Trump Has More Stolen Docs

The DOJ is making it up as they go along. Present a list of every document Trump is accused of having and won't return. What are they? Meanwhile, the FBI seized tax records, family medical records, Trump’s Will, photographs, clothing, shoes, toys and a box of newspaper clippings. The FBI evidently is claiming that these are classified materials that belong to the National Achieves.
People are having to work three jobs to keep up with inflation, sub-cretin.

And you don't give one single flying fuck about "the law".....It's all Gestapo tactics from you Marxist scum 24/7/365.
inflation is just the global effects of free market capitalism.

Enforcing laws on the books isnt gestapo tactics, its just part of a functioning society.
Gestapo tactics is making up laws as you go along.
Our system of separate federal judges from the DOJ prevents abuse. As well as the 3 co-equal branches.

Jesus dude. What do you think you're doing?

Just give em all back!

"The Times first reported on the issue, citing two unnamed sources briefed on the matter. CNN later confirmed the same report."

nuff said
If he really had that, he would have released it and used it to his advantage. Obama isn't running in 2024. And he would have to work with the DOJ and FBI if by some miracle he won in 2024.
So this excuse doesn't wash. Just another alt-right conspiracy drain. :)

(Pats head )

Nite nite baby
When exactly did Hillary and Comey make those statements? It’s ridiculous. Always willing to lie with no excuse. See the job market today? Terrible recession we are in. Oddest thing I’ve ever seen. Inflation will take care of itself. We have no one to wave a magic wand to cure it. What are you doing to help?

Helping the red wave reclaim America.
You assume I think he broke laws in this case. Nice try, slick cuck boi.

I assume you are a total tool that rejects any possibility of Trump doing something wrong.

You can't deal with what has now been firmly established by facts - Trump violated document handling laws. So you just put up denial - "la la la la I don't care, it doesn't exist"

Prove me wrong.
I know.
A couple days ago, I handed her ass to her when she dared me to prove she lied --- and she ran away.
You know, like she always does.

For your entertainment:
Nicely done. Lesh gets exposed as a liar on a daily basis here. Zero credibility.
There is pictures of his staff loading boxes of what appeared to be presidential document cases, on to the Trump airplane heading to Bedminster resort for the summer?

Yes, speculation, not proven.

The Fifth Avenue Rule is in full effect now.

The ONE and ONLY thing that matters in their jihad is "saving America" from Satan, or the commies, or the Satan commies.

They will ignore anything outside of that. If we didn't know it before, the Walker abortion thing has ended any doubt.

Nothing else matters. Jihad.
Classified documents.
Let's at least try and keep up with the conversation.
He knows he still has them. The National Archives knows he still has them. :)
The FBI took everything you lying Commie Fascist DemNazi.
They even illegally took his passports, tax returns, attorney client privilege documents and went through The First Lady's Panty Drawer.
But you go ahead and snap your heals together raise your hand in the air and give a hearty Heil Shitler from the top of your lungs for Duh Fuhrer EmperorShitzHizPantz.

If President Trump had classified documents it would be illegal to tell you he did, so you are full of shit just like your dirty diaper god, quid pro Joe.

"Who wants to go on a Panty Raid?"

Faux Joe to Gestapo Garland
Oh, I see you have picked up a phrase recently. Red wave, my behind. We are going to show that red wave the door, once and for all. All this macho talk is just that, talk.

It's not a new phrase dumb ass.
Every poll shows Armageddon for the Democrat party in 2022. (maybe the planet if the Dementia patient isn't relieved of duty soon)

Rightfully so.

We went from overwhelming peace and Historic prosperity to literally the worst situation that we have been in since the Great Depression.

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