Trump flip flop on wages

Trump sounds more like b.s.
Or Bernard Sanders on wages...
On trump twitter page trump admitted wages are too low and good paying jobs are too scarce...
Gee, how ironic coming from a man with $10B

I saw a man 3'6" tall who weighed 65 lbs...

I realiZed it was Donald Trump with the
(B)ernard (S)anders knocked out of him....

So I didn't say a word
No link to support this......
Simply an opinion piece.

Epic fail.

I posted a link on the first page. Even The Daily Caller is reporting on it. It's all over the news. He said it. It happened in reality.
I guess it doesn't matter.

You might be the worst debater I've seen in my life.
And you're a Masterdebater.
Look, Trump says a lot of stuff.

Is this really the defense you have come down to? Trump say a lot of stuff?

"Trump says thing and other things, and we say okay, and derp."
Well, you like parsing words, but rarely do you ask for an elaborate response to any specifics. Often times you even change what he actually example is claiming he wants to ban Muslims from entering the US, permanently. He never said that. Or saying Hillary got schlonged by Obama in the 2008 race is sexist.

You people are pathetic.

Have any binders full of women, btw???
They ship out our manufacturing jobs so our corporations can use slave labor in other countries. Leaving us to only putting the product on the shelves.

Allow me to familiarize you with what is known as the Smiley Curve of Production:


This represents where the profits are made in the production cycle.

As you can see, the big money is in design phase and the distribution phase.

The design phase is the engineering phase. The invention phase. This is where innovation happens, and innovation happens as the result of higher education.

That is where we are seriously flagging, folks. You know who is kicking ass in this part of the Smiley Curve?


The other end of the Smiley Curve is distribution. The part you called "putting the product on the shelves". This is also where a lot of the money is made.

The Apple Store. Branding. The sales part of the picture. The branding.

It doesn't take a lot of brains to sell shit, and this is where most of our weight is thrown around these days. Service industry bullshit. That's where we are making our money.

But it isn't the idiot low skilled workforce making that money. It's the owners of the company. You want to make money for yourself, you need to be on the other end of the curve, and that requires an education.

There are factories cranking out laptops by the millions, and at the end of the assembly line they glue on corporate logos. And the logo makes all the difference in how much each laptop will sell for. Pretty crazy.

All because of the Smiley Curve.

But you know what? If someone else starts inventing the new shit, do you think they are going to sell it through US outlets, or will they sell through their own outlets and bring all that cash home?

Yeah. So think about that.

Now look at the middle of the curve. There's no money in manufacturing. That's why a lot of shit is made in China by slaves these days.

But America is still manufacturing more stuff than it ever has. It really is. People who tell you America doesn't make things any more are FULL OF SHIT.

It just takes a lot less PEOPLE to make all that STUFF. The wonders of automation.

Look at the curve. Think about it. A lot.

I do. All the time.

We are going to get whacked because we are slacking off on the Design side of the curve. The innovation and invention side. That's the genesis of everything which is ever created, folks.

So you better start believing we need a LOT more higher education in America.

A lot more.
American manufacturers are high as hell but our jobs have went down almost 40% in recent years.
At least half of manufacturing jobs have been lost due to automation, not foreign competition. Increasing efficiency on capital investment is one of the things which makes the US exceptional.

We are actually making more stuff than ever.


Losing jobs to technology:


Trump sounds more like b.s.
Or Bernard Sanders on wages...
On trump twitter page trump admitted wages are too low and good paying jobs are too scarce...
Gee, how ironic coming from a man with $10B

I saw a man 3'6" tall who weighed 65 lbs...

I realiZed it was Donald Trump with the
(B)ernard (S)anders knocked out of him....

So I didn't say a word
Yay! Another 'blame the fat guy for the skinny people' thread
Trump sounds more like b.s.
Or Bernard Sanders on wages...
On trump twitter page trump admitted wages are too low and good paying jobs are too scarce...
Gee, how ironic coming from a man with $10B

I saw a man 3'6" tall who weighed 65 lbs...

I realiZed it was Donald Trump with the
(B)ernard (S)anders knocked out of him....

So I didn't say a word
Yay! Another 'blame the fat guy for the skinny people' thread

Yes, your post has its amusing side. As I suspect you are part of the conserva-liberal Zionista media.....not telling the truth...not knowing it if it bit you on the back of the ads

American manufacturers are high as hell but our jobs have went down almost 40% in recent years.
At least half of manufacturing jobs have been lost due to automation, not foreign competition. Increasing efficiency on capital investment is one of the things which makes the US exceptional.

We are actually making more stuff than ever.


Losing jobs to technology:


We lose like 6-7ooK jobs a year going overseas. That number has nothing to do with technology.
WE, as Americans, are not making shit compared to what we used to do .
MLB baseballs are made in costa rica
Barbie is made in china
Even LEVIS aren't made in America anymore!
Foxconn took a lot of our jobs. We lost a million jobs and all they had to do was put suicide nets around their buildings.. lol
I do agree whole heartedly about education. 100%.
globalization is hurting us. Period.
Our great great grandchildren will all be 'equally' miserable. So, I guess that's a good thing..:/
I see a lot of the "solutions" to our manufacturing problems are more globalization. I actually read an article a while back that was saying if we don't, basically, open our borders to Canada and mexico, we are fucked.
His whole trade premise is bring jobs back and getting people to work. How does that help when we have to pay people 15 bucks an hour to tighten a screw on an assembly line?
He also shows he is only pandering. Which was a big no-no according to him..

What's the point of bringing jobs back if they are crap jobs?

Germany and Japan aren't paying their manufacturing workers shit and they have trade surpluses.
Corporate america is not going to like these words because their no. 1 goal after profit is cutting, firing, and finding cheaper labor. It is not in their best interests to treat workers fairly nor should it be. They are there to make a buck at any and all costs. If they had zero taxes to pay, they may bring jobs back. But would those jobs be higher paying? Probably not. Would they really offer alot more here even with zero taxes when they can still outsource for alot cheaper? Let's remember than $12 is not a survivable wage unless one lives at home with parents.

Then it is time for Corporate America to take one for the team, and to fucking smile while doing it.
I see a lot of the "solutions" to our manufacturing problems are more globalization. I actually read an article a while back that was saying if we don't, basically, open our borders to Canada and mexico, we are fucked.

Yeah, that article sounds like bullshit.

It doesn't matter. Trump supporters have shown that they will follow him no matter what he says or does.

Sort of like Obamabots and Hildabeast supporters?

oops. they try to put others down and instead put themselves down.
and as for wages. you take the job with a wage they offer. you can't make more on your own, that's YOU ALLS FAULT. stop whining and get on in the real world. people aren't here to make your life for you.

It's a lot easier when your father gives you a small loan of a million dollars. :thup:

too bad you didn't have one of those. so you think you need to dump on him because he did? not one of you are wailing over the Clintons being worth 60 million dollars. can you tell what they do exactly to earn that? you know how Trump earns his. how come you don't know about how the Clintons earns all their theirs. its in the dark. oh that foundation, well what exactly dose it all do? anyone know? give us all a break. we aren't all the dumb bumbling rednecks out there following Trump. but look at yourselves and just who it is you all following, blindly and like sheep. and damn snobby ones to boot when you have no right to be one
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His whole trade premise is bring jobs back and getting people to work. How does that help when we have to pay people 15 bucks an hour to tighten a screw on an assembly line?
He also shows he is only pandering. Which was a big no-no according to him..

What's the point of bringing jobs back if they are crap jobs?

Germany and Japan aren't paying their manufacturing workers shit and they have trade surpluses.
Because they wont stay like that.
Germanys minimum wage is 2 dollars higher than ours and japans is only a dollar an hour lower.
When did wages start stagnating? In the 70s? Wonder why?
employee benefits
The workers have no economic power anymore. Thanks establishment!
I see a lot of the "solutions" to our manufacturing problems are more globalization. I actually read an article a while back that was saying if we don't, basically, open our borders to Canada and mexico, we are fucked.

Yeah, that article sounds like bullshit.
yes. But david ricardo said free trade must have labor mobility. IE open borders.
We cant pay someone 15 bucks an hour to tighten a bolt on an assembly line and expect to compete with slave labor on the world market.
That's why everything you see is made in china, Vietnam, mexico or some other shithole

Which is why real solutions to income inequality in the US need to be heavily focused on driving a better educated and trained populace.
We cant pay someone 15 bucks an hour to tighten a bolt on an assembly line and expect to compete with slave labor on the world market.
That's why everything you see is made in china, Vietnam, mexico or some other shithole

Which is why real solutions to income inequality in the US need to be heavily focused on driving a better educated and trained populace.
I agree. That would help a lot. But how do we do that? Focus more on skills?
His whole trade premise is bring jobs back and getting people to work. How does that help when we have to pay people 15 bucks an hour to tighten a screw on an assembly line?
He also shows he is only pandering. Which was a big no-no according to him..

What's the point of bringing jobs back if they are crap jobs?

Germany and Japan aren't paying their manufacturing workers shit and they have trade surpluses.
Because they wont stay like that.
Germanys minimum wage is 2 dollars higher than ours and japans is only a dollar an hour lower.
When did wages start stagnating? In the 70s? Wonder why?
employee benefits
The workers have no economic power anymore. Thanks establishment!

So reverse course on Immigration and Globalization, and see if things improve.

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