Trump cancels sanctions on West Bank Israeli settlers on first day back in office

Well, let's be fair, the Palestinians in the West Bank are far more out of control with attempted murders of random Israelis nearly every day and with the Palestinian Authority paying them over $400,000,000 a year to kill Israelis, yet Biden and Blinken didn't seem to think it was any problem at all.
Going back to your comment.. you said the PA are paying $400 million a year to kill Israelis.. that is technically not true.. it alludes to terrorists being paid that amount each year to go on a rampage..

Of course i am aware that prisoners and their families are paid money by the PA. $400 million (being generous with that figure) covers a lot of different people and situations.

The IDF can come into your home and make up any kind of shit they want. You can throw rocks and be put in prison.

To not provide biased links, here is a quote from an Israeli website:

The Palestinian Authority views the Martyrs’ Fund as a means of supporting its citizens who are standing up in the face of injustice. They characterize the policy as a form of social welfare intended to help households whose earners are sitting in prison and restore dignity to a people living under military occupation. While the Martyrs’ Fund as it exists today arose in the early 2000s, the tradition of supporting Palestinian prisoners dates back to the early days of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the 1960s. It has long been a fixture of Palestinian society and the culture of Palestinian nationalism. Moreover, Palestinian officials often argue that martyr and prisoner payments prevent its citizens from becoming further radicalized by Hamas, which openly embraces violence against Israel.

Regardless of its true purpose, it is not accurate to characterize the Martyrs’ Fund solely as a means of encouraging terror against Israel. Contrary to what Prime Minister Netanyahu may claim, not every recipient of aid from the Martyrs’ Fund is a terrorist. As Glenn Kessler points out in the Washington Post, Israel arrests many Palestinians for nonviolent offenses and “security threats” that may qualify more accurately as civil disobedience than terrorism. It is difficult to determine what portion of these detainees actually committed violent offenses that could be considered “terror”. Moreover, Palestinians in the territories are subject to Israeli military law and do not enjoy the legal rights guaranteed by Israeli civil law. The IDF regularly carries out arbitrary arrests of Palestinians, detains them without charges, and tries them in military courts that have a nearly 100 percent conviction rate. Palestinian children are also subject to this process, many of whom end up facing long prison sentences for relatively minor offenses.

Thus, it is unfair to claim that all who benefit from the PA Martyrs’ Fund are terrorists. Not all Palestinians in Israeli prisons have or intend to have Israeli blood on their hands.

You can get thrown in prison for throwing rocks at people in America too.

It’s called Assault with a deadly weapon.
Your posting style of nit picking a small part of someone else’s comment, therefore losing all context, is very juvenile and low end. Pick your game up old man if you expect me to reply to you in future.
Going back to your comment.. you said the PA are paying $400 million a year to kill Israelis.. that is technically not true.. it alludes to terrorists being paid that amount each year to go on a rampage..

Of course i am aware that prisoners and their families are paid money by the PA. $400 million (being generous with that figure) covers a lot of different people and situations.

The IDF can come into your home and make up any kind of shit they want. You can throw rocks and be put in prison.

To not provide biased links, here is a quote from an Israeli website:

The Palestinian Authority views the Martyrs’ Fund as a means of supporting its citizens who are standing up in the face of injustice. They characterize the policy as a form of social welfare intended to help households whose earners are sitting in prison and restore dignity to a people living under military occupation. While the Martyrs’ Fund as it exists today arose in the early 2000s, the tradition of supporting Palestinian prisoners dates back to the early days of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in the 1960s. It has long been a fixture of Palestinian society and the culture of Palestinian nationalism. Moreover, Palestinian officials often argue that martyr and prisoner payments prevent its citizens from becoming further radicalized by Hamas, which openly embraces violence against Israel.

Regardless of its true purpose, it is not accurate to characterize the Martyrs’ Fund solely as a means of encouraging terror against Israel. Contrary to what Prime Minister Netanyahu may claim, not every recipient of aid from the Martyrs’ Fund is a terrorist. As Glenn Kessler points out in the Washington Post, Israel arrests many Palestinians for nonviolent offenses and “security threats” that may qualify more accurately as civil disobedience than terrorism. It is difficult to determine what portion of these detainees actually committed violent offenses that could be considered “terror”. Moreover, Palestinians in the territories are subject to Israeli military law and do not enjoy the legal rights guaranteed by Israeli civil law. The IDF regularly carries out arbitrary arrests of Palestinians, detains them without charges, and tries them in military courts that have a nearly 100 percent conviction rate. Palestinian children are also subject to this process, many of whom end up facing long prison sentences for relatively minor offenses.

Thus, it is unfair to claim that all who benefit from the PA Martyrs’ Fund are terrorists. Not all Palestinians in Israeli prisons have or intend to have Israeli blood on their hands.

We both know that's crap. If you are a Palestinian standing at a bus stop and suddenly pull out a knife and stab the Jews standing next to you, you or your family will be rewarded for that action by the Martyr's fund. You will be a hero of the Palestinian cause, which is to destroy Israel, and Palestinian children will be encouraged to emulate your actions.
We both know that's crap. If you are a Palestinian standing at a bus stop and suddenly pull out a knife and stab the Jews standing next to you, you or your family will be rewarded for that action by the Martyr's fund. You will be a hero of the Palestinian cause, which is to destroy Israel, and Palestinian children will be encouraged to emulate your actions.
I am not denying true terrorists get paid money, and I personally don’t agree with that. As I have said your comment alludes to $400 mill going to those people when it doesn’t.

It’s a complex situation Israel and Palestine. Both sides aren’t perfect.

I pray for peace for all.
I am not denying true terrorists get paid money, and I personally don’t agree with that. As I have said your comment alludes to $400 mill going to those people when it doesn’t.

It’s a complex situation Israel and Palestine. Both sides aren’t perfect.

I pray for peace for all.
It is not complex at all; the Palestinians simply refuse to live in peace with Israel.
It is not complex at all; the Palestinians simply refuse to live in peace with Israel.
They are living under an occupation.. there will never be peace. Remove all illegal settlements, that would be a start if peace is desired..

Trump has forced Bibi into a ceasefire, thats a good thing. Those hostages and their families should have been reunited a year ago through ceasefires.. i dont have a great amount of respect for the current Israeli government. Peace for all does seem out of reach right now.
They are living under an occupation.. there will never be peace. Remove all illegal settlements, that would be a start if peace is desired..

Trump has forced Bibi into a ceasefire, thats a good thing. Those hostages and their families should have been reunited a year ago through ceasefires.. i dont have a great amount of respect for the current Israeli government. Peace for all does seem out of reach right now.
You are using words without understanding their meanings. The Palestinians were not living under occupation, although some of the land was occupied by Israel in the sense that Israel had not annexed it, but that does not imply the Palestinians had a greater right to the land than the Israelis.

Second, for a settlement to be illegal, it has to violate a law, but the only relevant laws in this case are Israeli laws. When you think about the situation only in propaganda terms, you end up saying nothing at all about the situation, but quite a lot about yourself.

Muslims have always refused to live in peace with Jews.

"From the early years of Islamic civilization, Muslim jurists, basing on Qur’anic directives, devised an elaborate hierarchy in which monotheistic non-Muslims, such as Christians and Jews, would be “protected” at a low level and tolerated as second-class citizens. Guidelines for their treatment were embodied in the “Pact of ‘Umar.” Limitations on the status of non-Muslims

included discriminatory clothing regulations and occupational restrictions. Non-Muslims were required to pay a poll tax (jizya) as well as discriminatory taxes on agricultural produce."

These discriminatory laws were still in place when the Ottoman Empire fell, and although the British abolished them, since the 7th century every Muslim child had been raised to hate Jews and feel entitled to persecute them - it was a core value of their culture, their laws, their religion - and the Jews came under attack as soon as they landed and have been under attack by the Arabs, now calling themselves Palestinians ever since. Glib nonsense about "occupation" or "illegal" settlements is just a mask they have constructed to make their hatred of Jews more palatable to the West.

The Palestinians have only one goal and that is the destruction of Israel, and until they are willing to give up that ancient hatred of Jews there is no path to peace no matter what Israel does.
You are using words without understanding their meanings. The Palestinians were not living under occupation, although some of the land was occupied by Israel in the sense that Israel had not annexed it, but that does not imply the Palestinians had a greater right to the land than the Israelis.

Second, for a settlement to be illegal, it has to violate a law, but the only relevant laws in this case are Israeli laws. When you think about the situation only in propaganda terms, you end up saying nothing at all about the situation, but quite a lot about yourself.

Muslims have always refused to live in peace with Jews.

"From the early years of Islamic civilization, Muslim jurists, basing on Qur’anic directives, devised an elaborate hierarchy in which monotheistic non-Muslims, such as Christians and Jews, would be “protected” at a low level and tolerated as second-class citizens. Guidelines for their treatment were embodied in the “Pact of ‘Umar.” Limitations on the status of non-Muslims

included discriminatory clothing regulations and occupational restrictions. Non-Muslims were required to pay a poll tax (jizya) as well as discriminatory taxes on agricultural produce."

These discriminatory laws were still in place when the Ottoman Empire fell, and although the British abolished them, since the 7th century every Muslim child had been raised to hate Jews and feel entitled to persecute them - it was a core value of their culture, their laws, their religion - and the Jews came under attack as soon as they landed and have been under attack by the Arabs, now calling themselves Palestinians ever since. Glib nonsense about "occupation" or "illegal" settlements is just a mask they have constructed to make their hatred of Jews more palatable to the West.

The Palestinians have only one goal and that is the destruction of Israel, and until they are willing to give up that ancient hatred of Jews there is no path to peace no matter what Israel does.

That’s the beauty of the internet or world, we get to voice an opinion.

& We can agree to disagree.

Peace to you!
The Palestinian Authority views the Martyrs’ Fund as a means of supporting its citizens who are standing up in the face of injustice.
This is very much in line with what toomuchtime_ said, "paying $400 million a year to kill Israelis". Or do you think "standing up" means something else?

The reality is that these payments incentivize the "standing up" (including, and perhaps, especially, violence). Why not put that money to use incentivizing peaceful co-operation, economic prosperity, and welfare systems for the Palestinian people?
They are living under an occupation.. there will never be peace. Remove all illegal settlements, that would be a start if peace is desired..
Echoing what toomuchtime_ noted above, there is no occupation and no illegal settlements, and no framework under international law to accuse Israel of these things. There will be no peace as long as the conversation is framed by these errors. Instead, the conversation must be re-framed at least back to the 1994 Oslo Accords where Israel has the right to self-determination as a State; Arab Palestine has the right to self-determination as a State; each gets some portion of territory; each has a mixed majority/minority population of Jews and Arabs with choice of citizenship and residency made by the individuals affected. The final peace treaty agreement will be negotiated in good faith by the government of Israel and an elected representative of the Arab Palestinian people.

Those arguing that "removing the settlements" will result in peace, clearly don't understand what happened in Gaza between 2005 and October 7, 2023. Removing Jews from places where Jews live does not bring peace. Rather it creates an incentive for Arabs to continue to demand the ethnic cleansing of Jews from all the territory the Arabs want the Jews cleansed from (which is all of it).
Trump has forced Bibi into a ceasefire, thats a good thing. Those hostages and their families should have been reunited a year ago through ceasefires.
No. The hostages should never have been taken in the first place. Committing war crimes against civilians is the most egregious of human rights crimes and should never have been tolerated by the world community. A self-governing territory (regardless of a lack of full Statehood) should have been held accountable for such an egregious crime against humanity by the UN and all other States who are party to the UN Charter on October 8.

Not to mention the ridiculousness of suggesting that Bibi had control over the release of the hostages (through ceasefires) rather than holding Hamas responsible for its part.

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