Trump claims we are no better than Russia

No matter what Trump said, democrats will run around in hysteria. They never heard that. It's unprecedented!
Sunday News Shows start tomorrow morning
How many ways will Conway and company be walking back what Trump said and what he " really meant"?

Then they will blame the media

Obama???? Oh! You mean that guy that ran around the world apologizing for America? I remember him now.

Yes...tell us about that

Be Trump calling us killers of the order of Putin worse than Obama saying we have made mistakes?

Who knows? That's why your article only provided excerpts. Maybe we can have a real discussion once the full interview is revealed. In the meantime, I can tell you that Trump was strongly against the Iraq war. I'm assuming that's what the discussion was about, but again, we won't know until tomorrow.
Another area Trump lied about
He was not strongly opposed to Iraq and was recorded saying he supported it

He said it once on the Howard Stern show right after 991 which affected many people from NY. After he had time to think it out more, he was strongly against Iraq after that.

People can change their minds you know. Like Hil-Liar and DumBama being against gay marriage and all?

Trump was never "strongly against it" until the tide had turned

Monday Morning Quarterback

Oh, you mean like when Obama pulled everybody out of Iraq and you libs blamed Bush for it?
here's another spin to the story with a little more of the interview........

O’Reilly told Trump that Putin is a killer. Trump’s reply: ‘You think our country is so innocent?’

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — President Trump has long been effusive in his praise for Russian President Vladimir Putin, despite criticism from Republicans and Democrats alike.

In an interview with Fox News's Bill O'Reilly, which will air ahead of the Super Bowl on Sunday, Trump doubled down on his “respect” for Putin — even in the face of accusations that Putin and his associates have murdered journalists and dissidents in Russia.

“I do respect him. Well, I respect a lot of people, but that doesn’t mean I’ll get along with them,” Trump told O'Reilly.

O'Reilly pressed on, declaring to the president that “Putin is a killer.”

Unfazed, Trump didn't back away, but rather compared Putin's reputation for extrajudicial killings with the United States'.

“There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers,” Trump said. “Well, you think our country is so innocent?”

Trump added that he thinks the United States is “better” getting along with Russia than not.

“If Russia helps us in the fight against ISIS, which is a major fight, and Islamic terrorism all around the world, major fight. That’s a good thing,” Trump said. ISIS is another name for the Islamic State.

It wouldn't be the first time Trump has brushed aside the topic of Putin's political killings.

In a 2015 interview on “Morning Joe,” Trump was pressed on the same issue and gave a similar answer.

“He kills journalists that don't agree with him,” the show's host, Joe Scarborough, pointed out.

“Well, I think that our country does plenty of killing, too, Joe,” Trump said.

As recently as this week, a prominent Putin critic exhibited symptoms of poisoning for the second time since 2015. The incident drew the attention of Republican Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), a staunch Russia critic, who tweetedtwo newspaper editorials that call for the United States to denounce the incident as an act of political retribution. He called both editorials “a must-read.”
I think the only thing that could possibly nauseate me more is the spin Republicans will put on this to make it go away. To hell with all of you.
Putin has something on Trump it is so obvious..

Trump Received Unsubstantiated Report That Russia Had Damaging Information About Him

WASHINGTON — The chiefs of America’s intelligence agencies last week presented President Obama and President-elect Donald J. Trump with a summary of unsubstantiated reports that Russia had collected compromising and salacious personal information about Mr. Trump, two officials with knowledge of the briefing said.
“There are a lot of killers. We have a lot of killers,” Trump said. “Well, you think our country is so innocent?”

Trump has a point....look at Chicago under Obama's watch
That's what happens with a city surrounded by Republicans wanting to sell guns to anyone with a few bucks. Look how happy the GOP was with Sandy Hook. And now they want a Sec. of Education who wants guns in schools. The GOP is evil and Republicans are traitors supporting Trump the Russian Poodle.
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”


The actions of USA.INC has killed millions since the military industrial complex and the central bankers took control of this "gubermint".....please tell me how USA.INC is innocent? Seriously....Trump is telling the honest to God blunt truth. This country has a lot of blood on it's hands. It has NEVER spread freedom....not in the entire state of it's existence. Want to debate me on this???
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”


The actions of USA.INC has killed millions since the military industrial complex and the central bankers took control of this "gubermint".....please tell me how USA.INC is innocent? Seriously....Trump is telling the honest to God blunt truth. This country has a lot of blood on it's hands. It has NEVER spread freedom....not in the entire state of it's existence. Want to debate me on this???
Are you a Russian minion? How much do they pay you?
In an interview with Bill OReilly Trump said our actions are similar to Putins. How long before his spin doctors take it back and blame the media?

Trump says America isn't so innocent

Putin’s is a killer," O'Reilly said in the interview.

"There are a lot of killers," Trump responded. "Got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country's so innocent?"

The president’s relationship with Russia and Putin have been under close scrutiny for months. Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election campaign dogged Trump throughout his election and transition, as intelligence agencies delivered increasingly urgent assessments of Russian efforts to hack emails belonging to the Democratic National Committee and advisers of Trump rival Hillary Clinton.

The excerpts drew condemnation from some conservatives, including the Wall Street Journal’s deputy editorial page editor, who tweeted that “Trump puts US on moral par with Putin's Russia. Never in history has a President slandered his country like this.”


The actions of USA.INC has killed millions since the military industrial complex and the central bankers took control of this "gubermint".....please tell me how USA.INC is innocent? Seriously....Trump is telling the honest to God blunt truth. This country has a lot of blood on it's hands. It has NEVER spread freedom....not in the entire state of it's existence. Want to debate me on this???

Putin's approval rating is 85%, but libs are hell bent on starting a conflict with Russia for some dumb reason.

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