Trump Deporting High-Profile Illegal Immigrant Activists

Another retard who thinks capitalism will discourage immigration.

Well, you are right, Capitalism does encourage immigration to fill the need for cheap labor, that's why I want Fascism to crack down on the Capitalist party times.
They've partied off of our wealth, as our country is on the brink.
You are only slightly less retarded than those peddling laissez-faire economics.

Well, you Liberals like to say you stand with the American worker, and then you screw him out of wages, and jobs by supporting immigrants, and then you complain oh the poor immigrants are being gouged.

So, what do you even stand for?
Gouging of the masses for the Capitalist elites?

Yeah, that's what I thought, not very rational, indeed.
Government is the problem, not the immigrants. Illegal immigrants are doing jobs that Americans refuse to do. Move away from your alterative reality.

I call BS, we have plenty of lower class people who could work like Mexicans, but they're instead on welfare.

Furthermore Americans will do any job if paid enough, that's kind of the point, they lure in workers with higher wages during a job shortage, and it propels wages forward.

Exactly I want $20 bucks an hour to pick apples ...the problem is people can make more money off welfare and illegals don't mind doing it for $5 bucks an hour.

That's the entire problem.
I'm old enough to remember when it was ILLEGAL for black Americans to sit at southern lunch counters, and how loudly conservatives WHINED about that particular iteration of integration.

90% of unauthorized migrants in the US are not the problem.

Parasites like Trump and Goldman Sachs are.

So what other forms of criminal behavior do you think are analogous to Jim Crow law breaking?

lol the problem with Jim Crow laws is that they are fundamentally unfair because they discriminate against people by race, and violate their right to public entry, services, etrc.

What rights are violated by criminal immigrants who break our laws? Do they have a right to come here? What gives them such a right?
Jim Crow laws were fundamental violations of human rights just as current US policies like NAFTA and support for oppressive governments like the one found in Honduras create the conditions that give citizens of those countries a choice between starving or being violently killed or migrating. The fact that Trump and his rich cronies profit from the investment climate produced by NAFTA and corporate-friendly authoritarians should make plain how the countries of the global north are responsible for preventing people in the global south from surviving and thriving where they were born.

Do you even know anything about NAFTA? Trump, the Republican party, and conservatives are against it. You do understand that, right?

Geez. What shithole country are you from, anyway?
Republicans were not against NAFTA.
They just needed Clinton to pass it.
Trump is simply an opportunistic hypocrite whose ignorant bigotry appeals to low-information imbeciles.

It was signed by Bill Clinton. Republicans were hoodwinked into believing that it was a good thing but after the effects of it were seen, they tend to be against it.

President Trump wants to re-negotiate NAFTA so we get the better end of the deal.
Why are Republicans fighting Trump on NAFTA reform?
"Republicans gear up to fight Trump over Nafta"
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So what other forms of criminal behavior do you think are analogous to Jim Crow law breaking?

lol the problem with Jim Crow laws is that they are fundamentally unfair because they discriminate against people by race, and violate their right to public entry, services, etrc.

What rights are violated by criminal immigrants who break our laws? Do they have a right to come here? What gives them such a right?
Jim Crow laws were fundamental violations of human rights just as current US policies like NAFTA and support for oppressive governments like the one found in Honduras create the conditions that give citizens of those countries a choice between starving or being violently killed or migrating. The fact that Trump and his rich cronies profit from the investment climate produced by NAFTA and corporate-friendly authoritarians should make plain how the countries of the global north are responsible for preventing people in the global south from surviving and thriving where they were born.

Do you even know anything about NAFTA? Trump, the Republican party, and conservatives are against it. You do understand that, right?

Geez. What shithole country are you from, anyway?
Republicans were not against NAFTA.
They just needed Clinton to pass it.
Trump is simply an opportunistic hypocrite whose ignorant bigotry appeals to low-information imbeciles.

It was signed by Bill Clinton. Republicans were hoodwinked into believing that it was a good thing but after the effects of it were seen, they tend to be against it.

President Trump wants to re-negotiate NAFTA so we get the better end of the deal.
Why are Republicans fighting Trump on NAFTA reform?
"Republicans gear up to fight Trump over Nafta"
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There's a lot of profit motivated Globalist scums in the elite of both parties.
So you don’t think the fight for 15 is for brown people. Shocking
Why should taxpayers be forced to subsidize trillion dollar corporations that refuse to pay their workers a living wage?

You fuckers never fail to make me laugh. You're always parroting the oft-quoted line about taxpayers "subsidizing" corporations but in reality, that's not how it works.

You economically-retarded individuals don't understand that because some corporation gets tax breaks from the government, that doesn't mean that actual taxpayer's money is going to that corporation. It's just less money that corporation has to pay in.

But still you parrot that line over and over and over, like it was tattooed to the inside of your cranium.

And fuck a "living wage", BTW. Nobody in this country deserves to be paid "just because." If you want a decent wage then make yourself an asset to the company you work for.
Corporate welfare includes cheap labor from illegal immigrants.

Only in some Third-world shithole. Cheap illegal immigrants don't do the high-tech or skilled jobs, they're only fit for sweeping floors and such.

No, it's not corporate America who wants illegals in this country. It's you leftists, progressives, and Democrats. You people see them as a large untapped voter-base. That's the only reason you care about them. That's the reason as in California, you want to give them immediate voter rights just for obtaining a driver's license.

That's also the entire reason the Democrat Party cares for DACA immigrants. The Democrats believe that by giving them citizenship, they will acquire more votes. Pure and simple. Even a developmentally-disabled retard with a third-grade intelligence equivalency working at Goodwill could see through that bullshit.
You keep living in your imaginary world while the rest of us fight to get control of our rogue government.

When you say "The rest of us", you're giving yourself way more credit that you deserve. Your protests are by no means "grass roots" nor do they represent the overall feelings of the American public.
So what other forms of criminal behavior do you think are analogous to Jim Crow law breaking?

lol the problem with Jim Crow laws is that they are fundamentally unfair because they discriminate against people by race, and violate their right to public entry, services, etrc.

What rights are violated by criminal immigrants who break our laws? Do they have a right to come here? What gives them such a right?
Jim Crow laws were fundamental violations of human rights just as current US policies like NAFTA and support for oppressive governments like the one found in Honduras create the conditions that give citizens of those countries a choice between starving or being violently killed or migrating. The fact that Trump and his rich cronies profit from the investment climate produced by NAFTA and corporate-friendly authoritarians should make plain how the countries of the global north are responsible for preventing people in the global south from surviving and thriving where they were born.

Do you even know anything about NAFTA? Trump, the Republican party, and conservatives are against it. You do understand that, right?

Geez. What shithole country are you from, anyway?
Republicans were not against NAFTA.
They just needed Clinton to pass it.
Trump is simply an opportunistic hypocrite whose ignorant bigotry appeals to low-information imbeciles.

It was signed by Bill Clinton. Republicans were hoodwinked into believing that it was a good thing but after the effects of it were seen, they tend to be against it.

President Trump wants to re-negotiate NAFTA so we get the better end of the deal.
Why are Republicans fighting Trump on NAFTA reform?
"Republicans gear up to fight Trump over Nafta"
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LOL. A three month old article that states "Republicans gear up to fight Trump over Nafta", yet the only republican they mentioned was Orrin Hatch.


Trump will re-negotiate NAFTA, whether you like it or not. And as everything else he negotiates, we will get the better end of the deal.
Why should taxpayers be forced to subsidize trillion dollar corporations that refuse to pay their workers a living wage?

You fuckers never fail to make me laugh. You're always parroting the oft-quoted line about taxpayers "subsidizing" corporations but in reality, that's not how it works.

You economically-retarded individuals don't understand that because some corporation gets tax breaks from the government, that doesn't mean that actual taxpayer's money is going to that corporation. It's just less money that corporation has to pay in.

But still you parrot that line over and over and over, like it was tattooed to the inside of your cranium.

And fuck a "living wage", BTW. Nobody in this country deserves to be paid "just because." If you want a decent wage then make yourself an asset to the company you work for.
Corporate welfare includes cheap labor from illegal immigrants.

Only in some Third-world shithole. Cheap illegal immigrants don't do the high-tech or skilled jobs, they're only fit for sweeping floors and such.

No, it's not corporate America who wants illegals in this country. It's you leftists, progressives, and Democrats. You people see them as a large untapped voter-base. That's the only reason you care about them. That's the reason as in California, you want to give them immediate voter rights just for obtaining a driver's license.

That's also the entire reason the Democrat Party cares for DACA immigrants. The Democrats believe that by giving them citizenship, they will acquire more votes. Pure and simple. Even a developmentally-disabled retard with a third-grade intelligence equivalency working at Goodwill could see through that bullshit.
You keep living in your imaginary world while the rest of us fight to get control of our rogue government.

When you say "The rest of us", you're giving yourself way more credit that you deserve. Your protests are by no means "grass roots" nor do they represent the overall feelings of the American public.
I stand with immigrant activists. We outnumber you fascists by at least 2 to 1.
You fuckers never fail to make me laugh. You're always parroting the oft-quoted line about taxpayers "subsidizing" corporations but in reality, that's not how it works.

You economically-retarded individuals don't understand that because some corporation gets tax breaks from the government, that doesn't mean that actual taxpayer's money is going to that corporation. It's just less money that corporation has to pay in.

But still you parrot that line over and over and over, like it was tattooed to the inside of your cranium.

And fuck a "living wage", BTW. Nobody in this country deserves to be paid "just because." If you want a decent wage then make yourself an asset to the company you work for.
Corporate welfare includes cheap labor from illegal immigrants.

Only in some Third-world shithole. Cheap illegal immigrants don't do the high-tech or skilled jobs, they're only fit for sweeping floors and such.

No, it's not corporate America who wants illegals in this country. It's you leftists, progressives, and Democrats. You people see them as a large untapped voter-base. That's the only reason you care about them. That's the reason as in California, you want to give them immediate voter rights just for obtaining a driver's license.

That's also the entire reason the Democrat Party cares for DACA immigrants. The Democrats believe that by giving them citizenship, they will acquire more votes. Pure and simple. Even a developmentally-disabled retard with a third-grade intelligence equivalency working at Goodwill could see through that bullshit.
You keep living in your imaginary world while the rest of us fight to get control of our rogue government.

When you say "The rest of us", you're giving yourself way more credit that you deserve. Your protests are by no means "grass roots" nor do they represent the overall feelings of the American public.
I stand with immigrant activists. We outnumber you fascists by at least 2 to 1.

Yet you lost the most important Presidential election of your lifetime?

Go fuck yourself. :laugh:

Those so-called "immigration activists" had better watch themselves. They're about to be deported.
Another retard who thinks capitalism will discourage immigration.

Well, you are right, Capitalism does encourage immigration to fill the need for cheap labor, that's why I want Fascism to crack down on the Capitalist party times.
They've partied off of our wealth, as our country is on the brink.
You are only slightly less retarded than those peddling laissez-faire economics.

Well, you Liberals like to say you stand with the American worker, and then you screw him out of wages, and jobs by supporting immigrants, and then you complain oh the poor immigrants are being gouged.

So, what do you even stand for?
Gouging of the masses for the Capitalist elites?

Yeah, that's what I thought, not very rational, indeed.
Government is the problem, not the immigrants. Illegal immigrants are doing jobs that Americans refuse to do. Move away from your alterative reality.

I call BS, we have plenty of lower class people who could work like Mexicans, but they're instead on welfare.

Furthermore Americans will do any job if paid enough, that's kind of the point, they lure in workers with higher wages during a job shortage, and it propels wages forward.
They are throwing brown immigrants in a cage here in the states to make a profit off this witch hunt. Why not simply deport them instead?
Well, you are right, Capitalism does encourage immigration to fill the need for cheap labor, that's why I want Fascism to crack down on the Capitalist party times.
They've partied off of our wealth, as our country is on the brink.
You are only slightly less retarded than those peddling laissez-faire economics.

Well, you Liberals like to say you stand with the American worker, and then you screw him out of wages, and jobs by supporting immigrants, and then you complain oh the poor immigrants are being gouged.

So, what do you even stand for?
Gouging of the masses for the Capitalist elites?

Yeah, that's what I thought, not very rational, indeed.
Government is the problem, not the immigrants. Illegal immigrants are doing jobs that Americans refuse to do. Move away from your alterative reality.

I call BS, we have plenty of lower class people who could work like Mexicans, but they're instead on welfare.

Furthermore Americans will do any job if paid enough, that's kind of the point, they lure in workers with higher wages during a job shortage, and it propels wages forward.
They are throwing brown immigrants in a cage here in the states to make a profit off this witch hunt. Why not simply deport them instead?

Another 'liberal' who CANNOT consider people as anything other than colors. ^^^^^^^^^
Jim Crow laws were fundamental violations of human rights just as current US policies like NAFTA and support for oppressive governments like the one found in Honduras create the conditions that give citizens of those countries a choice between starving or being violently killed or migrating. The fact that Trump and his rich cronies profit from the investment climate produced by NAFTA and corporate-friendly authoritarians should make plain how the countries of the global north are responsible for preventing people in the global south from surviving and thriving where they were born.

Do you even know anything about NAFTA? Trump, the Republican party, and conservatives are against it. You do understand that, right?

Geez. What shithole country are you from, anyway?
Republicans were not against NAFTA.
They just needed Clinton to pass it.
Trump is simply an opportunistic hypocrite whose ignorant bigotry appeals to low-information imbeciles.

It was signed by Bill Clinton. Republicans were hoodwinked into believing that it was a good thing but after the effects of it were seen, they tend to be against it.

President Trump wants to re-negotiate NAFTA so we get the better end of the deal.
Why are Republicans fighting Trump on NAFTA reform?
"Republicans gear up to fight Trump over Nafta"
Subscribe to read

LOL. A three month old article that states "Republicans gear up to fight Trump over Nafta", yet the only republican they mentioned was Orrin Hatch.


Trump will re-negotiate NAFTA, whether you like it or not. And as everything else he negotiates, we will get the better end of the deal.
"History lesson: More Republicans than Democrats supported NAFTA."
History lesson: More Republicans than Democrats supported NAFTA

Republicans tried passing NAFTA when Bush the Groper was in the White House; they had to wait for Clinton to seal the deal.

BTW, if Trump is such a skillful negotiator, how did he manage to lose money in Atlantic City?
Jim Crow laws were fundamental violations of human rights just as current US policies like NAFTA and support for oppressive governments like the one found in Honduras create the conditions that give citizens of those countries a choice between starving or being violently killed or migrating. The fact that Trump and his rich cronies profit from the investment climate produced by NAFTA and corporate-friendly authoritarians should make plain how the countries of the global north are responsible for preventing people in the global south from surviving and thriving where they were born.

Do you even know anything about NAFTA? Trump, the Republican party, and conservatives are against it. You do understand that, right?

Geez. What shithole country are you from, anyway?
Republicans were not against NAFTA.
They just needed Clinton to pass it.
Trump is simply an opportunistic hypocrite whose ignorant bigotry appeals to low-information imbeciles.

It was signed by Bill Clinton. Republicans were hoodwinked into believing that it was a good thing but after the effects of it were seen, they tend to be against it.

President Trump wants to re-negotiate NAFTA so we get the better end of the deal.
Why are Republicans fighting Trump on NAFTA reform?
"Republicans gear up to fight Trump over Nafta"
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There's a lot of profit motivated Globalist scums in the elite of both parties.
Both major US parties have a base confined to about ten percent of all US voters.

Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power
I wonder if poor people like you enjoy illegals here? They do the hard work while you sit on your ass collecting welfare ...
Your avatar proves you are retarded.

Another commie who doesn't like the little rascals
Another retard who thinks capitalism will discourage immigration.

Still don't know the difference between legal and illegal immigration?

Go back to skool
I happen to know quite a few illegal immigrants who could make a pass in your boat.
Is that even English?
You fuckers never fail to make me laugh. You're always parroting the oft-quoted line about taxpayers "subsidizing" corporations but in reality, that's not how it works.

You economically-retarded individuals don't understand that because some corporation gets tax breaks from the government, that doesn't mean that actual taxpayer's money is going to that corporation. It's just less money that corporation has to pay in.

But still you parrot that line over and over and over, like it was tattooed to the inside of your cranium.

And fuck a "living wage", BTW. Nobody in this country deserves to be paid "just because." If you want a decent wage then make yourself an asset to the company you work for.
Corporate welfare includes cheap labor from illegal immigrants.

Only in some Third-world shithole. Cheap illegal immigrants don't do the high-tech or skilled jobs, they're only fit for sweeping floors and such.

No, it's not corporate America who wants illegals in this country. It's you leftists, progressives, and Democrats. You people see them as a large untapped voter-base. That's the only reason you care about them. That's the reason as in California, you want to give them immediate voter rights just for obtaining a driver's license.

That's also the entire reason the Democrat Party cares for DACA immigrants. The Democrats believe that by giving them citizenship, they will acquire more votes. Pure and simple. Even a developmentally-disabled retard with a third-grade intelligence equivalency working at Goodwill could see through that bullshit.
You keep living in your imaginary world while the rest of us fight to get control of our rogue government.

When you say "The rest of us", you're giving yourself way more credit that you deserve. Your protests are by no means "grass roots" nor do they represent the overall feelings of the American public.
I stand with immigrant activists. We outnumber you fascists by at least 2 to 1.

What's the purpose of Balkanizing the U.S.A with immigrants, if it's just going to lead to mayhem?
Well, you are right, Capitalism does encourage immigration to fill the need for cheap labor, that's why I want Fascism to crack down on the Capitalist party times.
They've partied off of our wealth, as our country is on the brink.
You are only slightly less retarded than those peddling laissez-faire economics.

Well, you Liberals like to say you stand with the American worker, and then you screw him out of wages, and jobs by supporting immigrants, and then you complain oh the poor immigrants are being gouged.

So, what do you even stand for?
Gouging of the masses for the Capitalist elites?

Yeah, that's what I thought, not very rational, indeed.
Government is the problem, not the immigrants. Illegal immigrants are doing jobs that Americans refuse to do. Move away from your alterative reality.

I call BS, we have plenty of lower class people who could work like Mexicans, but they're instead on welfare.

Furthermore Americans will do any job if paid enough, that's kind of the point, they lure in workers with higher wages during a job shortage, and it propels wages forward.
They are throwing brown immigrants in a cage here in the states to make a profit off this witch hunt. Why not simply deport them instead?

Yeah, why don't we get rid of Brown people, instead of letting them become victims of Racist Whitey?
3 The high number of foreign born criminals shows how much better crime would be with less immigration.

4 What is your point about white collar crime?

White collar criminals like Trump and his crime family cost the US far more every year than undocumented immigrants, and white collar criminals often distract from that fact by blaming immigrants for lost jobs and social decay that comes from corrupt oligarchs bribing unethical politicians for tax and trade policies (like NAFTA) that collapse neighboring economies and swell the ranks of migrants desperate to provide for their families.

Soooo, stripped of spin, are you trying to imply that we should focus on white collar crime INSTEAD of immigration policy?

If so, my answer is we can do both. If you have a bug up your ass about white collar crime, support policies to address that.

Meanwhile that is no reasons to not deport the shit out of the vast population of illegals.

Virtually every dictator-in-waiting throughout history has found it necessary to pit his native population against immigrants as a divide and conquer strategy. Trump is no exception.

Lenin didn't. Stalin didn't. Hell, I don't think Mao did.

Your words are stupid and false.

YOur race baiting in noted and held against you. You are a race baiting asshole. FUck you.

"Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Racism Represents an American Tradition..."

Opinion | Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Racism Represents an American Tradition

"The nation’s first naturalization law, from 1790, closed off United States citizenship to all but 'free white persons of good character.'

"People of African descent were among the first migrants singled out for surveillance and exclusion, as they sought entry to the country or moved between states.
"State repression of black migrants transformed them into America’s first 'illegal immigrants,' laying the groundwork for durable associations between law, morality and the need to keep people of color, quite literally, in their 'place.'"

We don't need more immigrants, especially poor Third world immigrants.

We are full.
Do you even know anything about NAFTA? Trump, the Republican party, and conservatives are against it. You do understand that, right?

Geez. What shithole country are you from, anyway?
Republicans were not against NAFTA.
They just needed Clinton to pass it.
Trump is simply an opportunistic hypocrite whose ignorant bigotry appeals to low-information imbeciles.

It was signed by Bill Clinton. Republicans were hoodwinked into believing that it was a good thing but after the effects of it were seen, they tend to be against it.

President Trump wants to re-negotiate NAFTA so we get the better end of the deal.
Why are Republicans fighting Trump on NAFTA reform?
"Republicans gear up to fight Trump over Nafta"
Subscribe to read

LOL. A three month old article that states "Republicans gear up to fight Trump over Nafta", yet the only republican they mentioned was Orrin Hatch.


Trump will re-negotiate NAFTA, whether you like it or not. And as everything else he negotiates, we will get the better end of the deal.
"History lesson: More Republicans than Democrats supported NAFTA."
History lesson: More Republicans than Democrats supported NAFTA

Republicans tried passing NAFTA when Bush the Groper was in the White House; they had to wait for Clinton to seal the deal.

BTW, if Trump is such a skillful negotiator, how did he manage to lose money in Atlantic City?

Because Atlantic City was and is a stupid place to spend a lot of $$$ on a gambling mecca. Stupid state rules and no viable place for employees to live.
Now you see them, now you don't. :lmao:

"Immigration authorities have detained in recent weeks two prominent activists who are themselves illegal immigrants, demonstrating the Trump administration’s commitment to expand the pool of deportable aliens.

The arrested men have openly lived in the U.S. for years and have until recently enjoyed a de facto immunity from deportation, thanks to their status as high-profile immigrants’ rights activists. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials have denied the arrests are politically motivated, but they clearly show that immigration agents are now emboldened to arrest even the most connected of illegal immigrants."

ICE Is Enforcing Deportation Orders Against High-Profile Illegal Immigrant Activists

We have a Commerce Clause; why are we losing money at our borders?

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