Trump Calls For Mueller Investigation Of Bernie Sanders And The Nevada Caucus

Did Bernie meet with the Russians or fire the guy who was investigating him?

Don't know if he meets with Russians. Is that a crime?

He did honeymoon in the USSR. He does promote communist ideology.
I'm glad Bernie can be the democrat nominee this time.
We will see if voters want to move the US to the left toward socialism.

Donald Trump calls Bernie Sanders a “socialist-slash-communist.” If Donald Trump really thinks Bernie Sanders’ “democratic socialism” is equivalent to Soviet-style communism, then the renowned Wharton School, with which he identifies himself, should consider revoking his degree.

Bernie Sanders promotes the kind of democratic socialism that is practiced in Denmark and was featured favorably in two recent articles in The Tribune. Indeed, virtually all the countries of western and central Europe are, to a greater or lesser degree, social democracies, blending democratic governmental systems with capitalism and an extensive social sector. The German constitution specifically states that the economy will be a “social market economy.”

Communism is the totalitarian system that collapsed in eastern Europe and the Soviet Union in the ’90s and bears no relationship to democratic socialism.

Uh-huh, what Bernie wants to do is what he says he wants to do: Political positions of Bernie Sanders - Wikipedia
1. Nationalize the healthcare system ("Lois Lerner" in-charge of your access to medical care)
2. Nationalize utilities (what could go wrong if the Feds run utilities?)
3. Immigration reform, open borders (let those democrat voters in)
4. Use the Scandinavian model of "democratic socialism"? (Sorry, but they are not socialist:)

Sorry Bernie Bros But Nordic Countries Are Not Socialist
Use the Scandinavian model of "democratic socialism"?

The key difference between democratic socialism and social democracy is precisely that the former advocates for social ownership of the means of production, and does not believe in reforms within capitalism (although it does support temporary social democratic actions), but in a revolution of the system.

The platform Sanders is running on is reformist, and what he is proposing is a US that looks much more like Canada, or Europe—which certainly are not socialist nations.

Bernie Sanders isn’t a democratic socialist. He is a social democrat

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