there to be invaded.
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Trump doesn't have time to make himself unpopular by sending troops to a border that's not even currently being crossed.

I obviously wouldn’t expect Trump to take such action now but he has almost dropped the issue of immigration all together. I think he’ll lose a good number of the voters he motivated and mobilized in 2016 if he doesn’t move the immigration issue back to the forefront of his re-election campaign.

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