Trump and the Religious Right -What is going on?


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
We know that Donald J. Trump is not a particularly religious person, despite his waving the bible from a podium and proclaiming that it is his favorite book. He has not exactly exemplified the values and lifestyle that true Christians aspire to.

But we also know that he successfully courted the religious right, the fundamentalist evangelicals, in order to get nominated and elected. We also know that while they distrust him, they saw him as the better alternative-as the candidate who would do their bidding and it appears that they were correct. Case in point:

What Trump’s Education Appointment Tells Us About the Religious Right’s Influence
On Wednesday (November 23) President-elect Donald Trump announced Betsy DeVos as his pick for Secretary of Education. DeVos is a billionaire conservative activist whose name is well known among the higher echelons of the religious right. Her family has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the Michigan Family Forum (a state affiliate of the Christian fundamentalist organization Focus on the Family) and the Family the Research Council, which has been designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In addition:
In 1998 she founded the American Education Reform Foundation which was later renamed the American Federation for Children (AFC). The AFC is an advocacy organization whose stated purpose is to “empower parents, particularly those in low-income families, to choose the education they determine is best for their children.” Unfortunately, DeVos has used the AFC to push a crucial component of the religious right’s agenda: securing taxpayer dollars for private religious schools. AFC advocates for voucher programs that divert taxpayer money from public schools to private religious schools.

Secular Values Voter

The question is- is he an unwitting patsy, or is there something more nefarious going on? Lets take a closer look.

What Did Trump Promise the Religious Right?

Amidst all the Trump-related outrage, there is at least one question that I don't think has received nearly enough attention: What did Trump offer evangelical fundamentalist Christians in exchange for their support, and what will it mean for the rest of us if he delivers on it? We know from exit polls and other surveys conducted since the election that evangelical fundamentalist Christians turned out to vote for Trump in large numbers. We also know that this happened in spite of his behavior. While I have no doubt that some would have turned out to vote for anyone who was not Clinton, the massive support Trump received from fundamentalist Christians does make me wonder what he offered them and whether he intends to deliver it. Read more: What Did Trump Promise the Religious Right? | Atheist Revolution

There is at least one prominent conservative Christian who has expressed a degree of incredulity over what he is seeing:

Even Richard Land Is Shocked By How Much Influence The Religious Right Is Having In Shaping Trump’s Administration

Last month, it was reported that President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team was giving Religious Right activists, especially the members of his presidential campaign’s evangelical advisory board, unprecedented input in shaping his administration.

Earlier this week, one of the members of that board, Richard Land of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, appeared on the “Point of View” radio program, where he told host Kerby Anderson that he has been shocked by how much influence he and other Religious Right activists have had over the make-up of Trump’s administration.

Even Richard Land Is Shocked By How Much Influence The Religious Right Is Having In Shaping Trump’s Administration | Right Wing Watch

So who is Richard Land? A moderate ? A liberal Christian? Not hardly. He is in fact a well know right wing culture warrior Richard Land

Land went on to say in the above piece:

Some of my conservative friends and I, we have been pinching ourselves, are we hallucinating or is this actually happening?” Land said. “I know a good number of people on the transition team and I can tell you right now, about half of them, Kerby, think I’m liberal. I mean, these are very conservative people.”

Land, a longtime activist and former Southern Baptist Convention official, said that he has “been solicited five times for personnel recommendations” by the Trump administration, which is something that never happened under any previous Republican president. As such, Land said, “this administration is going to have more conservative Christians, Catholic and evangelical, in it than any administration that I’ve been associated with or had contact with, and I’ve been doing this since Reagan.

The most disconcerting part of this is the type of appointees to the federal courts that Trump is likely to make. It appears that our secular government and society- the very concept of the separation of church and state is now at grave risk!!
....The most disconcerting part of this is the type of appointees to the federal courts that Trump is likely to make. It appears that our secular government and society- the very concept of the separation of church and state is now at grave risk!!
The panic on the far Left is amusing. Should We, the People, be concerned about a particular religion dominating government? Yes, of course. That's why our government is structured with so much oversight. Sure, Trump can cause the courts to lean right just as Obama caused them to lean left, but he can't turn them even 30 degrees much less 180 degrees. All of those left-leaning Judges will still be in office for years to come.
You really expected the religious right to back, Clinton? :lmao:
A devout christian who wouldn't break her marital vows depsite her husband cheating on her, who taught bible study for years. versus a pussy grabbing foul mouthed casino owner with three wives, who couldn't name a single bible verse to save his life....
You really expected the religious right to back, Clinton? :lmao:
A devout christian who wouldn't break her marital vows depsite her husband cheating on her, who taught bible study for years. versus a pussy grabbing foul mouthed casino owner with three wives, who couldn't name a single bible verse to save his life....

She's a lezbo fool. She is corrupt to the core...a devout Christian? :lmao::lol:
A devout christian who wouldn't break her marital vows depsite her husband cheating on her, who taught bible study for years. versus a pussy grabbing foul mouthed casino owner with three wives, who couldn't name a single bible verse to save his life....
A "devout christian" who carries water for the Democratic Party.
We know that Donald J. Trump is not a particularly religious person, despite his waving the bible from a podium and proclaiming that it is his favorite book. He has not exactly exemplified the values and lifestyle that true Christians aspire to.

But we also know that he successfully courted the religious right, the fundamentalist evangelicals, in order to get nominated and elected. We also know that while they distrust him, they saw him as the better alternative-as the candidate who would do their bidding and it appears that they were correct. Case in point:

What Trump’s Education Appointment Tells Us About the Religious Right’s Influence
On Wednesday (November 23) President-elect Donald Trump announced Betsy DeVos as his pick for Secretary of Education. DeVos is a billionaire conservative activist whose name is well known among the higher echelons of the religious right. Her family has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the Michigan Family Forum (a state affiliate of the Christian fundamentalist organization Focus on the Family) and the Family the Research Council, which has been designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In addition:
In 1998 she founded the American Education Reform Foundation which was later renamed the American Federation for Children (AFC). The AFC is an advocacy organization whose stated purpose is to “empower parents, particularly those in low-income families, to choose the education they determine is best for their children.” Unfortunately, DeVos has used the AFC to push a crucial component of the religious right’s agenda: securing taxpayer dollars for private religious schools. AFC advocates for voucher programs that divert taxpayer money from public schools to private religious schools.

Secular Values Voter

The question is- is he an unwitting patsy, or is there something more nefarious going on? Lets take a closer look.

What Did Trump Promise the Religious Right?

Amidst all the Trump-related outrage, there is at least one question that I don't think has received nearly enough attention: What did Trump offer evangelical fundamentalist Christians in exchange for their support, and what will it mean for the rest of us if he delivers on it? We know from exit polls and other surveys conducted since the election that evangelical fundamentalist Christians turned out to vote for Trump in large numbers. We also know that this happened in spite of his behavior. While I have no doubt that some would have turned out to vote for anyone who was not Clinton, the massive support Trump received from fundamentalist Christians does make me wonder what he offered them and whether he intends to deliver it. Read more: What Did Trump Promise the Religious Right? | Atheist Revolution

There is at least one prominent conservative Christian who has expressed a degree of incredulity over what he is seeing:

Even Richard Land Is Shocked By How Much Influence The Religious Right Is Having In Shaping Trump’s Administration

Last month, it was reported that President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team was giving Religious Right activists, especially the members of his presidential campaign’s evangelical advisory board, unprecedented input in shaping his administration.

Earlier this week, one of the members of that board, Richard Land of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, appeared on the “Point of View” radio program, where he told host Kerby Anderson that he has been shocked by how much influence he and other Religious Right activists have had over the make-up of Trump’s administration.

Even Richard Land Is Shocked By How Much Influence The Religious Right Is Having In Shaping Trump’s Administration | Right Wing Watch

So who is Richard Land? A moderate ? A liberal Christian? Not hardly. He is in fact a well know right wing culture warrior Richard Land

Land went on to say in the above piece:

Some of my conservative friends and I, we have been pinching ourselves, are we hallucinating or is this actually happening?” Land said. “I know a good number of people on the transition team and I can tell you right now, about half of them, Kerby, think I’m liberal. I mean, these are very conservative people.”

Land, a longtime activist and former Southern Baptist Convention official, said that he has “been solicited five times for personnel recommendations” by the Trump administration, which is something that never happened under any previous Republican president. As such, Land said, “this administration is going to have more conservative Christians, Catholic and evangelical, in it than any administration that I’ve been associated with or had contact with, and I’ve been doing this since Reagan.

The most disconcerting part of this is the type of appointees to the federal courts that Trump is likely to make. It appears that our secular government and society- the very concept of the separation of church and state is now at grave risk!!
We're going to find out soon enough.
You really expected the religious right to back, Clinton? :lmao:
A devout christian who wouldn't break her marital vows depsite her husband cheating on her, who taught bible study for years. versus a pussy grabbing foul mouthed casino owner with three wives, who couldn't name a single bible verse to save his life....

She's a lezbo fool. She is corrupt to the core...a devout Christian? :lmao::lol:
aaaaaaand it didn't take 3 posts to get into whackjob crazy conspiracy land

That is the real reason why Trump is supported by evangelicals (and is really president at all) he's the conspiracy theory president, if you think the earth was created 6000 years ago and your convinced all the worlds governments, educational and scientific institutions are teaming up to "hide the truth" than you voted trump. There isn't a batshit paranoid crazy conspiracy theory trump hasn't attached himself too.

Same reason all people who deny global warming are also evangelical Christians.
A devout christian who wouldn't break her marital vows depsite her husband cheating on her, who taught bible study for years. versus a pussy grabbing foul mouthed casino owner with three wives, who couldn't name a single bible verse to save his life....
A "devout christian" who carries water for the Democratic Party.
Is Trump the first atheist president?
You really expected the religious right to back, Clinton? :lmao:
A devout christian who wouldn't break her marital vows depsite her husband cheating on her, who taught bible study for years. versus a pussy grabbing foul mouthed casino owner with three wives, who couldn't name a single bible verse to save his life....

She's a lezbo fool. She is corrupt to the core...a devout Christian? :lmao::lol:
aaaaaaand it didn't take 3 posts to get into whackjob crazy conspiracy land

That is the real reason why Trump is supported by evangelicals (and is really president at all) he's the conspiracy theory president, if you think the earth was created 6000 years ago and your convinced all the worlds governments, educational and scientific institutions are teaming up to "hide the truth" than you voted trump. There isn't a batshit paranoid crazy conspiracy theory trump hasn't attached himself too.

Same reason all people who deny global warming are also evangelical Christians.

Says the Clinton bootlicker
We're going to find out soon enough.
Agreed. So far Trump is still a week from the inauguration, yet the Left has already deemed his Presidency a failure, a fraud, a Russian puppet, a religious puppet, illegitimate and "not my President". The next four years outta be fun!
We know that Donald J. Trump is not a particularly religious person, despite his waving the bible from a podium and proclaiming that it is his favorite book. He has not exactly exemplified the values and lifestyle that true Christians aspire to.

But we also know that he successfully courted the religious right, the fundamentalist evangelicals, in order to get nominated and elected. We also know that while they distrust him, they saw him as the better alternative-as the candidate who would do their bidding and it appears that they were correct. Case in point:

What Trump’s Education Appointment Tells Us About the Religious Right’s Influence
On Wednesday (November 23) President-elect Donald Trump announced Betsy DeVos as his pick for Secretary of Education. DeVos is a billionaire conservative activist whose name is well known among the higher echelons of the religious right. Her family has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the Michigan Family Forum (a state affiliate of the Christian fundamentalist organization Focus on the Family) and the Family the Research Council, which has been designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In addition:
In 1998 she founded the American Education Reform Foundation which was later renamed the American Federation for Children (AFC). The AFC is an advocacy organization whose stated purpose is to “empower parents, particularly those in low-income families, to choose the education they determine is best for their children.” Unfortunately, DeVos has used the AFC to push a crucial component of the religious right’s agenda: securing taxpayer dollars for private religious schools. AFC advocates for voucher programs that divert taxpayer money from public schools to private religious schools.

Secular Values Voter

The question is- is he an unwitting patsy, or is there something more nefarious going on? Lets take a closer look.

What Did Trump Promise the Religious Right?

Amidst all the Trump-related outrage, there is at least one question that I don't think has received nearly enough attention: What did Trump offer evangelical fundamentalist Christians in exchange for their support, and what will it mean for the rest of us if he delivers on it? We know from exit polls and other surveys conducted since the election that evangelical fundamentalist Christians turned out to vote for Trump in large numbers. We also know that this happened in spite of his behavior. While I have no doubt that some would have turned out to vote for anyone who was not Clinton, the massive support Trump received from fundamentalist Christians does make me wonder what he offered them and whether he intends to deliver it. Read more: What Did Trump Promise the Religious Right? | Atheist Revolution

There is at least one prominent conservative Christian who has expressed a degree of incredulity over what he is seeing:

Even Richard Land Is Shocked By How Much Influence The Religious Right Is Having In Shaping Trump’s Administration

Last month, it was reported that President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team was giving Religious Right activists, especially the members of his presidential campaign’s evangelical advisory board, unprecedented input in shaping his administration.

Earlier this week, one of the members of that board, Richard Land of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, appeared on the “Point of View” radio program, where he told host Kerby Anderson that he has been shocked by how much influence he and other Religious Right activists have had over the make-up of Trump’s administration.

Even Richard Land Is Shocked By How Much Influence The Religious Right Is Having In Shaping Trump’s Administration | Right Wing Watch

So who is Richard Land? A moderate ? A liberal Christian? Not hardly. He is in fact a well know right wing culture warrior Richard Land

Land went on to say in the above piece:

Some of my conservative friends and I, we have been pinching ourselves, are we hallucinating or is this actually happening?” Land said. “I know a good number of people on the transition team and I can tell you right now, about half of them, Kerby, think I’m liberal. I mean, these are very conservative people.”

Land, a longtime activist and former Southern Baptist Convention official, said that he has “been solicited five times for personnel recommendations” by the Trump administration, which is something that never happened under any previous Republican president. As such, Land said, “this administration is going to have more conservative Christians, Catholic and evangelical, in it than any administration that I’ve been associated with or had contact with, and I’ve been doing this since Reagan.

The most disconcerting part of this is the type of appointees to the federal courts that Trump is likely to make. It appears that our secular government and society- the very concept of the separation of church and state is now at grave risk!!

Yes indeed. I understand the Satanic Church supported Hillary and had Planned Parenthood serve fetus body parts as the main course at the Democratic National Convention.
You really expected the religious right to back, Clinton? :lmao:
A devout christian who wouldn't break her marital vows depsite her husband cheating on her, who taught bible study for years. versus a pussy grabbing foul mouthed casino owner with three wives, who couldn't name a single bible verse to save his life....

She's a lezbo fool. She is corrupt to the core...a devout Christian? :lmao::lol:
aaaaaaand it didn't take 3 posts to get into whackjob crazy conspiracy land

That is the real reason why Trump is supported by evangelicals (and is really president at all) he's the conspiracy theory president, if you think the earth was created 6000 years ago and your convinced all the worlds governments, educational and scientific institutions are teaming up to "hide the truth" than you voted trump. There isn't a batshit paranoid crazy conspiracy theory trump hasn't attached himself too.

Same reason all people who deny global warming are also evangelical Christians.

Says the Clinton bootlicker
that literally makes no sense..... you know for a christian you sure are a mean insulting little piece of shit
We know that Donald J. Trump is not a particularly religious person, despite his waving the bible from a podium and proclaiming that it is his favorite book. He has not exactly exemplified the values and lifestyle that true Christians aspire to.

But we also know that he successfully courted the religious right, the fundamentalist evangelicals, in order to get nominated and elected. We also know that while they distrust him, they saw him as the better alternative-as the candidate who would do their bidding and it appears that they were correct. Case in point:

What Trump’s Education Appointment Tells Us About the Religious Right’s Influence
On Wednesday (November 23) President-elect Donald Trump announced Betsy DeVos as his pick for Secretary of Education. DeVos is a billionaire conservative activist whose name is well known among the higher echelons of the religious right. Her family has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the Michigan Family Forum (a state affiliate of the Christian fundamentalist organization Focus on the Family) and the Family the Research Council, which has been designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In addition:
In 1998 she founded the American Education Reform Foundation which was later renamed the American Federation for Children (AFC). The AFC is an advocacy organization whose stated purpose is to “empower parents, particularly those in low-income families, to choose the education they determine is best for their children.” Unfortunately, DeVos has used the AFC to push a crucial component of the religious right’s agenda: securing taxpayer dollars for private religious schools. AFC advocates for voucher programs that divert taxpayer money from public schools to private religious schools.

Secular Values Voter

The question is- is he an unwitting patsy, or is there something more nefarious going on? Lets take a closer look.

What Did Trump Promise the Religious Right?

Amidst all the Trump-related outrage, there is at least one question that I don't think has received nearly enough attention: What did Trump offer evangelical fundamentalist Christians in exchange for their support, and what will it mean for the rest of us if he delivers on it? We know from exit polls and other surveys conducted since the election that evangelical fundamentalist Christians turned out to vote for Trump in large numbers. We also know that this happened in spite of his behavior. While I have no doubt that some would have turned out to vote for anyone who was not Clinton, the massive support Trump received from fundamentalist Christians does make me wonder what he offered them and whether he intends to deliver it. Read more: What Did Trump Promise the Religious Right? | Atheist Revolution

There is at least one prominent conservative Christian who has expressed a degree of incredulity over what he is seeing:

Even Richard Land Is Shocked By How Much Influence The Religious Right Is Having In Shaping Trump’s Administration

Last month, it was reported that President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team was giving Religious Right activists, especially the members of his presidential campaign’s evangelical advisory board, unprecedented input in shaping his administration.

Earlier this week, one of the members of that board, Richard Land of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, appeared on the “Point of View” radio program, where he told host Kerby Anderson that he has been shocked by how much influence he and other Religious Right activists have had over the make-up of Trump’s administration.

Even Richard Land Is Shocked By How Much Influence The Religious Right Is Having In Shaping Trump’s Administration | Right Wing Watch

So who is Richard Land? A moderate ? A liberal Christian? Not hardly. He is in fact a well know right wing culture warrior Richard Land

Land went on to say in the above piece:

Some of my conservative friends and I, we have been pinching ourselves, are we hallucinating or is this actually happening?” Land said. “I know a good number of people on the transition team and I can tell you right now, about half of them, Kerby, think I’m liberal. I mean, these are very conservative people.”

Land, a longtime activist and former Southern Baptist Convention official, said that he has “been solicited five times for personnel recommendations” by the Trump administration, which is something that never happened under any previous Republican president. As such, Land said, “this administration is going to have more conservative Christians, Catholic and evangelical, in it than any administration that I’ve been associated with or had contact with, and I’ve been doing this since Reagan.

The most disconcerting part of this is the type of appointees to the federal courts that Trump is likely to make. It appears that our secular government and society- the very concept of the separation of church and state is now at grave risk!!

Yes indeed. I understand the Satanic Church supported Hillary and had Planned Parenthood serve fetus body parts as the main course at the Democratic National Convention.
If you truly believe that hillary clinton is a lesbian satanist who traffics in stolen baby parts.... then yeah I could see why you wouldn't vote for her.... your stupid as a brick if you believe that but if you do I understand not voting for her
You really expected the religious right to back, Clinton? :lmao:
A devout christian who wouldn't break her marital vows depsite her husband cheating on her, who taught bible study for years. versus a pussy grabbing foul mouthed casino owner with three wives, who couldn't name a single bible verse to save his life....

She's a lezbo fool. She is corrupt to the core...a devout Christian? :lmao::lol:
aaaaaaand it didn't take 3 posts to get into whackjob crazy conspiracy land

That is the real reason why Trump is supported by evangelicals (and is really president at all) he's the conspiracy theory president, if you think the earth was created 6000 years ago and your convinced all the worlds governments, educational and scientific institutions are teaming up to "hide the truth" than you voted trump. There isn't a batshit paranoid crazy conspiracy theory trump hasn't attached himself too.

Same reason all people who deny global warming are also evangelical Christians.

Says the Clinton bootlicker
that literally makes no sense..... you know for a christian you sure are a mean insulting little piece of shit

There is an ignore feature, I suggest you use it if I'm upsetting you, snowflake
We know that Donald J. Trump is not a particularly religious person, despite his waving the bible from a podium and proclaiming that it is his favorite book. He has not exactly exemplified the values and lifestyle that true Christians aspire to.

But we also know that he successfully courted the religious right, the fundamentalist evangelicals, in order to get nominated and elected. We also know that while they distrust him, they saw him as the better alternative-as the candidate who would do their bidding and it appears that they were correct. Case in point:

What Trump’s Education Appointment Tells Us About the Religious Right’s Influence
On Wednesday (November 23) President-elect Donald Trump announced Betsy DeVos as his pick for Secretary of Education. DeVos is a billionaire conservative activist whose name is well known among the higher echelons of the religious right. Her family has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the Michigan Family Forum (a state affiliate of the Christian fundamentalist organization Focus on the Family) and the Family the Research Council, which has been designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In addition:
In 1998 she founded the American Education Reform Foundation which was later renamed the American Federation for Children (AFC). The AFC is an advocacy organization whose stated purpose is to “empower parents, particularly those in low-income families, to choose the education they determine is best for their children.” Unfortunately, DeVos has used the AFC to push a crucial component of the religious right’s agenda: securing taxpayer dollars for private religious schools. AFC advocates for voucher programs that divert taxpayer money from public schools to private religious schools.

Secular Values Voter

The question is- is he an unwitting patsy, or is there something more nefarious going on? Lets take a closer look.

What Did Trump Promise the Religious Right?

Amidst all the Trump-related outrage, there is at least one question that I don't think has received nearly enough attention: What did Trump offer evangelical fundamentalist Christians in exchange for their support, and what will it mean for the rest of us if he delivers on it? We know from exit polls and other surveys conducted since the election that evangelical fundamentalist Christians turned out to vote for Trump in large numbers. We also know that this happened in spite of his behavior. While I have no doubt that some would have turned out to vote for anyone who was not Clinton, the massive support Trump received from fundamentalist Christians does make me wonder what he offered them and whether he intends to deliver it. Read more: What Did Trump Promise the Religious Right? | Atheist Revolution

There is at least one prominent conservative Christian who has expressed a degree of incredulity over what he is seeing:

Even Richard Land Is Shocked By How Much Influence The Religious Right Is Having In Shaping Trump’s Administration

Last month, it was reported that President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team was giving Religious Right activists, especially the members of his presidential campaign’s evangelical advisory board, unprecedented input in shaping his administration.

Earlier this week, one of the members of that board, Richard Land of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, appeared on the “Point of View” radio program, where he told host Kerby Anderson that he has been shocked by how much influence he and other Religious Right activists have had over the make-up of Trump’s administration.

Even Richard Land Is Shocked By How Much Influence The Religious Right Is Having In Shaping Trump’s Administration | Right Wing Watch

So who is Richard Land? A moderate ? A liberal Christian? Not hardly. He is in fact a well know right wing culture warrior Richard Land

Land went on to say in the above piece:

Some of my conservative friends and I, we have been pinching ourselves, are we hallucinating or is this actually happening?” Land said. “I know a good number of people on the transition team and I can tell you right now, about half of them, Kerby, think I’m liberal. I mean, these are very conservative people.”

Land, a longtime activist and former Southern Baptist Convention official, said that he has “been solicited five times for personnel recommendations” by the Trump administration, which is something that never happened under any previous Republican president. As such, Land said, “this administration is going to have more conservative Christians, Catholic and evangelical, in it than any administration that I’ve been associated with or had contact with, and I’ve been doing this since Reagan.

The most disconcerting part of this is the type of appointees to the federal courts that Trump is likely to make. It appears that our secular government and society- the very concept of the separation of church and state is now at grave risk!!

Yes indeed. I understand the Satanic Church supported Hillary and had Planned Parenthood serve fetus body parts as the main course at the Democratic National Convention.
If you truly believe that hillary clinton is a lesbian satanist who traffics in stolen baby parts.... then yeah I could see why you wouldn't vote for her.... your stupid as a brick if you believe that but if you do I understand not voting for her

Doesn't matter to me what you think. Donald Trump is the President elect.
A devout christian who wouldn't break her marital vows depsite her husband cheating on her, who taught bible study for years. versus a pussy grabbing foul mouthed casino owner with three wives, who couldn't name a single bible verse to save his life....

She's a lezbo fool. She is corrupt to the core...a devout Christian? :lmao::lol:
aaaaaaand it didn't take 3 posts to get into whackjob crazy conspiracy land

That is the real reason why Trump is supported by evangelicals (and is really president at all) he's the conspiracy theory president, if you think the earth was created 6000 years ago and your convinced all the worlds governments, educational and scientific institutions are teaming up to "hide the truth" than you voted trump. There isn't a batshit paranoid crazy conspiracy theory trump hasn't attached himself too.

Same reason all people who deny global warming are also evangelical Christians.

Says the Clinton bootlicker
that literally makes no sense..... you know for a christian you sure are a mean insulting little piece of shit

There is an ignore feature, I suggest you use it if I'm upsetting you, snowflake
Why would I that? You're a healthy reminder of what god awful horrible people the average right wingers are
You really expected the religious right to back, Clinton? :lmao:
A devout christian who wouldn't break her marital vows depsite her husband cheating on her, who taught bible study for years. versus a pussy grabbing foul mouthed casino owner with three wives, who couldn't name a single bible verse to save his life....
I wouldn't have left my kids with either of them, but, yes, that is who your president will be in 6 short days. A pussy grabbing foul mouthed casino owner with three wives, who couldn't name a single bible verse to save his life. Just like all the rest were.
We know that Donald J. Trump is not a particularly religious person, despite his waving the bible from a podium and proclaiming that it is his favorite book. He has not exactly exemplified the values and lifestyle that true Christians aspire to.

But we also know that he successfully courted the religious right, the fundamentalist evangelicals, in order to get nominated and elected. We also know that while they distrust him, they saw him as the better alternative-as the candidate who would do their bidding and it appears that they were correct. Case in point:

What Trump’s Education Appointment Tells Us About the Religious Right’s Influence
On Wednesday (November 23) President-elect Donald Trump announced Betsy DeVos as his pick for Secretary of Education. DeVos is a billionaire conservative activist whose name is well known among the higher echelons of the religious right. Her family has contributed tens of thousands of dollars to the Michigan Family Forum (a state affiliate of the Christian fundamentalist organization Focus on the Family) and the Family the Research Council, which has been designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

In addition:
In 1998 she founded the American Education Reform Foundation which was later renamed the American Federation for Children (AFC). The AFC is an advocacy organization whose stated purpose is to “empower parents, particularly those in low-income families, to choose the education they determine is best for their children.” Unfortunately, DeVos has used the AFC to push a crucial component of the religious right’s agenda: securing taxpayer dollars for private religious schools. AFC advocates for voucher programs that divert taxpayer money from public schools to private religious schools.

Secular Values Voter

The question is- is he an unwitting patsy, or is there something more nefarious going on? Lets take a closer look.

What Did Trump Promise the Religious Right?

Amidst all the Trump-related outrage, there is at least one question that I don't think has received nearly enough attention: What did Trump offer evangelical fundamentalist Christians in exchange for their support, and what will it mean for the rest of us if he delivers on it? We know from exit polls and other surveys conducted since the election that evangelical fundamentalist Christians turned out to vote for Trump in large numbers. We also know that this happened in spite of his behavior. While I have no doubt that some would have turned out to vote for anyone who was not Clinton, the massive support Trump received from fundamentalist Christians does make me wonder what he offered them and whether he intends to deliver it. Read more: What Did Trump Promise the Religious Right? | Atheist Revolution

There is at least one prominent conservative Christian who has expressed a degree of incredulity over what he is seeing:

Even Richard Land Is Shocked By How Much Influence The Religious Right Is Having In Shaping Trump’s Administration

Last month, it was reported that President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team was giving Religious Right activists, especially the members of his presidential campaign’s evangelical advisory board, unprecedented input in shaping his administration.

Earlier this week, one of the members of that board, Richard Land of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, appeared on the “Point of View” radio program, where he told host Kerby Anderson that he has been shocked by how much influence he and other Religious Right activists have had over the make-up of Trump’s administration.

Even Richard Land Is Shocked By How Much Influence The Religious Right Is Having In Shaping Trump’s Administration | Right Wing Watch

So who is Richard Land? A moderate ? A liberal Christian? Not hardly. He is in fact a well know right wing culture warrior Richard Land

Land went on to say in the above piece:

Some of my conservative friends and I, we have been pinching ourselves, are we hallucinating or is this actually happening?” Land said. “I know a good number of people on the transition team and I can tell you right now, about half of them, Kerby, think I’m liberal. I mean, these are very conservative people.”

Land, a longtime activist and former Southern Baptist Convention official, said that he has “been solicited five times for personnel recommendations” by the Trump administration, which is something that never happened under any previous Republican president. As such, Land said, “this administration is going to have more conservative Christians, Catholic and evangelical, in it than any administration that I’ve been associated with or had contact with, and I’ve been doing this since Reagan.

The most disconcerting part of this is the type of appointees to the federal courts that Trump is likely to make. It appears that our secular government and society- the very concept of the separation of church and state is now at grave risk!!

Yes indeed. I understand the Satanic Church supported Hillary and had Planned Parenthood serve fetus body parts as the main course at the Democratic National Convention.
If you truly believe that hillary clinton is a lesbian satanist who traffics in stolen baby parts.... then yeah I could see why you wouldn't vote for her.... your stupid as a brick if you believe that but if you do I understand not voting for her

Doesn't matter to me what you think. Donald Trump is the President elect.
and you're still stupid as a brick

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