Trump Administration to Slash Clean Water Act Protections for Rivers, Streams, Wetlands

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Looks like we're finally going to surpass China at something.

Trump Administration to Slash Clean Water Act Protections for Rivers, Streams, Wetlands - Waterkeeper Alliance

A Trump administration proposal today to radically slash Clean Water Act protections would free industry to dump toxic waste into streams across the United States and allow the destruction of millions of acres of wetlands critical to endangered wildlife.

By limiting protections only to wetlands and streams that are “physically and meaningfully connected” to larger navigable bodies of water, the proposal would virtually eliminate the Clean Water Act’s protections across the arid West, from West Texas to Southern California, including most of New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada.

An initial analysis estimates that today’s proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would cut Clean Water Act protections for streams and wetlands across 3,000-plus watersheds in the western United States. The plan could accelerate the extinction of more than 75 endangered species, from steelhead trout to California tiger salamanders.

“This sickening gift to polluters will result in more dangerous toxic pollution dumped into waterways across a vast stretch of America,” said Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “The Trump administration’s radical proposal would destroy millions of acres of wetlands, pushing imperiled species like steelhead trout closer to extinction.”
( continued in above link)
Related story;
Trump Moves to Gut the Clean Water Act
I have own a lake home and the lake water is pretty clear and is clean, I fish the lakes, rivers and stream. I belong to Ducks Unlimited and wetlands are important for us and the ecosystem.
Why is Trump trying to destroy God's Earth? Why is Trump poisoning our warer?
It's not him. It's the people in place around him that are in bed with the fossil fuel industry like Rick Perry.
The president doesn't actually choose all the people around him, any more than Obama or Bush before him. It's no coincidence that , for example, the Treasury Secretary is always someone from Goldman Sachs like Steve Mnuchin or bad guy from Ghost -Timothy Geithner. Did you ever hear Obama even mention fracking or the XL pipeline? I doubt it. He barely did anything during Fukushima or the BP Gulf disaster.

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Looks like we're finally going to surpass China at something.
View attachment 242779

Trump Administration to Slash Clean Water Act Protections for Rivers, Streams, Wetlands - Waterkeeper Alliance

A Trump administration proposal today to radically slash Clean Water Act protections would free industry to dump toxic waste into streams across the United States and allow the destruction of millions of acres of wetlands critical to endangered wildlife.

By limiting protections only to wetlands and streams that are “physically and meaningfully connected” to larger navigable bodies of water, the proposal would virtually eliminate the Clean Water Act’s protections across the arid West, from West Texas to Southern California, including most of New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada.

An initial analysis estimates that today’s proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would cut Clean Water Act protections for streams and wetlands across 3,000-plus watersheds in the western United States. The plan could accelerate the extinction of more than 75 endangered species, from steelhead trout to California tiger salamanders.

“This sickening gift to polluters will result in more dangerous toxic pollution dumped into waterways across a vast stretch of America,” said Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “The Trump administration’s radical proposal would destroy millions of acres of wetlands, pushing imperiled species like steelhead trout closer to extinction.”
( continued in above link)
Related story;
Trump Moves to Gut the Clean Water Act

She is a globalist commie......her opinion means nothing to me. I perused some of her "articles" and they reek of CFR influence.
She is a globalist commie......her opinion means nothing to me. I perused some of her "articles" and they reek of CFR influence.

What about

Trump EPA Unveils Plan to Roll Back Clean Water Rules | The Weather Channel

or NPR

Trump EPA Proposes Major Rollback Of Federal Water Protections

maybe you'll like BBC's version

Trump rolls back clean water protections

oh I know - Fox News

Trump administration prepares major rollback of Obama-era water rules
She is a globalist commie......her opinion means nothing to me. I perused some of her "articles" and they reek of CFR influence.

What about

Trump EPA Unveils Plan to Roll Back Clean Water Rules | The Weather Channel

or NPR

Trump EPA Proposes Major Rollback Of Federal Water Protections

maybe you'll like BBC's version

Trump rolls back clean water protections

oh I know - Fox News

Trump administration prepares major rollback of Obama-era water rules

90 percent of all media (including Fox) is owned by six mega-corporations and the ones that run them have a seat on the CFR and the Committee of 300. They fear alternative media because they can't control the narrative thus all the censorship. You can bet that Michelle Chen, CFR mouthpiece, has nothing to fear.
Let's get back to the OP.
The attack on the Clean Water Act is being initiated by the Trump Administration, Trump is president, the buck stops right in front of him. If he wanted to stop the attack on clean water, he could do it in a New York minute.
Trump's actions will push down my property value and more importantly ruin the lake I live on, play on and fish on. His action, will take away a lot of work down by hunters to not only protect the wetlands, nut also to expand them to their original state.
And then there are the people who rely on clean water and now they are threatened with polluted water. FYI, fresh water is becoming a huge commodity, world wide.
The attack on the Clean Water Act is being initiated by the Trump Administration, Trump is president, the buck stops right in front of him. If he wanted to stop the attack on clean water, he could do it in a New York minute.
You appear to be surprised. That's strange.
Looks like we're finally going to surpass China at something.
View attachment 242779

Trump Administration to Slash Clean Water Act Protections for Rivers, Streams, Wetlands - Waterkeeper Alliance

A Trump administration proposal today to radically slash Clean Water Act protections would free industry to dump toxic waste into streams across the United States and allow the destruction of millions of acres of wetlands critical to endangered wildlife.

By limiting protections only to wetlands and streams that are “physically and meaningfully connected” to larger navigable bodies of water, the proposal would virtually eliminate the Clean Water Act’s protections across the arid West, from West Texas to Southern California, including most of New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada.

An initial analysis estimates that today’s proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would cut Clean Water Act protections for streams and wetlands across 3,000-plus watersheds in the western United States. The plan could accelerate the extinction of more than 75 endangered species, from steelhead trout to California tiger salamanders.

“This sickening gift to polluters will result in more dangerous toxic pollution dumped into waterways across a vast stretch of America,” said Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “The Trump administration’s radical proposal would destroy millions of acres of wetlands, pushing imperiled species like steelhead trout closer to extinction.”
( continued in above link)
Related story;
Trump Moves to Gut the Clean Water Act
You're simply lying, jackass.
As to clean water having no value, what do you think NZ sells? it's amazing how many Americans come to buy.


PS. I've fished that spot. It's exactly like the picture.
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Looks like we're finally going to surpass China at something.
View attachment 242779

Trump Administration to Slash Clean Water Act Protections for Rivers, Streams, Wetlands - Waterkeeper Alliance

A Trump administration proposal today to radically slash Clean Water Act protections would free industry to dump toxic waste into streams across the United States and allow the destruction of millions of acres of wetlands critical to endangered wildlife.

By limiting protections only to wetlands and streams that are “physically and meaningfully connected” to larger navigable bodies of water, the proposal would virtually eliminate the Clean Water Act’s protections across the arid West, from West Texas to Southern California, including most of New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada.

An initial analysis estimates that today’s proposal from the Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers would cut Clean Water Act protections for streams and wetlands across 3,000-plus watersheds in the western United States. The plan could accelerate the extinction of more than 75 endangered species, from steelhead trout to California tiger salamanders.

“This sickening gift to polluters will result in more dangerous toxic pollution dumped into waterways across a vast stretch of America,” said Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the Center for Biological Diversity. “The Trump administration’s radical proposal would destroy millions of acres of wetlands, pushing imperiled species like steelhead trout closer to extinction.”
( continued in above link)
Related story;
Trump Moves to Gut the Clean Water Act

The article was rather vague about what is expected to be truly lost and what is the determined impact of reducing coverage to areas OUTSIDE of watershed areas. The article was one sided in that it didn't show WHY the Trump administration is making the proposal.
The article was one sided in that it didn't show WHY the Trump administration is making the proposal.
It's rather obvious, isn't it? Business can make more profit if it doesn't have to look after its pollutants to waterways. That's socialising risk and privatising profit. Same ol' same ol'.
The article was one sided in that it didn't show WHY the Trump administration is making the proposal.
It's rather obvious, isn't it? Business can make more profit if it doesn't have to look after its pollutants to waterways. That's socialising risk and privatising profit. Same ol' same ol'.

You didn't provide any evidence on the WHY they want to make the proposed changes, maybe it was pressure from business, or was it because the current rules are overdone in areas that have little pollution problem in the first place?

I recall how some parts of the water rules were so overdone that farmers would get fined for removing a MAN MADE puddle in their fields, when they plow for their crops, or fill in a low spot in the field. That had to be changed against eco nuts opposition. It was going too far, which is why I asked for the WHY from the administration.

Can anyone here provide better answer than suspected political bias you provided?
From Trump EPA Proposes Major Rollback Of Federal Water Protections

"provide states and landowners the certainty they need to manage their natural resources and grow local economies,"said the EPA's acting administrator, Andrew Wheeler.

Wheeler said the simpler approach would allow farmers, for example, to decide which water on their property is subject to federal regulation without paying thousands of dollars for consultants and engineers. He said it will also let them and others avoid expensive and time-consuming permits for an Obama-era regulation he called a "power grab."

More about Trump's justification for this may be found at

EPA and Army Propose New "Waters of the United States" Definition | US EPA

“Our proposal would replace the Obama EPA’s 2015 definition with one that respects the limits of the Clean Water Act and provides states and landowners the certainty they need to manage their natural resources and grow local economies,” said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler. “For the first time, we are clearly defining the difference between federally protected waterways and state protected waterways. Our simpler and clearer definition would help landowners understand whether a project on their property will require a federal permit or not, without spending thousands of dollars on engineering and legal professionals.”

“EPA and the Army together propose this new definition that provides a clear and predictable approach to regulating ‘waters of the United States.’ We focused on developing an implementable definition that balances local and national interests under the Clean Water Act,” said R.D. James, Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works. “I have heard from a wide range of stakeholders on Clean Water Act implementation challenges. This proposed definition provides a common-sense approach to managing our nation's waters.”

and at Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rulemaking | US EPA

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