Trump Abandoning Pandemic Effort

Trump quit....

...What has gone so wrong with our country?

What’s gone wrong is that the citizenry is looking to the POTUS for answers rather than looking to State and Local officials, who should be the ones in charge of the response to this non-event.
He should be setting an example for the world to see but he f'n golfs. What has gone so wrong with our country?

What the fuck do you care? NO matter what he does you bitch, mine as well go golf. Fuck it.
Just like Trump you give up.

Yep. After 5 months of whiney liberals bitching about everything he does I would just walk away too. Some whiney babies can't stop crying.
Yep.....finally....Trump is toast.
Yep.....finally....Trump is toast.

The Progressives might find they miss Mr Trump if he’s gone in January of 2021. The replacement for Mr Trump may well be a true Revolutionary Conservative Resistance; which isn’t about marches and screaming sessions but about actively resisting a Progressive Government.
...What has gone so wrong with our country?

What’s gone wrong is that the citizenry is looking to the POTUS for answers rather than looking to State and Local officials, who should be the ones in charge of the response to this non-event.

Is this what you mean about sluffing it off to the States?

“Each morning at 8 as the coronavirus crisis was raging in April, Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff, convened a small group of aides to steer the administration through what had become a public health, economic and political disaster. Seated around Mr. Meadows’s conference table and on a couch in his office down the hall from the Oval Office, they saw their immediate role as practical problem solvers,” the newspaper reported."
“But their ultimate goal was to shift responsibility for leading the fight against the pandemic from the White House to the states. They referred to this as ‘state authority handoff,’ and it was at the heart of what would become at once a catastrophic policy blunder and an attempt to escape blame for a crisis that had engulfed the country — perhaps one of the greatest failures of presidential leadership in generations,” The Times explained.

Is this what you mean about sluffing it off to the States?

Those meetings should never have occurred. The Federal Government has no legitimate mandate or power over disease and medical issues. No comment should have been made by the administration on COVID-19 to begin with.
“Trump in recent weeks has been committing less of his time and energy to managing the pandemic…”

When did Trump ever spend time or energy committed to ‘managing’ the pandemic?

All Trump has accomplished is mismanaging the crisis.
Weird....every Democrat has spent the last few months complaining, aiding domestic terrorists, and switching their positions, while Trump has been trying to deal with a mess that THEY created.
And when it comes to mismanaging the crisis.....that blame rests directly with every Democrat governor and mayor that has caused two separate shutdowns and a crumbling economy. The feds have nothing to do with lockdowns. States have the entire blame for that. You just feel you can repeat this bullshit lie so many times that people actually might start believing it.
Is this what you mean about sluffing it off to the States?

Those meetings should never have occurred. The Federal Government has no legitimate mandate or power over disease and medical issues. No comment should have been made by the administration on COVID-19 to begin with.
Stopping travel from China was entirely appropriate and within the Federal government's power.
How could you possibly know that 90% donate to Dems? please forward where you got this information.

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