Trump and Harley-Davidson

Obama attacked American business and you said nothing. Of course Obama was lying, because we have never had a more corporatist pro-Wall Street POTUS than he.
Obama did not try to destroy any American business.
"You didn't build that"
72 straight months of job growth and zero personal vendettas to destroy businesses
The new anemic standards.
And Trump can’t meet it.
Many American motorcycle enthusiasts are selecting other brands than Harley....because of reliability issues....Harley's can be a bit of a lemon these days....
I wouldn't exactly call it throwing them under the bus, if Harley is going to leave America, well... ~shrug~ It's one company. Let me know when it's hundreds, then I'll bitch at Trump that his bluff has been called and he needs to try a different tact.
It is hundreds. Off shoring is happening at the fastest pace in years. Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than before – Quartz

That's individual jobs dipstick, not entire businesses and most of them are /not/ leaving because of tariffs, they have other reasons one could no doubt find if they wanted to.

A single job even 100,000 is rather insignificant in the grand scope of a nation. If that were in a single city, maybe it'd matter, but it's not so meh. It also appears to be government jobs and contracts - which if you were unaware, we are required to take bids on and the lowest bid wins unless it's an emergency situation.

That said, I believe Trump put in an EO that they have to use American Steel and Aluminum for our gov contracts, if they're circumventing the national material rules they'll be punished - usually a fine, though it could cause them to lose their ability to bid for gov contracts as well.
Sportsters. :gay:

Ever ride one of their 350 "Sprint" dirtbikes from the 60's? it had a hinge in the middle of the frame...unrideable. I got sponsored by a Ducati dealer and rode motocross on their 450 RT and later switched to Bultaco Pursangs....wicked fast and cornered like it was on rails.....Back in the 90's I restored a mess of them and they're now in a museum in upstate New Yawk.
Yep and Trump just destroyed Harley. They were struggling, needed to try something to save themselves, and Trump stuck the dagger in their back. I will laugh if bikers start destroying their bikes in support of the dotard.
Harleys are in the shop more than on the road....bikers notice things like that....they are burying themselves at Harley Davidson......
Sportsters. :gay:

Ever ride one of their 350 "Sprint" dirtbikes from the 60's? it had a hinge in the middle of the frame...unrideable. I got sponsored by a Ducati dealer and rode motocross on their 450 RT and later switched to Bultaco Pursangs....wicked fast and cornered like it was on rails.....Back in the 90's I restored a mess of them and they're now in a museum in upstate New Yawk.

Can't say I ever did.
"Never let a crisis go to waste". The economy is booming and hypocrite lefties enjoy the perks of viable 401k's that aren't losing money but left wing propaganda sources like Media Matters constantly search for alternate news. You almost gotta laugh that the left wing sissies who never rode a bike or saw a freaking farm are all of a sudden sensitive to the impact of tariffs on hog farms and hog makers. It's all bull shit.
Yep and Trump just destroyed Harley. They were struggling, needed to try something to save themselves, and Trump stuck the dagger in their back. I will laugh if bikers start destroying their bikes in support of the dotard.
Harleys are in the shop more than on the road....bikers notice things like that....they are burying themselves at Harley Davidson......
I don’t really care, other than to point out that Trump’s streak of vindictiveness against American businesses has now extended to a conservative icon.
"Never let a crisis go to waste". The economy is booming and hypocrite lefties enjoy the perks of viable 401k's that aren't losing money but left wing propaganda sources like Media Matters constantly search for alternate news. You almost gotta laugh that the left wing sissies who never rode a bike or saw a freaking farm are all of a sudden sensitive to the impact of tariffs on hog farms and hog makers. It's all bull shit.

Years back on another board a lib said the Indy 500 should be banned because it was a waste of gas. They hate everything they can't do and want it banned. Guns and motorcycles are loud and disrupt their imaginary Zen state of cluelessness. Their idea of a workout is a video game......Somebody should have put them outside to do some pull-ups on a tree limb and get some fresh air....too late now.
Maybe the libs can start buying more Harleys just to show President Trump how much they hate him.
Harley's American customers are aging Boomers who in a few years won't be able to even swing a leg over a hog, much less ride one. In the rest of the world, their ONLY advantage is being the American icon of motorcycles.
So let's see if I've got this right.

Because Harley Davidson's target market is largely a group of people for whom you personally clearly have little respect - aging Americans - that makes it okay for an American President to attack the company as it tries to protect itself financially?

And are you aware that the same group of people for whom you have so little respect - aging Americans - is also the target of the Regressive Left, as it celebrates their increasing deaths every year?

Do you really want to run with this spin, just to protect Trump?

Hey dumbass....I'm 70 and after two years you haven't figured that out yet? You also clearly know nothing about Harley Davidson and it's customers. Guys my age started buying the Harley they'd always admired but never dared buy in their youth. So they retired and started riding...and crashing and getting killed. I raced motocross and flat-track back in the day and had an expert AMA license. Today I know better than to take a motorcycle out into's just a matter of when you'll get clobbered. Harley hit the panic switch a few months back and Trump is holding them to their word which means if they leave, they'll pay what they saved in slave wages in tariffs. Next time you step to me, know who the fuck you're talking to.
Trump chides Harley-Davidson in tariff row

Donald Trump criticises Harley-Davidson for decision over tariffs"

So, Trump is criticizing Harley-Davidson for moving production to Europe where it won't suffer from debilitating tariffs in the EU or China.

These are the Tariffs that Trump managed to get imposed.

So why is he blaming a company for trying to remain profitable? He'd do the same thing in similar circumstance. He'd make his company more profitable over the desires of a different president.

That it's HIS POLICY that caused the company to move, and yet he's blaming the company, shows just how arrogant the guy is.

Hey dipstick, they're not moving their production to Europe. I could tell ya where they going, but what would be the fun of that.


If it's not here, it doesn't matter where.

Yep, but if Trump made that mistake you'd be screaming he lied. Hypocrisy much? LMAO

After working hard to destroy American businesses such as Amazon, the Red Hen, all news media, the NFL, etc., Trump has now turned on former ally Harley Davidson, threatening to abuse the Presidency to destroy them.

'Never!': Trump fumes at Harley-Davidson in tariff tweetstorm
Harley said they may move some operations overseas. They must have some real idiots in upper management to come up with that idea when we have a President that has said we will start punishing companies that do just that.

The President wants to keep the American workers in Harley employed, it’s the idiotic decision makers he is warning.
I wouldn't exactly call it throwing them under the bus, if Harley is going to leave America, well... ~shrug~ It's one company. Let me know when it's hundreds, then I'll bitch at Trump that his bluff has been called and he needs to try a different tact.
It is hundreds. Off shoring is happening at the fastest pace in years. Under Trump, US jobs are moving overseas even faster than before – Quartz

And those companies will get to enjoy taxes and tariffs, which may end up putting them out of business while companies in America take their place.
After working hard to destroy American businesses such as Amazon, the Red Hen, all news media, the NFL, etc., Trump has now turned on former ally Harley Davidson, threatening to abuse the Presidency to destroy them.

'Never!': Trump fumes at Harley-Davidson in tariff tweetstorm

If you knew more about cloward and piven, you probably wouldn't be such a dip shit falling for the " hate Trump" moves.

If you only knew the plan to rid you and yours you wouldn't be attacking Trump as you do just like every other stupid ass fk who thinks Trump is trying to destroy the Nation.

Only the cluess fall victim to the hate Trump card.

“Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose,” an interview with author James Simpson.

On March 9, Brannon Howse of Worldview Radio interviewed author James Simpson. Entitled “Barack Obama is Destroying Our Economy on Purpose,” Howse’s interview of Simpson concentrated on Columbia University professors Richard Andrew Cloward and Frances Fox Piven who wrote an article in 1966 for The Nation magazine. “The article was published on May 2, 1966 and laid out what is now known as the

Obama, the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and the New World Order

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