Trump campaign knew they were lying about Dominion voting machines.

Cries ramblongnose
You hate it when I win a debate with you don't ya?.....
Seriously, what gets me is that this whole "rigged" shit that Trump loves to spout is his shtick. It has been his shtick since the 80s. It was his shtick when he loses a court case, when he lost at the emmys, when anyone or anything he supports goes down to defeat, it is Trump's shtick to say the results were "rigged."

Trump has to be so amazed that there are so many mindless zombies out there that have brought into his shtick hook, line and sinker.

The term "sheeple" is too kind a word for these folks. Sheep have more independence of thought than Trumpers.
It is truly bizarre.

Trump supporters actually admire this about Trump; when Trump lies about something being ‘rigged’ or ‘stolen’ his supporters perceive Trump as being ‘defiant’ and a ‘fighter’ who refuses to give up.

The Trump Cult truly is a manifestation of mental illness.
How many names do you have for me?...I must be much do I owe you for that rent space in your head?....Buuuuaaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

You crack me up, rambnut. You lie and lie and lie, and you get caught lying over and over and over, yet you keep coming back for more.

You may just be the most hungry glutton for punishment on this forum. That's no skin off my back.

Among your lies which have all been proven lies....

OK, poster Rambunctious, you are somewhat skeptical of the New York Times.
We get it.

But then, for those of us who do read the Times regularly, well, what alternative would you recommend?
What do you read?

They don't read anything besides what they see here and on Facebook. Twitter is too difficult for them to parse.
This is another aspect of the bizarre Trump Cult: the use of lies and the repeating of lies clearly proven to be lies as a way to provoke political opponents: to get a rise out of or to make angry as some sort of rhetorical tactic.
The perception of things that have a reality to them is what is troubling. Millions of people who are obese, out of shape and not healthy who have not done much of anything in life sit or lay down on a sofa voting for people who will keep the lifestyle going. This exists. It is real. And it probably has some on the other side. So we end up penalizing men and women who produce and would like to keep a bit more of their wealth. I tis not like when the taxes increase more and more that the problems are fixed. ID for voting is a good idea. Mail in voting must be curbed to a certain amount of time and heavily monitored. We are now sending checks out every month for children. We have become a burgeoning welfare state that has high taxation built in and it is even remotely finished its path of destruction. Physical/industrial foundation has been put on the back burner for Human foundation which is corrupted more then any system in history. Many people involved have done nothing in life. Physical/industrial foundation is something we took pride in at one time. Roads, highways, bridges, utilities, and environmental should be a few times better easily. We even pay Human foundation people off to get a Physical/industrial project done.
There are a growing amount of people who would rather see us attacked then put up with this. Sounds above sense I know. Its just that we are becoming more and more regionalized. I do not see us ever becoming united for much of anything anymore. All you got to do to start is muzzle the Prog media and Prog entertainers. First Amendment does not mean National Enquirer and pushing endless propaganda. It certainly will help some healing.

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