Trump didn't say go back to their countries...and not come back!

The problem with trying to find an old-school WASPy, understated, less-is-more, antique leather, sturdy wood-and-brass type to take on Trump's positions is that all those Dems running for president agree with NPR on everything. Their good taste is their undoing. Only someone who brags about his airline's seatbelt buckles being made of solid gold would have the balls to do what Trump is doing
Trump grew up working construction sites. That is also why he talks like that—which is so great

It is like a Shakespearian play: There is high comedy and low comedy. Trump is hitting it exactly right. That is, both his grammar is his simpatico with them, and he has always been like that. I mean, I never really cared about him until the Mexican rapist speech, but then when I looked up old articles with him—and interviews with him—he has always said, 'I don't really get along with rich people. They don't like me. I like the cab drivers and the workers.'
Post it up, dope.
There are several female members of the congressional progressive caucus from shithole countries. Ilhan Omar is from Somalia, Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is from Ecuador, Norma Torres is from Guatemala and Pramila Jayapal is from India.


Great. Now who is trump referencing?
Who do you think?

I just asked you that.
I already listed them, dope.

Clueless per usual.
But except for Omar, they are from the US! Actually, I think that IS what they are trying to do....
Good......We're getting closer to the truth of this discussion.

So you're conceeding that Trump's intentions with his statements are based on white supremacist ideals?
Trump didn't say anything about race, jackass.
They all just happen to be women of color that he's telling to go back where they came from.
Why can’t you treat them as equal?
When didn't I?
It's Trump who's telling them to beat it.
He’s taking to them like they talk to him.. freedom. Equality

Not even close.
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450

All but one were born in the US, dope.
We have a lot of congress people born outside the US, dope.

List of foreign-born United States politicians - Wikipedia

Trump's tweets are focused on four people, dope. Three of whom are natural born Americans.
Where did you get the number 4 from, dope?
Tell us who he's referencing genius.
So what country do natural born Americans "return" to, dope?
Africa. All of them. And mexico for the rest.

None of them have the balls to say what they really want to say. The dance around it with dopey arguments but will never say what you just said. That would betray their racist intentions.
Exactly. For the media and public figures, there are only two options. 1) Be like Fox and say "The President was in fine joking mode today." 2) Not say anything. Because if they chose door 3, it bites them in the ass - if like Graham you previously called AOC a communist (which she isn't and I don't like her even a little) Trump grabs on to the out of context comment and says "See Graham agrees with me that they need to get the fuck out and go home."

But TRUMP never said "go home and don't come back!

He said exactly this and I'm shouting now because that's the only way to get you idiots attention!!!
He said:
Why don't the go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it sit done"

It was a stupid insult. Trumpsters don care about the stupid part because the insult, to them, is the most important part.

"who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world"

They don't look like WASPs so they must not be from here.
All but one were born in the US, dope.
What country do native born Americans "return" to, dope?
What makes you think hes talking about native born Americans? :cuckoo:

Who's he referencing. Clear it up, professor
Obviously Ilhan Omar.

Yes. That's obvious by his use of the word "they".
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450
But except for Omar, they are from the US! Actually, I think that IS what they are trying to do....
Why are they promoting other countries shit then? Trump’s addressing their shit! Deal with it
So what country do natural born Americans "return" to, dope?
Africa. All of them. And mexico for the rest.

None of them have the balls to say what they really want to say. The dance around it with dopey arguments but will never say what you just said. That would betray their racist intentions.
Exactly. For the media and public figures, there are only two options. 1) Be like Fox and say "The President was in fine joking mode today." 2) Not say anything. Because if they chose door 3, it bites them in the ass - if like Graham you previously called AOC a communist (which she isn't and I don't like her even a little) Trump grabs on to the out of context comment and says "See Graham agrees with me that they need to get the fuck out and go home."

But TRUMP never said "go home and don't come back!

He said exactly this and I'm shouting now because that's the only way to get you idiots attention!!!
He said:
Why don't the go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it sit done"

It was a stupid insult. Trumpsters don care about the stupid part because the insult, to them, is the most important part.

"who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world"

They don't look like WASPs so they must not be from here.

LOL.....tough shit.....he says it because he can. When only 18% of the population view socialism favorably, you can say "get the fuck out". Because by a wiiiiiiiiiiiiide margin, the public concurs. Its all about the WINNING!:abgg2q.jpg:
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450
But except for Omar, they are from the US! Actually, I think that IS what they are trying to do....
We don’t our kind are true Americans
How we talk, out accents (Boston, southern, northern, New York,) all white Americans. Look out your window whites built that, look at our laws.. whites.. it’s our country

Good......We're getting closer to the truth of this discussion.

So you're conceeding that Trump's intentions with his statements are based on white supremacist ideals?
Trump didn't say anything about race, jackass.
They all just happen to be women of color that he's telling to go back where they came from.

Uppity, they are. They don't know their place. (-:
So what country do natural born Americans "return" to, dope?
Africa. All of them. And mexico for the rest.

None of them have the balls to say what they really want to say. The dance around it with dopey arguments but will never say what you just said. That would betray their racist intentions.
Exactly. For the media and public figures, there are only two options. 1) Be like Fox and say "The President was in fine joking mode today." 2) Not say anything. Because if they chose door 3, it bites them in the ass - if like Graham you previously called AOC a communist (which she isn't and I don't like her even a little) Trump grabs on to the out of context comment and says "See Graham agrees with me that they need to get the fuck out and go home."

But TRUMP never said "go home and don't come back!

He said exactly this and I'm shouting now because that's the only way to get you idiots attention!!!
He said:
Why don't the go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it sit done"

It was a stupid insult. Trumpsters don care about the stupid part because the insult, to them, is the most important part.

"who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world"

They don't look like WASPs so they must not be from here.

Trumpsters agree that non-whites are not a fully citizens as they are. Three of the four are "originally" from here. Trump's grandfather was a German. As was mine, btw. But that's all I have in common with the racist fock. LOL
Trump grew up working construction sites. That is also why he talks like that—which is so great

It is like a Shakespearian play: There is high comedy and low comedy. Trump is hitting it exactly right. That is, both his grammar is his simpatico with them, and he has always been like that. I mean, I never really cared about him until the Mexican rapist speech, but then when I looked up old articles with him—and interviews with him—he has always said, 'I don't really get along with rich people. They don't like me. I like the cab drivers and the workers.'
Trump didn't work construction.
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450

you are leaving out stuff------there are "people" -----some <gawd help
us> who are in congress who actually SUPPORT foreign ideologies over the AMERICAN WAY------it is not just a question of rejecting the
messy aspects of USA culture-------it includes USA CULTURE ITSELF.
We is a capitalist society------and diverse FOR ALL--------quite an innovation for lots of people out there who push their own parochial agendas
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450
But except for Omar, they are from the US! Actually, I think that IS what they are trying to do....
How we talk, out accents (Boston, southern, northern, New York,) all white Americans. Look out your window whites built that, look at our laws.. whites.. it’s our country

Good......We're getting closer to the truth of this discussion.

So you're conceeding that Trump's intentions with his statements are based on white supremacist ideals?
Trump didn't say anything about race, jackass.
They all just happen to be women of color that he's telling to go back where they came from.

Uppity, they are. They don't know their place. (-:
Africa. All of them. And mexico for the rest.

None of them have the balls to say what they really want to say. The dance around it with dopey arguments but will never say what you just said. That would betray their racist intentions.
Exactly. For the media and public figures, there are only two options. 1) Be like Fox and say "The President was in fine joking mode today." 2) Not say anything. Because if they chose door 3, it bites them in the ass - if like Graham you previously called AOC a communist (which she isn't and I don't like her even a little) Trump grabs on to the out of context comment and says "See Graham agrees with me that they need to get the fuck out and go home."

But TRUMP never said "go home and don't come back!

He said exactly this and I'm shouting now because that's the only way to get you idiots attention!!!
He said:
Why don't the go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it sit done"

It was a stupid insult. Trumpsters don care about the stupid part because the insult, to them, is the most important part.

"who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world"

They don't look like WASPs so they must not be from here.

Trumpsters agree that non-whites are not a fully citizens as they are. Three of the four are "originally" from here. Trump's grandfather was a German. As was mine, btw. But that's all I have in common with the racist fock. LOL

BS ^^^^^ shitting and spitting on the USA and its ethos is not
UPPITY------its shitting and spitting
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450
But except for Omar, they are from the US! Actually, I think that IS what they are trying to do....
How we talk, out accents (Boston, southern, northern, New York,) all white Americans. Look out your window whites built that, look at our laws.. whites.. it’s our country

Good......We're getting closer to the truth of this discussion.

So you're conceeding that Trump's intentions with his statements are based on white supremacist ideals?
Trump didn't say anything about race, jackass.
They all just happen to be women of color that he's telling to go back where they came from.

Uppity, they are. They don't know their place. (-:
None of them have the balls to say what they really want to say. The dance around it with dopey arguments but will never say what you just said. That would betray their racist intentions.
Exactly. For the media and public figures, there are only two options. 1) Be like Fox and say "The President was in fine joking mode today." 2) Not say anything. Because if they chose door 3, it bites them in the ass - if like Graham you previously called AOC a communist (which she isn't and I don't like her even a little) Trump grabs on to the out of context comment and says "See Graham agrees with me that they need to get the fuck out and go home."

But TRUMP never said "go home and don't come back!

He said exactly this and I'm shouting now because that's the only way to get you idiots attention!!!
He said:
Why don't the go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it sit done"

It was a stupid insult. Trumpsters don care about the stupid part because the insult, to them, is the most important part.

"who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world"

They don't look like WASPs so they must not be from here.

Trumpsters agree that non-whites are not a fully citizens as they are. Three of the four are "originally" from here. Trump's grandfather was a German. As was mine, btw. But that's all I have in common with the racist fock. LOL

BS ^^^^^ shitting and spitting on the USA and its ethos is not
UPPITY------its shitting and spitting
Trump too should go back from where he originally came from.
But except for Omar, they are from the US! Actually, I think that IS what they are trying to do....
Good......We're getting closer to the truth of this discussion.

So you're conceeding that Trump's intentions with his statements are based on white supremacist ideals?
Trump didn't say anything about race, jackass.
They all just happen to be women of color that he's telling to go back where they came from.

Uppity, they are. They don't know their place. (-:
Exactly. For the media and public figures, there are only two options. 1) Be like Fox and say "The President was in fine joking mode today." 2) Not say anything. Because if they chose door 3, it bites them in the ass - if like Graham you previously called AOC a communist (which she isn't and I don't like her even a little) Trump grabs on to the out of context comment and says "See Graham agrees with me that they need to get the fuck out and go home."

But TRUMP never said "go home and don't come back!

He said exactly this and I'm shouting now because that's the only way to get you idiots attention!!!
He said:
Why don't the go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it sit done"

It was a stupid insult. Trumpsters don care about the stupid part because the insult, to them, is the most important part.

"who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world"

They don't look like WASPs so they must not be from here.

Trumpsters agree that non-whites are not a fully citizens as they are. Three of the four are "originally" from here. Trump's grandfather was a German. As was mine, btw. But that's all I have in common with the racist fock. LOL

BS ^^^^^ shitting and spitting on the USA and its ethos is not
UPPITY------its shitting and spitting
Trump too should go back from where he originally came from.

Queens? have you ever been there? damned boring
Trump didn't say anything about race, jackass.
They all just happen to be women of color that he's telling to go back where they came from.
Why can’t you treat them as equal?
When didn't I?
It's Trump who's telling them to beat it.
He’s taking to them like they talk to him.. freedom. Equality

Not even close.
You don’t like equality do you
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450

All but one were born in the US, dope.

They may have been born in America, but they hate it and they hate Americans.
Thank You President Trump for standing up to those dumb liberal bigot bullies.
Trump didn't say anything about race, jackass.
They all just happen to be women of color that he's telling to go back where they came from.

Uppity, they are. They don't know their place. (-:
But TRUMP never said "go home and don't come back!

He said exactly this and I'm shouting now because that's the only way to get you idiots attention!!!
He said:
Why don't the go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it sit done"

It was a stupid insult. Trumpsters don care about the stupid part because the insult, to them, is the most important part.

"who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world"

They don't look like WASPs so they must not be from here.

Trumpsters agree that non-whites are not a fully citizens as they are. Three of the four are "originally" from here. Trump's grandfather was a German. As was mine, btw. But that's all I have in common with the racist fock. LOL

BS ^^^^^ shitting and spitting on the USA and its ethos is not
UPPITY------its shitting and spitting
Trump too should go back from where he originally came from.

Queens? have you ever been there? damned boring

He's originally from Germany, JUST like AOC is originally from PR. And according to your's and Trumps fckijng racist logic, Bernie needs to get the fuck out too.
What Trump DID SAY exactly from the below tweets:
Why don't they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came"! Then come back and show us how it is done!

Where is it racist for Trump to ask these people that complain about the USA to go back to their home countries OR states where they came from and fix their countries or states AND they be critical.
I guess what Trump is telling them what the Bible verse
You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye. Matthew 7:5.
In other words ladies before you complain about the USA go back to your countries/states and fix them first!

View attachment 269450

All but one were born in the US, dope.
What country do native born Americans "return" to, dope?
Trump is correct.
The Squad Girls are racist and radicals who hate Americans.
They can return to the countries that their ancestors came from.
But except for Omar, they are from the US! Actually, I think that IS what they are trying to do....
Good......We're getting closer to the truth of this discussion.

So you're conceeding that Trump's intentions with his statements are based on white supremacist ideals?
Trump didn't say anything about race, jackass.
They all just happen to be women of color that he's telling to go back where they came from.

Uppity, they are. They don't know their place. (-:
Exactly. For the media and public figures, there are only two options. 1) Be like Fox and say "The President was in fine joking mode today." 2) Not say anything. Because if they chose door 3, it bites them in the ass - if like Graham you previously called AOC a communist (which she isn't and I don't like her even a little) Trump grabs on to the out of context comment and says "See Graham agrees with me that they need to get the fuck out and go home."

But TRUMP never said "go home and don't come back!

He said exactly this and I'm shouting now because that's the only way to get you idiots attention!!!
He said:
Why don't the go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how it sit done"

It was a stupid insult. Trumpsters don care about the stupid part because the insult, to them, is the most important part.

"who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world"

They don't look like WASPs so they must not be from here.

Trumpsters agree that non-whites are not a fully citizens as they are. Three of the four are "originally" from here. Trump's grandfather was a German. As was mine, btw. But that's all I have in common with the racist fock. LOL

BS ^^^^^ shitting and spitting on the USA and its ethos is not
UPPITY------its shitting and spitting
Trump too should go back from where he originally came from.
No us real Americans says he can stay

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