Trump Directs EPA To Dismantle Clean Water Rule

If there ever was an issue the right and left should agree on is that planet earth is worth preserving.
But will Trumpies finally show some integrity and resist Trump on this?

Except you have no clue what you're talking about, in the dear leaders usual overreaching way they claimed regulatory control of ever mud puddle in the country and essentially every drop of rain that falls. His goal was federal dominion of every square inch of the country.

He tried it again with the Wildlife Service and their new rule under the endangered species act. They claimed regulatory control over not only where endangered species currently reside, but their historical territory and any territory they might migrate in the future. Once again trying to control the whole country. Trump doesn't have to worry about that one, congress is taking care of it with the CRA.
I'm glad you mentioned the Endangered Species Act. Trump is gutting that too. He doesn't want bald eagles or other endangered species to get in the way of the oil drilling he has planned
acid rain, which destroys our lake waters and fish (and farm land and forests) ...which we have finally gotten under control 30 plus years after we recognized it being a problem....will become a problem AGAIN.... the steps of increasing fuel efficiencies in our cars every few years, and better air quality standards with electric plants and polluting industries....all thrown out the window...will poison us again, and put asthma on the rise again...

I really would hate to see that happen, her in Maine....the most beautiful State in the Nation, who barely adds a hair to air pollution causing acid rain, since our electricity is CLEAN....we get most all electricity from water....our coal or natural gas burning, or a minuscule amount....

YET, the entire nation's dirty air, lands here in New England and my beloved Maine, on it's way off the coast in to the air currents out of the Nation and across the ocean.... :(
Stupidest post yet. You idiots think this was enacted decades ago.
no, i don't?

We've seen great improvement here in Maine due to the past 30 years of improving air's reduced our acid rain problem over the decades of regulations...the reduction in burning coal was a huge part in reducing acid rain, and the improved fuel efficiency standards being improved with cars every few years....

I don't want to see that change at all, in any way just so coal miners can have a job that will give them black lung disease and an early death.

Actually most of that progress was just better pollution control on the plants. The massive number of closings are more recent radical steps. And coal plants would be EVEN CLEANER if the EPA wasn't lying about CO2 being a pollutant and FORCING the plants to close ---- NOT BECAUSE OF REAL POLLUTANTS -- but because of the whole GW charade of CONFUSING the public about CO2 being a pollutant. It's NOT. No more than water vapor which is also in the smokestack.

Right now -- the mechanism they are using to CLOSE the coal plants is to DENY PERMITS for maintenance and upgrades unless they figure out how to scrub CO2 from the stacks. This is dishonest and shitty science and environmental management..
Now EPA is lying about co2 as a pollutant?
You are brain dead.
The burning of fossil fuels IS warming the earth. But just because last year was the warmest year on record and the year before that and the year before that etc... doesn't mean the earth is warming, right?

Yes, they are. Put another way you exhale over 1,000 pounds of CO2 yearly. If CO2 is a pollutant you need to be controlled.
If there ever was an issue the right and left should agree on is that planet earth is worth preserving.
But will Trumpies finally show some integrity and resist Trump on this?

Except you have no clue what you're talking about, in the dear leaders usual overreaching way they claimed regulatory control of ever mud puddle in the country and essentially every drop of rain that falls. His goal was federal dominion of every square inch of the country.

He tried it again with the Wildlife Service and their new rule under the endangered species act. They claimed regulatory control over not only where endangered species currently reside, but their historical territory and any territory they might migrate in the future. Once again trying to control the whole country. Trump doesn't have to worry about that one, congress is taking care of it with the CRA.
I'm glad you mentioned the Endangered Species Act. Trump is gutting that too. He doesn't want bald eagles or other endangered species to get in the way of the oil drilling he has planned
If you know the Endangered Species Act as well as the Clean Water Rule then your input is pointless.
Because there is nothing that scr
acid rain, which destroys our lake waters and fish (and farm land and forests) ...which we have finally gotten under control 30 plus years after we recognized it being a problem....will become a problem AGAIN.... the steps of increasing fuel efficiencies in our cars every few years, and better air quality standards with electric plants and polluting industries....all thrown out the window...will poison us again, and put asthma on the rise again...

I really would hate to see that happen, her in Maine....the most beautiful State in the Nation, who barely adds a hair to air pollution causing acid rain, since our electricity is CLEAN....we get most all electricity from water....our coal or natural gas burning, or a minuscule amount....

YET, the entire nation's dirty air, lands here in New England and my beloved Maine, on it's way off the coast in to the air currents out of the Nation and across the ocean.... :(
Stupidest post yet. You idiots think this was enacted decades ago.
no, i don't?

We've seen great improvement here in Maine due to the past 30 years of improving air's reduced our acid rain problem over the decades of regulations...the reduction in burning coal was a huge part in reducing acid rain, and the improved fuel efficiency standards being improved with cars every few years....

I don't want to see that change at all, in any way just so coal miners can have a job that will give them black lung disease and an early death.

Actually most of that progress was just better pollution control on the plants. The massive number of closings are more recent radical steps. And coal plants would be EVEN CLEANER if the EPA wasn't lying about CO2 being a pollutant and FORCING the plants to close ---- NOT BECAUSE OF REAL POLLUTANTS -- but because of the whole GW charade of CONFUSING the public about CO2 being a pollutant. It's NOT. No more than water vapor which is also in the smokestack.

Right now -- the mechanism they are using to CLOSE the coal plants is to DENY PERMITS for maintenance and upgrades unless they figure out how to scrub CO2 from the stacks. This is dishonest and shitty science and environmental management..
Now EPA is lying about co2 as a pollutant?
You are brain dead.
The burning of fossil fuels IS warming the earth. But just because last year was the warmest year on record and the year before that and the year before that etc... doesn't mean the earth is warming, right?

Yes, they are. Put another way you exhale over 1,000 pounds of CO2 yearly. If CO2 is a pollutant you need to be controlled.
more nonsense from a typical climate change denier.
Now you're lyingthat the burning of fossil fuels isn't creating climate change...
If there ever was an issue the right and left should agree on is that planet earth is worth preserving.
But will Trumpies finally show some integrity and resist Trump on this?

Except you have no clue what you're talking about, in the dear leaders usual overreaching way they claimed regulatory control of ever mud puddle in the country and essentially every drop of rain that falls. His goal was federal dominion of every square inch of the country.

He tried it again with the Wildlife Service and their new rule under the endangered species act. They claimed regulatory control over not only where endangered species currently reside, but their historical territory and any territory they might migrate in the future. Once again trying to control the whole country. Trump doesn't have to worry about that one, congress is taking care of it with the CRA.
I'm glad you mentioned the Endangered Species Act. Trump is gutting that too. He doesn't want bald eagles or other endangered species to get in the way of the oil drilling he has planned
If you know the Endangered Species Act as well as the Clean Water Rule then your input is pointless.
So having knowledge makes input worthless!!!!!!
You need a lobotomy. Fast!
Fuck off. The name is clean water rule. The actual law is running your life based on any amount of water that may fall on your property and how the government is going to tell you what you can do with it. It's not clean water it's control of everyone and what they can do with their land.

Trump made a good call here.
The biggest bunch of horseshit to deflect from Trump's anti environment agenda.
Fuck you and your anti environment bullshit. Nobody is against the environment you moron. What we are against is the amount of stupid you are calling for. We don't need a massive government to determine for us what to do with every drop of rain that falls on our property and telling us if we can or can't have a pond.

You have apparently missed this but the majority outside your liberal cities have had enough of this government control shit.
Trump wants to negate the clean water rule and you say that's " my antienvironment bullshit."

You are fucking crazy.

And you're an imbecile. The roll back will do NOTHING to increase water pollution. It WILL eliminate abuse of power by the EPA. Pull your head out of your ass.
Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining just because you're incapable of criticizing Trump in an area he NEEDS to be criticized.

Look man.. It's OK to criticize and dissent. I distrust Trump myself. But you're not specific enough or appear to engaged enough in the actual DETAILS of enviro issues. It's one thing to coach from the couch. It's another to get into the game and invest some time into the ACTUAL DETAILS of the issues.

It's like whiny kids bawling over the parents locking up a fraction of their Halloween candy -- sort of irritating.

Did you pass on my question about FORESTS violating the "clean air act" because you don't KNOW -- or you don't care? Are you gonna pass over the EPA killing coal NOT BECAUSE of actual pollution but because of the GWarming scam of labeling CO2 as a pollutant..

This is not a "sound bite" topic. And MANY of the folks arguing with you here are REAL environmentalists who HAVE invested in the details..
If there ever was an issue the right and left should agree on is that planet earth is worth preserving.
But will Trumpies finally show some integrity and resist Trump on this?

Except you have no clue what you're talking about, in the dear leaders usual overreaching way they claimed regulatory control of ever mud puddle in the country and essentially every drop of rain that falls. His goal was federal dominion of every square inch of the country.

He tried it again with the Wildlife Service and their new rule under the endangered species act. They claimed regulatory control over not only where endangered species currently reside, but their historical territory and any territory they might migrate in the future. Once again trying to control the whole country. Trump doesn't have to worry about that one, congress is taking care of it with the CRA.
I'm glad you mentioned the Endangered Species Act. Trump is gutting that too. He doesn't want bald eagles or other endangered species to get in the way of the oil drilling he has planned
If you know the Endangered Species Act as well as the Clean Water Rule then your input is pointless.
So having knowledge makes input worthless!!!!!!
You need a lobotomy. Fast!

He was specifically referring to your profound LACK of knowledge.
If there ever was an issue the right and left should agree on is that planet earth is worth preserving.
But will Trumpies finally show some integrity and resist Trump on this?

Except you have no clue what you're talking about, in the dear leaders usual overreaching way they claimed regulatory control of ever mud puddle in the country and essentially every drop of rain that falls. His goal was federal dominion of every square inch of the country.

He tried it again with the Wildlife Service and their new rule under the endangered species act. They claimed regulatory control over not only where endangered species currently reside, but their historical territory and any territory they might migrate in the future. Once again trying to control the whole country. Trump doesn't have to worry about that one, congress is taking care of it with the CRA.
I'm glad you mentioned the Endangered Species Act. Trump is gutting that too. He doesn't want bald eagles or other endangered species to get in the way of the oil drilling he has planned
If you know the Endangered Species Act as well as the Clean Water Rule then your input is pointless.
So having knowledge makes input worthless!!!!!!
You need a lobotomy. Fast!
Are you retarded or 10 years old.
It's obvious you know NOTHING about Clean Water Rules and now you're trying to bring up the Endangered Species Act?
Fuck off. The name is clean water rule. The actual law is running your life based on any amount of water that may fall on your property and how the government is going to tell you what you can do with it. It's not clean water it's control of everyone and what they can do with their land.

Trump made a good call here.
The biggest bunch of horseshit to deflect from Trump's anti environment agenda.
Fuck you and your anti environment bullshit. Nobody is against the environment you moron. What we are against is the amount of stupid you are calling for. We don't need a massive government to determine for us what to do with every drop of rain that falls on our property and telling us if we can or can't have a pond.

You have apparently missed this but the majority outside your liberal cities have had enough of this government control shit.
Trump wants to negate the clean water rule and you say that's " my antienvironment bullshit."

You are fucking crazy.
He's not negating clean water you fucking moron. Jesus you people are stupid.
So dismantling the Clean Water Rule will make our rivers and streams cleaner?
That's like when Bush entitled one of his laws the " Healthy Forests Act and it was anything but.

Healthy Forests is a scientific debate that has been raging for decades. It's the "hands off nature" crowd versus the Forest Science And Management graduates. And it's a reasoned debate. With points on BOTH sides. I'm rapidly losing faith that you actually understand ANY of these enviro issues in enough detail to be so opinionated.

That's EXACTLY why I made the quip about the "anti-science" eco-nuts. They (maybe you) are not environmentalists. They are "protestors"...
acid rain, which destroys our lake waters and fish (and farm land and forests) ...which we have finally gotten under control 30 plus years after we recognized it being a problem....will become a problem AGAIN.... the steps of increasing fuel efficiencies in our cars every few years, and better air quality standards with electric plants and polluting industries....all thrown out the window...will poison us again, and put asthma on the rise again...

I really would hate to see that happen, her in Maine....the most beautiful State in the Nation, who barely adds a hair to air pollution causing acid rain, since our electricity is CLEAN....we get most all electricity from water....our coal or natural gas burning, or a minuscule amount....

YET, the entire nation's dirty air, lands here in New England and my beloved Maine, on it's way off the coast in to the air currents out of the Nation and across the ocean.... :(
Stupidest post yet. You idiots think this was enacted decades ago.
no, i don't?

We've seen great improvement here in Maine due to the past 30 years of improving air's reduced our acid rain problem over the decades of regulations...the reduction in burning coal was a huge part in reducing acid rain, and the improved fuel efficiency standards being improved with cars every few years....

I don't want to see that change at all, in any way just so coal miners can have a job that will give them black lung disease and an early death.

Actually most of that progress was just better pollution control on the plants. The massive number of closings are more recent radical steps. And coal plants would be EVEN CLEANER if the EPA wasn't lying about CO2 being a pollutant and FORCING the plants to close ---- NOT BECAUSE OF REAL POLLUTANTS -- but because of the whole GW charade of CONFUSING the public about CO2 being a pollutant. It's NOT. No more than water vapor which is also in the smokestack.

Right now -- the mechanism they are using to CLOSE the coal plants is to DENY PERMITS for maintenance and upgrades unless they figure out how to scrub CO2 from the stacks. This is dishonest and shitty science and environmental management..
Now EPA is lying about co2 as a pollutant?
You are brain dead.
The burning of fossil fuels IS warming the earth. But just because last year was the warmest year on record and the year before that and the year before that etc... doesn't mean the earth is warming, right?

Hey.. Betcha didn't know that the US ROLLED BACK it's CO2 emissions to 1990 levels IN SPITE of the EPA and the govt doing everything in its power to impede Nat Gas development and fracking ------ just by shifting from coal to nat gas. And YES the Earth has warmed a bit.. But it will not warm anywhere near the initial Apocalyptic projections of the GW theories -- that are now being scaled back and no --- I'm not gonna discuss that here.

And YES the EPA is lying about CO2 being a pollutant. Anything that comes out of your lungs at 6 to 10 times the NATURAL concentration in the atmosphere --- is not a pollutant. No more than water vapor which is the dominate GHouse gas. Stick around kiddo -- we're enhancing your enviro science knowledge by about 6000% per hour in this thread.
If there ever was an issue the right and left should agree on is that planet earth is worth preserving.
But will Trumpies finally show some integrity and resist Trump on this?

Except you have no clue what you're talking about, in the dear leaders usual overreaching way they claimed regulatory control of ever mud puddle in the country and essentially every drop of rain that falls. His goal was federal dominion of every square inch of the country.

He tried it again with the Wildlife Service and their new rule under the endangered species act. They claimed regulatory control over not only where endangered species currently reside, but their historical territory and any territory they might migrate in the future. Once again trying to control the whole country. Trump doesn't have to worry about that one, congress is taking care of it with the CRA.
I'm glad you mentioned the Endangered Species Act. Trump is gutting that too. He doesn't want bald eagles or other endangered species to get in the way of the oil drilling he has planned
If there ever was an issue the right and left should agree on is that planet earth is worth preserving.
But will Trumpies finally show some integrity and resist Trump on this?

Except you have no clue what you're talking about, in the dear leaders usual overreaching way they claimed regulatory control of ever mud puddle in the country and essentially every drop of rain that falls. His goal was federal dominion of every square inch of the country.

He tried it again with the Wildlife Service and their new rule under the endangered species act. They claimed regulatory control over not only where endangered species currently reside, but their historical territory and any territory they might migrate in the future. Once again trying to control the whole country. Trump doesn't have to worry about that one, congress is taking care of it with the CRA.
I'm glad you mentioned the Endangered Species Act. Trump is gutting that too. He doesn't want bald eagles or other endangered species to get in the way of the oil drilling he has planned
Your hyperbole is most entertaining. Bald eagles are not only not endangered they aren't even a threatened species.

Your ignorance is driving you mad.
If there ever was an issue the right and left should agree on is that planet earth is worth preserving.
But will Trumpies finally show some integrity and resist Trump on this?

Except you have no clue what you're talking about, in the dear leaders usual overreaching way they claimed regulatory control of ever mud puddle in the country and essentially every drop of rain that falls. His goal was federal dominion of every square inch of the country.

He tried it again with the Wildlife Service and their new rule under the endangered species act. They claimed regulatory control over not only where endangered species currently reside, but their historical territory and any territory they might migrate in the future. Once again trying to control the whole country. Trump doesn't have to worry about that one, congress is taking care of it with the CRA.
I'm glad you mentioned the Endangered Species Act. Trump is gutting that too. He doesn't want bald eagles or other endangered species to get in the way of the oil drilling he has planned

Note to the clueless one, the bald eagle is no longer considered an endangered species. Thanks for proving once again you have no problem talking out of your ass.
If there ever was an issue the right and left should agree on is that planet earth is worth preserving.
But will Trumpies finally show some integrity and resist Trump on this?

Except you have no clue what you're talking about, in the dear leaders usual overreaching way they claimed regulatory control of ever mud puddle in the country and essentially every drop of rain that falls. His goal was federal dominion of every square inch of the country.

He tried it again with the Wildlife Service and their new rule under the endangered species act. They claimed regulatory control over not only where endangered species currently reside, but their historical territory and any territory they might migrate in the future. Once again trying to control the whole country. Trump doesn't have to worry about that one, congress is taking care of it with the CRA.
I'm glad you mentioned the Endangered Species Act. Trump is gutting that too. He doesn't want bald eagles or other endangered species to get in the way of the oil drilling he has planned

Note to the clueless one, the bald eagle is no longer considered an endangered species. Thanks for proving once again you have no problem talking out of your ass.

The eagles COULD be endangered quite quickly if the increasing wind turbine sitings start eating into THEIR "historical range".. This is another thing that needs to get fixed. All these lefty renewable toys need to have the same SCRUTINY under the regulations..

Does this guy KNOW that the Feds have issued eagle and rapture "KILL PERMITS" to those wind farms he's so fond of? :ack-1:
If there ever was an issue the right and left should agree on is that planet earth is worth preserving.
But will Trumpies finally show some integrity and resist Trump on this?

Except you have no clue what you're talking about, in the dear leaders usual overreaching way they claimed regulatory control of ever mud puddle in the country and essentially every drop of rain that falls. His goal was federal dominion of every square inch of the country.

He tried it again with the Wildlife Service and their new rule under the endangered species act. They claimed regulatory control over not only where endangered species currently reside, but their historical territory and any territory they might migrate in the future. Once again trying to control the whole country. Trump doesn't have to worry about that one, congress is taking care of it with the CRA.
I'm glad you mentioned the Endangered Species Act. Trump is gutting that too. He doesn't want bald eagles or other endangered species to get in the way of the oil drilling he has planned
The news keeps getting better!!!! Oregon, of the state with the the most rigorous land and water use laws in the country, where ranchers are imprisoned and killed for objecting to punitive and destructive environmental policies...Salem dumping untreated sewage into the Willamette again
If there ever was an issue the right and left should agree on is that planet earth is worth preserving.
But will Trumpies finally show some integrity and resist Trump on this?

Except you have no clue what you're talking about, in the dear leaders usual overreaching way they claimed regulatory control of ever mud puddle in the country and essentially every drop of rain that falls. His goal was federal dominion of every square inch of the country.

He tried it again with the Wildlife Service and their new rule under the endangered species act. They claimed regulatory control over not only where endangered species currently reside, but their historical territory and any territory they might migrate in the future. Once again trying to control the whole country. Trump doesn't have to worry about that one, congress is taking care of it with the CRA.
I'm glad you mentioned the Endangered Species Act. Trump is gutting that too. He doesn't want bald eagles or other endangered species to get in the way of the oil drilling he has planned
The news keeps getting better!!!! Oregon, of the state with the the most rigorous land and water use laws in the country, where ranchers are imprisoned and killed for objecting to punitive and destructive environmental policies...Salem dumping untreated sewage into the Willamette again

Now THAT'S what we're talking about. Goes back to EPA mandates forcing cities to treat rainfall runoff thru their main plants. So instead of being able to the dump the rain run-off into the waterway -- now the entire sewage channel is diverted into the river. :uhoh3:

When you tie folks up like all common sense and innovation goes bye-bye..

Makes about as much sense as PROHIBITING dumping heavy snowfall directly into the waterways --- even in emergencies... THIS is the EXACTLY the reason the EPA is under fire.
Trump has no respect for the environment.
He wants to make America polluted again.

President Trump stepped up his attack on federal environmental protections Tuesday, issuing an order directing his administration to begin the long process of rolling back sweeping clean water rules that were enacted by his predecessor.

The order directing the Environmental Protection Agency to set about dismantling the Waters of the United States rule takes aim at one of President Obama’s signature environmental legacies, a far-reaching anti-pollution effort that expanded the authority of regulators over the nation’s waterways and wetlands.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule
This cannot be true because I heard President Trump saying in his speech to Congress that Americans will be able to have clean water.
Trump has no respect for the environment.
He wants to make America polluted again.

President Trump stepped up his attack on federal environmental protections Tuesday, issuing an order directing his administration to begin the long process of rolling back sweeping clean water rules that were enacted by his predecessor.

The order directing the Environmental Protection Agency to set about dismantling the Waters of the United States rule takes aim at one of President Obama’s signature environmental legacies, a far-reaching anti-pollution effort that expanded the authority of regulators over the nation’s waterways and wetlands.

Trump directs EPA to begin dismantling clean water rule
This cannot be true because I heard President Trump saying in his speech to Congress that Americans will be able to have clean water.
Trump is undoing all the craziness obama did.
The biggest bunch of horseshit to deflect from Trump's anti environment agenda.
Fuck you and your anti environment bullshit. Nobody is against the environment you moron. What we are against is the amount of stupid you are calling for. We don't need a massive government to determine for us what to do with every drop of rain that falls on our property and telling us if we can or can't have a pond.

You have apparently missed this but the majority outside your liberal cities have had enough of this government control shit.
Trump wants to negate the clean water rule and you say that's " my antienvironment bullshit."

You are fucking crazy.

And you're an imbecile. The roll back will do NOTHING to increase water pollution. It WILL eliminate abuse of power by the EPA. Pull your head out of your ass.
Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining just because you're incapable of criticizing Trump in an area he NEEDS to be criticized.

Look man.. It's OK to criticize and dissent. I distrust Trump myself. But you're not specific enough or appear to engaged enough in the actual DETAILS of enviro issues. It's one thing to coach from the couch. It's another to get into the game and invest some time into the ACTUAL DETAILS of the issues.

It's like whiny kids bawling over the parents locking up a fraction of their Halloween candy -- sort of irritating.

Did you pass on my question about FORESTS violating the "clean air act" because you don't KNOW -- or you don't care? Are you gonna pass over the EPA killing coal NOT BECAUSE of actual pollution but because of the GWarming scam of labeling CO2 as a pollutant..

This is not a "sound bite" topic. And MANY of the folks arguing with you here are REAL environmentalists who HAVE invested in the details..
Another dipshit that thinks the burning of coal isn't a pollutant. And you have the audacity to talk about " gettingin the game" when you call a GW a scam? Lol
REAL environmentalists understand our planet is in deep trouble and even more so with that maniac in charge.

Only in crazytown does the burning of fossil fuels not contribute to climate change. Stay there please with the other nutballs.

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