Trump government is to Democrats what law and order is to criminals


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I've never once heard a criminal say: "Gosh, I really hope the law comes down on me harder."

Liberals are absolutely terrified this government will help re-establish a social standard and demand more and better from the people of this country. It's been an anything goes social and economical free for all that Libtards have run away with...Well, I think that's a thing of the past...I think it's time we call a spade a spade again and condemn the whacko's.
What exactly am I talking about you ask?
Men with penis's wearing dresses is just plain weird and whacky again.
Men with penis's who want to pee in the same restroom with 13 year old little girls is sick and bizarre again
People who want to marry people with the same genitals is weird and not normal again
English will be pushed as the predominate language of the land again
Criminals, losers and low-lifes are shunned and condemned and not treated as victims
Illegal Immigrants will be treated like the criminals they are...they are not victims!

These are just a few things you loonys are worried about...
I can't wait...we think the nut-jobs are paranoid now...haha...just wait til the hammer starts to fall and there becomes a visible social change among The People.
This will be a fun ride to witness if your on the right team.
The Trump Foundation has already broken multiple laws. That make Trump a criminal.

The rest of your post proves you are the weird one. Now quit fantasizing about penises and dresses. Who are you? Rudy Giuliani?

"I've never once heard a criminal say: "Gosh, I really hope the law comes down on me harder."

In the last 8 years crimnals have not had to worry about 'the law as thete has been no accountability to the law.

Barry has violated both Constitution and Rule of Law and he has protected criminals from the law.

Those responsible for giving thousands of weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels resulting in masdive death faced no charges.

The international arms dealer Hillary and Barry used to provide weapons to Al Qaeida and ISIS had charges against him dropped by Barry.

Eric Holder was protected from perjury charges.

Hillary was protected from charges.

Julian Castro and Harry Teid wete protected from charges...because 'they were sorry' for breaking the law.

Human traffickers, Sanctuary cities, violent illegals - all protected.

The Obama administration has been the most lawless administration in US history.
The Trump Foundation has already broken multiple laws. That make Trump a criminal.

The rest of your post proves you are the weird one. Now quit fantasizing about penises and dresses. Who are you? Rudy Giuliani?

Come on bud!
Do you people always have to cast a desperate spin on everything? Wouldn't it be a whole lot easier to just get your head on right and and start thinking like a legitimate human?
Leave all those daddy issues and traumatic childhood experiences behind and just start acting right.

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