Trump and his "Basket Full of Deplorables".

What's deplorable is people who find broad brushing others acceptable as long as it's being done to those who you don't like or agree with.

Who was 'broadbrushed'? Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.
Your a blind partisan asshole but take no offense I'm not accusing of being something your not.
What's deplorable is people who find broad brushing others acceptable as long as it's being done to those who you don't like or agree with.

Who was 'broadbrushed'? Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.

Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.

You're correct, not one single person.

about half of Trumps supporters
What's deplorable is people who find broad brushing others acceptable as long as it's being done to those who you don't like or agree with.

Who was 'broadbrushed'? Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.

Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.

You're correct, not one single person.

about half of Trumps supporters

She referred to ones upon whose feet the shoes fit. At least half of Trump's supporters could wear one of those shoes.
What's deplorable is people who find broad brushing others acceptable as long as it's being done to those who you don't like or agree with.

Who was 'broadbrushed'? Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.
Your a blind partisan asshole but take no offense I'm not accusing of being something your not.

What did Hillary Clinton accuse you of?
I never said she accused me of anything nice attempt at a deflection though.
Hillary supporters are baby murderers.

Which of Donald Trump's four positions on abortion do you apply to that claim?

Has absolutely nothing at all to do with Trump. Hillary has vowed to overturn the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayer funding of abortions. If you support Hillary then you support her views on abortion as well as the funding of abortion and her embrace of late term abortion. You are a baby murderer.
What's deplorable is people who find broad brushing others acceptable as long as it's being done to those who you don't like or agree with.

Who was 'broadbrushed'? Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.
Your a blind partisan asshole but take no offense I'm not accusing of being something your not.

What did Hillary Clinton accuse you of?
I never said she accused me of anything nice attempt at a deflection though.

So name the people who got falsely accused. You're claiming to be in the half she didn't make reference to, correct?
Hillary supporters are baby murderers.

Which of Donald Trump's four positions on abortion do you apply to that claim?

Has absolutely nothing at all to do with Trump. Hillary has vowed to overturn the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayer funding of abortions. If you support Hillary then you support her views on abortion as well as the funding of abortion and her embrace of late term abortion. You are a baby murderer.

I support putting the Hyde Amendment to a vote.
What's deplorable is people who find broad brushing others acceptable as long as it's being done to those who you don't like or agree with.

Who was 'broadbrushed'? Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.

Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.

You're correct, not one single person.

about half of Trumps supporters

She referred to ones upon whose feet the shoes fit. At least half of Trump's supporters could wear one of those shoes.

She painted with a broad brush, and opinion.

You went further a day or so ago, and said 50% was low.

She back off her statement,

I doubt you ever will
What's deplorable is people who find broad brushing others acceptable as long as it's being done to those who you don't like or agree with.

Who was 'broadbrushed'? Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.

Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.

You're correct, not one single person.

about half of Trumps supporters

She referred to ones upon whose feet the shoes fit. At least half of Trump's supporters could wear one of those shoes.

She painted with a broad brush, and opinion.

You went further a day or so ago, and said 50% was low.

She back off her statement,

I doubt you ever will

I and others put up ample evidence to show that half of Trump's support falls into one or more of those categories.
What's deplorable is people who find broad brushing others acceptable as long as it's being done to those who you don't like or agree with.

Who was 'broadbrushed'? Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.

Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.

You're correct, not one single person.

about half of Trumps supporters

She referred to ones upon whose feet the shoes fit. At least half of Trump's supporters could wear one of those shoes.

She painted with a broad brush, and opinion.

You went further a day or so ago, and said 50% was low.

She back off her statement,

I doubt you ever will

I and others put up ample evidence to show that half of Trump's support falls into one or more of those categories.

Partisan evidence, as usual, not worth looking at.

Stop bothering adults.
Clinton supporters are:

Sniveling, nose in the air elitists, holier-than-thou pricks, Christophobes, Conservaphobes, and haters of anything traditionally American.

However, if I were running for president, I would not be stupid enough to tell them so.
And just how are Trump's despicable deplorables doing this fine evening....
Punch out any of those sissy disgusting female protesters at one of Trumpy's
rally's today....
Hillary supporters are baby murderers.

Which of Donald Trump's four positions on abortion do you apply to that claim?

Has absolutely nothing at all to do with Trump. Hillary has vowed to overturn the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayer funding of abortions. If you support Hillary then you support her views on abortion as well as the funding of abortion and her embrace of late term abortion. You are a baby murderer.

I support putting the Hyde Amendment to a vote.

No. You lie to make yourself appear better. You really support the late term murder of babies and having taxpayers foot the bill. You are an icon of depravity.
Oh Lord Have Mercy Miss Charlotte....Hillary Clinton dared speak the truth about Trump and his "Basket of Deplorables."

They are nothing but Anti-Semitic, Bigoted, Homophobic, Islamophobic, Misogynistic and Racist.

Trump complains about Hillary separating Americans, when he wants a National Registry of Muslims. He has called Undocumented Workers Rapists and Murders. But Trump dares to complain Hillary separating Americans. Trump insults Asian-Americans, African-Americans and Hispanic Americans and then complains about Hillary separating Americans

Trump allows protesters at his rallies to be beaten and kicked, but Hillary is the class enemy", solely because she is Woman, but Hillary is the class enemy.

Trump has been endorsed by the KKK and has Neo-Nazi Support. But Hillary is the class enemy.

Trump hike the rent on his office in Trump Tower and charges his campaign the cost. But Hillary is the class enemy.

Yes, Trump and his supporters are a basket full of deplorables. What is pissing them off is that Hillary had the guts to call them out for their hate.


Hillary supporters attacked this woman. That makes all Hillary supporters misogynistic.
All of our resident Progressive Marxists will say, as a supporter of Trump, she deserved it.
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What's deplorable is people who find broad brushing others acceptable as long as it's being done to those who you don't like or agree with.

Who was 'broadbrushed'? Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.

Hillary Clinton did not accuse a single person of being something they're not.

You're correct, not one single person.

about half of Trumps supporters

She referred to ones upon whose feet the shoes fit. At least half of Trump's supporters could wear one of those shoes.

She painted with a broad brush, and opinion.

You went further a day or so ago, and said 50% was low.

She back off her statement,

I doubt you ever will

I and others put up ample evidence to show that half of Trump's support falls into one or more of those categories.

And I have pointed out to you that Hillary's supporters are the despicables, the loathsomed, and the most depraved forms of human society. You are the baby murderers, the rapists, the child molesters, the gays, the lesbians, the despisers of the military, the despisers of law and order, the unpatriotic, the racists, the Communists, BLM members, cop killers, etc.
They are an easy target for sure. But the question must be how it got to this state.

How can so many people buy into the Trump thing ?

People who have been through at least a decade of formal education and yet still lack the critical faculties needed to make an educated choice.

America needs to invest in education. So does the UK for that matter but our dickheads have limited impact. American stupids could bring the world to the brink of destruction.
I see you haven't learned your lesson Slick.

Still a xenophobic bigot, I see.

Brink of destruction.

Do you still wear pink when you are melodramatic?

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