Trump doesn't know that people are laughing at him.

I'm pretty sure that, for personalities like that, no amount of mockery or scorn gets deeper than about a quarter of an inch, seriously.

They're so self-centered that they've created a pretty thick shell, impenetrable to the obvious.

The best comparison I can think of is Kayne West.
Trump is very sensitive to criticism. He does not let any insult go unanswered. He has a strong sense of revenge
I think it's both.

While he's clearly very sensitive, nothing takes away from his focus on the fact that he's brilliant and right.

So in his mind, he's just swatting away flies who deserve it because they're just WRONG.

Kanye West, same thing. Regardless of the ridiculous things he says and does, nothing deters him.

Still don't know Kanye West but what you describe here is called "self-delusion". It doesn't translate well to "effective". Not even if your purpose is nefarious.

A Rump administration would be little in the way of any kind of action and a whole lot in the way of navel-gazing and continued blusterfluff. It would just be a steady stream of more constant bullshit until such point, if there exists one, where people finally say they've had enough.

Mark my words. Bullshit and con artistry is all he's ever done and all he's capable of.
Since his presidency is a definite possibility, this stuff has to be considered.

My guess (feeble hope?) is that he would tone it down in public and essentially be a different person behind closed doors. His staff would work hard to convince him what damage he can do to international relations by saying the wrong thing in public.

I don't know. I have to think he'd be a little more dignified.
Word is he's only blustery because he feels it's necessary for his campaign. Behind closed doors he's a professional businessman who observes decorum at all times. Much more so than Obama who reportedly uses foul language quite often during meetings. It became worse after he was re-elected. He needs a teleprompter to keep from constantly showing his real self in public. Hillary is much the same. Foul-mouthed when the cameras are off, and a complete 180 from that while under the glare of the media, as if a switch was tripped causing get a complete change in personality.
Well, I do know that pretty much anything can happen. It would be interesting to see how world leaders reacted if that were the case.
Are people really trying to promote the idea that Trump "The Twitter Warrior" doesn't care what people think?

Donald"Boycott People for not being nicer" Trump?
Trump was being interviewed live on Morning Joe this morning.

Almost every time he talked, the people in the background were giggling. Nicole Wallace, life long Republican told Donald: You have certainly changed my view of politics - in a sarcastic way that went completely over Trump's head.

He really doesn't know his answers make professionals laugh?

It is kind of like putting you on ignore in that no one cares what you have to say or think.
Trump was being interviewed live on Morning Joe this morning.

Almost every time he talked, the people in the background were giggling. Nicole Wallace, life long Republican told Donald: You have certainly changed my view of politics - in a sarcastic way that went completely over Trump's head.

He really doesn't know his answers make professionals laugh?

He's a billionaire, has a smoking hot wife, and is the Republican nominee for President. I'm pretty sure he could care less if you are laughing at him.

Yeah, there is that.
Ah, it's so much fun to reflect on all the negatives aimed at Trump since he joined the race nearly a year ago. All he's done since is outfox all the so-called experts, pummeled the media pukes, made dozens of pundits look like the idiots they truly are, took on 16 or so other candidates, and now he's the last man standing.

But soon the idiot classes will start all over again as he sharpens his knives for the upcoming eviseration of the Hildebeast. Perhaps they'll get a clue when he's taking the oath of office in January, but I seriously doubt it.

Are people really trying to promote the idea that Trump "The Twitter Warrior" doesn't care what people think?

Donald"Boycott People for not being nicer" Trump?
Which is worse, calling someone a terrible person, or trying to destroy them with the IRS?

I dont know, is there a trophy involved?
Here's yours.....
Ah, it's so much fun to reflect on all the negatives aimed at Trump since he joined the race nearly a year ago. All he's done since is outfox all the so-called experts, pummeled the media pukes, made dozens of pundits look like the idiots they truly are, took on 16 or so other candidates, and now he's the last man standing.

But soon the idiot classes will start all over again as he sharpens his knives for the upcoming eviseration of the Hildebeast. Perhaps they'll get a clue when he's taking the oath of office in January, but I seriously doubt it.


Actually other than himself it's the voters he's made look like idiots.

Don't worry, he can't take the oath of office. The first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. And he's already positioned himself solidly against that thing.
I'm pretty sure that, for personalities like that, no amount of mockery or scorn gets deeper than about a quarter of an inch, seriously.

They're so self-centered that they've created a pretty thick shell, impenetrable to the obvious.

The best comparison I can think of is Kayne West.
Trump is very sensitive to criticism. He does not let any insult go unanswered. He has a strong sense of revenge
I think it's both.

While he's clearly very sensitive, nothing takes away from his focus on the fact that he's brilliant and right.

So in his mind, he's just swatting away flies who deserve it because they're just WRONG.

Kanye West, same thing. Regardless of the ridiculous things he says and does, nothing deters him.

Still don't know Kanye West but what you describe here is called "self-delusion". It doesn't translate well to "effective". Not even if your purpose is nefarious.

A Rump administration would be little in the way of any kind of action and a whole lot in the way of navel-gazing and continued blusterfluff. It would just be a steady stream of more constant bullshit until such point, if there exists one, where people finally say they've had enough.

Mark my words. Bullshit and con artistry is all he's ever done and all he's capable of.
Since his presidency is a definite possibility, this stuff has to be considered.

My guess (feeble hope?) is that he would tone it down in public and essentially be a different person behind closed doors. His staff would work hard to convince him what damage he can do to international relations by saying the wrong thing in public.

I don't know. I have to think he'd be a little more dignified.
Word is he's only blustery because he feels it's necessary for his campaign. Behind closed doors he's a professional businessman who observes decorum at all times. Much more so than Obama who reportedly uses foul language quite often during meetings. It became worse after he was re-elected. He needs a teleprompter to keep from constantly showing his real self in public. Hillary is much the same. Foul-mouthed when the cameras are off, and a complete 180 from that while under the glare of the media, as if a switch was tripped causing a complete change in personality.

And your source for "word is" is ---- what? You have a wire on him? And one on The O'bama as well huh?

"Word is" your "word" came from your proctologist.
Trump is very sensitive to criticism. He does not let any insult go unanswered. He has a strong sense of revenge
I think it's both.

While he's clearly very sensitive, nothing takes away from his focus on the fact that he's brilliant and right.

So in his mind, he's just swatting away flies who deserve it because they're just WRONG.

Kanye West, same thing. Regardless of the ridiculous things he says and does, nothing deters him.

Still don't know Kanye West but what you describe here is called "self-delusion". It doesn't translate well to "effective". Not even if your purpose is nefarious.

A Rump administration would be little in the way of any kind of action and a whole lot in the way of navel-gazing and continued blusterfluff. It would just be a steady stream of more constant bullshit until such point, if there exists one, where people finally say they've had enough.

Mark my words. Bullshit and con artistry is all he's ever done and all he's capable of.
Since his presidency is a definite possibility, this stuff has to be considered.

My guess (feeble hope?) is that he would tone it down in public and essentially be a different person behind closed doors. His staff would work hard to convince him what damage he can do to international relations by saying the wrong thing in public.

I don't know. I have to think he'd be a little more dignified.
Word is he's only blustery because he feels it's necessary for his campaign. Behind closed doors he's a professional businessman who observes decorum at all times. Much more so than Obama who reportedly uses foul language quite often during meetings. It became worse after he was re-elected. He needs a teleprompter to keep from constantly showing his real self in public. Hillary is much the same. Foul-mouthed when the cameras are off, and a complete 180 from that while under the glare of the media, as if a switch was tripped causing a complete change in personality.

And your source for "word is" is ---- what? You have a wire on him? And one on The O'bama as well huh?

"Word is" your "word" came from your proctologist.
Well, since you're an expert on being an asshole the best answer I can give is that I look at as much information out there that I can, only to garner a more accurate picture of politics and the folks who are in that profession. Usually the last place you should go to to get proper perspective is the mainstream media or the networks because they have an agenda. Also, the most honest picture usually surfaces right after an election, not during one.
I think it's both.

While he's clearly very sensitive, nothing takes away from his focus on the fact that he's brilliant and right.

So in his mind, he's just swatting away flies who deserve it because they're just WRONG.

Kanye West, same thing. Regardless of the ridiculous things he says and does, nothing deters him.

Still don't know Kanye West but what you describe here is called "self-delusion". It doesn't translate well to "effective". Not even if your purpose is nefarious.

A Rump administration would be little in the way of any kind of action and a whole lot in the way of navel-gazing and continued blusterfluff. It would just be a steady stream of more constant bullshit until such point, if there exists one, where people finally say they've had enough.

Mark my words. Bullshit and con artistry is all he's ever done and all he's capable of.
Since his presidency is a definite possibility, this stuff has to be considered.

My guess (feeble hope?) is that he would tone it down in public and essentially be a different person behind closed doors. His staff would work hard to convince him what damage he can do to international relations by saying the wrong thing in public.

I don't know. I have to think he'd be a little more dignified.
Word is he's only blustery because he feels it's necessary for his campaign. Behind closed doors he's a professional businessman who observes decorum at all times. Much more so than Obama who reportedly uses foul language quite often during meetings. It became worse after he was re-elected. He needs a teleprompter to keep from constantly showing his real self in public. Hillary is much the same. Foul-mouthed when the cameras are off, and a complete 180 from that while under the glare of the media, as if a switch was tripped causing a complete change in personality.

And your source for "word is" is ---- what? You have a wire on him? And one on The O'bama as well huh?

"Word is" your "word" came from your proctologist.
Well, since you're an expert on being an asshole the best answer I can give is that I look at as much information out there that I can, only to garner a more accurate picture of politics and the folks who are in that profession. Usually the last place you should go to to get proper perspective is the mainstream media or the networks because they have an agenda. Also, the most honest picture usually surfaces right after an election, not during one.

So I was correct ---- you pulled it out of your ass.

That's why we're in this position.
Liberals on Maher were laughing at Ann Coulter when she said Trump had the best chance of winning the nomination. Right at the beginning:

Flashback June 2015: Bill Maher & His Audience Laugh At Ann Coulter For Saying Trump Could Win Nomination

I uh, don't think nominations have happened yet.
It's breaking news pogo, but Kasich is dropping out. It's over!

Meanwhile, The Beast, sure thing that she was, is going to a split convention with a bunch of fanatic and young socialists.

Chicago 1968 all over again! :)
Liberals on Maher were laughing at Ann Coulter when she said Trump had the best chance of winning the nomination. Right at the beginning:

Flashback June 2015: Bill Maher & His Audience Laugh At Ann Coulter For Saying Trump Could Win Nomination

I uh, don't think nominations have happened yet.
It's breaking news pogo, but Kasich is dropping out. It's over!

Meanwhile, The Beast, sure thing that she was, is going to a split convention with a bunch of fanatic and young socialists.

Chicago 1968 all over again! :)

:lol: no, it's hardly "over". When did the convention happen?

Exactly. Look up 1912. The guy who dominated that primary season thought it was "over" too.
How'd that work out?
Still don't know Kanye West but what you describe here is called "self-delusion". It doesn't translate well to "effective". Not even if your purpose is nefarious.

A Rump administration would be little in the way of any kind of action and a whole lot in the way of navel-gazing and continued blusterfluff. It would just be a steady stream of more constant bullshit until such point, if there exists one, where people finally say they've had enough.

Mark my words. Bullshit and con artistry is all he's ever done and all he's capable of.
Since his presidency is a definite possibility, this stuff has to be considered.

My guess (feeble hope?) is that he would tone it down in public and essentially be a different person behind closed doors. His staff would work hard to convince him what damage he can do to international relations by saying the wrong thing in public.

I don't know. I have to think he'd be a little more dignified.
Word is he's only blustery because he feels it's necessary for his campaign. Behind closed doors he's a professional businessman who observes decorum at all times. Much more so than Obama who reportedly uses foul language quite often during meetings. It became worse after he was re-elected. He needs a teleprompter to keep from constantly showing his real self in public. Hillary is much the same. Foul-mouthed when the cameras are off, and a complete 180 from that while under the glare of the media, as if a switch was tripped causing a complete change in personality.

And your source for "word is" is ---- what? You have a wire on him? And one on The O'bama as well huh?

"Word is" your "word" came from your proctologist.
Well, since you're an expert on being an asshole the best answer I can give is that I look at as much information out there that I can, only to garner a more accurate picture of politics and the folks who are in that profession. Usually the last place you should go to to get proper perspective is the mainstream media or the networks because they have an agenda. Also, the most honest picture usually surfaces right after an election, not during one.

So I was correct ---- you pulled it out of your ass.

That's why we're in this position.
Well now you're just lying........and an asshole.
Ah, it's so much fun to reflect on all the negatives aimed at Trump since he joined the race nearly a year ago. All he's done since is outfox all the so-called experts, pummeled the media pukes, made dozens of pundits look like the idiots they truly are, took on 16 or so other candidates, and now he's the last man standing.

But soon the idiot classes will start all over again as he sharpens his knives for the upcoming eviseration of the Hildebeast. Perhaps they'll get a clue when he's taking the oath of office in January, but I seriously doubt it.


Actually other than himself it's the voters he's made look like idiots.

Don't worry, he can't take the oath of office. The first thing a POTUS has to do is swear to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. And he's already positioned himself solidly against that thing.
I think you're confused. Both Hillary and Obama can't swear to that....obviously.
First time views of MSNBC need to get a clue. The cast of transgender douchebag qu33rs on MSNBC are not laughing, they are giggling which is a tactic they use whenever they are discussing a non-democrat because the giggling appeals to low information voters.

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