Trump and his allies turn on 'lapdog' Hannity


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
It seems, in the end, that they all turn on each-other:

Right-wing attorney Lin Wood and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell -- who have been feuding with one another -- are speaking out against the Fox News host's admission that he doesn't believe the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, and Steve Bannon, right-wing radio host Stew Peters and reportedly even the former president himself have soured on Hannity, reported The Daily Beast.
“Sean Hannity is disgusting,” Lindell told the website. “He’s a terrible journalist that does not do his job or his diligence [on] election crime. He doesn’t seem to have any concern over any election problems in the country, and it’s disgusting."
Wood, who said he'd known Hannity since 1996 and considered him a friend, showed The Daily Beast screenshots from a text conversation they'd had where Hannity agreed the election had been stolen, but the Fox News star admitted in a deposition from the Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit that he never believed that “for one second.”

Bannon and right-wing influencer Jack Posobiec have taken shots at Hannity in the past week, comparing him to CNN host Don Lemon and complaining about his "terrible advice to Trump," while Peters called him a "clown" and Trump superfan Bill Mitchell said his deposition should end his career.
“Hannity was his lapdog for years," said one Trump adviser, "but just like everyone else who’s been Trump’s b*tch at one point or another, the second Trump finds a reason to throw them in the garbage, he takes it."
Trumpworld sources told The Daily Beast the former president was upset with Hannity for pushing him to endorse Mehmet Oz in the Pennsylvania Senate race, rather than blame his wife for making the same recommendation.
“Hannity gets the blame for Oz because it’s more convenient than blaming Melania, and now he’s been shown to be ‘disloyal’ under oath, so it’s Hannity’s turn to get tossed overboard,” said a Trump adviser.
Trump hasn't spoken to Hannity for some time, sources said, and his relationship has apparently soured with another influential Fox News host.

Tucker Carlson “isn’t openly hostile to Trump, but anyone who’s paying attention knows he’s not a fan either," said one Trump source. “Trump is never on the show and rarely gets discussed. Tucker thinks Trump has a lot of the right enemies, but that’s about it.”

God, you guys are fun.


And RawSewage has all the gravitas of my grandma's crocheting blog.

I never could stand Hannity and that was long before Trump. How he has kept that show all these years is beyond me.

He keeps promising "bomb shells" but nothing really blows up.

But the idiot leftists seem to believe Hannity's the "leader" of the "far right-wing QAnon conspiracy theory movement", so let them go on believing that.
He keeps promising "bomb shells" but nothing really blows up.

But the idiot leftists seem to believe Hannity's the "leader" of the "far right-wing QAnon conspiracy theory movement", so let them go on believing that.

What they don't know won't hurt them, right?

“Sean Hannity is disgusting,” Lindell told the website. “He’s a terrible journalist that does not do his job or his diligence [on] election crime. He doesn’t seem to have any concern over any election problems in the country, and it’s disgusting."
Of all components of that menagerie of characters that DTrump assembled for his entourage....well, Lindell, in my view is one of the most entertaining. He's a RWNJ-on-steroids. And his silliness and 'way-out-there-ness' makes his a perfect foil. And a great avatar for MAGA-world. Keep that joker around. He and Krakenpot Powel make for a power couple of Trump credibility...... in my opinion.* ;)

*I don't mean to dis TailTuckin' Rudy. He's been a powerhouse for Trump gravitas. Also, IMO.

How he has kept that show all these years is beyond me.
.........In another life I bet he was a carnival barker.
Yeah, he seemed, well....'smarmy', if that is a word. Remember it was Hannity who went all in on the 'birtherism' canard, the Seth Richards' tragedy (he dragged Seth's poor parent's heart through the mud for entertainment on his show. THAT was disgusting!); and Hilary killing ...what?....68 people? 98 people? or something like that. So now, if the likes of Mike Lindell, that champion of crdibility, is flinging feces at Hannity....well, karma can circle back.

As far a
'carnival barker' I read somewhere that before getting a small-time radio gig...he painted houses.
It's amazing how obsessed Dembots are with the CEO of MyPillow....I guess this sort of stuff is what yoiur propagandist are feeding you, instead of reporting on the failure of the Xiden experiment.
It's amazing how obsessed Dembots are with the CEO of MyPillow....I guess this sort of stuff is what yoiur propagandist are feeding you, instead of reporting on the failure of the Xiden experiment.

Mr. Lindell escaped their slave plantation when he quit using drugs and found Jesus and became a multi-millionaire.

It's the crabs in a bucket thing.

The zombies would rather kill him than allow him to become the real human being that they can never be.

Well, take Hunter Biden for example. Two years after the laptop got into Republican hands and no bombshells.

Really, really good job of not responding to what I actually said, but it's okay because it's what we expect of you every time.


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