Trump Caves Again!

Disappointing. Was looking forward to Mexico paying for a wall.
Just about everything and anything Trump had promised should disappoint you. he has failed miserably

I agree...

he should stop vetoing the bills the senate sends him.
Hows that health care bill coming, and immigration? His tax cuts will be DOA, as expected

Did he veto the bills the Senate sent him on those?
There is your problem Bubba, his own party wants nothing to do with the BS he wants to create

his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?
The modern GOP could nominate Satan for office, and too many (but not all) Republicans would bend over backwards defending him and voting for him.

Just about everything and anything Trump had promised should disappoint you. he has failed miserably

I agree...

he should stop vetoing the bills the senate sends him.
Hows that health care bill coming, and immigration? His tax cuts will be DOA, as expected

Did he veto the bills the Senate sent him on those?
There is your problem Bubba, his own party wants nothing to do with the BS he wants to create

his 'own' party can't get together to pass a bill, and it's HIS fault?
exactly, they want no part of the crap he produces
Hahahahaha ...

... what a pussy!!


But with a Friday deadline looming to pass a new spending bill, the Trump administration projected confidence that a shutdown would be avoided. In the face of fierce Democratic opposition to funding the wall’s construction, White House officials signaled Monday that the president may be open to an agreement that includes money for border security if not specifically for a wall, with an emphasis on technology and border agents rather than a structure.

Trump showed even more flexibility Monday afternoon, telling conservative journalists in a private meeting that he was open to delaying funding for wall construction until September, a White House official confirmed.

White House ‘confident’ of averting shutdown as Trump shows flexibility on wall

I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.
Once again, Obama dealt with a Congress who refused from day 1, to support anything he wanted

Really? And Obamacare was passed by whom? Elves?
A Democratic Congress
A Democratic Congress

By a Congress ran by Democrats.

there's a difference
I remember when you called Obama a pussy for breaking his campaign promises.

Shall we review? Seven pages of them here:

The Obameter: Campaign Promises that are Promise Broken | PolitiFact

Oh wait, no you didn't. Hmm...
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.
Once again, Obama dealt with a Congress who refused from day 1, to support anything he wanted

Really? And Obamacare was passed by whom? Elves?
A Democratic Congress
A Democratic Congress

By a Congress ran by Democrats.

there's a difference
Call it what you want, sweetie, the GOP can't do anything
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.

1) waiting for a better time is not "breaking promises"; furthermore, Trump ALWAYS said that everything is open to negotiation. And he has kept or tried to keep all of his most important promises - we are not done with the wall, or ACA

2) if Obama attempted to pass legislation & was unable to, that does not constitute a "broken promise" either. The rhetoric and histeria from both sides & the attempt to change the meaning of words gets awfully tiresome
Why did the Republicans nominate a man whose promises they had no intention of putting into practice?

I think they did it to prove a point. Ya know what they mean. Like Hellary is such a bad canidate we could nominate a giant orange clown and still beat her. Guess they were right.
Well, if Hillary had won, she would not be getting anything accomplished with a Republican majority in the House and Senate, but at least she didn't promise the moon and then not be able to deliver. This is Trump's party in control. They are saying no to him on every important item that voters sent him to Washington for. In the end, that can't be seen as a positive.

Yep, you're absolutely right, my bad. He's been there 100 days an it's obvious his presidency will get nothing done ever. And like most of you Libs, I can see the impeachment proceedings starting soon. Thanks for your honest and unbiased insight.
The congressional Democrats cannot block anything, you idiot.

actually, this is untrue - the filibuster is still in place for legislative actions in the Senate, and that is not likely to change (if it does, it would be unprecedented in US history)

judicial filibusters were a modern invention & were 1st removed by the dems
1) You can't defend Trump's broken promises by saying Obama did the same. Two wrongs don't equal a right, and you're trying to change the subject. That means you know you cannot defend Trump's latest lie.

2) Some of Obama's broken promises are due to historic opposition by Republicans who fought most everything Obama did simply because Obama did it. However, you are correct in that Obama broke many promises.

1) waiting for a better time is not "breaking promises"; furthermore, Trump ALWAYS said that everything is open to negotiation. And he has kept or tried to keep all of his most important promises - we are not done with the wall, or ACA

2) if Obama attempted to pass legislation & was unable to, that does not constitute a "broken promise" either. The rhetoric and histeria from both sides & the attempt to change the meaning of words gets awfully tiresome
Trumps promises are dead, today, tomorrow and forever. Time to realize he lied to you every step of the way
The congressional Democrats cannot block anything, you idiot.

actually, this is untrue - the filibuster is still in place for legislative actions in the Senate, and that is not likely to change (if it does, it would be unprecedented in US history)

judicial filibusters were a modern invention & were 1st removed by the dems
For the supreme court?
Trumps promises are dead, today, tomorrow and forever. Time to realize he lied to you every step of the way

yeah, you are probably right

Merrick Garland will be an awesome member of SCOTUS for many years - my bad...
The ONLY way he could even get that nomination approved was to change the rules in his favor. Pathetic

so you are unhappy with Mitch McConnel?

I'm so sorry to hear that. Mu guess is that you were cheering and jeering like an awkward adolescent when Dirty Harry did it to push through Obama nominees?

BTW - do you live in Kentucky? Plan to move there?

Or maybe you could just take a trip and protest in Mitch's home state - that would probably be a great use of your time.

If you decide to do so, please promise to come in here & report back - K?
I really like the term "flexibility." It sounds so much nicer than "lied to people and is now breaking yet another campaign promise to the poor, deluded people who voted for him."
Or you could grow a brain. Donald Trump is still not Hillary last I checked. He's doing much of what he said he'd do, how does that translated into a delusion to your pea brain? Lied means deliberately misled, go ahead and look it up.

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