Trump: "I Don't Take Responsibility At All"

Probably because the markets and people had more confidence in Obama and the people he surrounded himself with. Compared to the revolving door, clown show Trump has brought to the White House and Federal Government, nobody has confidence in what we've seen in the past 3 years.
10-20 thousand dead Americans inspired confidence among the globalist moneybags?

what a peculiar bunch they must be

Do you think they had a Crystal Ball? Weren't the markets already bottomed out?
They seem to have a crystal ball now that obama is gone and is not on the hotseat

Did Obama come out and down play the seriousness of the situation and contradict the experts?
Obama largely ignored the problem

unlike trump who is on top of the situation

weeks later the fat sob changes his tune about the virus and NOW hes on top of the situation -

you're a f'n idiot.
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies
That's exactly what you are doing. Got your pussy hat out for november yet?
The level of denial is stunning.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. This virus will be gone shortly and the economy will boom again.

We calculate here in Germany in next spring (that's the year 2021) a vaccine will be tested and available. Perhaps 1 year later - in 2022 - the situation will be more relaxed. Up to this moment we will have to calculate with waves of infections worldwide. So no need to wait for your economy to wait to start to boom now. But our worst problem in the moment: Still every 1/2 week the number of infections doubles. I hope we stopped this now with the last changes in our lifestyle. Otherwise ... we will see what to do next.

By the way: Trump? Who is Trump? Pence? Who for heavens sake is this man? Never heard they got the Nobel price for virology. Pence denies evolution, as far as I heard. Crazy! By the way: Nearly no Christian in the whole world has any serios problem with the ideas of the real scientific theory of evolution. But to start to learn something about evolution, biology and medicine is a now a little late for Mr. Pence. Poor USA. God bless you.

Last edited:
Actually assfuck, real human beings care.

Christians care.

Evidently stupid Trump ass suckers don't care.
We are not a theocracy

liberals used to be ready to fight anytime real Christians dared be motivated by religious convictions

they to wrap your mind around this:


Betting your life on them is the essence of godless bleeding heart lib stupidity
WE are not a theocracy yet you keep trying to shove your religious beliefs down everyone's throat. Funny chit.

Sorry but being a Christian and a Trump supporter is impossible.
I think its easy for Christians to support trump when the laternative is godless liberals in the democrat party
I never knew Christians were down with pussy grabbers. I thought they were all pious and shit?
I guess you live and learn
Many of us already knew.
Probably because the markets and people had more confidence in Obama and the people he surrounded himself with. Compared to the revolving door, clown show Trump has brought to the White House and Federal Government, nobody has confidence in what we've seen in the past 3 years.
10-20 thousand dead Americans inspired confidence among the globalist moneybags?

what a peculiar bunch they must be

Do you think they had a Crystal Ball? Weren't the markets already bottomed out?
They seem to have a crystal ball now that obama is gone and is not on the hotseat

Did Obama come out and down play the seriousness of the situation and contradict the experts?
Obama largely ignored the problem

unlike trump who is on top of the situation

Mind you, there may have been another factor rattling around Trump's roomy, sparsely furnished brain case as he made the decision: A popular rightwing myth claiming Barack Obama botched how he handled the 2009-2010 H1N1 "Swine Flu" pandemic. So now Trump can start proclaiming he acted more quickly than Obama, just as long as you ignore how Trump's actions have made the current crisis worse.

A Truth Sandwich On Barack Obama's 2009 Swine Flu Response, For President Gateway Pundit

Briefly, the Swine Flu pandemic was a nasty outbreak that hit during Obama's first year in office. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a handy timeline on how the virus spread, and what the CDC and other agencies did to address the epidemic. The first US case of H1N1 was detected in California on April 15, 2009, and a week later, on the 22nd, the CDC opened its "Emergency Operations Center (EOC)" to deal with the outbreak. By April 26, Obama declared a public health emergency and the CDC began coordinating the response to the virus. At the time, the virus had been detected in just three states, with about 20 confirmed cases. The first H1N1 death in the US was recorded a few days later, April 29, when a Mexican toddler who'd come for treatment in the US died at a hospital in Houston. Around the same time, the CDC rolled out a test kit to detect the virus. (In his presser today, Trump lied and said that the H1N1 testing was "a disaster." Nope. He's just plain lying)

The swine flu peaked in May and June, and declined as the weather got hotter, as seasonal flu usually does. Researchers worked on vaccines, which were approved in mid-September, although manufacturing delays kept it from becoming widely available right away. All that was done under the original "public health emergency" declaration, which HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius renewed twice.

In October, cases of swine flu spiked, and the number of deaths doubled, to over 1000. To address the more serious conditions, Obama on October 24 declared a "national emergency" to free up resources and streamline the emergency response. Here, have a CDC chart from an NPR story the day before that declaration.
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies
That's exactly what you are doing. Got your pussy hat out for november yet?
The level of denial is stunning.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. This virus will be gone shortly and the economy will boom again.

We calculate here in Germany in next spring (that's the year 2021) a vaccine will be tested and available. Perhaps 1 year later - in 2022 - the situation will be more relaxed. Up to this moment we will have to calculate with waves of infections worldwide. So no need to wait for your economy to wait to start to boom now. But our worst problem in the moment: Still every 1/2 week the number of infections doubles. I hope we stopped this now with the last changes in our lifestyle. Otherwise ... we will see what to do next.

By the way: Trump? Who is Trump? Pence? Who for heavens sake is this man? Never heard they got the Nobel price for virology.
Mike Pence is the VP, I wrote him for some corona virus prayer beads. He doesn't believe anything is going on with climate. He doesn't believe in evolution or that there is a causative link between cigarette smoking and lung cancer.

Trump is president, the guy who paid to fock a porn actress sans a condom and called this outbreak a hoax. He is also a very stable genius.


Medical supply shortage forcing nurses to reuse masks with "no protection"
Probably because the markets and people had more confidence in Obama and the people he surrounded himself with. Compared to the revolving door, clown show Trump has brought to the White House and Federal Government, nobody has confidence in what we've seen in the past 3 years.
10-20 thousand dead Americans inspired confidence among the globalist moneybags?

what a peculiar bunch they must be

Do you think they had a Crystal Ball? Weren't the markets already bottomed out?
They seem to have a crystal ball now that obama is gone and is not on the hotseat

Did Obama come out and down play the seriousness of the situation and contradict the experts?
He didn't have to contradict the media because the media wasn't trying to stir up mass panic.

You idiots think we're supposed to believe the fantasies you spin.

I said he never contradicted the experts not the media. Perhaps because he didn't make such contradictory statements the press didn't report the contradiction.
10-20 thousand dead Americans inspired confidence among the globalist moneybags?

what a peculiar bunch they must be

Do you think they had a Crystal Ball? Weren't the markets already bottomed out?
They seem to have a crystal ball now that obama is gone and is not on the hotseat

Did Obama come out and down play the seriousness of the situation and contradict the experts?
Obama largely ignored the problem

unlike trump who is on top of the situation

Mind you, there may have been another factor rattling around Trump's roomy, sparsely furnished brain case as he made the decision: A popular rightwing myth claiming Barack Obama botched how he handled the 2009-2010 H1N1 "Swine Flu" pandemic. So now Trump can start proclaiming he acted more quickly than Obama, just as long as you ignore how Trump's actions have made the current crisis worse.

A Truth Sandwich On Barack Obama's 2009 Swine Flu Response, For President Gateway Pundit

Briefly, the Swine Flu pandemic was a nasty outbreak that hit during Obama's first year in office. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a handy timeline on how the virus spread, and what the CDC and other agencies did to address the epidemic. The first US case of H1N1 was detected in California on April 15, 2009, and a week later, on the 22nd, the CDC opened its "Emergency Operations Center (EOC)" to deal with the outbreak. By April 26, Obama declared a public health emergency and the CDC began coordinating the response to the virus. At the time, the virus had been detected in just three states, with about 20 confirmed cases. The first H1N1 death in the US was recorded a few days later, April 29, when a Mexican toddler who'd come for treatment in the US died at a hospital in Houston. Around the same time, the CDC rolled out a test kit to detect the virus. (In his presser today, Trump lied and said that the H1N1 testing was "a disaster." Nope. He's just plain lying)

The swine flu peaked in May and June, and declined as the weather got hotter, as seasonal flu usually does. Researchers worked on vaccines, which were approved in mid-September, although manufacturing delays kept it from becoming widely available right away. All that was done under the original "public health emergency" declaration, which HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius renewed twice.

In October, cases of swine flu spiked, and the number of deaths doubled, to over 1000. To address the more serious conditions, Obama on October 24 declared a "national emergency" to free up resources and streamline the emergency response. Here, have a CDC chart from an NPR story the day before that declaration.
Public Health
Trump’s CDC May Face Serious Hurdles
Trump’s CDC May Face Serious Hurdles

Jan 18, 2017

On day one of the Donald Trump administration, Schuchat will already be grappling with numerous threats as the agency continues its work of investigating outbreaks and seeking to prevent new ones. In the past seven and a half years under Frieden’s leadership the CDC has been roiled by crises including government furloughs, H1N1 flu, lab safety issues and the U.S. responses to Ebola and the Haiti earthquake. The agency is also still in emergency mode as it confronts the mosquito-borne Zika virus and its related birth defects. And the hits are likely to keep on coming.

The CDC will struggle to deal with emerging threats because it does not have the cash or power to respond immediately in a crisis, Frieden says. “There’s a need to establish a rapid-response fund for emergencies that has both dollars and emergency authority,” he told Scientific American. “It’s a big problem that when there is an emerging threat, we are not able to surge as rapidly or work as rapidly as we should, because of lack of money and legislative authority. When there is an earthquake, FEMA doesn’t have to go to Congress and say, ‘Will you give us money for this?’ but CDC does.”

The agency has other money troubles, too. Its Prevention and Public Health Fund, which is part of the Affordable Care Act, accounts for more than a tenth of the agency’s budget, Frieden notes. Its monies support immunization programs to prevent disease and block grants to states, he says, adding that a repeal of the ACA—a stated priority of the Trump administration and the congressional majority—would endanger these programs. “Zika is the first predictable problem,” Frieden explains. “Zika is not over. It is likely to spread in Latin America and the Caribbean for months and years to come, and we still don’t fully understand the range of birth defects it causes.” Other big issues include combating antibiotic resistance in the U.S., stemming the opioid epidemic that has quadrupled overdose deaths in the U.S. since 1999 and remaining vigilant against the perennial onslaught of influenza—as well as emerging threats including tick-borne pathogens.
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

the virus itself isn't his fault - but how he has handled it is. they knew about this for months & there were several meetings held at the HHS, where government EXPERTS were excluded. we are also weeks behind in testing - thereby we are completely in the dark as far as how many actual cases there are. we are woefully unprepared when we had lost weeks & weeks of preparatory actions. people WOULD have had time to slowly stock up on essentials to ride this out. the medical side WOULD have had time to stock up & acquire ventilators etc.
Calm down

whats the current body count in the US from the chinese virus?

you are totally freaked out over 50 deaths
It's not over, dipshit. The numbers will go UP for a while. Maybe you'll change your mind when your grandma dies from it.
Why the need for personal insults?

libs like you are really just children with a keyboard

Congregate among our own kind.
10-20 thousand dead Americans inspired confidence among the globalist moneybags?

what a peculiar bunch they must be

Do you think they had a Crystal Ball? Weren't the markets already bottomed out?
They seem to have a crystal ball now that obama is gone and is not on the hotseat

Did Obama come out and down play the seriousness of the situation and contradict the experts?
He didn't have to contradict the media because the media wasn't trying to stir up mass panic.

You idiots think we're supposed to believe the fantasies you spin.

I said he never contradicted the experts not the media. Perhaps because he didn't make such contradictory statements the press didn't report the contradiction.
Which so-called "experts" are you referring to? The "experts" say many contradictory things.

I'm not aware of anything Trump has said that contradicts his experts.
10-20 thousand dead Americans inspired confidence among the globalist moneybags?

what a peculiar bunch they must be

Do you think they had a Crystal Ball? Weren't the markets already bottomed out?
They seem to have a crystal ball now that obama is gone and is not on the hotseat

Did Obama come out and down play the seriousness of the situation and contradict the experts?
Obama largely ignored the problem

unlike trump who is on top of the situation

Mind you, there may have been another factor rattling around Trump's roomy, sparsely furnished brain case as he made the decision: A popular rightwing myth claiming Barack Obama botched how he handled the 2009-2010 H1N1 "Swine Flu" pandemic. So now Trump can start proclaiming he acted more quickly than Obama, just as long as you ignore how Trump's actions have made the current crisis worse.

A Truth Sandwich On Barack Obama's 2009 Swine Flu Response, For President Gateway Pundit

Briefly, the Swine Flu pandemic was a nasty outbreak that hit during Obama's first year in office. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a handy timeline on how the virus spread, and what the CDC and other agencies did to address the epidemic. The first US case of H1N1 was detected in California on April 15, 2009, and a week later, on the 22nd, the CDC opened its "Emergency Operations Center (EOC)" to deal with the outbreak. By April 26, Obama declared a public health emergency and the CDC began coordinating the response to the virus. At the time, the virus had been detected in just three states, with about 20 confirmed cases. The first H1N1 death in the US was recorded a few days later, April 29, when a Mexican toddler who'd come for treatment in the US died at a hospital in Houston. Around the same time, the CDC rolled out a test kit to detect the virus. (In his presser today, Trump lied and said that the H1N1 testing was "a disaster." Nope. He's just plain lying)

The swine flu peaked in May and June, and declined as the weather got hotter, as seasonal flu usually does. Researchers worked on vaccines, which were approved in mid-September, although manufacturing delays kept it from becoming widely available right away. All that was done under the original "public health emergency" declaration, which HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius renewed twice.

In October, cases of swine flu spiked, and the number of deaths doubled, to over 1000. To address the more serious conditions, Obama on October 24 declared a "national emergency" to free up resources and streamline the emergency response. Here, have a CDC chart from an NPR story the day before that declaration.
"The first US case of H1N1 was detected in California on April 15, 2009"

That's a lie. The CDC site says there were 12 cases prior to that.

Your entire post is one big fat lie.
Do you think they had a Crystal Ball? Weren't the markets already bottomed out?
They seem to have a crystal ball now that obama is gone and is not on the hotseat

Did Obama come out and down play the seriousness of the situation and contradict the experts?
He didn't have to contradict the media because the media wasn't trying to stir up mass panic.

You idiots think we're supposed to believe the fantasies you spin.

I said he never contradicted the experts not the media. Perhaps because he didn't make such contradictory statements the press didn't report the contradiction.
Which so-called "experts" are you referring to? The "experts" say many contradictory things.

I'm not aware of anything Trump has said that contradicts his experts.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh man, this is so priceless.
Do you think they had a Crystal Ball? Weren't the markets already bottomed out?
They seem to have a crystal ball now that obama is gone and is not on the hotseat

Did Obama come out and down play the seriousness of the situation and contradict the experts?
Obama largely ignored the problem

unlike trump who is on top of the situation

Mind you, there may have been another factor rattling around Trump's roomy, sparsely furnished brain case as he made the decision: A popular rightwing myth claiming Barack Obama botched how he handled the 2009-2010 H1N1 "Swine Flu" pandemic. So now Trump can start proclaiming he acted more quickly than Obama, just as long as you ignore how Trump's actions have made the current crisis worse.

A Truth Sandwich On Barack Obama's 2009 Swine Flu Response, For President Gateway Pundit

Briefly, the Swine Flu pandemic was a nasty outbreak that hit during Obama's first year in office. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a handy timeline on how the virus spread, and what the CDC and other agencies did to address the epidemic. The first US case of H1N1 was detected in California on April 15, 2009, and a week later, on the 22nd, the CDC opened its "Emergency Operations Center (EOC)" to deal with the outbreak. By April 26, Obama declared a public health emergency and the CDC began coordinating the response to the virus. At the time, the virus had been detected in just three states, with about 20 confirmed cases. The first H1N1 death in the US was recorded a few days later, April 29, when a Mexican toddler who'd come for treatment in the US died at a hospital in Houston. Around the same time, the CDC rolled out a test kit to detect the virus. (In his presser today, Trump lied and said that the H1N1 testing was "a disaster." Nope. He's just plain lying)

The swine flu peaked in May and June, and declined as the weather got hotter, as seasonal flu usually does. Researchers worked on vaccines, which were approved in mid-September, although manufacturing delays kept it from becoming widely available right away. All that was done under the original "public health emergency" declaration, which HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius renewed twice.

In October, cases of swine flu spiked, and the number of deaths doubled, to over 1000. To address the more serious conditions, Obama on October 24 declared a "national emergency" to free up resources and streamline the emergency response. Here, have a CDC chart from an NPR story the day before that declaration.
"The first US case of H1N1 was detected in California on April 15, 2009"

That's a lie. The CDC site says there were 12 cases prior to that.

Your entire post is one big fat lie.

I see he has cited his, you?
They seem to have a crystal ball now that obama is gone and is not on the hotseat

Did Obama come out and down play the seriousness of the situation and contradict the experts?
He didn't have to contradict the media because the media wasn't trying to stir up mass panic.

You idiots think we're supposed to believe the fantasies you spin.

I said he never contradicted the experts not the media. Perhaps because he didn't make such contradictory statements the press didn't report the contradiction.
Which so-called "experts" are you referring to? The "experts" say many contradictory things.

I'm not aware of anything Trump has said that contradicts his experts.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh man, this is so priceless.
Please list something he said that contradicts his experts.
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies
That's exactly what you are doing. Got your pussy hat out for november yet?
The level of denial is stunning.
Like I said, get your pussy hat ready. This virus will be gone shortly and the economy will boom again.

We calculate here in Germany in next spring (that's the year 2021) a vaccine will be tested and available. Perhaps 1 year later - in 2022 - the situation will be more relaxed. Up to this moment we will have to calculate with waves of infections worldwide. So no need to wait for your economy to wait to start to boom now. But our worst problem in the moment: Still every 1/2 week the number of infections doubles. I hope we stopped this now with the last changes in our lifestyle. Otherwise ... we will see what to do next.

By the way: Trump? Who is Trump? Pence? Who for heavens sake is this man? Never heard they got the Nobel price for virology. Pence denies evolution, as far as I heard. Crazy! By the way: Nearly no Christian in the whole world has any serios problem with the ideas of the real scientific theory of evolution. But to start to learn something about evolution, biology and medicine is a now a little late for Mr. Pence. Poor USA. God bless you.


I should have guessed
They seem to have a crystal ball now that obama is gone and is not on the hotseat

Did Obama come out and down play the seriousness of the situation and contradict the experts?
Obama largely ignored the problem

unlike trump who is on top of the situation

Mind you, there may have been another factor rattling around Trump's roomy, sparsely furnished brain case as he made the decision: A popular rightwing myth claiming Barack Obama botched how he handled the 2009-2010 H1N1 "Swine Flu" pandemic. So now Trump can start proclaiming he acted more quickly than Obama, just as long as you ignore how Trump's actions have made the current crisis worse.

A Truth Sandwich On Barack Obama's 2009 Swine Flu Response, For President Gateway Pundit

Briefly, the Swine Flu pandemic was a nasty outbreak that hit during Obama's first year in office. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a handy timeline on how the virus spread, and what the CDC and other agencies did to address the epidemic. The first US case of H1N1 was detected in California on April 15, 2009, and a week later, on the 22nd, the CDC opened its "Emergency Operations Center (EOC)" to deal with the outbreak. By April 26, Obama declared a public health emergency and the CDC began coordinating the response to the virus. At the time, the virus had been detected in just three states, with about 20 confirmed cases. The first H1N1 death in the US was recorded a few days later, April 29, when a Mexican toddler who'd come for treatment in the US died at a hospital in Houston. Around the same time, the CDC rolled out a test kit to detect the virus. (In his presser today, Trump lied and said that the H1N1 testing was "a disaster." Nope. He's just plain lying)

The swine flu peaked in May and June, and declined as the weather got hotter, as seasonal flu usually does. Researchers worked on vaccines, which were approved in mid-September, although manufacturing delays kept it from becoming widely available right away. All that was done under the original "public health emergency" declaration, which HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius renewed twice.

In October, cases of swine flu spiked, and the number of deaths doubled, to over 1000. To address the more serious conditions, Obama on October 24 declared a "national emergency" to free up resources and streamline the emergency response. Here, have a CDC chart from an NPR story the day before that declaration.
"The first US case of H1N1 was detected in California on April 15, 2009"

That's a lie. The CDC site says there were 12 cases prior to that.

Your entire post is one big fat lie.

I see he has cited his, you?
I just prove what he cited to be a lie, dumbass.
If he knows it why doesnt he take responsibility?
Because its not his fault

trump cant prevent lying lib reporters from asking loaded questions

or stop the anti trump networks from misinforming the public

but he does not have publicly endorse those lies

the virus itself isn't his fault - but how he has handled it is. they knew about this for months & there were several meetings held at the HHS, where government EXPERTS were excluded. we are also weeks behind in testing - thereby we are completely in the dark as far as how many actual cases there are. we are woefully unprepared when we had lost weeks & weeks of preparatory actions. people WOULD have had time to slowly stock up on essentials to ride this out. the medical side WOULD have had time to stock up & acquire ventilators etc.
Calm down

whats the current body count in the US from the chinese virus?

you are totally freaked out over 50 deaths
It's not over, dipshit. The numbers will go UP for a while. Maybe you'll change your mind when your grandma dies from it.
Why the need for personal insults?

libs like you are really just children with a keyboard
I've been insulted MANY times on this thread. I'll stop if you guys will.
Did Obama come out and down play the seriousness of the situation and contradict the experts?
He didn't have to contradict the media because the media wasn't trying to stir up mass panic.

You idiots think we're supposed to believe the fantasies you spin.

I said he never contradicted the experts not the media. Perhaps because he didn't make such contradictory statements the press didn't report the contradiction.
Which so-called "experts" are you referring to? The "experts" say many contradictory things.

I'm not aware of anything Trump has said that contradicts his experts.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha, oh man, this is so priceless.
Please list something he said that contradicts his experts.
Why? You mind when he does?
truth. it's called the truth. real numbers are the truth. why is donny afraid of the truth?

this is a narrative that donny can't control.
Including American deaths from outside the US are misleading about the situation inside the US

what's misleading is the number of infectious americans who are carriers & giving it to other people who are giving it to other people.... the germ can stay active up to 3 days on surfaces. this ain't gonna end anytime soon.
Rational people know that the world cannot stop indefinitely over a virus

millions will catch the virus

thats only common sense

but millions of Americans will not die as freaked out liberals are suggesting
OK, idiot, here's the deal: you're right, millions WILL catch the virus. The idea right now is to slow the spread of the virus, so that millions of people won't catch the virus AT THE SAME TIME and overwhelm the health care system. That's why everybody should self-quarantine as much as possible right now. It won't stop the virus, but it should slow it down. Get it?
Fuck off

I am trying to be civil but you are too stupid to appreciate it
Gee, what would it be like if you WEREN'T trying to be civil?
Did Obama come out and down play the seriousness of the situation and contradict the experts?
Obama largely ignored the problem

unlike trump who is on top of the situation

Mind you, there may have been another factor rattling around Trump's roomy, sparsely furnished brain case as he made the decision: A popular rightwing myth claiming Barack Obama botched how he handled the 2009-2010 H1N1 "Swine Flu" pandemic. So now Trump can start proclaiming he acted more quickly than Obama, just as long as you ignore how Trump's actions have made the current crisis worse.

A Truth Sandwich On Barack Obama's 2009 Swine Flu Response, For President Gateway Pundit

Briefly, the Swine Flu pandemic was a nasty outbreak that hit during Obama's first year in office. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a handy timeline on how the virus spread, and what the CDC and other agencies did to address the epidemic. The first US case of H1N1 was detected in California on April 15, 2009, and a week later, on the 22nd, the CDC opened its "Emergency Operations Center (EOC)" to deal with the outbreak. By April 26, Obama declared a public health emergency and the CDC began coordinating the response to the virus. At the time, the virus had been detected in just three states, with about 20 confirmed cases. The first H1N1 death in the US was recorded a few days later, April 29, when a Mexican toddler who'd come for treatment in the US died at a hospital in Houston. Around the same time, the CDC rolled out a test kit to detect the virus. (In his presser today, Trump lied and said that the H1N1 testing was "a disaster." Nope. He's just plain lying)

The swine flu peaked in May and June, and declined as the weather got hotter, as seasonal flu usually does. Researchers worked on vaccines, which were approved in mid-September, although manufacturing delays kept it from becoming widely available right away. All that was done under the original "public health emergency" declaration, which HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius renewed twice.

In October, cases of swine flu spiked, and the number of deaths doubled, to over 1000. To address the more serious conditions, Obama on October 24 declared a "national emergency" to free up resources and streamline the emergency response. Here, have a CDC chart from an NPR story the day before that declaration.
"The first US case of H1N1 was detected in California on April 15, 2009"

That's a lie. The CDC site says there were 12 cases prior to that.

Your entire post is one big fat lie.

I see he has cited his, you?
I just prove what he cited to be a lie, dumbass.
Can't back up your claims with citations, thought so, thanks for your candor.

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