Trump could drop out now & give the Reins over to Pence

Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

I have a friend, who is a columnist for a major newspaper, say this very same thing in his column that he forwarded to me. He is going to print with it. He said Pence needs to take over and Trump drop out.

Pence won't win, nobody knows who he is and he's also very, very way over the top anti-abortion, to the point of making it mandatory to hold funerals for aborted fetuses in Indiana. That just ain't gonna' fly with women, either.
Twisting the law on abortion. I looked it up after my daughter bitched about it.

The law requires the ABORTION PROVIDER to dispose of the body via internment or cremation to prevent it from being sold for parts.

A completely reasonable law that has been twisted by the hack left
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?
Well Grandpa, you have changed your tune. Maybe you are a man and not a boy.

No, it's a "BOY" that is a 60-year-old man who says grabbing a woman by her pussy is something he does. Sort of like being in line in grade school and having the boy behind you pull down your slip.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

Look, we have all made stupid remarks which if recorded would be embarrashing. If your daughters are worried about Trump then just show them Lavanka Trump and the woman she turned out to be. For that matter show them any of the Trump children. What a person DOES is much more important than a stupid statement made years ago.

He didn't raise them. He said in interviews he pays for them but let's the mother do the day to day.

Yep. They had plenty of chances and plenty of warnings. They are stuck with him and they deserve everything coming

Wow, what a mess, it's pretty amazing.

I think it's also Kasich's fault this happened, he didn't have to back out since theoretically if he could win the votes of the non-Trump delegates that were there right before he dropped out he would have had a chance.

A bit too late for campaigning as well...
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?
Well Grandpa, you have changed your tune. Maybe you are a man and not a boy.
I have never been a Trumpster. I just take issues with the lying left.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

Look, we have all made stupid remarks which if recorded would be embarrashing. If your daughters are worried about Trump then just show them Lavanka Trump and the woman she turned out to be. For that matter show them any of the Trump children. What a person DOES is much more important than a stupid statement made years ago.

He didn't raise them. He said in interviews he pays for them but let's the mother do the day to day.

Quote please, and how many fathers would not say the same thing? A rotten father is a rotten father.
In Trumps mind bowing out now would be letting his enemies beat him.
His ego just won't allow it. It would be the best thing to happen, but I don't see it happening.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

I have a friend, who is a columnist for a major newspaper, say this very same thing in his column that he forwarded to me. He is going to print with it. He said Pence needs to take over and Trump drop out.

Pence won't win, nobody knows who he is and he's also very, very way over the top anti-abortion, to the point of making it mandatory to hold funerals for aborted fetuses in Indiana. That just ain't gonna' fly with women, either.
Twisting the law on abortion. I looked it up after my daughter bitched about it.

The law requires the ABORTION PROVIDER to dispose of the body via internment or cremation to prevent it from being sold for parts.

A completely reasonable law that has been twisted by the hack left

Sorry, but that body-parts-for-sale thing has been completely debunked and the DA in Harris County dismissed the case and the Planned Parenthood victims of the video tape have been exonerated.

You are wrong. From the ultra conservative National Review:

"""The clear intent of the law is not to jail women who miscarry; it’s to discourage abortion. HEA 1337 is an attempt by Indiana’s legislators to codify a moral consensus that lawmakers perceive in their state: namely, that a fetus is more than a clump of cells, and so fetal remains are more than medical waste. Since it’s possible that the “product of conception” might be a person, women should be discouraged from making a decision about it lightly. To the extent possible, Indiana is saying, err on the side of life."""

Read more at: Pence Mockery Syndrome
In Trumps mind bowing out now would be letting his enemies beat him.
His ego just won't allow it. It would be the best thing to happen, but I don't see it happening.

Wouldn't it be great if they both dropped out, except kaine is creepy looking.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?
--------------------------------------------------- that might be accurate Grampa but i prefer for Trump to ride it out . Let the women that are stupid enough vote hilary and then let them and their kids get what they deserve .
I wish he would. I would eagerly vote for Pence. As it stands now I might as well vote for The Rent is Too Damn High party.

That party endorsed Trump. You know, because they aren't a real party either.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

I have a friend, who is a columnist for a major newspaper, say this very same thing in his column that he forwarded to me. He is going to print with it. He said Pence needs to take over and Trump drop out.

Pence won't win, nobody knows who he is and he's also very, very way over the top anti-abortion, to the point of making it mandatory to hold funerals for aborted fetuses in Indiana. That just ain't gonna' fly with women, either.
Twisting the law on abortion. I looked it up after my daughter bitched about it.

The law requires the ABORTION PROVIDER to dispose of the body via internment or cremation to prevent it from being sold for parts.

A completely reasonable law that has been twisted by the hack left

Sorry, but that body-parts-for-sale thing has been completely debunked and the DA in Harris County dismissed the case and the Planned Parenthood victims of the video tape have been exonerated.

You are wrong. From the ultra conservative National Review:

"""The clear intent of the law is not to jail women who miscarry; it’s to discourage abortion. HEA 1337 is an attempt by Indiana’s legislators to codify a moral consensus that lawmakers perceive in their state: namely, that a fetus is more than a clump of cells, and so fetal remains are more than medical waste. Since it’s possible that the “product of conception” might be a person, women should be discouraged from making a decision about it lightly. To the extent possible, Indiana is saying, err on the side of life."""

Read more at: Pence Mockery Syndrome
That is an interpretation of the law. I actually looked it up and what I posted is factual.
Odd. It seems only the infosluts on major 24 hour "news" Channels seem to be bothered by this. Then and the sheep who have to much time on their hands and need something to be pissed about. Who gives a shirt about this stupidity? This was released at the same time Hillerys done list comes out as well as some other comments like having to have one position on a topic in private and another opinion on it in public. What do Americans go to? Sex and a cat 1 hurricane. This is the point that I come to admit that America's good days are long gone.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?
I don't think it's an easy solution for the GOP to hace Pence step in. Even if Trump agreed to step aside, there is no procedure in place to elect the VP. Hell would Pence even do it?
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

Look, we have all made stupid remarks which if recorded would be embarrashing. If your daughters are worried about Trump then just show them Lavanka Trump and the woman she turned out to be. For that matter show them any of the Trump children. What a person DOES is much more important than a stupid statement made years ago.
Lol except we do know what Trump DOES based on what he said in the video. Grow up. He's torched. Hillary will win.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

Look, we have all made stupid remarks which if recorded would be embarrashing. If your daughters are worried about Trump then just show them Lavanka Trump and the woman she turned out to be. For that matter show them any of the Trump children. What a person DOES is much more important than a stupid statement made years ago.
To me it's not about trumps asinine statements. Statements that seem to surface every week. It's about beating Hillary. I don't think Trump can do it.

Yes he can. It was said all through the primary that he would not win and he won with more votes than any candidate before him and he did it against 15 others.

So I am not sure your point. You are not voting for Trump because he can't beat Hillary? That does not make sense. Join the populist movement, vote Trump.

Trump will lose. The Republicans will lose.

You can delude your self all you want....Trump will lose and destroy the Republican Party at the same time.....which I think is great.

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