Trump blasts FBI over Parkland shooting, says ‘too much time’ spent on Russia probe

I think it fits, a hole like an empty suit is a prominent person regarded as lacking substance, personality, or ability.

His supporter's posts are never substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking and by definition Idiot-Grams.

Don't take this to mean every person who voted for Trump remains a fool, they actually believed the demagoguery of this charlatan, but many Trump voters are now suffering voter remorse, for they are in touch with reality and recognize the chaos he has infected on The White House, The Congress and the Republican Party.

Trump voter remorse runs deep - but not around here! ;)

Analysis | The Daily 202: Trump voters have buyer’s remorse in North Carolina focus group
Don't take this to mean every person who voted for Trump remains a fool, they actually believed the demagoguery of this charlatan today, many Trump voters are now suffering voter remorse, for they are in touch with reality and recognize the chaos he has infected on The White House, The Congress and the Republican Party.
Trump has proven to be a magnificent president.

I would vote for him again tomorrow. ... :thup:
Don't take this to mean every person who voted for Trump remains a fool, they actually believed the demagoguery of this charlatan today, many Trump voters are now suffering voter remorse, for they are in touch with reality and recognize the chaos he has infected on The White House, The Congress and the Republican Party.
Trump has proven to be a magnificent president.

I would vote for him again tomorrow. ... :thup:

Goody for you. And, thanks so much for proving my point that some Trump supporters are out of touch with reality.
Okay - we have a bunch of very logical ideas going here - There's a common thread with these young, disaffected loner kids with a gun and violence obsession. Either the parents are non-existent (Parkland) or totally irresponsible.
The Parkland shooter isn't a kid.

He is a 19 year old adult. .... :cool:

Chronologically you are correct. Before the law he is an adult and some 19 year old people are mature and some our not. You, for example have a chronological age of X, and a maturity age of X minus 22%.

[X = 100; X minus 22% = Dull Normal; however, a 100 IQ is probably too high an estimate.]
Okay - we have a bunch of very logical ideas going here - There's a common thread with these young, disaffected loner kids with a gun and violence obsession. Either the parents are non-existent (Parkland) or totally irresponsible.
The Parkland shooter isn't a kid.

He is a 19 year old adult. .... :cool:

Chronologically you are correct. Before the law he is an adult and some 19 year old people are mature and some our not. You, for example have a chronological age of X, and a maturity age of X minus 22%.

[X = 100; X minus 22% = Dull Normal; however, a 100 IQ is probably too high an estimate.]

Yep - it also varies by state

However, you accurately pegged our friend Sunni :)
Chronologically you are correct. Before the law he is an adult and some 19 year old people are mature and some our not. You, for example have a chronological age of X, and a maturity age of X minus 22%.
When loosing the debate. Liberal's always resort to personal attacks.

It's all they know...... :cool:

You "loose" a debate before get out of bed in the morning ;-)
Chronologically you are correct. Before the law he is an adult and some 19 year old people are mature and some our not. You, for example have a chronological age of X, and a maturity age of X minus 22%.
When loosing the debate. Liberal's always resort to personal attacks.

It's all they know...... :cool:

I'm a liberal and proud of it. and I am reality based; as the man said, I call 'em as I see 'em. That you live in an alternative reality, or are simply a very poor liar, I have never taken anything you've posted seriously.

Why, you may ask? Because nothing you've ever posted has been substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking. You're a classic troll, and not a very bright one.
Bone Spur showing his ignorant ass again. The Russia investigation is an independent investigation separate from the FBI.

FBI may have dropped the ball, but wasn't because they were busy with Russian investigation.
I'm a liberal and proud of it. and I am reality based; as the man said, I call 'em as I see 'em. That you live in an alternative reality, or are simply a very poor liar, I have never taken anything you've posted seriously. Why, you may ask? Because nothing you've ever posted has been substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking. You're a classic troll, and not a very bright one.
There is no such thing as "liberal reality".

More like liberal "delusion". ..... :lol:
Chronologically you are correct. Before the law he is an adult and some 19 year old people are mature and some our not. You, for example have a chronological age of X, and a maturity age of X minus 22%.
When loosing the debate. Liberal's always resort to personal attacks.

It's all they know...... :cool:

I'm a liberal and proud of it. and I am reality based; as the man said, I call 'em as I see 'em. That you live in an alternative reality, or are simply a very poor liar, I have never taken anything you've posted seriously.

Why, you may ask? Because nothing you've ever posted has been substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking. You're a classic troll, and not a very bright one.

I particularly enjoy his posts that begin something like: "We are so blessed to have such a wonderful and beloved leader" :)
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He's right and the OP is an idiot!
Yeah, I'm sure Mississippi and Florida field offices were just OVERWHELMED trying to find Russians under Trump's bed. When the President says something that stupid, you should be worried.
OP's sure right about one thing -- Trumphole is a perfect name for some of you.
The FBI dropped the ball. Who and why. Someone got that warning off the tip line. Who? What did they do with it and why?
Chronologically you are correct. Before the law he is an adult and some 19 year old people are mature and some our not. You, for example have a chronological age of X, and a maturity age of X minus 22%.
When loosing the debate. Liberal's always resort to personal attacks.

It's all they know...... :cool:

I'm a liberal and proud of it. and I am reality based; as the man said, I call 'em as I see 'em. That you live in an alternative reality, or are simply a very poor liar, I have never taken anything you've posted seriously.

Why, you may ask? Because nothing you've ever posted has been substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking. You're a classic troll, and not a very bright one.

I particularly enjoy his posts that begin something like: "We are so blessed to have such a wonderful leader" :)

He's a waste of space, I don't put people like him(?) on ignore, because like a wreck on the highway, it's human nature to look.
I agree with your sentiment.
I will state though, that it appears much of the fbi has lost its focus. Many incidences have happened in the last few years, where they have taken only a brief look, or no look at all, and dismissed them.
As usual, our beloved Pres. Trump is 100% correct. ..... :cool:

He's right and the OP is an idiot!

So it's your positions that the entire Florida branch of the FBI was working on Russia?

They've been really sloppy in more than one case we know about recently. How many that we DON'T know about are there? Are we seeing the same problem here that we saw with the V.A.? Bureaucracy completely drowning any ability to do a job sensibly and well?
I've worked for state govt and I can attest to the fact that bureaucracy does tie one hand behind your back at times, as well as having all kinds of conflicting rules and regulations that people can't figure out which to follow. And as with any union (although I'm not a union detractor), good work is not rewarded anymore than mediocre work.
I agree with your sentiment.
I will state though, that it appears much of the fbi has lost its focus. Many incidences have happened in the last few years, where they have taken only a brief look, or no look at all, and dismissed them.
As usual, our beloved Pres. Trump is 100% correct. ..... :cool:

He's right and the OP is an idiot!

So it's your positions that the entire Florida branch of the FBI was working on Russia?

They've been really sloppy in more than one case we know about recently. How many that we DON'T know about are there? Are we seeing the same problem here that we saw with the V.A.? Bureaucracy completely drowning any ability to do a job sensibly and well?
I've worked for state govt and I can attest to the fact that bureaucracy does tie one hand behind your back at times, as well as having all kinds of conflicting rules and regulations that people can't figure out which to follow. And as with any union (although I'm not a union detractor), good work is not rewarded anymore than mediocre work.

What you describe is better illustrated by this cliche: What starts as a meeting to build a horse, the result is a camel.

I don't know if this cliche is reality based, but I do know that our Army decided to import camels in the 19th Century.

Desert Camel in America's southwest deserts - DesertUSA

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