Trump encourages boycott of Harley Davidson.

Still pushing that load of crap.

Companies willr aise prices if they can not find equally costed replacements. This WILL like;y reduce sales and trigger layoffs.
Wrong, they won't raise prices because if they did, AS YOU SAID YOURSELF, lol, that would reduce sales. That's WHY the can't raise the prices. Duh!

And then you say this would trigger layoffs. OMG. Layoffs also cannot occur for the same reason. The firm already has the correct number of employees to make it the most money. And change to that number triggers sales reductions.

I don't recall ever talking to so much economic foolishness.
So, according to you, companies can absorb all rising raw material costs. "We lose a little on every sale but make up for it with volume."
Reagan pulled Harley Davidson out of the fire and saved their asses. Now our President wants to help them and every other American company by eliminating unfair trade practices and Harley Davidson bails on him instead of hanging in until Trump gets a better deal (THAT WILL HELP HARLEY). Fuck Harley Davidson, I hope they go under for good this time. No more bailouts.

What do you think the tariffs are? Artificially raising the cost of imported steel so US steel companies can charge more.

That is the same effect as a bail out.
No companies should ever be bailed out no matter the reason, especially union controlled companies like GM

Unions don’t control companies. That’s a right wing fallacy. Unions protect workers from employer abuses and unsafe working conditions. The rise of the American middle class began with the wages and benefits negotiated by the unions.

The decline in the real wages and benefits for working and middle class began when Reagan attacked and destroyed the air traffic controllers union and declared war on all unions.

Should the government pick winners and losers? No. The market should. That being said, the total collapse of the US banking, insurance and auto sectors would have had far reaching implications, and likely have lead to the total collapse of the US economy, given the other forces at work at the time.

General Motors decline had to do with poor design and bad management decisions. Their cars weren’t selling. That had nothing to do with the unions. My husband and I got excited when they brought the Camero back. Before we were married, I owned a black Camero and my husband owned a white Trans Am. We loved those cars. The new Cameros were ugly, uncomfortable and expensive. We bought a Subaru instead.
Perfect Post. Thank You.
Still pushing that load of crap.

Companies willr aise prices if they can not find equally costed replacements. This WILL like;y reduce sales and trigger layoffs.
Wrong, they won't raise prices because if they did, AS YOU SAID YOURSELF, lol, that would reduce sales. That's WHY the can't raise the prices. Duh!

And then you say this would trigger layoffs. OMG. Layoffs also cannot occur for the same reason. The firm already has the correct number of employees to make it the most money. And change to that number triggers sales reductions.

I don't recall ever talking to so much economic foolishness.
So, according to you, companies can absorb all rising raw material costs. "We lose a little on every sale but make up for it with volume."


Sinclair was a way ahead of his time.
Reagan pulled Harley Davidson out of the fire and saved their asses. Now our President wants to help them and every other American company by eliminating unfair trade practices and Harley Davidson bails on him instead of hanging in until Trump gets a better deal (THAT WILL HELP HARLEY). Fuck Harley Davidson, I hope they go under for good this time. No more bailouts.

What do you think the tariffs are? Artificially raising the cost of imported steel so US steel companies can charge more.

That is the same effect as a bail out.
No companies should ever be bailed out no matter the reason, especially union controlled companies like GM

Unions don’t control companies. That’s a right wing fallacy. Unions protect workers from employer abuses and unsafe working conditions. The rise of the American middle class began with the wages and benefits negotiated by the unions.

The decline in the real wages and benefits for working and middle class began when Reagan attacked and destroyed the air traffic controllers union and declared war on all unions.

Should the government pick winners and losers? No. The market should. That being said, the total collapse of the US banking, insurance and auto sectors would have had far reaching implications, and likely have lead to the total collapse of the US economy, given the other forces at work at the time.

General Motors decline had to do with poor design and bad management decisions. Their cars weren’t selling. That had nothing to do with the unions. My husband and I got excited when they brought the Camero back. Before we were married, I owned a black Camero and my husband owned a white Trans Am. We loved those cars. The new Cameros were ugly, uncomfortable and expensive. We bought a Subaru instead.
Unions destroy companies, Because union bosses have no idea how to run companies successfully
Maybe you need to take an economics class. Maybe then you’d stop embarrassing yourself.

Who Pays Tariffs Anyway?

Customs duties in the United States - Wikipedia

“The duty (tariff) is paid at the time of import by the importer of record”.
Uh huh. So Donald Trump enacted these tariffs so that HE would pay them, right ? Pheeeew! (high-pitched whistle) Is there a doctor in the house ? Seriously.

So this is the latest Democrat scam job ? Pretending that instead of the exporter paying tariffs, the importer is who will pay them. HA HA HA. I just wrote a new OP about the craziness of liberals. Maybe I should have included this. I guess they think Americans will believe anything. . Wow.
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And we are still increasing the deficit.
Illegals paid taxes, dumbfuck - more than what we can say about Trump.
Fool! Illegals represent a major LOSSES of tax money, by working at lower paying jobs than Americans would, by working off the books, and by sending tens of Billions$$ out of the US, instead of that money going to US businesses.

That's why this was included in my list of "Harms of Immigration"

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($138 Billion/year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

17. Influx of terrorists

18. Litter.

19. Forest fires.
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More stuff Kosh won't comprehend. A table compares countries' tariff levels.
In 2016 the trade weighted average of both the US and the EU was 1.6%.
In 2015 the trade weighted average of the US was 2.4% and of the EU 3.0%

Comparing Countries’ Tariff Levels
Comparing Countries' Tariff Levels

By Simon Lester
There is lots of talk from the Trump administration these days about how the U.S. is getting cheated on trade. In this context, they have done some cherry-picking of the data to emphasize high foreign tariffs, while conveniently ignoring high U.S. tariffs. For example, Trump will mention a 270% Canadian tariff on dairy products, without mentioning U.S. tariffs of up to 187% on sour cream. Or White House trade adviser Peter Navarro will mention EU auto tariffs of 10% and argue that those are much higher than the 2.5% tariffs for car imports to the U.S, but he won’t mention the 25% U.S. tariff on truck imports.

Exactly you far left drones keep proving my point that the trade tariffs were not fair as Trump said. Thus creating the trade deficit.

Keep posting and keep proving Trump correct, I love it from you far left drones!

What EXACTLY in the link cnm posted proves Trump is correct?

I just told you that the trade tariffs are not fair as Trump has said.

And you far left drones keep proving Trump is correct!

I love it!

Holy shit are you stupid.

Where in the link that cnm provided does it prove that Trump was right about tariffs?

The trade weighted average for both areas was the same in 2016...are you blind?

You obviously just have no idea what it you are trying to spin it.

He is not stupid, he is one of the more dishonest people on tbt forum

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