Trump Called The People Who Stabbed Him In The Back Some Really Bad Names.....How Horrible


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Ignore what these people did to Trump before he left office, just focus on what Trump reportedly said Saturday about them during a meeting with GOP donors at Mara Largo. That is all the media wants us to focus on. Never mind all of the damage these people have done in such a short time.....just focus on the UNPRESIDENTIAL manner in which Trump described them in a private get-together.

Trust me.....Hillary has called her critics worse....especially during a historic temper-tantrum after she realized that she lost the 2016 election. But nobody was willing to be suicided by leaking to the press what she said. Trust made anything Trump said seem a weak PG in comparison.

Nobody was willing to tell anyone about the foul mouth that Obama had...particularly after he won re-election in 2012. But with Trump.....nothing is a secret. If he cusses after stubbing his big toe you can bet some schmuck will plaster it all over the headlines. A journalist never had to worry about the president spying on him or having him thrown in prison for being his critic. They did have to worry about that under Clinton and Obama.

Which is worse...having your home broke into by SWAT teams at 2am.......or just being called an SOB?

Sticks & Stones folks.

How dare Trump talk about Mike Pence in a less than a glowing manner. Yes, the man that Trump counted on to be his friend and supporter during the election scandal simply rubber-stamped the election rather than allowing the process to play out. Journalists say Trump was trying to get Pence to steal the election....but in fact he was trying to prevent Biden from robbing him of a win. Months afterward we have discovered that everything Trump said happen did happen. Dead people were voting in swing-states by the thousands and are only now being purged from the rolls after it is too late to do anything about it. Thousands upon thousands of absentee ballots were being registered the day they were mailed out to voters in....which is literally impossible. Signatures not being verified. Ballots being run repeatedly thru the counting machines by BLM supporters. Biden didn't win....yet he's in the WH screwing everything up. Can you blame Trump for not liking it?

Explain why Mike Pence was in charge of handling COVID...yet never got the blame for how it was handled by the administration?
Explain why the press never said a single bad word about Pence after Jan 6th?
Why is Mike Pence not a focus of constant attacks from the press?
Easy....he was the insurance policy placed in the Trump Administration by Clinton, Obama, and Bush.
He was there to make sure that Trump didn't get a second term.


A picture says a thousand words...note the snide way Pence regards Trump during this signing......
View attachment 479130

Ignore what these people did to Trump before he left office, just focus on what Trump reportedly said Saturday about them during a meeting with GOP donors at Mara Largo. That is all the media wants us to focus on. Never mind all of the damage these people have done in such a short time.....just focus on the UNPRESIDENTIAL manner in which Trump described them in a private get-together.

Trust me.....Hillary has called her critics worse....especially during a historic temper-tantrum after she realized that she lost the 2016 election. But nobody was willing to be suicided by leaking to the press what she said. Trust made anything Trump said seem a weak R rated movie in comparison.

Nobody was willing to tell anyone about the foul mouth that Obama had...particularly after he won re-election in 2012. But with Trump.....nothing is a secret. If he cusses after stubbing his big toe you can bet some schmuck will plaster it all over the headlines. A journalist never had to worry about the president spying on him or having him thrown in prison for being his critic. They did have to worry about that under Clinton and Obama. Which is worse...having your home broke into by SWAT teams at 2am.......or just being called an SOB?

Sticks & Stones folks.

How dare Trump talk about Mike Pence in a less than a glowing manner. Yes, the man that Trump counted on to be his friend and supporter during the election scandal simply rubber-stamped the election rather than allowing the process to play out. Journalists say Trump was trying to get Pence to steal the election....but in fact he was trying to prevent Biden from robbing him of a win. Months afterward we have discovered that everything Trump said happen did happen. Dead people were voting in swing-states by the thousands and are only now being purged from the rolls after it is too late to do anything about it. Thousands upon thousands of absentee ballots were being registered the day they were mailed out to voters in....which is literally impossible. Signatures not being verified. Ballots being run repeatedly thru the counting machines by BLM supporters. Biden didn't win....yet he's in the WH screwing everything up. Can you blame Trump for not liking it?

Explain why Mike Pence was in charge of handling COVID...yet never got the blame for how it was handled by the administration?
Explain why the press never said a single bad word about Pence after Jan 6th?
Why is Mike Pence not a focus of constant attacks from the press?
Easy....he was the insurance policy placed in the Trump Administration by Clinton, Obama, and Bush.
He was there to make sure that Trump didn't get a second term.

View attachment 479129
A picture says a thousand words...note the snide way Pence regards Trump during this signing......
"stabbed him in the back"? :heehee:
View attachment 479130

Ignore what these people did to Trump before he left office, just focus on what Trump reportedly said Saturday about them during a meeting with GOP donors at Mara Largo. That is all the media wants us to focus on. Never mind all of the damage these people have done in such a short time.....just focus on the UNPRESIDENTIAL manner in which Trump described them in a private get-together.

Trust me.....Hillary has called her critics worse....especially during a historic temper-tantrum after she realized that she lost the 2016 election. But nobody was willing to be suicided by leaking to the press what she said. Trust made anything Trump said seem a weak PG in comparison.

Nobody was willing to tell anyone about the foul mouth that Obama had...particularly after he won re-election in 2012. But with Trump.....nothing is a secret. If he cusses after stubbing his big toe you can bet some schmuck will plaster it all over the headlines. A journalist never had to worry about the president spying on him or having him thrown in prison for being his critic. They did have to worry about that under Clinton and Obama. Which is worse...having your home broke into by SWAT teams at 2am.......or just being called an SOB?

Sticks & Stones folks.

How dare Trump talk about Mike Pence in a less than a glowing manner. Yes, the man that Trump counted on to be his friend and supporter during the election scandal simply rubber-stamped the election rather than allowing the process to play out. Journalists say Trump was trying to get Pence to steal the election....but in fact he was trying to prevent Biden from robbing him of a win. Months afterward we have discovered that everything Trump said happen did happen. Dead people were voting in swing-states by the thousands and are only now being purged from the rolls after it is too late to do anything about it. Thousands upon thousands of absentee ballots were being registered the day they were mailed out to voters in....which is literally impossible. Signatures not being verified. Ballots being run repeatedly thru the counting machines by BLM supporters. Biden didn't win....yet he's in the WH screwing everything up. Can you blame Trump for not liking it?

Explain why Mike Pence was in charge of handling COVID...yet never got the blame for how it was handled by the administration?
Explain why the press never said a single bad word about Pence after Jan 6th?
Why is Mike Pence not a focus of constant attacks from the press?
Easy....he was the insurance policy placed in the Trump Administration by Clinton, Obama, and Bush.
He was there to make sure that Trump didn't get a second term.

View attachment 479129
A picture says a thousand words...note the snide way Pence regards Trump during this signing......
Is this supposed to be some kinda satire? A joke?
Donald Trump is a New York wanker.

This does not deny that he was the greatest President of the past hundred years - based on what he accomplished, and could have accomplished absent the unprecedented obstructionism of the Left. Dave Barry might describe Trump as being afflicted with Blitherer's Disease: the absence of the filter that prevents the mouth from spouting the first thing that pops into one's brain. (Howard Stern has made himself a gazillionaire by virtue of his Blitherer's Disease).

What this country needs, as soon as possible, is Trumpism without Trump. Who best to carry that banner is yet to be decided.
Donald Trump is a New York wanker.

This does not deny that he was the greatest President of the past hundred years - based on what he accomplished, and could have accomplished absent the unprecedented obstructionism of the Left. Dave Barry might describe Trump as being afflicted with Blitherer's Disease: the absence of the filter that prevents the mouth from spouting the first thing that pops into one's brain. (Howard Stern has made himself a gazillionaire by virtue of his Blitherer's Disease).

What this country needs, as soon as possible, is Trumpism without Trump. Who best to carry that banner is yet to be decided.
Just elect the fat guy who can elbow his way to the front of any photo opp.
Donald Trump is a New York wanker.

This does not deny that he was the greatest President of the past hundred years - based on what he accomplished, and could have accomplished absent the unprecedented obstructionism of the Left. Dave Barry might describe Trump as being afflicted with Blitherer's Disease: the absence of the filter that prevents the mouth from spouting the first thing that pops into one's brain. (Howard Stern has made himself a gazillionaire by virtue of his Blitherer's Disease).

What this country needs, as soon as possible, is Trumpism without Trump. Who best to carry that banner is yet to be decided.
No one but Trump will carry that banner.
All hail the whiney little bitch!
Yeah...maybe he'll write a book about it.....or go on speaking tours explaining how she lost charging $100k for each appearance. Maybe he'll get his friends on the FBI to pull an Obama and try to entrap members of his administration into some fake Russian influence peddling scandal.



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Donald Trump is a New York wanker.

This does not deny that he was the greatest President of the past hundred years - based on what he accomplished, and could have accomplished absent the unprecedented obstructionism of the Left. Dave Barry might describe Trump as being afflicted with Blitherer's Disease: the absence of the filter that prevents the mouth from spouting the first thing that pops into one's brain. (Howard Stern has made himself a gazillionaire by virtue of his Blitherer's Disease).

What this country needs, as soon as possible, is Trumpism without Trump. Who best to carry that banner is yet to be decided.
What this country needs is a president who is honest and a media that isn't corrupt. Be have neither right now.
View attachment 479130

Ignore what these people did to Trump before he left office, just focus on what Trump reportedly said Saturday about them during a meeting with GOP donors at Mara Largo. That is all the media wants us to focus on. Never mind all of the damage these people have done in such a short time.....just focus on the UNPRESIDENTIAL manner in which Trump described them in a private get-together.

Trust me.....Hillary has called her critics worse....especially during a historic temper-tantrum after she realized that she lost the 2016 election. But nobody was willing to be suicided by leaking to the press what she said. Trust made anything Trump said seem a weak PG in comparison.

Nobody was willing to tell anyone about the foul mouth that Obama had...particularly after he won re-election in 2012. But with Trump.....nothing is a secret. If he cusses after stubbing his big toe you can bet some schmuck will plaster it all over the headlines. A journalist never had to worry about the president spying on him or having him thrown in prison for being his critic. They did have to worry about that under Clinton and Obama. Which is worse...having your home broke into by SWAT teams at 2am.......or just being called an SOB?

Sticks & Stones folks.

How dare Trump talk about Mike Pence in a less than a glowing manner. Yes, the man that Trump counted on to be his friend and supporter during the election scandal simply rubber-stamped the election rather than allowing the process to play out. Journalists say Trump was trying to get Pence to steal the election....but in fact he was trying to prevent Biden from robbing him of a win. Months afterward we have discovered that everything Trump said happen did happen. Dead people were voting in swing-states by the thousands and are only now being purged from the rolls after it is too late to do anything about it. Thousands upon thousands of absentee ballots were being registered the day they were mailed out to voters in....which is literally impossible. Signatures not being verified. Ballots being run repeatedly thru the counting machines by BLM supporters. Biden didn't win....yet he's in the WH screwing everything up. Can you blame Trump for not liking it?

Explain why Mike Pence was in charge of handling COVID...yet never got the blame for how it was handled by the administration?
Explain why the press never said a single bad word about Pence after Jan 6th?
Why is Mike Pence not a focus of constant attacks from the press?
Easy....he was the insurance policy placed in the Trump Administration by Clinton, Obama, and Bush.
He was there to make sure that Trump didn't get a second term.

View attachment 479129
A picture says a thousand words...note the snide way Pence regards Trump during this signing......
Is this supposed to be some kinda satire? A joke?
Con-sidering the source.....sadly, no.
Donald Trump is a New York wanker.

This does not deny that he was the greatest President of the past hundred years - based on what he accomplished, and could have accomplished absent the unprecedented obstructionism of the Left. Dave Barry might describe Trump as being afflicted with Blitherer's Disease: the absence of the filter that prevents the mouth from spouting the first thing that pops into one's brain. (Howard Stern has made himself a gazillionaire by virtue of his Blitherer's Disease).

What this country needs, as soon as possible, is Trumpism without Trump. Who best to carry that banner is yet to be decided.
:abgg2q.jpg: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I will give credit where credit is due and admit Trump was a refreshing change over those clowns we had from the last five corrupt administrations from Reagan all the way up to Obama but let’s not get carried away here now.:abgg2q.jpg: Kennedy still remains our last great president we had.Trump same as every president sense the corrupt evil LBJ,did not have the balls to reinstate his executive order he signed months before his assassination that LBJ reversed which had it never been reversed,would have ended the fed.Nor did he even try and get rid of the CIA,the CIA and the fed is the reason the world is in a mess,they are always starting wars around the world and that asshole did nothing to get rid of them.He is the first president sense carter that was not a warmonger so he was not anywhere corrupt as past presidents Reagan up to Obama but enough rambling that he was the best in the last 100 years.
All hail the whiney little bitch!
Yeah...maybe he'll write a book about it.....or go on speaking tours explaining how she lost charging $100k for each appearance. Maybe he'll get his friends on the FBI to pull an Obama and try to entrap members of his administration into some fake Russian influence peddling scandal.

View attachment 479135

View attachment 479137
"write a book"? :heehee:
I doubt that he could read a book.
View attachment 479130

Ignore what these people did to Trump before he left office, just focus on what Trump reportedly said Saturday about them during a meeting with GOP donors at Mara Largo. That is all the media wants us to focus on. Never mind all of the damage these people have done in such a short time.....just focus on the UNPRESIDENTIAL manner in which Trump described them in a private get-together.

Trust me.....Hillary has called her critics worse....especially during a historic temper-tantrum after she realized that she lost the 2016 election. But nobody was willing to be suicided by leaking to the press what she said. Trust made anything Trump said seem a weak R rated movie in comparison.

Nobody was willing to tell anyone about the foul mouth that Obama had...particularly after he won re-election in 2012. But with Trump.....nothing is a secret. If he cusses after stubbing his big toe you can bet some schmuck will plaster it all over the headlines. A journalist never had to worry about the president spying on him or having him thrown in prison for being his critic. They did have to worry about that under Clinton and Obama. Which is worse...having your home broke into by SWAT teams at 2am.......or just being called an SOB?

Sticks & Stones folks.

How dare Trump talk about Mike Pence in a less than a glowing manner. Yes, the man that Trump counted on to be his friend and supporter during the election scandal simply rubber-stamped the election rather than allowing the process to play out. Journalists say Trump was trying to get Pence to steal the election....but in fact he was trying to prevent Biden from robbing him of a win. Months afterward we have discovered that everything Trump said happen did happen. Dead people were voting in swing-states by the thousands and are only now being purged from the rolls after it is too late to do anything about it. Thousands upon thousands of absentee ballots were being registered the day they were mailed out to voters in....which is literally impossible. Signatures not being verified. Ballots being run repeatedly thru the counting machines by BLM supporters. Biden didn't win....yet he's in the WH screwing everything up. Can you blame Trump for not liking it?

Explain why Mike Pence was in charge of handling COVID...yet never got the blame for how it was handled by the administration?
Explain why the press never said a single bad word about Pence after Jan 6th?
Why is Mike Pence not a focus of constant attacks from the press?
Easy....he was the insurance policy placed in the Trump Administration by Clinton, Obama, and Bush.
He was there to make sure that Trump didn't get a second term.

View attachment 479129
A picture says a thousand words...note the snide way Pence regards Trump during this signing......
"stabbed him in the back"? :heehee:
He's always the innocent victim. Always.

He didn't do nuffin'.
View attachment 479130

Ignore what these people did to Trump before he left office, just focus on what Trump reportedly said Saturday about them during a meeting with GOP donors at Mara Largo. That is all the media wants us to focus on. Never mind all of the damage these people have done in such a short time.....just focus on the UNPRESIDENTIAL manner in which Trump described them in a private get-together.

Trust me.....Hillary has called her critics worse....especially during a historic temper-tantrum after she realized that she lost the 2016 election. But nobody was willing to be suicided by leaking to the press what she said. Trust made anything Trump said seem a weak PG in comparison.

Nobody was willing to tell anyone about the foul mouth that Obama had...particularly after he won re-election in 2012. But with Trump.....nothing is a secret. If he cusses after stubbing his big toe you can bet some schmuck will plaster it all over the headlines. A journalist never had to worry about the president spying on him or having him thrown in prison for being his critic. They did have to worry about that under Clinton and Obama.

Which is worse...having your home broke into by SWAT teams at 2am.......or just being called an SOB?

Sticks & Stones folks.

How dare Trump talk about Mike Pence in a less than a glowing manner. Yes, the man that Trump counted on to be his friend and supporter during the election scandal simply rubber-stamped the election rather than allowing the process to play out. Journalists say Trump was trying to get Pence to steal the election....but in fact he was trying to prevent Biden from robbing him of a win. Months afterward we have discovered that everything Trump said happen did happen. Dead people were voting in swing-states by the thousands and are only now being purged from the rolls after it is too late to do anything about it. Thousands upon thousands of absentee ballots were being registered the day they were mailed out to voters in....which is literally impossible. Signatures not being verified. Ballots being run repeatedly thru the counting machines by BLM supporters. Biden didn't win....yet he's in the WH screwing everything up. Can you blame Trump for not liking it?

Explain why Mike Pence was in charge of handling COVID...yet never got the blame for how it was handled by the administration?
Explain why the press never said a single bad word about Pence after Jan 6th?
Why is Mike Pence not a focus of constant attacks from the press?
Easy....he was the insurance policy placed in the Trump Administration by Clinton, Obama, and Bush.
He was there to make sure that Trump didn't get a second term.

View attachment 479129
A picture says a thousand words...note the snide way Pence regards Trump during this signing......
Got no clue why he even attacked Mike Pence. The VP certainly never stabbed him in the back. As for why Pence not taking as much heat for Covid, though appointed to be in charge, trump kept the stage and the spotlight and kept his mouth going, plus you can appoint anybody to do anything, but the buck stops at your desk anyway, as you ultimately own it.
View attachment 479130

Ignore what these people did to Trump before he left office, just focus on what Trump reportedly said Saturday about them during a meeting with GOP donors at Mara Largo. That is all the media wants us to focus on. Never mind all of the damage these people have done in such a short time.....just focus on the UNPRESIDENTIAL manner in which Trump described them in a private get-together.

Trust me.....Hillary has called her critics worse....especially during a historic temper-tantrum after she realized that she lost the 2016 election. But nobody was willing to be suicided by leaking to the press what she said. Trust made anything Trump said seem a weak R rated movie in comparison.

Nobody was willing to tell anyone about the foul mouth that Obama had...particularly after he won re-election in 2012. But with Trump.....nothing is a secret. If he cusses after stubbing his big toe you can bet some schmuck will plaster it all over the headlines. A journalist never had to worry about the president spying on him or having him thrown in prison for being his critic. They did have to worry about that under Clinton and Obama. Which is worse...having your home broke into by SWAT teams at 2am.......or just being called an SOB?

Sticks & Stones folks.

How dare Trump talk about Mike Pence in a less than a glowing manner. Yes, the man that Trump counted on to be his friend and supporter during the election scandal simply rubber-stamped the election rather than allowing the process to play out. Journalists say Trump was trying to get Pence to steal the election....but in fact he was trying to prevent Biden from robbing him of a win. Months afterward we have discovered that everything Trump said happen did happen. Dead people were voting in swing-states by the thousands and are only now being purged from the rolls after it is too late to do anything about it. Thousands upon thousands of absentee ballots were being registered the day they were mailed out to voters in....which is literally impossible. Signatures not being verified. Ballots being run repeatedly thru the counting machines by BLM supporters. Biden didn't win....yet he's in the WH screwing everything up. Can you blame Trump for not liking it?

Explain why Mike Pence was in charge of handling COVID...yet never got the blame for how it was handled by the administration?
Explain why the press never said a single bad word about Pence after Jan 6th?
Why is Mike Pence not a focus of constant attacks from the press?
Easy....he was the insurance policy placed in the Trump Administration by Clinton, Obama, and Bush.
He was there to make sure that Trump didn't get a second term.

View attachment 479129
A picture says a thousand words...note the snide way Pence regards Trump during this signing......
"stabbed him in the back"? :heehee:
He's always the innocent victim. Always.

He didn't do nuffin'.
Yup...neither did Biden. Trump forced him to open our borders....and then give everyone on the planet hope that they could get $3200/mo = free healthcare if they sneak over the border with their kids.
All hail the whiney little bitch!
Yeah...maybe he'll write a book about it.....or go on speaking tours explaining how she lost charging $100k for each appearance. Maybe he'll get his friends on the FBI to pull an Obama and try to entrap members of his administration into some fake Russian influence peddling scandal.

View attachment 479135

View attachment 479137
"write a book"? :heehee:
I doubt that he could read a book.
Judging by your posts he probably can read better than you.
Clearly he knows how to pronounce Corpsmen...and understands the constitution.

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