Trump campaign’s $63M dwarfed by Biden’s $177M


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
If money is the lifeblood of politics..Trump's campaign needs a transfusion!

President Trump’s re-election campaign committee ended September with only $63.1 million in the bank despite canceling some television buys late last month, leaving him badly outmatched financially against Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the final stretch of the campaign.
New filings with the Federal Election Commission showed the extent of Mr. Trump’s cash troubles, which are severe enough that he diverted time from key battleground states and flew to California on Sunday for a fund-raiser with just over two weeks until Election Day. The president ended September with just over half as much money as he had at the beginning of the month.
While Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the Republican National Committee have raised $1.5 billion since the start of 2019, the disclosures late Tuesday showed that his main re-election committee — the account that must pay for many of the race’s most important costs, including most television ads — had only a small slice remaining.
All told, Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the R.N.C. had $251.4 million entering October, compared with the $432 million that Mr. Biden’s campaign and its joint accounts with the Democratic National Committee had in the bank. Some joint account funds are most likely eligible to be transferred to the main campaign committee.
Fortunes have reversed sharply from this spring, when Mr. Trump and the Republicans had nearly $190 million more in the bank than Mr. Biden and the Democrats did when he emerged as the presumptive Democratic nominee.

If money is the lifeblood of politics..Trump's campaign needs a transfusion!

President Trump’s re-election campaign committee ended September with only $63.1 million in the bank despite canceling some television buys late last month, leaving him badly outmatched financially against Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the final stretch of the campaign.
New filings with the Federal Election Commission showed the extent of Mr. Trump’s cash troubles, which are severe enough that he diverted time from key battleground states and flew to California on Sunday for a fund-raiser with just over two weeks until Election Day. The president ended September with just over half as much money as he had at the beginning of the month.
While Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the Republican National Committee have raised $1.5 billion since the start of 2019, the disclosures late Tuesday showed that his main re-election committee — the account that must pay for many of the race’s most important costs, including most television ads — had only a small slice remaining.
All told, Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the R.N.C. had $251.4 million entering October, compared with the $432 million that Mr. Biden’s campaign and its joint accounts with the Democratic National Committee had in the bank. Some joint account funds are most likely eligible to be transferred to the main campaign committee.
Fortunes have reversed sharply from this spring, when Mr. Trump and the Republicans had nearly $190 million more in the bank than Mr. Biden and the Democrats did when he emerged as the presumptive Democratic nominee.

All those anonymous people without any place of employment making big donations.

Democracy is for sale. Who is buying it?
Sounds like 2016, doesn't it?

Hillary Clinton
Candidate Raised to Date* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $973.2M
Spent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $969.1M
Cash on Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.1M

Donald Trump
Candidate Raised to Date* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $564.3M
Spent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $531.0M
Cash on Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33.3M
If money is the lifeblood of politics..Trump's campaign needs a transfusion!

President Trump’s re-election campaign committee ended September with only $63.1 million in the bank despite canceling some television buys late last month, leaving him badly outmatched financially against Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the final stretch of the campaign.
New filings with the Federal Election Commission showed the extent of Mr. Trump’s cash troubles, which are severe enough that he diverted time from key battleground states and flew to California on Sunday for a fund-raiser with just over two weeks until Election Day. The president ended September with just over half as much money as he had at the beginning of the month.
While Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the Republican National Committee have raised $1.5 billion since the start of 2019, the disclosures late Tuesday showed that his main re-election committee — the account that must pay for many of the race’s most important costs, including most television ads — had only a small slice remaining.
All told, Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the R.N.C. had $251.4 million entering October, compared with the $432 million that Mr. Biden’s campaign and its joint accounts with the Democratic National Committee had in the bank. Some joint account funds are most likely eligible to be transferred to the main campaign committee.
Fortunes have reversed sharply from this spring, when Mr. Trump and the Republicans had nearly $190 million more in the bank than Mr. Biden and the Democrats did when he emerged as the presumptive Democratic nominee.
Isnt is amazing how the progs hate dark money, then accept dark money when it is given to them...Biggest bunch of hypocrites...
If money is the lifeblood of politics..Trump's campaign needs a transfusion!

President Trump’s re-election campaign committee ended September with only $63.1 million in the bank despite canceling some television buys late last month, leaving him badly outmatched financially against Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the final stretch of the campaign.
New filings with the Federal Election Commission showed the extent of Mr. Trump’s cash troubles, which are severe enough that he diverted time from key battleground states and flew to California on Sunday for a fund-raiser with just over two weeks until Election Day. The president ended September with just over half as much money as he had at the beginning of the month.
While Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the Republican National Committee have raised $1.5 billion since the start of 2019, the disclosures late Tuesday showed that his main re-election committee — the account that must pay for many of the race’s most important costs, including most television ads — had only a small slice remaining.
All told, Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the R.N.C. had $251.4 million entering October, compared with the $432 million that Mr. Biden’s campaign and its joint accounts with the Democratic National Committee had in the bank. Some joint account funds are most likely eligible to be transferred to the main campaign committee.
Fortunes have reversed sharply from this spring, when Mr. Trump and the Republicans had nearly $190 million more in the bank than Mr. Biden and the Democrats did when he emerged as the presumptive Democratic nominee.
Isnt is amazing how the progs hate dark money, then accept dark money when it is given to them...Biggest bunch of hypocrites...

Or how being the Party of the Rich, was bad, until, suddenly it's wasn't. Because now the rich likes them.

Does hypocrite really cover it? DO we need a new world to describe just the vastness of the "hypocrisy"?

Or like the Eskimos, do we need a whole category of words, to describe "snow", because we now live in a constant landscape of the shit from these people?
If money is the lifeblood of politics..Trump's campaign needs a transfusion!

President Trump’s re-election campaign committee ended September with only $63.1 million in the bank despite canceling some television buys late last month, leaving him badly outmatched financially against Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the final stretch of the campaign.
New filings with the Federal Election Commission showed the extent of Mr. Trump’s cash troubles, which are severe enough that he diverted time from key battleground states and flew to California on Sunday for a fund-raiser with just over two weeks until Election Day. The president ended September with just over half as much money as he had at the beginning of the month.
While Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the Republican National Committee have raised $1.5 billion since the start of 2019, the disclosures late Tuesday showed that his main re-election committee — the account that must pay for many of the race’s most important costs, including most television ads — had only a small slice remaining.
All told, Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the R.N.C. had $251.4 million entering October, compared with the $432 million that Mr. Biden’s campaign and its joint accounts with the Democratic National Committee had in the bank. Some joint account funds are most likely eligible to be transferred to the main campaign committee.
Fortunes have reversed sharply from this spring, when Mr. Trump and the Republicans had nearly $190 million more in the bank than Mr. Biden and the Democrats did when he emerged as the presumptive Democratic nominee.
Hillary spent more.

But the rich fat cats always do
All that matters is the election results.

Granted: Evil may not have prevailed in 2016.....but it won't quit until it does

Didn't Hillary way outspend him too in 2016? Big money comes with people expecting big favors in return.

Yup She outspent him by a wide margin and still lost.
If money is the lifeblood of politics..Trump's campaign needs a transfusion!

President Trump’s re-election campaign committee ended September with only $63.1 million in the bank despite canceling some television buys late last month, leaving him badly outmatched financially against Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the final stretch of the campaign.
New filings with the Federal Election Commission showed the extent of Mr. Trump’s cash troubles, which are severe enough that he diverted time from key battleground states and flew to California on Sunday for a fund-raiser with just over two weeks until Election Day. The president ended September with just over half as much money as he had at the beginning of the month.
While Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the Republican National Committee have raised $1.5 billion since the start of 2019, the disclosures late Tuesday showed that his main re-election committee — the account that must pay for many of the race’s most important costs, including most television ads — had only a small slice remaining.
All told, Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the R.N.C. had $251.4 million entering October, compared with the $432 million that Mr. Biden’s campaign and its joint accounts with the Democratic National Committee had in the bank. Some joint account funds are most likely eligible to be transferred to the main campaign committee.
Fortunes have reversed sharply from this spring, when Mr. Trump and the Republicans had nearly $190 million more in the bank than Mr. Biden and the Democrats did when he emerged as the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Oh I see what you did there, Bidens amount is in Chinese Renminbi not dollars. You do realize the Renminbi is worth a whole lot less then our dollar, right?
Apparently Trump looted the campaign money so bad that republican big money donors are giving to PACs he has no control over.

Back that up with some proof of that or shut the hell up.
What kind of proof do you require? Certainly you would reject anything from the mainstream media.

Here's an article from Vanity Fair you will reject out of hand.

The Trump Campaign Reportedly Blew $1 Billion on Private Jet Rides, Trump Properties, and Don Jr.’s Shitty Book

Can't remember where I read that spending by republican PACs has went up as the Trump campaign counts change. Just going to have to trust me on that.
If money is the lifeblood of politics..Trump's campaign needs a transfusion!

President Trump’s re-election campaign committee ended September with only $63.1 million in the bank despite canceling some television buys late last month, leaving him badly outmatched financially against Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the final stretch of the campaign.
New filings with the Federal Election Commission showed the extent of Mr. Trump’s cash troubles, which are severe enough that he diverted time from key battleground states and flew to California on Sunday for a fund-raiser with just over two weeks until Election Day. The president ended September with just over half as much money as he had at the beginning of the month.
While Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the Republican National Committee have raised $1.5 billion since the start of 2019, the disclosures late Tuesday showed that his main re-election committee — the account that must pay for many of the race’s most important costs, including most television ads — had only a small slice remaining.
All told, Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the R.N.C. had $251.4 million entering October, compared with the $432 million that Mr. Biden’s campaign and its joint accounts with the Democratic National Committee had in the bank. Some joint account funds are most likely eligible to be transferred to the main campaign committee.
Fortunes have reversed sharply from this spring, when Mr. Trump and the Republicans had nearly $190 million more in the bank than Mr. Biden and the Democrats did when he emerged as the presumptive Democratic nominee.
Why do you want your potus owned and controlled by billionaires?
If money is the lifeblood of politics..Trump's campaign needs a transfusion!

President Trump’s re-election campaign committee ended September with only $63.1 million in the bank despite canceling some television buys late last month, leaving him badly outmatched financially against Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the final stretch of the campaign.
New filings with the Federal Election Commission showed the extent of Mr. Trump’s cash troubles, which are severe enough that he diverted time from key battleground states and flew to California on Sunday for a fund-raiser with just over two weeks until Election Day. The president ended September with just over half as much money as he had at the beginning of the month.
While Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the Republican National Committee have raised $1.5 billion since the start of 2019, the disclosures late Tuesday showed that his main re-election committee — the account that must pay for many of the race’s most important costs, including most television ads — had only a small slice remaining.
All told, Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the R.N.C. had $251.4 million entering October, compared with the $432 million that Mr. Biden’s campaign and its joint accounts with the Democratic National Committee had in the bank. Some joint account funds are most likely eligible to be transferred to the main campaign committee.
Fortunes have reversed sharply from this spring, when Mr. Trump and the Republicans had nearly $190 million more in the bank than Mr. Biden and the Democrats did when he emerged as the presumptive Democratic nominee.
The very first word in your post says it all, IF
Trump is going to get record breaking votes, and NO amount of fake campaining from Joe is going to change that.
Game Over for Joe.
If money is the lifeblood of politics..Trump's campaign needs a transfusion!

President Trump’s re-election campaign committee ended September with only $63.1 million in the bank despite canceling some television buys late last month, leaving him badly outmatched financially against Joseph R. Biden Jr. in the final stretch of the campaign.
New filings with the Federal Election Commission showed the extent of Mr. Trump’s cash troubles, which are severe enough that he diverted time from key battleground states and flew to California on Sunday for a fund-raiser with just over two weeks until Election Day. The president ended September with just over half as much money as he had at the beginning of the month.
While Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the Republican National Committee have raised $1.5 billion since the start of 2019, the disclosures late Tuesday showed that his main re-election committee — the account that must pay for many of the race’s most important costs, including most television ads — had only a small slice remaining.
All told, Mr. Trump’s campaign and its shared committees with the R.N.C. had $251.4 million entering October, compared with the $432 million that Mr. Biden’s campaign and its joint accounts with the Democratic National Committee had in the bank. Some joint account funds are most likely eligible to be transferred to the main campaign committee.
Fortunes have reversed sharply from this spring, when Mr. Trump and the Republicans had nearly $190 million more in the bank than Mr. Biden and the Democrats did when he emerged as the presumptive Democratic nominee.

"Unemployment" people aka the CCP continue to pump hundreds of millions into their guys campaign.

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