Trump had "nothing to do with Russia"

He lied thru his teeth.... over and over and over again, on the Russians.

WHY DID HE DO THAT? What was he trying to hide? Hopefully, Mueller's team of 16, will find out!

It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to question Donald Trump!
I looked these claims up on Breitbart and there was NOTHING!!!

That means that all of the claims were made up by the FAKE NEWS! SAD!
I cannot count the number of times since January that I've said to myself, "I'm just so done with this guy."

Trump attorney reached out to Kremlin to pursue Moscow Trump Tower project - CNNPolitics
heh - CNN.

their biggest success is to be more of a homer than FOX could ever dream of.


PROVE the story isn't true or just stfu.

Seriously, you RWNJs are quick to lie about legit news sources but you can never prove that particular story is not true.

Quit lying.


Not a matter of IF it's true. It's a matter of whether merely DISCUSSING the plan to cooperate on building a Trump Tower in Moscow is ANYWHERE near important.

Conclusion -- it's not. Was never acted on. Never got into the actual planning stage. I'm sure 20 people a year made proposals to do biz with Trump on similar construction ideas and concepts.

What is the accusation here? That this amounted to ANY exchange of money or materials? It did not. And it likely wouldn't be illegal under sanctions anyways because the 2014 sanctions were all TARGETED at specific Kremlin and oligarchy members.

In 2016, for instance, US companies did $7.5BILL in EXPORTS to Russia. Leftists don't understand WHAT those sanctions were targeted at. NOT targeted at general trade. In general, leftists don't have a clue how things work.

This is more noise. And it goes nowhere. But knock your demented selves out..
Meanwhile, Congressman Dana Congressman was privy to the definitive proof about the DNC emails that were posted on Wikileaks. And all the Swamp Senators and Swamp Congressmen and Fake News MSM lied about them to the American people for months, daily!
Meanwhile, Congressman Dana Congressman was privy to the definitive proof about the DNC emails that were posted on Wikileaks. And all the Swamp Senators and Swamp Congressmen and Fake News MSM lied about them to the American people for months, daily!

Snouter, what are your thoughts on the fact that dumbshit Donald blatantly lied to you during the campaign about his involvement with Russia?
So let's get this straight. If trump was building a property in Moscow and got financial help from Russia and putin helped to seal the deal by promising to release negative information on Hilary, trump would be guilty of something. But he didn't do any of those things but he is still guilty of something.

Question.......Did we or did we not have sanctions against Russia when Trump was flip-flopping about that little construction deal?
Uh, yuppidy, we did.

Also, too: Trump associate in 2015 email: Trump Tower deal with Putin "will get Donald elected" Trump associate boasts Russia deal 'will get Donald elected': report

It really is like Watergate on stupid.

I asked the question on another thread......BUT,

with the above in mind, were there SANCTIONS against Russia not already in place when the Trumpster was trying to work out this deal?
the sanctions were put on Russia in 2014 so the answer is YES, the sanctions on Russia were in place before this Cohen and Sader deal...
"While Donald Trump was running for president in late 2015 and early 2016, his company was pursuing a plan to develop a massive Trump Tower in Moscow, according to several people familiar with the proposal and new records reviewed by Trump Organization lawyers.

As part of the discussions, a Russian-born real estate developer urged Trump to come to Moscow to tout the proposal and suggested that he could get President Vladimir Putin to say “great things” about Trump, according to several people who have been briefed on his correspondence.

The developer, Felix Sater, predicted in a November 2015 email that he and Trump Organization leaders would soon be celebrating — both one of the biggest residential projects in real estate history and Donald Trump’s election as president, according to two of the people with knowledge of the exchange.

Nevertheless, the details of the deal, which have not previously been disclosed, provide evidence that Trump’s business was actively pursuing significant commercial interests in Russia at the same time he was campaigning to be president — and in a position to determine U.S.-Russia relations. The new details from the emails, which are scheduled to be turned over to congressional investigators soon, also point to the likelihood of additional contacts between Russia-connected individuals and Trump associates during his presidential bid."
Trump’s business sought deal on a Trump Tower in Moscow while he ran for president

How many times have we heard Donald Trump state "that he had NOTHING to do with Russia." Trump even signed a letter of intent on the Moscow Trump tower in October 2015. But he never had anything to do with Russia---:badgrin:

Here's just one time.
Snouter, what are your thoughts on the fact that dumbshit Donald blatantly lied to you during the campaign about his involvement with Russia?

Please specify what The Donald said that was a falsehood in regards to the fake news "Russian Collusion" narrative? As far as business and potential deals, as you may know the dude that runs Electro-Harmonix discussed the environment in Russia where some of the best audio tubes were made and where he purchased old military factories that produce them as somewhat chaotic and a wild, wild west kind of thing. So if The Donald was considering building a hotel or golf course in Russia, it would be smart to sign off with the top Russian officials to insure no Russian millionaire wannabes fuck around with the projects. But that has nothing to do with the election and the fake news', fake Senator's, fake Congressmen's fake ass "Russian meddling" narrative! Holla if ya hear meh.
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I asked the question on another thread......BUT,

with the above in mind, were there SANCTIONS against Russia not already in place when the Trumpster was trying to work out this deal?
the sanctions were put on Russia in 2014 so the answer is YES, the sanctions on Russia were in place before this Cohen and Sader deal...

Didn't stop $7.5BILL in US EXPORTS to Russia in 2016. You're VERY sure that building a tower in Moscow would have been sanctioned. But there's no evidence it would have. Or even no evidence it was actually PLANNED..

Thought crimes. That really truly ALL you got here. BUT -- if you think the country ought to stop and put their collective thumbs up their asses --- like you all are doing -- keep it up. Your party and movement will pay COMPLETELY in the next elections..
Snouter, what are your thoughts on the fact that dumbshit Donald blatantly lied to you during the campaign about his involvement with Russia?

Please specify what The Donald said that was a falsehood in regards to the fake news "Russian Collusion" narrative? As far as business and potential deals, as you may know the dude that runs Electro-Harmonix discussed the environment in Russia where some of the best audio tubes were made and where he purchased old military factories that produce them as somewhat chaotic and a wild, wild west kind of thing. So if The Donald was considering building a hotel or golf course in Russia, it would be smart to sign off with the top Russian officials to insure no Russian millionaire wannabes fuck around with the projects. But that has nothing to do with the election and the fake news', fake Senator's, fake Congressmen's fake ass "Russian meddling" narrative! Holla if ya hear meh.

Do you have any Electro-Harmonix gear? I wonder what that tube compressor is like. That's some crazy shit.

The Donald stated that he didn't have any involvement with, or business deals with Russia, but as we're just now finding out today, his attorney reached out to the Kremlin for assistance in building a Trump Tower in Moscow during the campaign.

I asked the question on another thread......BUT,

with the above in mind, were there SANCTIONS against Russia not already in place when the Trumpster was trying to work out this deal?
the sanctions were put on Russia in 2014 so the answer is YES, the sanctions on Russia were in place before this Cohen and Sader deal...

Didn't stop $7.5BILL in US EXPORTS to Russia in 2016. You're VERY sure that building a tower in Moscow would have been sanctioned. But there's no evidence it would have. Or even no evidence it was actually PLANNED..

Thought crimes. That really truly ALL you got here. BUT -- if you think the country ought to stop and put their collective thumbs up their asses --- like you all are doing -- keep it up. Your party and movement will pay COMPLETELY in the next elections..
it's a pattern of lying about his Russia connections and a QUID PRO QUO that could have taken place...that Mueller is looking in to....

Also,there are the meetings of Trump's team, Kushner specifically meeting with a Russian gvt bank that was sanctioned and two totally different stories told on what they met about, and there is Deutsche Bank connections who were just caught money laundering for the Russians, and the unusual loans to Trump and Kushner by them, and Wilbur Ross's connection to the Cypress Bank, another money laundering hub of the Russians who Trump hired as our Commerce Secretary and is the person who arranged the purchase of the house Trump sold for double the market value and more than double what he paid... to the Russian Oligarch, and the Russian Mob living in his Tower, and the strange communications between Alpha Bank, another Russian bank and a Trump server the FBI was investigating...etc etc etc.....

There IS SOMETHING FISHY going on, and Mueller and team, is on to it....whatever nefarious thing 'it' may be....and hopefully, we will get the truth someday when they are done....

This isn't some made up thing out of thin air FlaCalTenn!

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