Trump did not have my support pre election but I am optimistic that good things can result

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.

I believe President Trump will try but he will have his own political party to fight with...

Let see how well it works and I hope he can get infrastructure projects going and maybe pull a ike on our asses...
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.

I agree totally, I have hope as well. If he focuses on infrastructure such as interstate highway system and the power grid he will create many jobs. Of course he will have to mange the backlash of a mounting debt that will come with these projects. I can imagine his presidency being viewed as one that rebuilds America. Afterall, by his own admission, he loves to build and he is very good at it, under budget and on time. His kids say he hates inefficiency, and we all know that government projects have been synonymous with inefficiency.
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  • #4
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.

I believe President Trump will try but he will have his own political party to fight with...

Let see how well it works and I hope he can get infrastructure projects going and maybe pull a ike on our asses...
Even Pelosi says she's ready to work with Trump. He will have a grace period to really get the ball rolling. Will be interesting to see what he does with it.
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.

I believe President Trump will try but he will have his own political party to fight with...

Let see how well it works and I hope he can get infrastructure projects going and maybe pull a ike on our asses...
Even Pelosi says she's ready to work with Trump. He will have a grace period to really get the ball rolling. Will be interesting to see what he does with it.

Many can write a lot about Pelosi but one thing about her is she does work with the other side when she knows it is in her best interest...
I guess its possible. And like it or not, that ego of his could be the fire lit in his ass.
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.

While I wouldn’t put time limits on them…I share your optimism for some reason. If nothing else, it should be fun to watch.

What isn’t going to be fun is the board….

  • As soon as a cop gets shot and the lights around the White House are not changed to blue…I can see 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as he puts his feet on the desk, I can see 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as there is a jobs report, it will be rejected before it is read. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as there is a death of an American at the hands of terrorists overseas, there will be 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.

I wish my liberal friends would give Mr. Trump a chance to succeed and withhold judgment until at least the Fall of 2017 before going into wholesale “I told you so” mode (regardless of what happens in the Spring and Summer) but I seriously doubt it. If you really think you’re better than conservative ass hats; why not prove it and not act like them????

Anyway, I’m with you grumps…For some reason I’m optimistic. Hey, I underestimated him (like many of us) in 2 different elections. I don’t think I want to do that again.
  • Thread starter
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  • #8
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.

While I wouldn’t put time limits on them…I share your optimism for some reason. If nothing else, it should be fun to watch.

What isn’t going to be fun is the board….

  • As soon as a cop gets shot and the lights around the White House are not changed to blue…I can see 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as he puts his feet on the desk, I can see 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as there is a jobs report, it will be rejected before it is read. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as there is a death of an American at the hands of terrorists overseas, there will be 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.

I wish my liberal friends would give Mr. Trump a chance to succeed and withhold judgment until at least the Fall of 2017 before going into wholesale “I told you so” mode (regardless of what happens in the Spring and Summer) but I seriously doubt it. If you really think you’re better than conservative ass hats; why not prove it and not act like them????

Anyway, I’m with you grumps…For some reason I’m optimistic. Hey, I underestimated him (like many of us) in 2 different elections. I don’t think I want to do that again.
His victory speech is what shocked me the most. Took me completely by surprise.
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.
You get to try the conservative way for 2 years. As someone who has skin in the game I wish you luck and hope your party is sincere. I doubt it but now's your chance to win me over
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.
Stock market is already higher then it has been since 2008. Who got elected in 2008?
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.
You get to try the conservative way for 2 years. As someone who has skin in the game I wish you luck and hope your party is sincere. I doubt it but now's your chance to win me over
Well I can guarantee you I will do my best to hold their feet to the fire. No party puppet here. I even voted for Kandor over Blunt. Sick of ALL of them that take public service and turn it into a personal gravy train.
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.
Stock market is already higher then it has been since 2008. Who got elected in 2008?
The crash in 08 was decades in the making.
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.
Stock market is already higher then it has been since 2008. Who got elected in 2008?
The crash in 08 was decades in the making.
How come McCain and bush didn't see it coming?
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.
Stock market is already higher then it has been since 2008. Who got elected in 2008?
The crash in 08 was decades in the making.
How come McCain and bush didn't see it coming?
Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown - YouTube
Gramps it won't be any worse than the last 8 years and certainly no worse than it would have been under Clinton who would have polarized congress like nothing we've ever seen before.

One major difference, Trump will surround himself with the best and brightest vs Obama surrounded himself with a bunch of hacks, many who had no experience at all other than being a party hack. Trump owes no political favors or patronage that will be quite refreshing.
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.

While I wouldn’t put time limits on them…I share your optimism for some reason. If nothing else, it should be fun to watch.

What isn’t going to be fun is the board….

  • As soon as a cop gets shot and the lights around the White House are not changed to blue…I can see 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as he puts his feet on the desk, I can see 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as there is a jobs report, it will be rejected before it is read. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as there is a death of an American at the hands of terrorists overseas, there will be 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.

I wish my liberal friends would give Mr. Trump a chance to succeed and withhold judgment until at least the Fall of 2017 before going into wholesale “I told you so” mode (regardless of what happens in the Spring and Summer) but I seriously doubt it. If you really think you’re better than conservative ass hats; why not prove it and not act like them????

Anyway, I’m with you grumps…For some reason I’m optimistic. Hey, I underestimated him (like many of us) in 2 different elections. I don’t think I want to do that again.
His victory speech is what shocked me the most. Took me completely by surprise.

I was surprised by it too. It's really the first time I've heard him try to reach conservatives like myself. I didn't vote for him but I will support him in any matter that benefits America. I will speak out against any that doesn't.

He can earn my vote in four years if he does well.
Trump will have to reform social security and replace obamacare. He should try to reconcile the minority communities to his party, the latter will actually cause a realignment especially if a reconciliation includes the Sanders wing of the left. That would catch the liberals, neolibs and neocons in a giant vise politically and consolidate reforms.
I voted for Trump because I can see him getting a lot of good things accomplished for Americans. He thinks outside the box and can see what's been hurting this country.
I'm confident he'll be an excellent president. He'll certainly be better than that corrupt bitch, Hillary.
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.

While I wouldn’t put time limits on them…I share your optimism for some reason. If nothing else, it should be fun to watch.

What isn’t going to be fun is the board….

  • As soon as a cop gets shot and the lights around the White House are not changed to blue…I can see 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as he puts his feet on the desk, I can see 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as there is a jobs report, it will be rejected before it is read. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as there is a death of an American at the hands of terrorists overseas, there will be 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.

I wish my liberal friends would give Mr. Trump a chance to succeed and withhold judgment until at least the Fall of 2017 before going into wholesale “I told you so” mode (regardless of what happens in the Spring and Summer) but I seriously doubt it. If you really think you’re better than conservative ass hats; why not prove it and not act like them????

Anyway, I’m with you grumps…For some reason I’m optimistic. Hey, I underestimated him (like many of us) in 2 different elections. I don’t think I want to do that again.
His victory speech is what shocked me the most. Took me completely by surprise.
It probably shocked him too when he read it for the first time off the teleprompter.
Repatriation of money trapped overseas because of a burdensome tax code.

Simplified tax code (I hope)

A serious grip on our illegal alien problem.

Actual infrastructure jobs (as in REAL)

Less babysitting of other nations

Rebuild a decimated military


School vouchers for children stuck in broken schools

Economic growth

The GOP has 2 years to make as much of this happen as possible. Get it done or lose me forever as a reliable voter.

While I wouldn’t put time limits on them…I share your optimism for some reason. If nothing else, it should be fun to watch.

What isn’t going to be fun is the board….

  • As soon as a cop gets shot and the lights around the White House are not changed to blue…I can see 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as he puts his feet on the desk, I can see 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as there is a jobs report, it will be rejected before it is read. After all, that is what happened with Obama.
  • As soon as there is a death of an American at the hands of terrorists overseas, there will be 10 threads about it. After all, that is what happened with Obama.

I wish my liberal friends would give Mr. Trump a chance to succeed and withhold judgment until at least the Fall of 2017 before going into wholesale “I told you so” mode (regardless of what happens in the Spring and Summer) but I seriously doubt it. If you really think you’re better than conservative ass hats; why not prove it and not act like them????

Anyway, I’m with you grumps…For some reason I’m optimistic. Hey, I underestimated him (like many of us) in 2 different elections. I don’t think I want to do that again.
His victory speech is what shocked me the most. Took me completely by surprise.

I was surprised by it too. It's really the first time I've heard him try to reach conservatives like myself. I didn't vote for him but I will support him in any matter that benefits America. I will speak out against any that doesn't.

He can earn my vote in four years if he does well.
To be fair her speech was also very surprising.

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