Trump Derangement Syndrome Now Affects Wokesters in EVERY Subject


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is just amazing to me. Wokesters are now attacking neutral third parties and scientists that dare say anything that Trump likes, whether they support Trump or not, lol.

The Dr Didier Raoult who first advanced Hydroxychloroquine as a possible alternative treatment for COIVID19, is not just wrong according to Woketard, but he is a TRUMPIAN now, despite being French and having never ever voted for Trump in his life.

The Trumpian French Doctor Behind the Chloroquine Hype

lol, if Trump is for it, Dims must be against it and anyone else Trump thinks is an expert!

Now we have over 6,000 doctors survey by a health care multinational corporation, Sermo, found that world wide, Hydroxychloroquine is the prefered and most effective treatment for COvID19,

An international poll of more than 6,000 doctors released Thursday found that the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine was the most highly rated treatment for the novel coronavirus.
The survey conducted by Sermo, a global health care polling company, of 6,227 physicians in 30 countries found that 37% of those treating COVID-19 patients rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options.
Of the physicians surveyed, 3,308 said they had either ordered a COVID-19 test or been involved in caring for a coronavirus patient, and 2,171 of those responded to the question asking which medications were most effective.

'But', says the Woketard, 'wasnt Hydroxywhatever debunked in a study by AP?'

roflmao, no, that was a VA study done that was not peer reviewed or actual science, just a report.

And Raoult promptly rebutted it before the VA could set the record straight and inform the Wokeistanis that it was not a scientific study.

“In the current period, it seems that passion dominates rigorous and balanced scientific analysis and may lead to scientific misconduct. The article by Magagnoli et al. (Magagnoli, 2020) is an absolutely spectacular example of this. Indeed, in this work, it is concluded, in the end, that hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) would double the mortality in patients with COVID with a fatality rate of 28% (versus 11% in the NoHCQ group), which is extraordinarily hard to believe. The analysis of the data shows two major biases, which show a willing to be convinced before starting the work :
The first is that lymphopenia is twice as common in the HCQ groups (25% in the HCQ, 31% in the HCQ+AZ group versus 14% in the no HCQ group, p =.02) and there is an absolute correlation between lymphopenia (<0.5G/L) and fatality rate, which is well known (Tan, 2020) and confirmed here : 28% deaths, 22% and 11% in the HCQ, HCQ+AZ and No HCQ group, respectively. Lymphopenia is the most obvious criterion of patient severity (in our cohort, lymphocytes in dead individuals (n=22, mean ± standard deviation, 0.94 ± 0.45), versus in the living (n=2405, 1.79 ± 0.84, p < .0001)). As the authors acknowledge, the severity of the patients in the different groups was very different, and their analysis can only make sense if there is a selection of patients with the same degree of severity, i.e. the same percentage of lymphopenia.
The second major bias is that in an attempt to provide meaningful data, by eliminating the initial severity at the time of treatment, two tables are shown: one table where drugs are prescribed before intubation, and which shows no significant difference in the 3 different groups (9/90 (10%) in the HCQ group, 11/101 (10. 9%) HCQ+AZ, and 15/177 (8.5%) in the group without HCQ, chi-square = 0.47, ddl = 2, p = 0.79), and one table, where it is not clear when the drugs were prescribed, where there are significant differences.
These differences are most likely related to the fact that the patients had been intubated for some time before receiving hydroxychloroquine in desperation. It is notable that this is unreasonable at the time of the cytokine storm, as it is unlikely that hydrochloroquine alone would be able to control patients at this stage of the disease.
Moreover, incomprehensibly, the “untreated” group actually received azithromycin in 30% of cases, without this group being analyzed in any distinct way. Azithromycin is also a proposed treatment for COVID (Gautret, 2020) with in vitro efficacy (Andreani, 2020), and to mix it with patients who are supposedly untreated is something that is closer to scientific fraud than reasonable analysis.

But it cant be good since ORANGE MAN BAD ! ! ! ! ALWAYS NOW AND FOR EVER! ! ! ! !

I say, if liberals dont want to do HCQ because Trump is for it, then by all means dont force it on them. That just means there is more for the rest of us.
TDS has replaced ODS- having evolved? the new term "woke" is just stupid.

On this past International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I reread a bit of Bertrand Russell. In 1933, dismayed at the Nazification of Germany, the philosopher wrote “The Triumph of Stupidity,” attributing the rise of Adolf Hitler to the organized fervor of stupid and brutal people—two qualities, he noted, that “usually go together.” He went on to make one of his most famous observations, that the “fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.”

The Case for Professors of Stupidity

Years ago, a message board I frequented was mostly "conservatives"- one of the main players I personally anointed with the title, Professor of Stupid- that conclusion was arrived at with; one can't help being ignorant since we're all born that way, but one has to work at being STUPID, and this particular poster, who claimed to have a degree in Music and History was working on his PhD in the discipline of STUPID- the audience he played to I addressed as his peanut gallery.

ALL voters will be better served when they get "woke" and realize they are merely tools for the politico's use as either a tool or an enemy. The question becomes; an enemy of what? The answer, for me, is Liberty.

Tools fear Liberty. It doesn't matter what political stripe they wear. What one fears one lashes out at. The so-called "woke" crowd has taken it to new level of STUPID as though it's a fashion accessory- happily, for myself, I've never been a slave to fashion.

In the world of ODS I touted the "conservatives" as doing precisely what they blamed so-called Liberals of doing. Now the so-called Liberals are doing precisely what so-called "conservatives" do/did- SMH-
Einstein was onto something with his definition of crazy-
TDS has replaced ODS- having evolved? the new term "woke" is just stupid.

On this past International Holocaust Remembrance Day, I reread a bit of Bertrand Russell. In 1933, dismayed at the Nazification of Germany, the philosopher wrote “The Triumph of Stupidity,” attributing the rise of Adolf Hitler to the organized fervor of stupid and brutal people—two qualities, he noted, that “usually go together.” He went on to make one of his most famous observations, that the “fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.”

The Case for Professors of Stupidity

Years ago, a message board I frequented was mostly "conservatives"- one of the main players I personally anointed with the title, Professor of Stupid- that conclusion was arrived at with; one can't help being ignorant since we're all born that way, but one has to work at being STUPID, and this particular poster, who claimed to have a degree in Music and History was working on his PhD in the discipline of STUPID- the audience he played to I addressed as his peanut gallery.

ALL voters will be better served when they get "woke" and realize they are merely tools for the politico's use as either a tool or an enemy. The question becomes; an enemy of what? The answer, for me, is Liberty.

Tools fear Liberty. It doesn't matter what political stripe they wear. What one fears one lashes out at. The so-called "woke" crowd has taken it to new level of STUPID as though it's a fashion accessory- happily, for myself, I've never been a slave to fashion.

In the world of ODS I touted the "conservatives" as doing precisely what they blamed so-called Liberals of doing. Now the so-called Liberals are doing precisely what so-called "conservatives" do/did- SMH-
Einstein was onto something with his definition of crazy-
We've learned little from history, which shows us that every now and then a bold, pugilistic, nationalist alpha stirs the masses and leads them down the wrong path.

Those who follow them will not be swayed, and they ignore and forgive and attack for that person's worst impulses and behaviors.

I guess I assumed we were beyond that. So much for THAT idea.
We've learned little from history, which shows us that every now and then a bold, pugilistic, nationalist alpha stirs the masses and leads them down the wrong path.
Those who follow them will not be swayed, and they ignore and forgive and attack for that person's worst impulses and behaviors.
I guess I assumed we were beyond that. So much for THAT idea.
TDS has replaced ODS- having evolved? the new term "woke" is just stupid.
And yet, here it is, as a term the far left has used to describe itself for decades.

The act of being very pretentious about how much you care about a social issue
Yeah most people don't care about parking spaces for families with disabled pets. I wish they were woke like me.

Fake woke is when someone tries to discredit actual facts then pretend their ideology on the matter is true. Fake Woke has been a trend ever since in the Age of Informationpeople, hackers, whistle blowers have given the public information that has been kept secret overtime; so the government has given the green light on private agencies (Facebook Cambridge Analytica/Meme “creators” as an example) to create posts, articles contradicting actual facts/truths. People known as sheeple who think they know but do not know begin to share and spread those memes and articles of the falsified information all over the net, creating two sides of the Woke trend keeping the actual truth/actual woke people buried under all the gibberish of false information accomplishing the governments agenda of keeping the masses divided, confused and away from the actual FACTS.
CoronaVirus is fake, it barely killed anyone. It’s just to make people panic.

But it’s actually 10x lethal than the flu, killed more people that SARS and MERS in just two months, has spread to 6 continents. You’re being
fake woke

When a successful enterprise is deliberately run into the ground for the sake of liberal ideals.
"Did you see that Gillette lost eight BILLION dollars?!"
"Yeah, they put out that Woke commercial that accuses most men of being savage neanderthals, when most of their customers are men."
"Hope that hundreds of soon-to-be-fired Gillette employees think that Woke message is worth their jobs."
We've learned little from history
LOL- no kiddin. I read the other day, the greatest lesson we can learn from History, is that we don't learn from History.

Got any vacation videos you would care to share with us as well?

Mac1958, do you mind if I address this? A couple of observations, if I may.

It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

There are two things that jump out at me.
I'll go with the "fundamental" first: America: Which one? North, Central or South? These United States are in North America- these United States were never, IMO, meant to be as one- "in order to form a more perfect Union" is the only reference to that, with some common goals- America denotes a singular. States united denotes a plural. That is "fundamental", which is "essential", to understanding why these United States are in the predicaments we find oursleves in.

That can be expanded on but, the gist is, words mean things.

No.2, the MAJORITY of Americans- so, if a the majority (the ultimate in grouping) jumps off a cliff are you too going to jump? Personally, I ain't, I don't care what anyone, especially a majority feels is best- the majority plays to people afraid to think for themselves and requires group think- the ultimate destroyer of the Individual-
Gotta love the white upperclass college dipshits and celebrities that make up the woketard movement..
None of which have suffered much of anything outside a hangnail ..telling the middle class and poor masses what they should find offensive (while talking down to them from their Ivory towers).
Mac1958, do you mind if I address this? A couple of observations, if I may.

It's not about "Left vs. Right". It's about the FUNDAMENTALISTS on BOTH ends vs. a MAJORITY of America. THAT is MY "side of the fence".

There are two things that jump out at me.
I'll go with the "fundamental" first: America: Which one? North, Central or South? These United States are in North America- these United States were never, IMO, meant to be as one- "in order to form a more perfect Union" is the only reference to that, with some common goals- America denotes a singular. States united denotes a plural. That is "fundamental", which is "essential", to understanding why these United States are in the predicaments we find oursleves in.

That can be expanded on but, the gist is, words mean things.

No.2, the MAJORITY of Americans- so, if a the majority (the ultimate in grouping) jumps off a cliff are you too going to jump? Personally, I ain't, I don't care what anyone, especially a majority feels is best- the majority plays to people afraid to think for themselves and requires group think- the ultimate destroyer of the Individual-
To clarify, regarding the term "fundamentalists", I view adhesion to (a) a religion and to (b) a hardcore partisan ideology as being very, very similar. In that light, fundamentalists in both groups share many behaviors that are intolerant, narcissistic and often counter-productive.

Secondly, I think that those who are infected by a hardcore partisan ideology and its predictable behaviors represent a minority of the population. By subtraction, then, the rest represent a majority. While it's true that a large majority of the electorate votes fairly consistently in one direction or the other, the issue here is not their voting patterns, but their behaviors.

My "side of the fence", therefore, is against those on both ends who choose to behave like fundamentalists. They share many behaviors, as I point out regularly. Wingers. Nutters.

Another way to put it: I'm just one of the kids in the cafeteria trying to eat their damn lunch during a food right, and it's getting old.

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