Trump blasts supporters who plan to vote for him only once!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a withering critique of his own voters, Donald J. Trump on Thursday blasted supporters who plan to vote for him only once.​
Speaking to reporters, Trump called supporters who intend to cast only one vote for him “disgracefully low-energy,” claiming that they are “like Jeb Bush and Sleepy Joe put together.”​
“I like supporters who have stamina,” he said. “Stamina means you keep voting for me until someone tells you to stop.”​
He said that voters should vote for him once by mail, again in person, and “maybe even more than that.”​
“Let’s say you vote in person,” he said. “Go away, put a mustache or wig on, and try to vote again.”​
Asked about the legality of Trump’s suggestions, Attorney General Bill Barr said, “As Attorney General, I try to stay out of things involving laws.”​


WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a withering critique of his own voters, Donald J. Trump on Thursday blasted supporters who plan to vote for him only once.​
Speaking to reporters, Trump called supporters who intend to cast only one vote for him “disgracefully low-energy,” claiming that they are “like Jeb Bush and Sleepy Joe put together.”​
“I like supporters who have stamina,” he said. “Stamina means you keep voting for me until someone tells you to stop.”​
He said that voters should vote for him once by mail, again in person, and “maybe even more than that.”​
“Let’s say you vote in person,” he said. “Go away, put a mustache or wig on, and try to vote again.”​
Asked about the legality of Trump’s suggestions, Attorney General Bill Barr said, “As Attorney General, I try to stay out of things involving laws.”​


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