Now that the Democrats and the media are lying about everything, there is no point in watching or reading the news

I withdraw.

It's incredible isn't it? I mean, I've always questioned how the majority of North Koreans can be so brainwashed by the propaganda, but we're seeing it right here in the USA. These riots are just the latest thing. There are hundreds if not thousands of videos strewn across the internet of these assholes looting, burning, destroying, and murdering.... and there are 10s of millions of people out there who believe these are "peaceful protesters" simply because CNN told them so. It's utterly mind-boggling.
I withdraw.

It's incredible isn't it? I mean, I've always questioned how the majority of North Koreans can be so brainwashed by the propaganda, but we're seeing it right here in the USA. These riots are just the latest thing. There are hundreds if not thousands of videos strewn across the internet of these assholes looting, burning, destroying, and murdering.... and there are 10s of millions of people out there who believe these are "peaceful protesters" simply because CNN told them so. It's utterly mind-boggling.
One idiot my wife knows said that Trump was sending in the looters.
I withdraw.

Biden wants a fact checker at the debates (which I doubt he will attend, and it will cost him 15% of the vote), I say there should be fact checkers for MSM.

The whole idea of having a "fact checker" is bullshit. You know damned well those "fact-checkers" are going to be left-wing fucktards who distort President Trump's statements every which way to Sunday.

Meanwhile, they won't dare touch anything Biden says. It's just bullshit.

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