Trump commutes Rod Blagojevich prison sentence. He gets to go home

Blagojevich was a real piece of Democrat shit from a Democrat shithole city trying to sell a Senate seat. However, everybody and their little brown dog in politics does that kind of corruption every day, especially the Democrats.

Even somebody like me that hates Democrats and think they are the scum of the earth thinks he spent too much time in jail.
You'd THINK that the Dems and Libs on here would be happy that Trump commuted a DEMOCRAT'S sentence. Nope, they hate EVERYTHING our wonderful president does. REALLY dreadful.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness.
This is Trump's idea of "draining the swamp":

WASHINGTON — President Trump has commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, the Democrat who was convicted of trying to essentially sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for personal gain, according to a person briefed on the decision.

Trump commutes former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich's sentence

Trump commuted the sentence of a man who tried to shake down a children's hospital for campaign contributions, saying his sentence was too "harsh". It wasn't fucking HARSH enough.

The guys he gave pardons to were all rich fat cats who BUILT the fucking swamp. Michael Milliken???? Who stolen billions during the Wall Street shennanigans. Politicians and millionaires get pardons. These people are the dregs of society. The people who used their politican power to line their own pockets, just like Trump.

Donald Trump has now spent $133 million dollars going golfing at his resorts. Trump has been paid millions of dollars by the taxpayers for hotel rooms, meals and golf cart rentals to his formerly failing golf clubs at Bedminster, Virginia, and Mar-A-Lago, bring a large entourage of government workers to his resorts with him each weekend and holiday. He's spent nearly 6 months in the past three years at one of his clubs, where he basks in the glow of the wealthy members who pony up hundreds of thousands of dollars in intiation and membership fees, just to have acces to their President.

Donald Trump charges you the "rack rate" for rooms for his staffers - $650 per room, per night. The highest possible rate before any kind of discount or reduction is applied. No corporate discount, no bulk rate discount, no frequent guest discounts. As someone who travels frequently, can I say that when you bulk book rooms for yourself and an entourage of 20 plus staffers, and return week after week, your hotel should be giving you all three, and as a corporate person, I would not book a hotel who didn't, and neither would you.

So Trump is pardoning people just like him. Greedy, rich people who use their power of wealth to get richer. I'm sure he's saying well this guy is a Democrat. I'll pardon him so that when I pardon Stone, I can say "You didn't complain when I was pardoning Democrats". Yeah the left are complaining that you're pardoning rich asshats who didn't need to abuse power and steal from the American people. Doesn't matter which party they belong to.
This is Trump's idea of "draining the swamp":

WASHINGTON — President Trump has commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, the Democrat who was convicted of trying to essentially sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for personal gain, according to a person briefed on the decision.

Trump commutes former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich's sentence
Give Trump an inch and he'll take a mile. This will not end.


OTH, there might be more to that story than the public knows.

Politics is a rough game, and it is apparent to me that the justice system in this nation has become highly politicized and corrupt.

Just the fact that Blagojevich is a Democrat, and Trump is a Republican, makes me think that perhaps there is a lot more to this story than the general public will ever know.

". . .Prosecutors have balked at the notion long promoted by Blagojevich that he engaged in common political horse-trading and was a victim of an overzealous U.S. attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald. After Blagojevich's arrest, Fitzgerald said the governor had gone on "a political corruption crime spree" that would make Abraham Lincoln turn over in his grave.

Mueller — a subject of Trump's derision — was FBI director during the investigation into Blagojevich. Fitzgerald is now a private attorney for another former FBI director, James Comey, whom Trump dismissed from the agency in May 2017.. . . "

I have read some truly wicked and sleazy shit on Mueller. . . he's an establishment goon. This is probably a case of organized crime has different interests than the war criminals at the CFR, Atlantic Council and the like. I will NOT be convinced that one is better than the other. They pretty much like to choose who Americans get to select as their leaders, and when someone who represents the wrong stake holders gets too powerful, the folks in charge of the judges and lawyers generally apply the law unevenly. This is what all the bickering in D.C. is about today.
This is Trump's idea of "draining the swamp":

WASHINGTON — President Trump has commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, the Democrat who was convicted of trying to essentially sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for personal gain, according to a person briefed on the decision.

Trump commutes former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich's sentence

Trump commuted the sentence of a man who tried to shake down a children's hospital for campaign contributions, saying his sentence was too "harsh". It wasn't fucking HARSH enough.

The guys he gave pardons to were all rich fat cats who BUILT the fucking swamp. Michael Milliken???? Who stolen billions during the Wall Street shennanigans. Politicians and millionaires get pardons. These people are the dregs of society. The people who used their politican power to line their own pockets, just like Trump.

Donald Trump has now spent $133 million dollars going golfing at his resorts. Trump has been paid millions of dollars by the taxpayers for hotel rooms, meals and golf cart rentals to his formerly failing golf clubs at Bedminster, Virginia, and Mar-A-Lago, bring a large entourage of government workers to his resorts with him each weekend and holiday. He's spent nearly 6 months in the past three years at one of his clubs, where he basks in the glow of the wealthy members who pony up hundreds of thousands of dollars in intiation and membership fees, just to have acces to their President.

Donald Trump charges you the "rack rate" for rooms for his staffers - $650 per room, per night. The highest possible rate before any kind of discount or reduction is applied. No corporate discount, no bulk rate discount, no frequent guest discounts. As someone who travels frequently, can I say that when you bulk book rooms for yourself and an entourage of 20 plus staffers, and return week after week, your hotel should be giving you all three, and as a corporate person, I would not book a hotel who didn't, and neither would you.

So Trump is pardoning people just like him. Greedy, rich people who use their power of wealth to get richer. I'm sure he's saying well this guy is a Democrat. I'll pardon him so that when I pardon Stone, I can say "You didn't complain when I was pardoning Democrats". Yeah the left are complaining that you're pardoning rich asshats who didn't need to abuse power and steal from the American people. Doesn't matter which party they belong to.

Trump is no different than any other President in commuting and pardoning. Spare us your self righteous indignation.

This is Trump's idea of "draining the swamp":

WASHINGTON — President Trump has commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, the Democrat who was convicted of trying to essentially sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for personal gain, according to a person briefed on the decision.

Trump commutes former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich's sentence
Give Trump an inch and he'll take a mile. This will not end.


OTH, there might be more to that story than the public knows.

Politics is a rough game, and it is apparent to me that the justice system in this nation has become highly politicized and corrupt.

Just the fact that Blagojevich is a Democrat, and Trump is a Republican, makes me think that perhaps there is a lot more to this story than the general public will ever know.

". . .Prosecutors have balked at the notion long promoted by Blagojevich that he engaged in common political horse-trading and was a victim of an overzealous U.S. attorney, Patrick Fitzgerald. After Blagojevich's arrest, Fitzgerald said the governor had gone on "a political corruption crime spree" that would make Abraham Lincoln turn over in his grave.

Mueller — a subject of Trump's derision — was FBI director during the investigation into Blagojevich. Fitzgerald is now a private attorney for another former FBI director, James Comey, whom Trump dismissed from the agency in May 2017.. . . "

I have read some truly wicked and sleazy shit on Mueller. . . he's an establishment goon. This is probably a case of organized crime has different interests than the war criminals at the CFR, Atlantic Council and the like. I will NOT be convinced that one is better than the other. They pretty much like to choose who Americans get to select as their leaders, and when someone who represents the wrong stake holders gets too powerful, the folks in charge of the judges and lawyers generally apply the law unevenly. This is what all the bickering in D.C. is about today.

Blagojevich was a corrupt Democrat. You stupid immoral Moon Bats love corrupt Democrats. Rejoice. Trump is your buddy.
Are Democrats and snowflakes REALLY going to try to make this an issue when Clinton and Obama pardoned domestic terrorist groups (some of whom they have connection to) and criminals (some of whom they are connected to)?
This is Trump's idea of "draining the swamp":

WASHINGTON — President Trump has commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, the Democrat who was convicted of trying to essentially sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for personal gain, according to a person briefed on the decision.

Trump commutes former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich's sentence
I don't get it. Why would a turd like Trump, commute the sentence of the turd, Blagojevich? Is he selling pardons now, like the Governor of Tennessee back in the 70s?
Blagojevich was a corrupt Democrat. You stupid immoral Moon Bats love corrupt Democrats. Rejoice. Trump is your buddy.
Just goes to prove bat-shit crazed Trump-haters will love anything he opposes and attack anything he does, even if it is to pardon criminal Democrats. :p
He spent just shy of 8 years in prison. That is enough punishment IMHO.....
He openly attempted to sell his seat....what an idiot. 8 years for committing a crime and being stupid in this case was enough. When he gets out he's done....
This is Trump's idea of "draining the swamp":

WASHINGTON — President Trump has commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, the Democrat who was convicted of trying to essentially sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for personal gain, according to a person briefed on the decision.

Trump commutes former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich's sentence
Only a special kind of idiot doesn't understand that Blagojevich only did what every other Dim politician in the country does. He just stepped on the wrong toes, so they set him up.
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Blagojevich was a corrupt Democrat. You stupid immoral Moon Bats love corrupt Democrats. Rejoice. Trump is your buddy.
Just goes to prove bat-shit crazed Trump-haters will love anything he opposes and attack anything he does, even if it is to pardon criminal Democrats. :p

What is even more amazing is how the mental illness of Trump Derangement Syndrome has screwed up the minds of all you stupid Moon Bats.
This is Trump's idea of "draining the swamp":

WASHINGTON — President Trump has commuted the 14-year prison sentence of former Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich of Illinois, the Democrat who was convicted of trying to essentially sell President Barack Obama’s vacated Senate seat for personal gain, according to a person briefed on the decision.

Trump commutes former Illinois Gov. Blagojevich's sentence

Trump commuted the sentence of a man who tried to shake down a children's hospital for campaign contributions, saying his sentence was too "harsh". It wasn't fucking HARSH enough.

The guys he gave pardons to were all rich fat cats who BUILT the fucking swamp. Michael Milliken???? Who stolen billions during the Wall Street shennanigans. Politicians and millionaires get pardons. These people are the dregs of society. The people who used their politican power to line their own pockets, just like Trump.

Donald Trump has now spent $133 million dollars going golfing at his resorts. Trump has been paid millions of dollars by the taxpayers for hotel rooms, meals and golf cart rentals to his formerly failing golf clubs at Bedminster, Virginia, and Mar-A-Lago, bring a large entourage of government workers to his resorts with him each weekend and holiday. He's spent nearly 6 months in the past three years at one of his clubs, where he basks in the glow of the wealthy members who pony up hundreds of thousands of dollars in intiation and membership fees, just to have acces to their President.

Donald Trump charges you the "rack rate" for rooms for his staffers - $650 per room, per night. The highest possible rate before any kind of discount or reduction is applied. No corporate discount, no bulk rate discount, no frequent guest discounts. As someone who travels frequently, can I say that when you bulk book rooms for yourself and an entourage of 20 plus staffers, and return week after week, your hotel should be giving you all three, and as a corporate person, I would not book a hotel who didn't, and neither would you.

So Trump is pardoning people just like him. Greedy, rich people who use their power of wealth to get richer. I'm sure he's saying well this guy is a Democrat. I'll pardon him so that when I pardon Stone, I can say "You didn't complain when I was pardoning Democrats". Yeah the left are complaining that you're pardoning rich asshats who didn't need to abuse power and steal from the American people. Doesn't matter which party they belong to.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental illness.
Blagojevich was a real piece of Democrat shit from a Democrat shithole city trying to sell a Senate seat. However, everybody and their little brown dog in politics does that kind of corruption every day, especially the Democrats.

Even somebody like me that hates Democrats and think they are the scum of the earth thinks he spent too much time in jail.
When you piss off the deep state, it throws the book at you.
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