Trump freezes Palestinian Authorities BANK ACCOUNTS

Do I really need to look up why the funding for those hospitals were stopped? You cannot do it yourself?
Ok. Just give me some time.
Oh, and they stopped funding the Arab schools in Jerusalem as well. Do you know why?

Probably the Israeli schools...they presented an inaccurate history of events.

Here you go:
New Cuts In Medical Aid To Palestinians By Trump Administration
Trump freezes funding to east Jerusalem hospitals

Now, explain please how this is justified? It's one sided pressure that hurts the most vulnerable.
And you are simply assuming that Israel was ok with the defunding of the Palestinian hospitals.

Why is that?

Because Trump and Netanyahu seem to be very close.

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu - Washington Times
Washington Times › news › jul › obama-...

Jul 12, 2016 · President Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ... to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last
That's mostly false: Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel
Is that a reliable source? Check on it. Who is the blogger?

Unfortunately President Obama did many things which did harm Israel during those 8 years, one of them was not calling what had happened during the Flotilla, for what it was.
And I do remember the attempt to cut down on military aid, or munitions, which would also have harmed Israel at the time.
And you are simply assuming that Israel was ok with the defunding of the Palestinian hospitals.

Why is that?

Because Trump and Netanyahu seem to be very close.

Obama admin. sent taxpayer money to campaign to oust Netanyahu - Washington Times
Washington Times › news › jul › obama-...

Jul 12, 2016 · President Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ... to build a campaign to oust Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in last
That's mostly false: Blog claims U.S. funded anti-Netanyahu election effort in Israel
Bipartisan report finds Obama campaign advisor used federal money to build anti-Netanyahu campaign organization - AEI
American Enterprise Institute › publication

Jul 13, 2016 · President Obama meets with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in ... efforts against Netanyahu's re-election did not happen in a vacuum
A campaign advisor. Not the Obama Administration.

TAXPAYER MONEY....MANY articles referring to that!
The PLO:

Today, the PLO continues to exist; however, most of its leaders have now become top Fatah officials in the Palestinian Authority. Fatah-related militia groups, such as the Tanzim, Force 17 and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade played a leading role in Palestinian violence during the Second Intifada, including suicide terrorist attacks, ambushes, and shootings of Israeli vehicles and facilities.

With the death of Arafat in November 2004, Mahmoud Abbas, a long-time secretary general of the PLO, became the new Chairman of the PLO and was subsequently elected President of the Palestinian Authority.

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

In what way is Abbas, now President of "Palestine State" not responsible for any and all incitement of his people against Jews and Israel, and all the attacks and deaths which continue to occur?

He is responsible in the same way any leader is for the actions of his people and for government policies. That does not make him or the PLO a terrorist group today.
Are you telling me that inciting people to murder civilians is not terrorism?

It was during the riots against Jews in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1936, 1948, each and every "Intifada".

That is what Husseini did.

That is what Arafat did.

That is what Abbas has been doing.

That is what Hamas has been doing.

Charging against a fence in order to enter a sovereign country and kill its citizens, is terrorism. One cannot call it defending their lives, because that is not what they are doing with the thousands, now, of fire and explosive balloons which have been sent into Israel, and all the Palestinians who have attempted to enter Israel in order to, in their own words, "kill some Jews".

I find it amazing how Abbas keeps being made responsible by the UN, the EU and others, for all the deaths of Jews and other Israelis he has been clearly responsible for since 1994.

I am telling you that the PLO is not considered or listed as a terrorist organization anymore.
The PLO:

Today, the PLO continues to exist; however, most of its leaders have now become top Fatah officials in the Palestinian Authority. Fatah-related militia groups, such as the Tanzim, Force 17 and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade played a leading role in Palestinian violence during the Second Intifada, including suicide terrorist attacks, ambushes, and shootings of Israeli vehicles and facilities.

With the death of Arafat in November 2004, Mahmoud Abbas, a long-time secretary general of the PLO, became the new Chairman of the PLO and was subsequently elected President of the Palestinian Authority.

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

In what way is Abbas, now President of "Palestine State" not responsible for any and all incitement of his people against Jews and Israel, and all the attacks and deaths which continue to occur?

He is responsible in the same way any leader is for the actions of his people and for government policies. That does not make him or the PLO a terrorist group today.
Are you telling me that inciting people to murder civilians is not terrorism?

It was during the riots against Jews in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1936, 1948, each and every "Intifada".

That is what Husseini did.

That is what Arafat did.

That is what Abbas has been doing.

That is what Hamas has been doing.

Charging against a fence in order to enter a sovereign country and kill its citizens, is terrorism. One cannot call it defending their lives, because that is not what they are doing with the thousands, now, of fire and explosive balloons which have been sent into Israel, and all the Palestinians who have attempted to enter Israel in order to, in their own words, "kill some Jews".

I find it amazing how Abbas keeps being made responsible by the UN, the EU and others, for all the deaths of Jews and other Israelis he has been clearly responsible for since 1994.

I am telling you that the PLO is not considered or listed as a terrorist organization anymore.
Not being listed as a terrorist organization, does not make their actions, or Abba's for that matter any less that of terrorists.

Incitement to murder civilians is a terrorist act. And the murder of innocent civilians, Jews and non Jews, as it has happened, is a terrorist act, no matter if they call themselves PLO or Fatah.
The PLO:

Today, the PLO continues to exist; however, most of its leaders have now become top Fatah officials in the Palestinian Authority. Fatah-related militia groups, such as the Tanzim, Force 17 and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade played a leading role in Palestinian violence during the Second Intifada, including suicide terrorist attacks, ambushes, and shootings of Israeli vehicles and facilities.

With the death of Arafat in November 2004, Mahmoud Abbas, a long-time secretary general of the PLO, became the new Chairman of the PLO and was subsequently elected President of the Palestinian Authority.

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

In what way is Abbas, now President of "Palestine State" not responsible for any and all incitement of his people against Jews and Israel, and all the attacks and deaths which continue to occur?

He is responsible in the same way any leader is for the actions of his people and for government policies. That does not make him or the PLO a terrorist group today.
Are you telling me that inciting people to murder civilians is not terrorism?

It was during the riots against Jews in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1936, 1948, each and every "Intifada".

That is what Husseini did.

That is what Arafat did.

That is what Abbas has been doing.

That is what Hamas has been doing.

Charging against a fence in order to enter a sovereign country and kill its citizens, is terrorism. One cannot call it defending their lives, because that is not what they are doing with the thousands, now, of fire and explosive balloons which have been sent into Israel, and all the Palestinians who have attempted to enter Israel in order to, in their own words, "kill some Jews".

I find it amazing how Abbas keeps being made responsible by the UN, the EU and others, for all the deaths of Jews and other Israelis he has been clearly responsible for since 1994.

I am telling you that the PLO is not considered or listed as a terrorist organization anymore.
Listed currently by Dept. of State as a terrorist organization

Foreign Terrorist Organizations
The PLO:

Today, the PLO continues to exist; however, most of its leaders have now become top Fatah officials in the Palestinian Authority. Fatah-related militia groups, such as the Tanzim, Force 17 and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade played a leading role in Palestinian violence during the Second Intifada, including suicide terrorist attacks, ambushes, and shootings of Israeli vehicles and facilities.

With the death of Arafat in November 2004, Mahmoud Abbas, a long-time secretary general of the PLO, became the new Chairman of the PLO and was subsequently elected President of the Palestinian Authority.

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

In what way is Abbas, now President of "Palestine State" not responsible for any and all incitement of his people against Jews and Israel, and all the attacks and deaths which continue to occur?

He is responsible in the same way any leader is for the actions of his people and for government policies. That does not make him or the PLO a terrorist group today.
Are you telling me that inciting people to murder civilians is not terrorism?

It was during the riots against Jews in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1936, 1948, each and every "Intifada".

That is what Husseini did.

That is what Arafat did.

That is what Abbas has been doing.

That is what Hamas has been doing.

Charging against a fence in order to enter a sovereign country and kill its citizens, is terrorism. One cannot call it defending their lives, because that is not what they are doing with the thousands, now, of fire and explosive balloons which have been sent into Israel, and all the Palestinians who have attempted to enter Israel in order to, in their own words, "kill some Jews".

I find it amazing how Abbas keeps being made responsible by the UN, the EU and others, for all the deaths of Jews and other Israelis he has been clearly responsible for since 1994.

I am telling you that the PLO is not considered or listed as a terrorist organization anymore.
Listed currently by Dept. of State as a terrorist organization

Foreign Terrorist Organizations
I don't see the PLO on there....
The PLO:

Today, the PLO continues to exist; however, most of its leaders have now become top Fatah officials in the Palestinian Authority. Fatah-related militia groups, such as the Tanzim, Force 17 and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade played a leading role in Palestinian violence during the Second Intifada, including suicide terrorist attacks, ambushes, and shootings of Israeli vehicles and facilities.

With the death of Arafat in November 2004, Mahmoud Abbas, a long-time secretary general of the PLO, became the new Chairman of the PLO and was subsequently elected President of the Palestinian Authority.

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

In what way is Abbas, now President of "Palestine State" not responsible for any and all incitement of his people against Jews and Israel, and all the attacks and deaths which continue to occur?

He is responsible in the same way any leader is for the actions of his people and for government policies. That does not make him or the PLO a terrorist group today.
Are you telling me that inciting people to murder civilians is not terrorism?

It was during the riots against Jews in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1936, 1948, each and every "Intifada".

That is what Husseini did.

That is what Arafat did.

That is what Abbas has been doing.

That is what Hamas has been doing.

Charging against a fence in order to enter a sovereign country and kill its citizens, is terrorism. One cannot call it defending their lives, because that is not what they are doing with the thousands, now, of fire and explosive balloons which have been sent into Israel, and all the Palestinians who have attempted to enter Israel in order to, in their own words, "kill some Jews".

I find it amazing how Abbas keeps being made responsible by the UN, the EU and others, for all the deaths of Jews and other Israelis he has been clearly responsible for since 1994.

I am telling you that the PLO is not considered or listed as a terrorist organization anymore.
Listed currently by Dept. of State as a terrorist organization

Foreign Terrorist Organizations
Not on that page they aren't
The PLO:

Today, the PLO continues to exist; however, most of its leaders have now become top Fatah officials in the Palestinian Authority. Fatah-related militia groups, such as the Tanzim, Force 17 and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade played a leading role in Palestinian violence during the Second Intifada, including suicide terrorist attacks, ambushes, and shootings of Israeli vehicles and facilities.

With the death of Arafat in November 2004, Mahmoud Abbas, a long-time secretary general of the PLO, became the new Chairman of the PLO and was subsequently elected President of the Palestinian Authority.

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

In what way is Abbas, now President of "Palestine State" not responsible for any and all incitement of his people against Jews and Israel, and all the attacks and deaths which continue to occur?

He is responsible in the same way any leader is for the actions of his people and for government policies. That does not make him or the PLO a terrorist group today.
Are you telling me that inciting people to murder civilians is not terrorism?

It was during the riots against Jews in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1936, 1948, each and every "Intifada".

That is what Husseini did.

That is what Arafat did.

That is what Abbas has been doing.

That is what Hamas has been doing.

Charging against a fence in order to enter a sovereign country and kill its citizens, is terrorism. One cannot call it defending their lives, because that is not what they are doing with the thousands, now, of fire and explosive balloons which have been sent into Israel, and all the Palestinians who have attempted to enter Israel in order to, in their own words, "kill some Jews".

I find it amazing how Abbas keeps being made responsible by the UN, the EU and others, for all the deaths of Jews and other Israelis he has been clearly responsible for since 1994.

I am telling you that the PLO is not considered or listed as a terrorist organization anymore.
Listed currently by Dept. of State as a terrorist organization

Foreign Terrorist Organizations
I don't see the PLO on there....
Palestinian Liberation Front - Wikipedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Palestinian_Liberatio...

The Palestinian Liberation Front (PLF) is a Palestinian political faction ... The leaders of the PLF were active in the PLO with Abu ...

Leader: Wasel Abu Yousef

Ideology: Arab nationalism

Headquarters: Ramallah, Palestine

National affiliation: Palestine Liberation Organization
They also stopped all funding to Jerusalem hospitals that serve Palestinians.

But that's ethically ok apparently.
That is ugly on Trump's part, but the PA's incitement and refusal to come to the table to negotiate is as well.

Trump freezes funding to east Jerusalem hospitals

Mind you, I do not condone this move. But it is not Israel doing it, it is the American Administration.

Believe me that just as there are European and other countries stepping up to fund UNWRA after the US stopped any funding of that organization, there will be countries and other organizations (including Israel, which always helps the Palestinians with health care ) willing to fund those hospitals to make sure that no job or patient has to suffer because of it.

Looks like we kind of posted at the same time. Yes, it's the US doing it, and it's very ugly.

Two sides need to come to the table. Only one is being pressured in an abhorent way.

The Israelis are at the table waiting for the PLO. They don't need to pressured.
They also stopped all funding to Jerusalem hospitals that serve Palestinians.

But that's ethically ok apparently.
That is ugly on Trump's part, but the PA's incitement and refusal to come to the table to negotiate is as well.

Trump freezes funding to east Jerusalem hospitals

Mind you, I do not condone this move. But it is not Israel doing it, it is the American Administration.

Believe me that just as there are European and other countries stepping up to fund UNWRA after the US stopped any funding of that organization, there will be countries and other organizations (including Israel, which always helps the Palestinians with health care ) willing to fund those hospitals to make sure that no job or patient has to suffer because of it.

Looks like we kind of posted at the same time. Yes, it's the US doing it, and it's very ugly.

Two sides need to come to the table. Only one is being pressured in an abhorent way.
Oh, those poor Palestinian leaders.
They are being pressured to do something so abhorrent to them like.....sitting across Jews and actually negotiating a Peace treaty.

As if they would accept ANY peace treaty, at all.



Does it ring a bell?

Attacking hospitals and medical treatment is disgusting. That is not the way conduct a peace process or facilitate negotations.

Is Israel giving up any of IT'S preconditions for peace? Or is it only the Palestinians who are being pressured to do so?

Pardon me but your ignorance is showing.

That's typical for liberal who supports terrorists.
Trump has no Middle East plan - all he believes in is punishing people into submission.

Reshaping US aid to the Palestinians

The Trump administration continues to speak of its Middle East peace plan. In a pre-Rosh Hashanah phone call with rabbis and Jewish leaders last Thursday, President Trump said: "I stopped massive amounts of money that we were paying to the Palestinians and the Palestinian leaders. If we don’t make a deal, we’re not paying. I said to some of the past negotiators. ‘Did you ever do that before? Did you ever use the money angle?’ They said, ‘No, sir. We thought it would be disrespectful.’ I said, ‘I don’t think it’s disrespectful at all’ ... And I really do believe we’re going to make a deal."

Yet, the context for the “ultimate deal” could not be worse.

Yet this same article brings up some interesting ideas - some damn good ideas on how to alter the aid given to the Palestinians so it is more effective:

With prospects for diplomacy dim, with the need to change reality on the ground to restore a sense of possibility, and with past lessons showing that assistance should be used to promote development and reduce Israeli-Palestinian friction, we propose three recommendations for Congress to reprogram the $200 million fiscal 2018 monies to create a more stable economic, political and security environment in Gaza and the West Bank:

First, use that assistance to take water off the negotiating table. In the not too distant past, water negotiations were zero-sum, given the limited supply of water between the Mediterranean and Jordan River. Now, due to technological gains in water desalination, water use and reuse, water negotiations are no longer binary trade-offs. Instead, they can focus on the much simpler challenges of distribution and pricing.

What could this mean in practice? U.S. assistance in Gaza can fund a small solar field to power the existing Gaza Wastewater Treatment Plant, build up the community-based solar desalination units piloted by MIT, expand the UNICEF solar-fuel facility in Gaza’s Khan Younis neighborhood, initiate additional phases of the World Bank-funded North Gaza Emergency Sanitation Treatment plant, and repair water infrastructure degraded by three wars. Water also is directly linked to electricity; progress in water and sanitation will yield a better, more predictable power supply. There is real potential for small-scale, renewable power throughout Gaza, supplying energy at the community level while minimizing the risk of disruption historically associated with Gaza’s power plant.

Second, U.S. assistance should be used to substantially expand trade between Palestinians and Israelis. Consider the northern West Bank city of Jenin: Israel decided 15 years ago that if it opened a crossing point so Israeli Arabs could shop in the West Bank, it would be a stabilizer, even though the Second Intifada rebellion was ongoing. That calculation was successful; increased Palestinian trade has reduced unemployment in the northern West Bank from reportedly 50 percent in 2003 to below 20 percent now. These robust trading channels have opened sustainable opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses, improved local governance and fostered broad-based security for Palestinians and Israelis alike. In 2003, Jenin was the center for suicide bombers during the peak of the Second Intifada but now is one of the more successful Palestinian cities.

The Jenin model is replicable. American aid can help establish similar trading zones in the West Bank city of Qalqilya where Palestinian traders, shopkeepers and small businesses can sell directly to the large Israeli Arab community a few miles away. The Jenin model also can work in Gaza: Palestinian textile manufacturers have relationships with Israeli designers and European markets; Gaza historically supplied much of the fresh fruits and vegetables in Israel. These relationships could restart in months with the sustained, predictable opening of the Karem Shalom crossing and additional trading corridors from Erez or elsewhere.

Perhaps most interesting is the nascent but growing Gaza tech sector, where Gaza Sky Geeks is incubating Palestinian start-ups and more established firms are initiating software development with tech firms in Israel and beyond. Israel’s tech industry has more than 10,000 unfilled jobs which could be filled from the surplus of high-tech graduates in the West Bank and Gaza.

Third, education is a key foundation for a better future. Israelis and Americans have long criticized the Palestinian Authority for not educating its people for peace. Why not engage American universities and NGOs to elevate the Palestinian education system and prepare Palestinians for a 21st century economy? Bard College has provided long-term teacher training at Al Quds University in which teachers and principals earn an American master’s degree in education and serve as leaders in their schools. Imagine if education programming and people-to-people funding allowed the best cohort of Palestinian youth to study in Israeli universities, intern at Israeli high-tech firms, and do residencies at Israeli hospitals.

That sounds like a great plan to me!
The PLO:

Today, the PLO continues to exist; however, most of its leaders have now become top Fatah officials in the Palestinian Authority. Fatah-related militia groups, such as the Tanzim, Force 17 and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade played a leading role in Palestinian violence during the Second Intifada, including suicide terrorist attacks, ambushes, and shootings of Israeli vehicles and facilities.

With the death of Arafat in November 2004, Mahmoud Abbas, a long-time secretary general of the PLO, became the new Chairman of the PLO and was subsequently elected President of the Palestinian Authority.

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

In what way is Abbas, now President of "Palestine State" not responsible for any and all incitement of his people against Jews and Israel, and all the attacks and deaths which continue to occur?

He is responsible in the same way any leader is for the actions of his people and for government policies. That does not make him or the PLO a terrorist group today.
Are you telling me that inciting people to murder civilians is not terrorism?

It was during the riots against Jews in 1920, 1921, 1929, 1936, 1948, each and every "Intifada".

That is what Husseini did.

That is what Arafat did.

That is what Abbas has been doing.

That is what Hamas has been doing.

Charging against a fence in order to enter a sovereign country and kill its citizens, is terrorism. One cannot call it defending their lives, because that is not what they are doing with the thousands, now, of fire and explosive balloons which have been sent into Israel, and all the Palestinians who have attempted to enter Israel in order to, in their own words, "kill some Jews".

I find it amazing how Abbas keeps being made responsible by the UN, the EU and others, for all the deaths of Jews and other Israelis he has been clearly responsible for since 1994.

I am telling you that the PLO is not considered or listed as a terrorist organization anymore.
Listed currently by Dept. of State as a terrorist organization

Foreign Terrorist Organizations
I don't see the PLO on there....

Try the Palestine Liberation Front (PLF).

You will see some very familiar names.
Trump has no Middle East plan -

To be fair, no one has had a realistic plan to this situation for 70 years.

Every year that goes by puts the Palestinians in a worse bargaining position than before.

Being brought to the table, even by force, would be in their best interests.
Thousands of racist Jews and super patriotic american clowns gleefully rub their hands as they hear the news:

"Now this is gonna hurt them real good."

"Now they're gonna be brought to their knees."

blah, blah, blah, blah...
Last edited:
Meanwhile, in Palestine:

"Anyone who renounces one inch of Palestine is a traitor!"

Thousands of racist Jews and super patriotic american clowns gleefully rub their hands as they hear the news:

You should definitely switch from being an antisemite to a racist.

You'll find it much easier to find a top-flight lawyer, accountant, or orthodontist.
They also stopped all funding to Jerusalem hospitals that serve Palestinians.

But that's ethically ok apparently.
That is ugly on Trump's part, but the PA's incitement and refusal to come to the table to negotiate is as well.

Trump freezes funding to east Jerusalem hospitals

Mind you, I do not condone this move. But it is not Israel doing it, it is the American Administration.

Believe me that just as there are European and other countries stepping up to fund UNWRA after the US stopped any funding of that organization, there will be countries and other organizations (including Israel, which always helps the Palestinians with health care ) willing to fund those hospitals to make sure that no job or patient has to suffer because of it.

Looks like we kind of posted at the same time. Yes, it's the US doing it, and it's very ugly.

Two sides need to come to the table. Only one is being pressured in an abhorent way.
Oh, those poor Palestinian leaders.
They are being pressured to do something so abhorrent to them like.....sitting across Jews and actually negotiating a Peace treaty.

As if they would accept ANY peace treaty, at all.



Does it ring a bell?

Attacking hospitals and medical treatment is disgusting. That is not the way conduct a peace process or facilitate negotations.

Is Israel giving up any of IT'S preconditions for peace? Or is it only the Palestinians who are being pressured to do so?
Israel has never had any preconditions and has asked the Palestinians to come to the table the same way.
Israel has a huge precondition. It gets to keep everything it has stolen.
That is ugly on Trump's part, but the PA's incitement and refusal to come to the table to negotiate is as well.

Trump freezes funding to east Jerusalem hospitals

Mind you, I do not condone this move. But it is not Israel doing it, it is the American Administration.

Believe me that just as there are European and other countries stepping up to fund UNWRA after the US stopped any funding of that organization, there will be countries and other organizations (including Israel, which always helps the Palestinians with health care ) willing to fund those hospitals to make sure that no job or patient has to suffer because of it.

Looks like we kind of posted at the same time. Yes, it's the US doing it, and it's very ugly.

Two sides need to come to the table. Only one is being pressured in an abhorent way.
Oh, those poor Palestinian leaders.
They are being pressured to do something so abhorrent to them like.....sitting across Jews and actually negotiating a Peace treaty.

As if they would accept ANY peace treaty, at all.



Does it ring a bell?

Attacking hospitals and medical treatment is disgusting. That is not the way conduct a peace process or facilitate negotations.

Is Israel giving up any of IT'S preconditions for peace? Or is it only the Palestinians who are being pressured to do so?
Israel has never had any preconditions and has asked the Palestinians to come to the table the same way.
Israel has a huge precondition. It gets to keep everything it has stolen.
Your complaint is noted
but we're still dealing with the previous case against Spain, for apparently stealing the 'Arab land' of Madrid.
Please be patient we're looking for a reason to take You seriously.

Abdul Jihad ibn-Hmar,
manager of the Caliph's Appeasement Department.
Last edited:
As long as terrorists receive generous funds for murdering Jews, the West must cease sending any aid to them. As a EU citizen, I resent us continuing to pay them a cent.

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