Trump Announcement

BTW, Captain Transparency, care to link to your posts calling for Romney to release as many years of tax returns as Obama did?

'Transparency' is sooo 2008 for you wingnuts. Nice job on that flip-flop. :lol:

What kind of transparency has Mittens shown? Every time he turns around he changes his position, and we STILL KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HIS TAX PLAN FOR THE NATION, NOR DO WE KNOW WHAT HIS PLAN IS TO BRING MORE JOBS BACK TO THE UNITED STATES.

So much for "transparency" eh?

Apples & Oranges. Your guy refuses to release his Records. But go figure, that doesn't bother you Bots at all. You and your Dear Leader are dishonest hypocrites. Period, end of story.
'Transparency' is sooo 2008 for you wingnuts. Nice job on that flip-flop. :lol:

What kind of transparency has Mittens shown? Every time he turns around he changes his position, and we STILL KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HIS TAX PLAN FOR THE NATION, NOR DO WE KNOW WHAT HIS PLAN IS TO BRING MORE JOBS BACK TO THE UNITED STATES.

So much for "transparency" eh?

Apples & Oranges. Your guy refuses to release his Records. But go figure, that doesn't bother you Bots at all. You and your Dear Leader are dishonest hypocrites. Period, end of story.

Our Dear Leader has released his tax records for the last 11 years.....more transparent than any President in history

Lets hear it for our Dear Leader!

'Transparency' is sooo 2008 for you wingnuts. Nice job on that flip-flop. :lol:

What kind of transparency has Mittens shown? Every time he turns around he changes his position, and we STILL KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HIS TAX PLAN FOR THE NATION, NOR DO WE KNOW WHAT HIS PLAN IS TO BRING MORE JOBS BACK TO THE UNITED STATES.

So much for "transparency" eh?

Apples & Oranges. Your guy refuses to release his Records. But go figure, that doesn't bother you Bots at all. You and your Dear Leader are dishonest hypocrites. Period, end of story.

Yanno..............if the guy who wants to run the country, and says that they have plans to make it better, shouldn't they tell us that and what it will do so we can make the right choice?

Obama has already said what he would do. And by the way, the housing market is up, the stock market (which has your retirements) has DOUBLED since Jr.

How is President Obama bad?
When Romeny release his Tax records then Obama should release anything. Everyone is making a big fuckin deal out of this but this is hypocrisy at its finest. Romeny won't release shit but that is OK because its his personal business but when Obama won't its because he is hiding something. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
When Romeny release his Tax records then Obama should release anything. Everyone is making a big fuckin deal out of this but this is hypocrisy at its finest. Romeny won't release shit but that is OK because its his personal business but when Obama won't its because he is hiding something. :lol::lol::lol::lol:'re right.

If Romney will release the last 12 years of his tax returns (like his father did), then sure...........they can call for Obama's school records.


Don't hold your breath.
And here we are 4 years later Trump won't release his taxes.
...because he's being audited. You revived a 4 year old thread for this shit?

that is false.

The evolving tale of Trump's tax returns

IRS: Trump can release tax returns, regardless of audit

more to the point, if it were Clinton, you'd be losing your mind.
And here we are 4 years later Trump won't release his taxes.
...because he's being audited. You revived a 4 year old thread for this shit?

that is false.

The evolving tale of Trump's tax returns

IRS: Trump can release tax returns, regardless of audit

more to the point, if it were Clinton, you'd be losing your mind.
he very well could. And if it was Clinton, you wouldn't give a rats ass.
And here we are 4 years later Trump won't release his taxes.
...because he's being audited. You revived a 4 year old thread for this shit?

that is false.

The evolving tale of Trump's tax returns

IRS: Trump can release tax returns, regardless of audit

more to the point, if it were Clinton, you'd be losing your mind.
Jilly, every post of yours is a lie. No one, but no one, said Trump COULDN'T release his returns. He doesn't think it's a smart idea. The only income I care about is the Clinton Foundation's. What did it purchase?
And here we are 4 years later Trump won't release his taxes.
...because he's being audited. You revived a 4 year old thread for this shit?

that is false.

The evolving tale of Trump's tax returns

IRS: Trump can release tax returns, regardless of audit

more to the point, if it were Clinton, you'd be losing your mind.
Jilly, every post of yours is a lie. No one, but no one, said Trump COULDN'T release his returns. He doesn't think it's a smart idea. The only income I care about is the Clinton Foundation's. What did it purchase?

You are aware that all of the Clinton Foundation's financials and tax forms are available on their website, right?
And here we are 4 years later Trump won't release his taxes.
...because he's being audited. You revived a 4 year old thread for this shit?

that is false.

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

The evolving tale of Trump's tax returns

IRS: Trump can release tax returns, regardless of audit

more to the point, if it were Clinton, you'd be losing your mind.
Jilly, every post of yours is a lie. No one, but no one, said Trump COULDN'T release his returns. He doesn't think it's a smart idea. The only income I care about is the Clinton Foundation's. What did it purchase?

You are aware that all of the Clinton Foundation's financials and tax forms are available on their website, right?
Does it say what all the money bought? What kind of tax form does that?
And here we are 4 years later Trump won't release his taxes.
...because he's being audited. You revived a 4 year old thread for this shit?

that is false.

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

The evolving tale of Trump's tax returns

IRS: Trump can release tax returns, regardless of audit

more to the point, if it were Clinton, you'd be losing your mind.
Jilly, every post of yours is a lie. No one, but no one, said Trump COULDN'T release his returns. He doesn't think it's a smart idea. The only income I care about is the Clinton Foundation's. What did it purchase?

You are aware that all of the Clinton Foundation's financials and tax forms are available on their website, right?
Does it say what all the money bought? What kind of tax form does that?

501c3 tax forms do that. It's all itemized.

Feel free to check them out, since you seem to be so interested.
And here we are 4 years later Trump won't release his taxes.
...because he's being audited. You revived a 4 year old thread for this shit?

that is false.

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

The evolving tale of Trump's tax returns

IRS: Trump can release tax returns, regardless of audit

more to the point, if it were Clinton, you'd be losing your mind.

Trump demanded Obama’s records. But he’s not releasing his own.
Where does it say he demanded obama's tax records?
And here we are 4 years later Trump won't release his taxes.
...because he's being audited. You revived a 4 year old thread for this shit?

that is false.

IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns

The evolving tale of Trump's tax returns

IRS: Trump can release tax returns, regardless of audit

more to the point, if it were Clinton, you'd be losing your mind.

Trump demanded Obama’s records. But he’s not releasing his own.
Where does it say he demanded obama's tax records?
I think he wanted to see Obama's grades. Well I would like to see Trump's grades.

Trump frequently mentions the fact that he did very well at Wharton. He told CNN, “I went to the Wharton School of Finance, I got very good marks, I was a good student, it’s the best business school in the world, as far as I’m concerned.” It has been reported for decades that Trump graduated at the top of his class, but this claim has been called into question. It was first reported in The New York Times back in 1973 and was repeated ever since, but no journalist has been able to find any evidence that confirms Trump’s class standing.

In fact, the New York Times later reported that the commencement program from 1968 does not list Trump as having graduated with honors of any kind

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