Trump attacks Muslim War Hero's Parents

I respect you Coyote. .

How can you respect a creature that is so obviously dishonest about her Islamist agenda, here, and who goes to such conniving lengths to implement it through the harassment of any who oppose?

If she just came out and said "Yes, I am a convert to Islam and that is why I am so fucking obsessed with promoting it", I would at least have SOME respect for the sick piece of shit, but all this double talk and denial is just pitiful.

I'm not religious fool - not any religion nor do I promote any religion. But I do believe in the basic rights this country stands for, including freedom of religion - for all. And the right of our people to worship whatever faith they want. I have no respect for someone who deliberately chooses descredited polls from hate sites in an effort to demonize American citizens who happen to be Muslim. It is people like you who pave the way for fascism.

Badges, registries, redefining an over 1,000 year old world religion as suddenly not-a-religion, broad brushing an entire group of people (to the point where you have to dig deep into your filth to find supporting material) is not the act of a "liberal". If people like you had your way, people like the Khans would never have been allowed into the US.

"I'm not religious fool - not any religion nor do I promote any religion."

Maybe you should concentrate on stressing this more then, because at times you're appearing like a cheerleader for all forms of Islam, even Wahhabism, which I'm sure this is not how you want to appear is it?
She constantly trashes Christianity and does indeed promote Islam, so that's a difficult ask. There is no sympathy or empathy for the lives destroyed by Islamic terrorists, just lame excuses for the terrorists themselves, over and over and over again. Sigh.
Anyway, Topical material: As to the poll Dogmaphobe cited, she countered that it's 'discredited' by citing the rabid Islamist Esposito and his Georgetown uni Islamists! Lol. You couldn't make it up, but it's par for the course.
Coyote knows that I strongly disagree with her regarding Islam and Islamists, you also know my view regarding Islam and Islamists, but you know surely we can have these disagreements without resorting to things such as:

"you lying excrement."

Well, then, what do you call a creature who makes up some complete shit about my supposedly applauding a man for killing dogs while she is in the very business of defending the very culture that despises them?

She follows me around in these forums making sure I know she thinks Islamic terrorism is funny because every time I oppose it, she harasses me by saying so.

People should be judged by what they say and what they do, and not what they say about themselves. This includes the Khans as well, since no examination of their grandstanding efforts towards propaganda at the DNC should be based simply upon their identity, but on what they believe. To what extent do they believe in Islam's dictates and how does that REALLY affect their degree of patriotism.

Just as Coyote should be judged by her very conspicuous pattern of deceitful propaganda rather than the fact that somebody's judgement was so bad that she was made a moderator, so too should the Khans be judged for what they are actually up to rather than the mere fact they are Muslim and so people feel some sort of need to defend them in order to feel virtuous.
Anyway, Topical material: As to the poll Dogmaphobe cited, she countered that it's 'discredited' by citing the rabid Islamist Esposito and his Georgetown uni Islamists! Lol. You couldn't make it up, but it's par for the course.

Not to mention that she ignored the Pew report poll I referenced detailing Pakistani attitudes towards women.

This is a case of confirmation bias and nothing more. In order to feel virtuous for their "tolerance", leftists predetermine that they MUST support Islam, and so go about the business of ignoring all the copious information that details that what they are actually tolerating is the MOST intolerant ideology on the face of the planet. She is so utterly desperate to defend that actually told me one time that I was "broad brushing" Muslims when I referred to beliefs that are held by 97-98%.

I don't like Trump, but the question he asked is valid. Here are some Pakistanis saying they have assimilated fully, yet here we have a women swaddled in traditional clothing standing meekly beside her husband, and the polls I referenced show what an overwhelming number of Pakistanis believe on the subject. All Trump did was point out that the emperor sure did look naked as all the multicultists were fawning over them.

These Khans say they are devout Muslims. Why isn't anybody asking them what they believe in regards to the approach towards people leaving Islam? The majority of Pakistanis support KILLING such people, yet here Coyote is trumpeting herself as some sort of advocate for freedom of religion while supporting for those who would actually kill somebody over it.
Anyway, Topical material: As to the poll Dogmaphobe cited, she countered that it's 'discredited' by citing the rabid Islamist Esposito and his Georgetown uni Islamists! Lol. You couldn't make it up, but it's par for the course.

Not to mention that she ignored the Pew report poll I referenced detailing Pakistani attitudes towards women.

This is a case of confirmation bias and nothing more. In order to feel virtuous for their "tolerance", leftists predetermine that they MUST support Islam, and so go about the business of ignoring all the copious information that details that what they are actually tolerating is the MOST intolerant ideology on the face of the planet. She is so utterly desperate to defend that actually told me one time that I was "broad brushing" Muslims when I referred to beliefs that are held by 97-98%.

I don't like Trump, but the question he asked is valid. Here are some Pakistanis saying they have assimilated fully, yet here we have a women swaddled in traditional clothing standing meekly beside her husband, and the polls I referenced show what an overwhelming number of Pakistanis believe on the subject. All Trump did was point out that the emperor sure did look naked as all the multicultists were fawning over them.

These Khans say they are devout Muslims. Why isn't anybody asking them what they believe in regards to the approach towards people leaving Islam? The majority of Pakistanis support KILLING such people, yet here Coyote is trumpeting herself as some sort of advocate for freedom of religion while supporting for those who would actually kill somebody over it.

So...after all this spew...and dancing around, you never did answer the question. Just deflection and obfuscation.

Why did you choose a poll that has been widely discredited (Tilly must have missed the second link I provided criticizing it, and not from an "Islamic" source) - from a site that is not considered reputable, even by conservatives over a poll from a well respected source, Pew, that is apparently good enough source for you otherwise? Why is it you had to choose a crap poll from a crap site in order to make a crap point about American Muslims?

Can you give an honest and direct answer here?

Equally interesting - why does Tilly support a crap poll from a crap site over a reputable source like Pew?

As far as the Khans, well they are AMERICANS - AMERICAN MUSLIMS - did you miss that detail? Or...are you so rabidly entrenched in your hate it makes no difference - kind of like your choice of polls about AMERICAN MUSLIMS.
People should be judged by what they say and what they do, and not what they say about themselves. This includes the Khans as well, since no examination of their grandstanding efforts towards propaganda at the DNC should be based simply upon their identity, but on what they believe. To what extent do they believe in Islam's dictates and how does that REALLY affect their degree of patriotism.

What specifically have they said or done to indicate they are anything but patriotic?
Coyote knows that I strongly disagree with her regarding Islam and Islamists, you also know my view regarding Islam and Islamists, but you know surely we can have these disagreements without resorting to things such as:

"you lying excrement."

Well, then, what do you call a creature who makes up some complete shit about my supposedly applauding a man for killing dogs while she is in the very business of defending the very culture that despises them?

The same thing you call a creature who makes up complete shit about my supposedly supporting terrorists and being a Islamist.

She follows me around in these forums making sure I know she thinks Islamic terrorism is funny because every time I oppose it, she harasses me by saying so.

You are so thin skinned aren't you? You can dish it out alright, but you have a meltdown when it's tossed back at you. I'm always open to decent discussions even with those whom I disagree with. Unfortunately, you seem incapable of actual discussions as you've proven over and over.

Take for example this discussion.

I've never defended the aspects of some Islamic culture that clash with my values - the role and treatment of women, apostacy, homosexuals. I just don't smear every single Muslim with it or assume, because they are Muslim, like Khan they can't possibly be patriotic as long as they are religious. Pew polled American Muslims, and they're results were quite a contradiction to what you seem to be trying to claim about them. Has it even occurred to you that many Muslims who have immigrated here from highly repressive countries and cultures actually came FOR the freedoms and rights this country guarantees? Like the Khans?
I respect you Coyote. .

How can you respect a creature that is so obviously dishonest about her Islamist agenda, here, and who goes to such conniving lengths to implement it through the harassment of any who oppose?

If she just came out and said "Yes, I am a convert to Islam and that is why I am so fucking obsessed with promoting it", I would at least have SOME respect for the sick piece of shit, but all this double talk and denial is just pitiful.

I'm not religious fool - not any religion nor do I promote any religion. But I do believe in the basic rights this country stands for, including freedom of religion - for all. And the right of our people to worship whatever faith they want. I have no respect for someone who deliberately chooses descredited polls from hate sites in an effort to demonize American citizens who happen to be Muslim. It is people like you who pave the way for fascism.

Badges, registries, redefining an over 1,000 year old world religion as suddenly not-a-religion, broad brushing an entire group of people (to the point where you have to dig deep into your filth to find supporting material) is not the act of a "liberal". If people like you had your way, people like the Khans would never have been allowed into the US.

"I'm not religious fool - not any religion nor do I promote any religion."

Maybe you should concentrate on stressing this more then, because at times you're appearing like a cheerleader for all forms of Islam, even Wahhabism, which I'm sure this is not how you want to appear is it?
She constantly trashes Christianity and does indeed promote Islam, so that's a difficult ask. There is no sympathy or empathy for the lives destroyed by Islamic terrorists, just lame excuses for the terrorists themselves, over and over and over again. Sigh.
Anyway, Topical material: As to the poll Dogmaphobe cited, she countered that it's 'discredited' by citing the rabid Islamist Esposito and his Georgetown uni Islamists! Lol. You couldn't make it up, but it's par for the course.

It's discredited by more than that, do you consider the Washington Post to be rabid Islamists?: Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslim immigrants is based on a very shoddy poll

And then look at CSP itself....

First, what is this "Center for American Policy"?

It's a conservative think-tank

The CSP was founded in 1988 by Frank Gaffney Jr, a former staffer in the Ronald Reagan administration who has been accused of Islamophobia. On its website, the centre calls itself a "Special Forces in the War of Ideas" which offers "maximum bang for the buck" to its donors.

The CSP does not publish information about who those donors are, but according to a 2013 report by Salon they include some of the US's biggest aviation and defence companies - Boeing, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and General Electric.

Who is Gaffney?

According to Wikipedia Gaffney was a public official with a less than stellar career in the Reagan administration and an obsession with conspiracy theories.

According to the SPLC, Gaffney's beliefs stem from the discredited 1991 testimony of a lone Muslim Brotherhood member that he has come to believe is a "smoking gun, a mission statement pointing to a massive Islamist conspiracy under our noses."[23]

David Keene of the American Conservative Union has contended that Gaffney "has become personally and tiresomely obsessed with his weird belief that anyone who doesn't agree with him on everything all the time or treat him with the respect and deference he believes is his due, must be either ignorant of the dangers we face or, in extreme case, dupes of the nation's enemies."[24]

Gaffney has indicated the logo of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency is a coded signal showing the "official U.S. submission to Islam."

Gaffney has been called a conspiracy theorist by Reason Magazine, Georgetown University's Bridge Initiative, Steve Benen, Slate Magazine, and The Intercept, among others. [25][26][27][28][29]

He believes that the logo of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency unveiled in 2014 is a coded indicator of "official U.S. submission to Islam" because it “appears ominously to reflect a morphing of the Islamic crescent and star.” [30]

In 2003, Gaffney called on the United States military to "take out" Al Jazeera news network for inciting violence against the Western world by showcasing Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein's "calls-to-arms."[31]

In 2012, he questioned whether Barack Obama was a "natural born citizen of the United States," effectively espousing the birther conspiracy. [32]

Is CSP "widely respected"? It does not appear so:

The CSP has been criticised across the political spectrum - by high-profile Republicans as well as Democrats - and by organisations which monitor extremist groups. Terri Johnson, executive director of the Center for New Community and J Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, called it "an extremist think-tank" led by an "anti-Muslim conspiracist".

The group was heavily criticised in 2012 after it repeatedly accused Huma Abedin, an aide to Hillary Clinton, of being a secret member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Leading Republicans including John McCain and John Boehner denounced the accusations.

The CSP has been criticised by a wide range of extremism monitoring organisations, including the Anti-Defamation League, and Center for Democratic Values at City University of New York.​

So....why do you defend such a crap source so staunchly? Why do you defend it's poll over that of a far more respectable source like Pew?
So...after all this spew...and dancing around, you never did answer the question. Just deflection and obfuscation.

Why did you choose a poll that has been widely discredited .

That you can find one of the Islamist sites you support making a claim does not mean anything has been "widely discredited".

It was merely a claim by the Islamists you support.
So...after all this spew...and dancing around, you never did answer the question. Just deflection and obfuscation.

Why did you choose a poll that has been widely discredited .

That you can find one of the Islamist sites you support making a claim does not mean anything has been "widely discredited".

It was merely a claim by the Islamists you support.

Again, you are deflecting. In my response to Tilly (and, in fact, I posted this previously) - I provided additional links on CSP/Gaffney and that particular poll. Do you consider the Washington Post to be an Islamist site? How about Pew - are they Islamist now, so you won't use them?

Answer the question.
Actually... ALL non-Muslims had to wear badges identifying them as dhimmi's.

It's always nice when you are this obvious about what you support, there, Islamist.

You Islamists can perform this turnspeak the Nazis taught you by calling those who resist you the Nazis all you want, but it just makes your revolting agenda all the more obvious.

You mean like you support electrocuting live animals on stage, like your hero, Naziboy?

You are pretty laughable, whining about being called a Nazi out of one side of your mouth while calling others Islamists out of the other.

Perhaps you should learn a bit of history - particularly the history of badges and identifiying clothing that various empires forced non-(insert preferred faith) had to wear and you would realize it was as avidly followed in Christendom as it was in Muslim countries, and it applied not just to Jews.

In the meantime, keep up the hatemongering against Khan. Did you know he offered pro-bono legal advise to families of military veterans? What a horrible Muslim err...Islamist.

I have never said I admired anybody for electrocuting Dogs, you lying excrement.

You, on the other hand, have spent thousands of posts proving beyond any doubt that you are an antisemitic supporter of Islamism.

Coyote knows that I strongly disagree with her regarding Islam and Islamists, you also know my view regarding Islam and Islamists, but you know surely we can have these disagreements without resorting to things such as:

"you lying excrement."
Well, it's a little less vulgar than being called Dogshit/Dogcrap which is how Coyote refers to Dogmaphobe. And she does keep lying about posters, including Dogmaphobe and myself. So, I think youre on to a loser there, Lucy.
Topical material - I still don't view Mr Trumps commentary as any kind of 'attack'. Stand up on a stage and denigrate somebody, expect something in return, even though it was just barely something in this case.

For a person who keeps lying about posters herself, I have to ask - why on earth are you upset if others do it to you :dunno: You and Dogcrap are exceedingly thin skinned and seem incapable of taking what you dish out - whether it's lying or name calling. Too funny.

Trump's attack was nothing less than a personal attack against Mrs. Kahn, and very few seem to think it's anything other than what it appears - an attack. A presidential candidate is supposed to be better than that. How did Mr. Bush handle Cindy Sheehan?
Thin-skinned Trump lashes out at anyone who disagrees with him. He's an emotionally unstable tantrum throwing child, who like many children, resorts to lying when cornered.
Thin-skinned Trump lashes out at anyone who disagrees with him. He's an emotionally unstable tantrum throwing child, who like many children, resorts to lying when cornered.

Pretty effing scary he has people who ardently defend that isn't it?
Answer the question.

I can't really answer the question as to why it is you consider it funny when those you admire as heroic are successful in murdering many people at once. That is up to you to answer.

All I can do is surmise and think it must have to do with some childhood trauma you experienced which has resulted in such a state of arrested development that you are completely incapable of moral reasoning.

Once again, the large majority of Pakistanis believe in killing those who leave Islam. You defend the man who initiated the attacks knowing full well this is true, so don't even have ignorance as an excuse.
Answer the question.

I can't really answer the question as to why it is you consider it funny when those you admire as heroic are successful in murdering many people at once. That is up to you to answer.

All I can do is surmise and think it must have to do with some childhood trauma you experienced which has resulted in such a state of arrested development that you are completely incapable of moral reasoning.

Once again, the large majority of Pakistanis believe in killing those who leave Islam. You defend the man who initiated the attacks knowing full well this is true, so don't even have ignorance as an excuse.

My goodness, look at you dodging and ducking, shucking and jiving, and obfuscating in face of a simple question. Let's try again shall we?

Why did you choose a poll that has been widely discredited - from a site that is not considered reputable, even by conservatives over a poll from a well respected source, Pew, that is apparently good enough source for you otherwise? Why is it you had to choose a crap poll from a crap site in order to make a crap point about American Muslims?

Can you give an honest and direct answer here?

Any indication that Khan believes what you claim? Or are you just hammering him based on theoreticals? (so much for your much vaunted and frequently expressed claims of liberalism and individualism).

I wonder which question you'll answer....surely not the first!

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