trump criticizes Biden for attacks on Houthi terrorists

Does the former president understand that the US, along with Britain and the international community is taking these steps to stop the disruption of up to 30% of shipping? Does he understand that this attacks could crash the world's economy and that these strike are trying to prevent worldwide economic disaster?

Wait....he is already on record wishing for economic disaster. A former president hoping for economic disaster?

Trump is right. Biden is doing it out of weakness and didn't respond, now he's bombing. The point is to have CREDIBILITY which means telling Iran what we will do then doing it. Like Trump did. You kill Iran's Chief of Terrorism then watch Iran go silent, like they did under Trump, vermin
Oh no 30% of shipping has been disrupted because some people don't like genocide? Time to go murdering again, LOL! 'Murica! :salute:
I dare say the Houthis and the Iranians and all their other proxies, love the Idea of genocide of the Jews.
In 2020 Biden condemned then-President Trump for bombing Iran without congressional approval.
Let's be clear: Donald Trump does not have the authority to take us into war with Iran without Congressional approval," Biden posted in January 2020 after Trump launched a strike that killed the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, Qassem Soleimani.

"A president should never take this nation to war without the informed consent of the American people Biden added. What’s good for the Republican goose is good for the Democrat gander.
He defends Poootin and hope for economic disaster for the U S> trump is a child.
Well, if Trump was hoping for economic disaster in the US he has sure gotten his wish hasn't he jimboliar?
As for Putin, we all know the Musslim in Chief had special Putin kneepads....not Trump.
He defends Poootin and hope for economic disaster for the U S> trump is a child.

The reason your boy the pedophile needs to keep bombing is how weak he was. Note these endless wars didn't happen under Trump. There's a real and specific reason for that, vermin
Do none of the Trump faithful remember Trump bombing the shit out of Yemen for most of his time in office?
I dare say the Houthis and the Iranians and all their other proxies, love the Idea of genocide of the Jews.
And you love the idea of Israel genociding the people in Gaza. You should be happy to pay a little more for shipped goods to get your wish.
In 2020 Biden condemned then-President Trump for bombing Iran without congressional approval.
Let's be clear: Donald Trump does not have the authority to take us into war with Iran without Congressional approval," Biden posted in January 2020 after Trump launched a strike that killed the commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard, Qassem Soleimani.

"A president should never take this nation to war without the informed consent of the American people Biden added. What’s good for the Republican goose is good for the Democrat gander.

Congress gave them both approval when they passed the AUMF in 2001 that is still in effect today as they refuse to end it
What about this do you have a problem with, kneepads?

“So, let me get this straight. We’re dropping bombs all over the Middle East, AGAIN (where I defeated ISIS!), and our Secretary of Defence [sic], who just went missing for five days, is running the war from his laptop in a hospital room,” wrote Trump, the leading GOP presidential candidate, in a Truth Social post.
Do none of the Trump faithful remember Trump bombing the shit out of Yemen for most of his time in office?

LOL, if it were Biden, you wouldn't have had to do research to find something to spin your double standards over, vermin. To compare Yemen to the wars in Israel and Ukraine is just, you, Cowboy, it's just you
And you love the idea of Israel genociding the people in Gaza. You should be happy to pay a little more for shipped goods to get your wish.
I feel sorry for the poor bastards having to live under the rule of Hamas and suffer the consequences of Hamas's massacre on Oct 7th . As well as feeling sorry the Palestinians in the West Bank who are having their land violently taken from them in piecemeal fashion by the Likud.
We welcome the bipartisan negotiations that are taking place in the Senate, and really urge the House majority in particular to work on a bipartisan basis to come up with solutions to these problems, instead of, frankly, just playing politics with what has been a very difficult policy challenge for this country,” he added.

No vote, or even a sham debate, on these acts of war, and all assholes like you can do is dissemble and deflect.

LOL, if it were Biden, you wouldn't have had to do research to find something to spin your double standards over, vermin. To compare Yemen to the wars in Israel and Ukraine is just, you, Cowboy, it's just you
dimocraps, mostly Blacks for some reason, want to side with everything Muzzie in this world.

If they only knew.

Know what Muzzies call Black People? 'Abeed'. And they do not mean it as a compliment. It got more than one Muzzie punched out by Black American Soldiers. And a few White Soldiers who heard it used behind a Black Soldier's back

It's not nearly as bad as the 'N' word -- But it's close.

ʿAbd (Arabic: عبد) is an Arabic word meaning one who is subordinated as a slave or a servant
Abeed or abīd (عبيد, plural of ʿabd, عبد), is an Arabic word meaning "servant" or "slave". The term is usually used in the Arab world as a name for Muslim and less frequently Christian families, however it also is used sometimes as an ethnic slur for Black people, and dates back to the Arab slave trade.

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