Trump Doesn't Make Any Sense On Gun Issue!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
President Donald Trump is supposed a really smart person, I don't see it when it comes to the gun control issue. This is the state of things in Washington on gun control. The Speaker of the House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, and her caucus want to pass common sense gun control legislation as well as the minority leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, and his caucus. Now the Senate Majority Leader, Republican Mitch McConnell, although he wishes the whole issue would go away because the pro-gun lobby is a great asset to Republicans and this lobby wants the status quo Senator McConnell because of popular sentiment amongst the American people is prepared to acquiesce to Senate Democrats and Senate Republicans that want to pass meaningful gun control legislation the only stipulation he has the only condition he is setting forth is that the President, President Trump, has to commit to support and sign the gun control bills brought up in the Senate for debate and a vote on passage! This is completely legitimate and understandable for Senator McConnel to take this position because why cause his fellow Republican Senators to take hard votes which will cost them politically with staunch pro-gun Americans if President Trump isn't committed to signing the respective bills to do otherwise would be a huge waste of political capital by Senator McConnell!

The extreme dumbness unfolding on President Trump's part is his inaction on this matter his failure to commit to sign some of these bills. Passing some meaningful bills into law here would be a significant help to President Trump in his reelection bid. This should be President Trump's thinking he is not going to be meaningfully primaried for the 2020 election the fix is in for him by the monied people in America they have cancelled four state primaries for the 2020 primary election that is a lot of delegates that are now out of reach for a Presidential Republican challenger plus President Trump has a solid core base of voters that will not be separated from him no matter what because its not about the right policies for these people it's about justice against the power brokers in American, the political establishment and the elites and in part it's about America working for ordinary Americans its about ordinary American values prevailing in the public debates! If President Trump was smart he would acknowledge at least to himself that the only real reelection challenge he has is in the general election. And that his best path for winning the general is not that he gets large amounts of independents to vote for him because that is highly unlikely his track record is too unconventional independents cannot stomach voting for him his best path is that large amounts of independents decide to stay home and not to vote because both the Democrat and the Republican candidates are too unpalatable. Prior to the bulk of the entrants in the 2020 Democrat Presidential primary entering the race I would have thought no way the Democrats could mess this up winning back the White House in 2020 but they most definitely have they are way too liberal for the bulk of independents. The issue that won them the 2018 election support for the Affordable Care Act they have thrown that away all the candidates will destroy the ACA's individual insurance market and leave America with socialized medicine, a low quality medical care system, yes even the government option candidates because the price-fixing government insurance will drive private health insurance out of business they absolutely and definitely will not be able to compete, America will be left with a system where government pays health care providers but they pay so low they get low quality care. On the climate change issue Democrats are insane from an economic standpoint even for the Democrats historic stronghold where it really matters standing up for the American worker in so far as protecting and rebuilding domestic manufacturing that provide middle class jobs the Democrats are Missing-In-Action. Democrats are readily beatable by Trump he just has to shine a spotlight on the truth about them which is they will make America worse dramatically worse and in so doing independents will come to the realization there is no satisfactory or decent candidate in the 2020 presidential election so I ain't voting. Seriously the best strategy that President Trump can follow is to as much as possible take away compelling reasons for Independents and Democrats voting against him and one of these reasons is this guy, the President cannot stand up against the NRA even when it means that there is so many mass shootings in America that the news coverage is so frequent on this topic that it seems like America is in a war where the one side are all these shooters that commit these mass murders.

The smartest thing that President Trump could do for his Presidency and his re-election bid is support and commit to sign these two House bills Speaker Pelosi wants him to support and sign. These bills, HR 8 and HR 1112 basically seem okay; HR 8 expanding background checks to private gun sales and HR 1112 expanding length of time for background checks from five to ten days is reasonable; as long as violation of these provisions isn't a crime they can only be civil matters with a civil penalty for violators we don't want to make good citizens who don't have a legal orientation criminals and I don't get the twenty-five day standard in HR 1112 if in ten days the background check doesn't turn up a red flag the sale goes through case closed don't burden anyone with future liability!
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President Donald Trump is supposed a really smart person, I don't see it when it comes to the gun control issue. This is the state of things in Washington on gun control. The Speaker of the House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, and her caucus want to pass common sense gun control legislation as well as the minority leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, and his caucus. Now the Senate Majority Leader, Republican Mitch McConnell, although he wishes the whole issue would go away because the pro-gun lobby is a great asset to Republicans and this lobby wants the status quo Senator McConnell because of popular sentiment amongst the American people is prepared to acquiesce to Senate Democrats and Senate Republicans that want to pass meaningful gun control legislation the only stipulation he has the only condition he is setting forth is that the President, President Trump, has to commit to support and sign the gun control bills brought up in the Senate for debate and a vote on passage! This is completely legitimate and understandable for Senator McConnel to take this position because why cause his fellow Republican Senators to take hard votes which will cost them politically with staunch pro-gun Americans if President Trump isn't committed to signing the respective bills to do otherwise would be a huge waste of political capital by Senator McConnell!

The extreme dumbness unfolding on President Trump's part is his inaction on this matter his failure to commit to sign some of these bills. Passing some meaningful bills into law here would be a significant help to President Trump in his reelection bid. This should be President Trump's thinking he is not going to be meaningfully primaried for the 2020 election the fix is in for him by the monied people in America they have cancelled four state primaries for the 2020 primary election that is a lot of delegates that are now out of reach for a Presidential Republican challenger plus President Trump has a solid core base of voters that will not be separated from him no matter what because its not about the right policies for these people it's about justice against the power brokers in American, the political establishment and the elites and in part it's about America working for ordinary Americans its about ordinary American values prevailing in the public debates! If President Trump was smart he would acknowledge at least to himself that the only real reelection challenge he has is in the general election. And that his best path for winning the general is not that he gets large amounts of independents to vote for him because that is highly unlikely his track record is too unconventional independents cannot stomach voting for him his best path is that large amounts of independents decide to stay home and not to vote because both the Democrat and the Republican candidates are too unpalatable. Prior to the bulk of the entrants in the 2020 Democrat Presidential primary entering the race I would have thought no way the Democrats could mess this up winning back the White House in 2020 but they most definitely have they are way too liberal for the bulk of independents. The issue that won them the 2018 election support for the Affordable Care Act they have thrown that away all the candidates will destroy the ACA's individual insurance market and leave America with socialized medicine, a low quality medical care system, yes even the government option candidates because the price-fixing government insurance will drive private health insurance out of business they absolutely and definitely will not be able to compete, America will be left with a system where government pays health care providers but they pay so low they get low quality care. On the climate change issue Democrats are insane from an economic standpoint even for the Democrats historic stronghold where it really matters standing up for the American worker in so far as protecting and rebuilding domestic manufacturing that provide middle class jobs the Democrats are Missing-In-Action. Democrats are readily beatable by Trump he just has to shine a spotlight on the truth about them which is they will make America worse dramatically worse and in so doing independents will come to the realization there is no satisfactory or decent candidate in the 2020 presidential election so I ain't voting. Seriously the best strategy that President Trump can follow is to as much as possible take away compelling reasons for Independents and Democrats voting against him and one of these reasons is this guy, the President cannot stand up against the NRA even when it means that there is so many mass shootings in America that the news coverage is so frequent on this topic that it seems like America is in a war where the one side are all these shooters that commit these mass murders.

The smartest thing that President Trump could do for his Presidency and his re-election bid is support and commit to sign these two House bills Speaker Pelosi wants him to support and sign. These bills, HR 8 and HR 1112 basically seem okay; HR 8 expanding background checks to private gun sales and HR 1112 expanding length of time for background checks from five to ten days is reasonable; as long as violation of these provisions isn't a crime they can only be civil matters with a civil penalty for violators we don't want to make good citizens who don't have a legal orientation criminals and I don't get the twenty-five day standard in HR 1112 if in ten days the background check doesn't turn up a red flag the sale goes through case closed don't burden anyone with future liability!

The Speaker of the House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, and her caucus want to pass common sense gun control legislation as well as the minority leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, and his caucus.

Common sense?

according to whom?
President Donald Trump is supposed a really smart person, I don't see it when it comes to the gun control issue. This is the state of things in Washington on gun control. The Speaker of the House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, and her caucus want to pass common sense gun control legislation as well as the minority leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, and his caucus. Now the Senate Majority Leader, Republican Mitch McConnell, although he wishes the whole issue would go away because the pro-gun lobby is a great asset to Republicans and this lobby wants the status quo Senator McConnell because of popular sentiment amongst the American people is prepared to acquiesce to Senate Democrats and Senate Republicans that want to pass meaningful gun control legislation the only stipulation he has the only condition he is setting forth is that the President, President Trump, has to commit to support and sign the gun control bills brought up in the Senate for debate and a vote on passage! This is completely legitimate and understandable for Senator McConnel to take this position because why cause his fellow Republican Senators to take hard votes which will cost them politically with staunch pro-gun Americans if President Trump isn't committed to signing the respective bills to do otherwise would be a huge waste of political capital by Senator McConnell!

The extreme dumbness unfolding on President Trump's part is his inaction on this matter his failure to commit to sign some of these bills. Passing some meaningful bills into law here would be a significant help to President Trump in his reelection bid. This should be President Trump's thinking he is not going to be meaningfully primaried for the 2020 election the fix is in for him by the monied people in America they have cancelled four state primaries for the 2020 primary election that is a lot of delegates that are now out of reach for a Presidential Republican challenger plus President Trump has a solid core base of voters that will not be separated from him no matter what because its not about the right policies for these people it's about justice against the power brokers in American, the political establishment and the elites and in part it's about America working for ordinary Americans its about ordinary American values prevailing in the public debates! If President Trump was smart he would acknowledge at least to himself that the only real reelection challenge he has is in the general election. And that his best path for winning the general is not that he gets large amounts of independents to vote for him because that is highly unlikely his track record is too unconventional independents cannot stomach voting for him his best path is that large amounts of independents decide to stay home and not to vote because both the Democrat and the Republican candidates are too unpalatable. Prior to the bulk of the entrants in the 2020 Democrat Presidential primary entering the race I would have thought no way the Democrats could mess this up winning back the White House in 2020 but they most definitely have they are way too liberal for the bulk of independents. The issue that won them the 2018 election support for the Affordable Care Act they have thrown that away all the candidates will destroy the ACA's individual insurance market and leave America with socialized medicine, a low quality medical care system, yes even the government option candidates because the price-fixing government insurance will drive private health insurance out of business they absolutely and definitely will not be able to compete, America will be left with a system where government pays health care providers but they pay so low they get low quality care. On the climate change issue Democrats are insane from an economic standpoint even for the Democrats historic stronghold where it really matters standing up for the American worker in so far as protecting and rebuilding domestic manufacturing that provide middle class jobs the Democrats are Missing-In-Action. Democrats are readily beatable by Trump he just has to shine a spotlight on the truth about them which is they will make America worse dramatically worse and in so doing independents will come to the realization there is no satisfactory or decent candidate in the 2020 presidential election so I ain't voting. Seriously the best strategy that President Trump can follow is to as much as possible take away compelling reasons for Independents and Democrats voting against him and one of these reasons is this guy, the President cannot stand up against the NRA even when it means that there is so many mass shootings in America that the news coverage is so frequent on this topic that it seems like America is in a war where the one side are all these shooters that commit these mass murders.

The smartest thing that President Trump could do for his Presidency and his re-election bid is support and commit to sign these two House bills Speaker Pelosi wants him to support and sign. These bills, HR 8 and HR 1112 basically seem okay; HR 8 expanding background checks to private gun sales and HR 1112 expanding length of time for background checks from five to ten days is reasonable; as long as violation of these provisions isn't a crime they can only be civil matters with a civil penalty for violators we don't want to make good citizens who don't have a legal orientation criminals and I don't get the twenty-five day standard in HR 1112 if in ten days the background check doesn't turn up a red flag the sale goes through case closed don't burden anyone with future liability!
Only fucking fools like yourself think more frivolous gun control laws will save a single soul… So shut the fuck up
Find a way to ban, regulate and control murderous assholes and you will have gun control.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.

Common Sense 101.
President Donald Trump is supposed a really smart person, I don't see it when it comes to the gun control issue. This is the state of things in Washington on gun control. The Speaker of the House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, and her caucus want to pass common sense gun control legislation as well as the minority leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, and his caucus. Now the Senate Majority Leader, Republican Mitch McConnell, although he wishes the whole issue would go away because the pro-gun lobby is a great asset to Republicans and this lobby wants the status quo Senator McConnell because of popular sentiment amongst the American people is prepared to acquiesce to Senate Democrats and Senate Republicans that want to pass meaningful gun control legislation the only stipulation he has the only condition he is setting forth is that the President, President Trump, has to commit to support and sign the gun control bills brought up in the Senate for debate and a vote on passage! This is completely legitimate and understandable for Senator McConnel to take this position because why cause his fellow Republican Senators to take hard votes which will cost them politically with staunch pro-gun Americans if President Trump isn't committed to signing the respective bills to do otherwise would be a huge waste of political capital by Senator McConnell!

The extreme dumbness unfolding on President Trump's part is his inaction on this matter his failure to commit to sign some of these bills. Passing some meaningful bills into law here would be a significant help to President Trump in his reelection bid. This should be President Trump's thinking he is not going to be meaningfully primaried for the 2020 election the fix is in for him by the monied people in America they have cancelled four state primaries for the 2020 primary election that is a lot of delegates that are now out of reach for a Presidential Republican challenger plus President Trump has a solid core base of voters that will not be separated from him no matter what because its not about the right policies for these people it's about justice against the power brokers in American, the political establishment and the elites and in part it's about America working for ordinary Americans its about ordinary American values prevailing in the public debates! If President Trump was smart he would acknowledge at least to himself that the only real reelection challenge he has is in the general election. And that his best path for winning the general is not that he gets large amounts of independents to vote for him because that is highly unlikely his track record is too unconventional independents cannot stomach voting for him his best path is that large amounts of independents decide to stay home and not to vote because both the Democrat and the Republican candidates are too unpalatable. Prior to the bulk of the entrants in the 2020 Democrat Presidential primary entering the race I would have thought no way the Democrats could mess this up winning back the White House in 2020 but they most definitely have they are way too liberal for the bulk of independents. The issue that won them the 2018 election support for the Affordable Care Act they have thrown that away all the candidates will destroy the ACA's individual insurance market and leave America with socialized medicine, a low quality medical care system, yes even the government option candidates because the price-fixing government insurance will drive private health insurance out of business they absolutely and definitely will not be able to compete, America will be left with a system where government pays health care providers but they pay so low they get low quality care. On the climate change issue Democrats are insane from an economic standpoint even for the Democrats historic stronghold where it really matters standing up for the American worker in so far as protecting and rebuilding domestic manufacturing that provide middle class jobs the Democrats are Missing-In-Action. Democrats are readily beatable by Trump he just has to shine a spotlight on the truth about them which is they will make America worse dramatically worse and in so doing independents will come to the realization there is no satisfactory or decent candidate in the 2020 presidential election so I ain't voting. Seriously the best strategy that President Trump can follow is to as much as possible take away compelling reasons for Independents and Democrats voting against him and one of these reasons is this guy, the President cannot stand up against the NRA even when it means that there is so many mass shootings in America that the news coverage is so frequent on this topic that it seems like America is in a war where the one side are all these shooters that commit these mass murders.

The smartest thing that President Trump could do for his Presidency and his re-election bid is support and commit to sign these two House bills Speaker Pelosi wants him to support and sign. These bills, HR 8 and HR 1112 basically seem okay; HR 8 expanding background checks to private gun sales and HR 1112 expanding length of time for background checks from five to ten days is reasonable; as long as violation of these provisions isn't a crime they can only be civil matters with a civil penalty for violators we don't want to make good citizens who don't have a legal orientation criminals and I don't get the twenty-five day standard in HR 1112 if in ten days the background check doesn't turn up a red flag the sale goes through case closed don't burden anyone with future liability!

President Donald Trump is supposed a really smart person, I don't see it when it comes to the gun control issue. This is the state of things in Washington on gun control. The Speaker of the House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, and her caucus want to pass common sense gun control legislation as well as the minority leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, and his caucus. Now the Senate Majority Leader, Republican Mitch McConnell, although he wishes the whole issue would go away because the pro-gun lobby is a great asset to Republicans and this lobby wants the status quo Senator McConnell because of popular sentiment amongst the American people is prepared to acquiesce to Senate Democrats and Senate Republicans that want to pass meaningful gun control legislation the only stipulation he has the only condition he is setting forth is that the President, President Trump, has to commit to support and sign the gun control bills brought up in the Senate for debate and a vote on passage! This is completely legitimate and understandable for Senator McConnel to take this position because why cause his fellow Republican Senators to take hard votes which will cost them politically with staunch pro-gun Americans if President Trump isn't committed to signing the respective bills to do otherwise would be a huge waste of political capital by Senator McConnell!

The extreme dumbness unfolding on President Trump's part is his inaction on this matter his failure to commit to sign some of these bills. Passing some meaningful bills into law here would be a significant help to President Trump in his reelection bid. This should be President Trump's thinking he is not going to be meaningfully primaried for the 2020 election the fix is in for him by the monied people in America they have cancelled four state primaries for the 2020 primary election that is a lot of delegates that are now out of reach for a Presidential Republican challenger plus President Trump has a solid core base of voters that will not be separated from him no matter what because its not about the right policies for these people it's about justice against the power brokers in American, the political establishment and the elites and in part it's about America working for ordinary Americans its about ordinary American values prevailing in the public debates! If President Trump was smart he would acknowledge at least to himself that the only real reelection challenge he has is in the general election. And that his best path for winning the general is not that he gets large amounts of independents to vote for him because that is highly unlikely his track record is too unconventional independents cannot stomach voting for him his best path is that large amounts of independents decide to stay home and not to vote because both the Democrat and the Republican candidates are too unpalatable. Prior to the bulk of the entrants in the 2020 Democrat Presidential primary entering the race I would have thought no way the Democrats could mess this up winning back the White House in 2020 but they most definitely have they are way too liberal for the bulk of independents. The issue that won them the 2018 election support for the Affordable Care Act they have thrown that away all the candidates will destroy the ACA's individual insurance market and leave America with socialized medicine, a low quality medical care system, yes even the government option candidates because the price-fixing government insurance will drive private health insurance out of business they absolutely and definitely will not be able to compete, America will be left with a system where government pays health care providers but they pay so low they get low quality care. On the climate change issue Democrats are insane from an economic standpoint even for the Democrats historic stronghold where it really matters standing up for the American worker in so far as protecting and rebuilding domestic manufacturing that provide middle class jobs the Democrats are Missing-In-Action. Democrats are readily beatable by Trump he just has to shine a spotlight on the truth about them which is they will make America worse dramatically worse and in so doing independents will come to the realization there is no satisfactory or decent candidate in the 2020 presidential election so I ain't voting. Seriously the best strategy that President Trump can follow is to as much as possible take away compelling reasons for Independents and Democrats voting against him and one of these reasons is this guy, the President cannot stand up against the NRA even when it means that there is so many mass shootings in America that the news coverage is so frequent on this topic that it seems like America is in a war where the one side are all these shooters that commit these mass murders.

The smartest thing that President Trump could do for his Presidency and his re-election bid is support and commit to sign these two House bills Speaker Pelosi wants him to support and sign. These bills, HR 8 and HR 1112 basically seem okay; HR 8 expanding background checks to private gun sales and HR 1112 expanding length of time for background checks from five to ten days is reasonable; as long as violation of these provisions isn't a crime they can only be civil matters with a civil penalty for violators we don't want to make good citizens who don't have a legal orientation criminals and I don't get the twenty-five day standard in HR 1112 if in ten days the background check doesn't turn up a red flag the sale goes through case closed don't burden anyone with future liability!
"common sense gun control" there is no such thing oh and this is coming from the party of the man who says he IS coming for our guns. So fuck ALL gun control.
President Donald Trump is supposed a really smart person, I don't see it when it comes to the gun control issue. This is the state of things in Washington on gun control. The Speaker of the House, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, and her caucus want to pass common sense gun control legislation as well as the minority leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, and his caucus. Now the Senate Majority Leader, Republican Mitch McConnell, although he wishes the whole issue would go away because the pro-gun lobby is a great asset to Republicans and this lobby wants the status quo Senator McConnell because of popular sentiment amongst the American people is prepared to acquiesce to Senate Democrats and Senate Republicans that want to pass meaningful gun control legislation the only stipulation he has the only condition he is setting forth is that the President, President Trump, has to commit to support and sign the gun control bills brought up in the Senate for debate and a vote on passage! This is completely legitimate and understandable for Senator McConnel to take this position because why cause his fellow Republican Senators to take hard votes which will cost them politically with staunch pro-gun Americans if President Trump isn't committed to signing the respective bills to do otherwise would be a huge waste of political capital by Senator McConnell!

The extreme dumbness unfolding on President Trump's part is his inaction on this matter his failure to commit to sign some of these bills. Passing some meaningful bills into law here would be a significant help to President Trump in his reelection bid. This should be President Trump's thinking he is not going to be meaningfully primaried for the 2020 election the fix is in for him by the monied people in America they have cancelled four state primaries for the 2020 primary election that is a lot of delegates that are now out of reach for a Presidential Republican challenger plus President Trump has a solid core base of voters that will not be separated from him no matter what because its not about the right policies for these people it's about justice against the power brokers in American, the political establishment and the elites and in part it's about America working for ordinary Americans its about ordinary American values prevailing in the public debates! If President Trump was smart he would acknowledge at least to himself that the only real reelection challenge he has is in the general election. And that his best path for winning the general is not that he gets large amounts of independents to vote for him because that is highly unlikely his track record is too unconventional independents cannot stomach voting for him his best path is that large amounts of independents decide to stay home and not to vote because both the Democrat and the Republican candidates are too unpalatable. Prior to the bulk of the entrants in the 2020 Democrat Presidential primary entering the race I would have thought no way the Democrats could mess this up winning back the White House in 2020 but they most definitely have they are way too liberal for the bulk of independents. The issue that won them the 2018 election support for the Affordable Care Act they have thrown that away all the candidates will destroy the ACA's individual insurance market and leave America with socialized medicine, a low quality medical care system, yes even the government option candidates because the price-fixing government insurance will drive private health insurance out of business they absolutely and definitely will not be able to compete, America will be left with a system where government pays health care providers but they pay so low they get low quality care. On the climate change issue Democrats are insane from an economic standpoint even for the Democrats historic stronghold where it really matters standing up for the American worker in so far as protecting and rebuilding domestic manufacturing that provide middle class jobs the Democrats are Missing-In-Action. Democrats are readily beatable by Trump he just has to shine a spotlight on the truth about them which is they will make America worse dramatically worse and in so doing independents will come to the realization there is no satisfactory or decent candidate in the 2020 presidential election so I ain't voting. Seriously the best strategy that President Trump can follow is to as much as possible take away compelling reasons for Independents and Democrats voting against him and one of these reasons is this guy, the President cannot stand up against the NRA even when it means that there is so many mass shootings in America that the news coverage is so frequent on this topic that it seems like America is in a war where the one side are all these shooters that commit these mass murders.

The smartest thing that President Trump could do for his Presidency and his re-election bid is support and commit to sign these two House bills Speaker Pelosi wants him to support and sign. These bills, HR 8 and HR 1112 basically seem okay; HR 8 expanding background checks to private gun sales and HR 1112 expanding length of time for background checks from five to ten days is reasonable; as long as violation of these provisions isn't a crime they can only be civil matters with a civil penalty for violators we don't want to make good citizens who don't have a legal orientation criminals and I don't get the twenty-five day standard in HR 1112 if in ten days the background check doesn't turn up a red flag the sale goes through case closed don't burden anyone with future liability!

Wow! What a thread! And really long! With lots of exclamation points!

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