Trump and his "Basket Full of Deplorables".

What's deplorable is people who find broad brushing others acceptable as long as it's being done to those who you don't like or agree with.

Who was 'broadbrushed'? Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.
Your a blind partisan asshole but take no offense I'm not accusing of being something your not.

What did Hillary Clinton accuse you of?
obama does a fine job of accusing hillary

Oh Lord Have Mercy Miss Charlotte....Hillary Clinton dared speak the truth about Trump and his "Basket of Deplorables."

They are nothing but Anti-Semitic, Bigoted, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Misogynistic and Racist.

Trump complains about Hillary separating Americans, when he wants a National Registry of Muslims. He has called Undocumented Workers Rapists and Murders. But Trump dares to complain Hillary separating Americans. Trump insults Asian-Americans, African-Americans and Hispanic Americans and then complains about Hillary separating Americans

Trump allows protesters at his rallies to be beaten and kicked, but Hillary is the class enemy", solely because she is Woman, but Hillary is the class enemy.

Trump has been endorsed by the KKK and has Neo-Nazi Support. But Hillary is the class enemy.

Trump hike the rent on his office in Trump Tower and charges his campaign the cost. But Hillary is the class enemy.

Yes, Trump and his supporters are a basket full of deplorables. What is pissing them off is that Hillary had the guts to call them out for their hate.


Hillary supporters attacked this woman. That makes all Hillary supporters misogynistic.
All of our resident Progressive Marxists will say, as a supporter of Trump, she deserved it.

Oh Yes, the old reliable "Your A Marxist" insult.

When all else fails fall back on that.

Trump is the one Candidate with the endorsement of Kim Jung Un the "Dear Leader" of the Democratic People's Republic of Communist) North Korea.

Trump is the one Candidate with the endorsement and support Vladimir Putin, former Colonel in the KGB (The Sword and The Shield of Soviet Russia)

The one Candidate with the support of Communists and Marxists if Donald Trump.

You support a man who is endorsed by Communists and Marxists....not me.
Shrillary calling Trump supporters Deplorables, is no different than Romney calling the 47% welfare babies.....that's what lost him the election. Calling out the KKK and David Duke as deplorable is the job of her attack dogs. She as POTUS, is supposed to be for ALL America...not just dems.
Oh Lord Have Mercy Miss Charlotte....Hillary Clinton dared speak the truth about Trump and his "Basket of Deplorables."

They are nothing but Anti-Semitic, Bigoted, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Misogynistic and Racist.

Trump complains about Hillary separating Americans, when he wants a National Registry of Muslims. He has called Undocumented Workers Rapists and Murders. But Trump dares to complain Hillary separating Americans. Trump insults Asian-Americans, African-Americans and Hispanic Americans and then complains about Hillary separating Americans

Trump allows protesters at his rallies to be beaten and kicked, but Hillary is the class enemy", solely because she is Woman, but Hillary is the class enemy.

Trump has been endorsed by the KKK and has Neo-Nazi Support. But Hillary is the class enemy.

Trump hike the rent on his office in Trump Tower and charges his campaign the cost. But Hillary is the class enemy.

Yes, Trump and his supporters are a basket full of deplorables. What is pissing them off is that Hillary had the guts to call them out for their hate.


Hillary supporters attacked this woman. That makes all Hillary supporters misogynistic.
All of our resident Progressive Marxists will say, as a supporter of Trump, she deserved it.

Oh Yes, the old reliable "Your A Marxist" insult.

When all else fails fall back on that.

Trump is the one Candidate with the endorsement of Kim Jung Un the "Dear Leader" of the Democratic People's Republic of Communist) North Korea.

Trump is the one Candidate with the endorsement and support Vladimir Putin, former Colonel in the KGB (The Sword and The Shield of Soviet Russia)

The one Candidate with the support of Communists and Marxists if Donald Trump.

You support a man who is endorsed by Communists and Marxists....not me.

Wrong Slick.

I don't support Trump. At all.

I don't support Hillary either.

I also don't support violence against women.

I despise Progressive Marxists.

Where do you get that I support Trump.

Oh. That's right. My bad. Anyone who disagrees with you is a deplorable.

Stand down.
Oh Lord Have Mercy Miss Charlotte....Hillary Clinton dared speak the truth about Trump and his "Basket of Deplorables."

They are nothing but Anti-Semitic, Bigoted, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Misogynistic and Racist.

Trump complains about Hillary separating Americans, when he wants a National Registry of Muslims. He has called Undocumented Workers Rapists and Murders. But Trump dares to complain Hillary separating Americans. Trump insults Asian-Americans, African-Americans and Hispanic Americans and then complains about Hillary separating Americans

Trump allows protesters at his rallies to be beaten and kicked, but Hillary is the class enemy", solely because she is Woman, but Hillary is the class enemy.

Trump has been endorsed by the KKK and has Neo-Nazi Support. But Hillary is the class enemy.

Trump hike the rent on his office in Trump Tower and charges his campaign the cost. But Hillary is the class enemy.

Yes, Trump and his supporters are a basket full of deplorables. What is pissing them off is that Hillary had the guts to call them out for their hate.


Hillary supporters attacked this woman. That makes all Hillary supporters misogynistic.
All of our resident Progressive Marxists will say, as a supporter of Trump, she deserved it.

Oh Yes, the old reliable "Your A Marxist" insult.

When all else fails fall back on that.

Trump is the one Candidate with the endorsement of Kim Jung Un the "Dear Leader" of the Democratic People's Republic of Communist) North Korea.

Trump is the one Candidate with the endorsement and support Vladimir Putin, former Colonel in the KGB (The Sword and The Shield of Soviet Russia)

The one Candidate with the support of Communists and Marxists if Donald Trump.

You support a man who is endorsed by Communists and Marxists....not me.

Hillary Clinton is the endorser of high ranking KKK members.

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