Trump and General Pershing............


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Yet again, Trump is trying to twist history so that it will fit his political agenda. Seems that he's spreading the (debunked) story of Gen. Pershing who reportedly captured some Muslim insurgents (or terrorists if you prefer) and dipped the bullets that they executed them with in pigs blood.

Hate to tell you, but that never happened.

What's even funnier, is today on another thread, a Trump supporter threatened to dip bullets in possum's blood and hunt down all the leftists. Quick question for all you conservatives who are gun nuts, didn't you know that if you crap up the bullets with blood, they will crap up the barrel of the gun and make it jam?

Here's the link for the story, where Trump tweeted about Pershing.....................

Trump tweet apparently cites debunked pig's blood military tactic

The claim states that during the Moro Rebellion, which occurred in the aftermath of the Spanish-American War, Pershing used bullets dipped in pig's blood to kill groups of Muslim insurgents because, in the Islamic faith, ingesting pork is a sin. There is no evidence that this ever happened.

While on the campaign trail, Mr. Trump made multiple references to Pershing's supposed military tactic.

"They had tremendous Muslim terrorism-tremendous at 1918. So what's changing?" Mr. Trump asked in late February during the 2016 presidential primaries. "And you had General Pershing, he was a tough tough cookie and they caught 50 terrorists. Many many people were being killed. Very similar to what's happening today."

"So General Pershing, they caught 50 terrorists," Mr. Trump said. "And they have a thing about pigs blood and pigs. And what they did is they cut open two pigs and they dumped the bullets into the pigs and they took the bullets and they stood the 50 men up and they shot each man. Shot each man with a bullet that was covered with pig's blood. But they didn't' shoot the 50th person. They gave him his bullet and said 'You go back and take this bullet back.'"

The president's tweet appears to reference this fictional event, claiming that "There was no more Radical Islamic Terror for 35 years!" as a result of the tactic.
Pay attention to the last paragraph. Trump said that there was no more Radical Islamic Terror for the next 35 years. Is he saying that if we do that now to the Muslims in this country we can take care of the terror problem?

Sorry, but I was taught the proper handling of weapons, and crapping up your ammo ain't the way to do it.
It's a truer story than anything the Democrats' MSM has put out in years. You cultists don't get to snivel about fake news, anyway, since you're all on board with it.
So it's a tall tale. Teddy Roosevelt told a million of them and FDR/Truman said that the Japanese didn't have the math skills to build a plane that would fly. Let it go lefties, it's a good story anyway.
So it's a tall tale. Teddy Roosevelt told a million of them and FDR/Truman said that the Japanese didn't have the math skills to build a plane that would fly. Let it go lefties, it's a good story anyway.

So, you're willing to accept lies as the truth, if "it's a good story anyway."?

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