Trump could drop out now & give the Reins over to Pence

It's been a couple weeks since someone suggested I was a Hillary guy lol. And here I thought the board was getting smarter.

We deal with the empirical evidence.
Don't use big words you obviously dont understand. The evidence is this. If I or Grandpa doesn't vote for Trump OR Clinton Nether get a vote... Only the retarded think so.
------------------------------ you will be complicit in 'illarys' winning the election if you go anyone other than the TRUMP , imo Thantos !!
The Biggest NeverTrump supporter is Donald Trump because he doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.
------------------------- not shutting up is what got the Trump to where he is Thantos .
And that is the saddest thing yet. about 28% republicans are retarded .
Can't see him gutting his pride and taking one for the team. That is a democratic move, do what is best for the party.
We believe what's best for the party is what's best for ANYONE not rich like you and trump.
Yeah, like you have the best interests of the party in mind.
I do. Do you? Or are you just worried about yourself?

See, democrats are so brainwashed that they actually believe the party comes before anything else, before their own interest, before the countries interest. What is so remarkable is they, just like bobo here, openly admit it.
Can't see him gutting his pride and taking one for the team. That is a democratic move, do what is best for the party.
We believe what's best for the party is what's best for ANYONE not rich like you and trump.
Yeah, like you have the best interests of the party in mind.
I do. Do you? Or are you just worried about yourself?

See, democrats are so brainwashed that they actually believe the party comes before anything else, before their own interest, before the countries interest. What is so remarkable is they, just like bobo here, openly admit it.
I'm not rich enough to benefit from GOPanomics.
Can't see him gutting his pride and taking one for the team. That is a democratic move, do what is best for the party.
We believe what's best for the party is what's best for ANYONE not rich like you and trump.
Yeah, like you have the best interests of the party in mind.
I do. Do you? Or are you just worried about yourself?

See, democrats are so brainwashed that they actually believe the party comes before anything else, before their own interest, before the countries interest. What is so remarkable is they, just like bobo here, openly admit it.
I'm not rich enough to benefit from GOPanomics.

So you either collect a government issued check or have little faith in your own ability to ever be rich. I get it, there are a lot of you folks.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

I don't think Trump voters would go for Pence- Pence doesn't address their sense of outrage.
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

I don't think Trump voters would go for Pence- Pence doesn't address their sense of outrage.
It doesn't matter at this point. Unless seriously damaging leaks come out about Hillary she will be the next potus.
We believe what's best for the party is what's best for ANYONE not rich like you and trump.
Yeah, like you have the best interests of the party in mind.
I do. Do you? Or are you just worried about yourself?

See, democrats are so brainwashed that they actually believe the party comes before anything else, before their own interest, before the countries interest. What is so remarkable is they, just like bobo here, openly admit it.
I'm not rich enough to benefit from GOPanomics.

So you either collect a government issued check or have little faith in your own ability to ever be rich. I get it, there are a lot of you folks.
Yes, more folk won't get rich. I want those people to be able to retire at 65. I'm better off than most Americans. I have savings and my dad's gonna leave me money.

I saw him be able to save because he worked for a union company that laid him well. He didn't go to college and he had it better/easier than me.

Now remember, I'm better off than probably 90% of the bottom 90%. You know what I mean? Most people don't have a dime.

So I don't have the confidence most people won't be rich. Not just me. I'm worrying about the masses you worry about you
Recent events are going to kill him with female voters. My own two daughters have made comments about feeling like the are being forced to vote for a womanizer and are very unhappy about the choices they face. Not sure how reflective they are of females in general but they can't be too far off the mark.

I'm not suggesting he is going to drop out but if ever there was a time to do it now is it. Pass the baton and watch Hillary sink in the polls?

It's too late, ballots are already printed out, and I imagine your daughters will be voting for Hillary Clinton.

The reason Republicans are calling on Trump to withdraw is there is much more out there that will be released that will make this recent audio recording look gentle. Republicans know it so they are trying to lessen the collateral damage on down ballot races all across this country.
'Apprentice' producer: There are 'far worse' tapes of Trump
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk -

Women wouldn't vote for Pense either. He has his own woman issues, with signing an abortion law, that was immediately challenged and overruled by a Federal court judge. In fact the ONLY reason he jumped on the Trump band wagon is because he knew he wasn't going to win reelection for his own seat. One of the responsibilities of a Governor is to be a good steward of tax payer dollars and NOT sign bills into law that are certain to be challenged.
"Trump could drop out now & give the Reins over to Pence"

While Trump can drop out, he won't. Even were he to drop out, he cannot just "give the reins" to Pence. The U.S. political process is not that of an absolute monarch naming his/her successor.
Can't see him gutting his pride and taking one for the team. That is a democratic move, do what is best for the party.
When has a democrat ever done that????

Read the news much? Shultz, Weiner, ring a bell?
LMAO They left because they couldnt win not for the good of the party LMAO
It doesn't matter. Trump is going to stay in and Hillary is going to win. Even with his good debate last nigh he is still falling in the polls. I guess people don't like their candidate laughing about assaulting women. I thought it was just him talking lewd like guys do but I heard the recording last night.....That isn't locker room talk . I never talked about being so famous I could commit sexual assault anytime I wanted.

So once more let me say screw you guys for nominating these two disgusting horrible people.
It doesn't matter. Trump is going to stay in and Hillary is going to win. Even with his good debate last nigh he is still falling in the polls. I guess people don't like their candidate laughing about assaulting women. I thought it was just him talking lewd like guys do but I heard the recording last night.....That isn't locker room talk . I never talked about being so famous I could commit sexual assault anytime I wanted.

So once more let me say screw you guys for nominating these two disgusting horrible people.
I guess not melting down on national tv constitutes a good debate? And actually he did melt down. He went full birther. He brought up Bill Clinton. That was 20 years ago. We should be embarrassed. Trump has set the bar really low for future elections. Who next Kim Kardashian?
Can't see him gutting his pride and taking one for the team. That is a democratic move, do what is best for the party.
When has a democrat ever done that????

Read the news much? Shultz, Weiner, ring a bell?
LMAO They left because they couldnt win not for the good of the party LMAO

Well before you finishing laughing your stupid ass off, Schultz left for the good of the party, not because she couldn't win as you would like to believe.
Wasserman Schultz poised to beat Sanders-backed challenger
The fallout from the embarrassing Democratic National Committee email leak last month was swift and severe, costing Wasserman Schultz her chairmanship on the eve of the party's national convention after five years in that job. There’s quite a ways between that, however, and losing reelection: A fixture of South Florida politics for nearly a quarter-century, Wasserman Schultz remains the prohibitive favorite to beat Tim Canova and return to the House for a seventh term, according to recent polling and Florida political operatives.

You guys just make it so easy.

And where is the outrage from Bernie on getting screwed by his own party?

Bernie Sanders Endorses Hillary Clinton, Hoping to Unify Democrats.

Like I said, Dems are party first all the time. Hey, why do you take it so personal, you will win because of it.
It doesn't matter. Trump is going to stay in and Hillary is going to win. Even with his good debate last nigh he is still falling in the polls. I guess people don't like their candidate laughing about assaulting women. I thought it was just him talking lewd like guys do but I heard the recording last night.....That isn't locker room talk . I never talked about being so famous I could commit sexual assault anytime I wanted.

So once more let me say screw you guys for nominating these two disgusting horrible people.
I guess not melting down on national tv constitutes a good debate? And actually he did melt down. He went full birther. He brought up Bill Clinton. That was 20 years ago. We should be embarrassed. Trump has set the bar really low for future elections. Who next Kim Kardashian?
I am sorry but covering up for rape over twenty years ago makes it okay because it is old???? Grow up. Hillary Clinton is a crook corrupt evil bitch who not only didn't care her husband assaulted women but attacks them for daring to speak out about their abuse. Donald Trump is a horrible human but Clinton is worse. By far.
It doesn't matter. Trump is going to stay in and Hillary is going to win. Even with his good debate last nigh he is still falling in the polls. I guess people don't like their candidate laughing about assaulting women. I thought it was just him talking lewd like guys do but I heard the recording last night.....That isn't locker room talk . I never talked about being so famous I could commit sexual assault anytime I wanted.

So once more let me say screw you guys for nominating these two disgusting horrible people.
I guess not melting down on national tv constitutes a good debate? And actually he did melt down. He went full birther. He brought up Bill Clinton. That was 20 years ago. We should be embarrassed. Trump has set the bar really low for future elections. Who next Kim Kardashian?
I am sorry but covering up for rape over twenty years ago makes it okay because it is old???? Grow up. Hillary Clinton is a crook corrupt evil bitch who not only didn't care her husband assaulted women but attacks them for daring to speak out about their abuse. Donald Trump is a horrible human but Clinton is worse. By far.
I don't know about all that
It doesn't matter. Trump is going to stay in and Hillary is going to win. Even with his good debate last nigh he is still falling in the polls. I guess people don't like their candidate laughing about assaulting women. I thought it was just him talking lewd like guys do but I heard the recording last night.....That isn't locker room talk . I never talked about being so famous I could commit sexual assault anytime I wanted.

So once more let me say screw you guys for nominating these two disgusting horrible people.
I guess not melting down on national tv constitutes a good debate? And actually he did melt down. He went full birther. He brought up Bill Clinton. That was 20 years ago. We should be embarrassed. Trump has set the bar really low for future elections. Who next Kim Kardashian?
I am sorry but covering up for rape over twenty years ago makes it okay because it is old???? Grow up. Hillary Clinton is a crook corrupt evil bitch who not only didn't care her husband assaulted women but attacks them for daring to speak out about their abuse. Donald Trump is a horrible human but Clinton is worse. By far.
I don't know about all that
You have never said a more true thing.

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