Trump begins his lame duck term pre-hobbled


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘Just before Christmas, Donald Trump and his sidekick Elon Musk were so eager for Trump to start acting like an ineffective lame duck president that they blundered into a debacle over a temporary spending bill, thereby positioning Democrats to exploit GOP plans to cut essential government programs.

The failed Trump and Musk show of “power” had no material impact on government spending and “succeeded” only in cutting funding for pediatric cancer research and nixing efforts to cut back on junk fees. (The cancer research spending was later revived by the Senate.) But the fiasco revealed the mendaciousness of Republicans’ supposed goal of increasing government “efficiency,” while confirming Trump/Musk’s actual plan to remake the federal government — not to make it spend less, but to make it provide less to those with less, and more to those with a lot.

The show of non-force began on the morning of December 18 with Musk, clearly unilaterally, unleashing a wave of uninformed tweets attacking a continuing budget resolution bill that it was wholly in Trump’s interest to pass without much fanfare.

The bill’s primary purpose was to continue government funding at current levels until March, when the GOP will have majorities in both houses of Congress and Trump will be in the White House (or on the golf course, as the case may be). But for calendar-related reasons, the spending bill also had to include aid both for large farmers (a key GOP constituency) and disaster assistance. And so Democrats and Republicans also negotiated the inclusion of some fiscally insignificant additional items, such as funding for childhood cancer research.

Musk had apparently glanced at some entirely predictable far right social media sniping about the bill, which he was inclined to repeat and amplify, particularly the false and misleading parts. He had self-interested reasons for making a stink. His business interests are tightly aligned with the Communist Party of China, given Tesla’s massive investments in that country, so he had cause to object to provisions intended to limit the transfer of technology to China.’

‘Businessmen’ are incapable of sound, responsible governance – Trump and Musk are proof of that.
Donald Trump and his sidekick Elon Musk
'Side Kick.' You are so cute. Boy how Trump must be grinding your coffee! :lmao:

acting like an ineffective lame duck president blundered into a debacle The failed Trump and Musk show pre-hobbled
:auiqs.jpg: It is going to be so L-O-N-G a four years for you.
Trump won, you lost, Bozo.
‘Just before Christmas, Donald Trump and his sidekick Elon Musk were so eager for Trump to start acting like an ineffective lame duck president that they blundered into a debacle over a temporary spending bill, thereby positioning Democrats to exploit GOP plans to cut essential government programs.

The failed Trump and Musk show of “power” had no material impact on government spending and “succeeded” only in cutting funding for pediatric cancer research and nixing efforts to cut back on junk fees. (The cancer research spending was later revived by the Senate.) But the fiasco revealed the mendaciousness of Republicans’ supposed goal of increasing government “efficiency,” while confirming Trump/Musk’s actual plan to remake the federal government — not to make it spend less, but to make it provide less to those with less, and more to those with a lot.

The show of non-force began on the morning of December 18 with Musk, clearly unilaterally, unleashing a wave of uninformed tweets attacking a continuing budget resolution bill that it was wholly in Trump’s interest to pass without much fanfare.

The bill’s primary purpose was to continue government funding at current levels until March, when the GOP will have majorities in both houses of Congress and Trump will be in the White House (or on the golf course, as the case may be). But for calendar-related reasons, the spending bill also had to include aid both for large farmers (a key GOP constituency) and disaster assistance. And so Democrats and Republicans also negotiated the inclusion of some fiscally insignificant additional items, such as funding for childhood cancer research.

Musk had apparently glanced at some entirely predictable far right social media sniping about the bill, which he was inclined to repeat and amplify, particularly the false and misleading parts. He had self-interested reasons for making a stink. His business interests are tightly aligned with the Communist Party of China, given Tesla’s massive investments in that country, so he had cause to object to provisions intended to limit the transfer of technology to China.’

‘Businessmen’ are incapable of sound, responsible governance – Trump and Musk are proof of that.
Ok, Trump and Musk had little to do with it, other than expressing their displeasure at a 1,500 page turd, filled with unnecessary, wish list of pigs at the trough....

Good for them.

We need to cut the crap. Government agencies must shed their bloat, or be shut down altogether.
..... His business interests are tightly aligned with the Communist Party of China, given Tesla’s massive investments in that country, so he had cause to object to provisions intended to limit the transfer of technology to China.’
Factually it's China that got Musk at his balls.

Chinese banks and Tencent put up around US$ 3.6 Billion for Musk. Out of this total sum of a "propagated" US$ 5 Billion investment.
This and the fact that Beijing controls the EV market in China (Tesla aka Musk has "accumulated" (foremost politically) a very bad reputation in China) thus again needing China's $$ help to evade bankruptcy in 2019 - made sure that Musk doesn't dare to speak up against China.

China is using Musk to propagate that India isn't worth to invest, and that the US corporations need China. aka China is constantly bailing out US companies.

His future "profits" are generated via Space X and other satellite/military/AI related projects - as such Musk needs Trump to get deeper into the Pentagons butt - holding a US $1.2 Trillion wallet.

My personal bet is that these two egomaniacs will get at each others throats, latest after mid 2025, unless Musk's $$/economic interests submit themselves to Trumps ego.
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This is the best comment today: "‘Just before Christmas, Donald Trump and his sidekick Elon Musk were so eager for Trump to start acting like an ineffective lame duck president that they blundered into a debacle over a temporary spending bill, thereby positioning Democrats to exploit GOP plans to cut essential government programs." (by Jay Zephyr)

Trump is a lame duck President with only one term control of the House GOP.

Let us witness how much Trump can mess up.
‘Just before Christmas, Donald Trump and his sidekick Elon Musk were so eager for Trump to start acting like an ineffective lame duck president that they blundered into a debacle over a temporary spending bill, thereby positioning Democrats to exploit GOP plans to cut essential government programs.

The failed Trump and Musk show of “power” had no material impact on government spending and “succeeded” only in cutting funding for pediatric cancer research and nixing efforts to cut back on junk fees. (The cancer research spending was later revived by the Senate.) But the fiasco revealed the mendaciousness of Republicans’ supposed goal of increasing government “efficiency,” while confirming Trump/Musk’s actual plan to remake the federal government — not to make it spend less, but to make it provide less to those with less, and more to those with a lot.

The show of non-force began on the morning of December 18 with Musk, clearly unilaterally, unleashing a wave of uninformed tweets attacking a continuing budget resolution bill that it was wholly in Trump’s interest to pass without much fanfare.

The bill’s primary purpose was to continue government funding at current levels until March, when the GOP will have majorities in both houses of Congress and Trump will be in the White House (or on the golf course, as the case may be). But for calendar-related reasons, the spending bill also had to include aid both for large farmers (a key GOP constituency) and disaster assistance. And so Democrats and Republicans also negotiated the inclusion of some fiscally insignificant additional items, such as funding for childhood cancer research.

Musk had apparently glanced at some entirely predictable far right social media sniping about the bill, which he was inclined to repeat and amplify, particularly the false and misleading parts. He had self-interested reasons for making a stink. His business interests are tightly aligned with the Communist Party of China, given Tesla’s massive investments in that country, so he had cause to object to provisions intended to limit the transfer of technology to China.’

‘Businessmen’ are incapable of sound, responsible governance – Trump and Musk are proof of that.

^^^Republican control of White House, Senate, House, and SCOTUS = "lame duck" to the retarded among us.

I'm going to LOVE tormenting you for the next four years, you Nazi shitstain.
^^^Republican control of White House, Senate, House, and SCOTUS = "lame duck" to the retarded among us.

I'm going to LOVE tormenting you for the next four years, you Nazi shitstain.
A one seat majority hobbles the President.
Donald Trump and his sidekick Elon Musk

Sore Loserism at it's finest! :auiqs.jpg:

Trump has no reason to hold back...he can't run again.

Lame duck? Quite the opposite. And he has 4 years and 3 weeks to turn your woeful little world to jelly.

But you already are jelly...aintchya?

Be unburdened by what has been...or may have been! :D
Thunk just hit his on the immovable wall that Trump is hobbled by a one-seat GOP house majority and an electorate that is going to get very nasty if groceries and gas prices don't come down quickly and severely.
‘Just before Christmas, Donald Trump and his sidekick Elon Musk were so eager for Trump to start acting like an ineffective lame duck president that they blundered into a debacle over a temporary spending bill, thereby positioning Democrats to exploit GOP plans to cut essential government programs.

The failed Trump and Musk show of “power” had no material impact on government spending and “succeeded” only in cutting funding for pediatric cancer research and nixing efforts to cut back on junk fees. (The cancer research spending was later revived by the Senate.) But the fiasco revealed the mendaciousness of Republicans’ supposed goal of increasing government “efficiency,” while confirming Trump/Musk’s actual plan to remake the federal government — not to make it spend less, but to make it provide less to those with less, and more to those with a lot.

The show of non-force began on the morning of December 18 with Musk, clearly unilaterally, unleashing a wave of uninformed tweets attacking a continuing budget resolution bill that it was wholly in Trump’s interest to pass without much fanfare.

The bill’s primary purpose was to continue government funding at current levels until March, when the GOP will have majorities in both houses of Congress and Trump will be in the White House (or on the golf course, as the case may be). But for calendar-related reasons, the spending bill also had to include aid both for large farmers (a key GOP constituency) and disaster assistance. And so Democrats and Republicans also negotiated the inclusion of some fiscally insignificant additional items, such as funding for childhood cancer research.

Musk had apparently glanced at some entirely predictable far right social media sniping about the bill, which he was inclined to repeat and amplify, particularly the false and misleading parts. He had self-interested reasons for making a stink. His business interests are tightly aligned with the Communist Party of China, given Tesla’s massive investments in that country, so he had cause to object to provisions intended to limit the transfer of technology to China.’

‘Businessmen’ are incapable of sound, responsible governance – Trump and Musk are proof of that.
And here's Lame Duck Clayton on New Year's Eve quacking out another angry tirade thread about Trump. LOL :lame2:
Orange bag O' shit.
Trump has genuflected to others' views this time around. Some things he cannot though. I expect the promises to be at least partial and to degree. And that in itself at a minimum will get the Republicans to vote for it. If the politicians do nothing there will be people in the streets over the next decade from the oppression of inflation and limited increases in wages/pensions/etc.
Orange bag O' shit.

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