Troll farms reached 140 million Americans a month on Facebook before 2020 election, internal report shows


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Well..this should not be news to most of us..although many seem to be invested in downplaying this sort of thing..for whatever reason~

In the run-up to the 2020 election, the most highly contested in US history, Facebook’s most popular pages for Christian and Black American content were being run by Eastern European troll farms. These pages were part of a larger network that collectively reached nearly half of all Americans, according to an internal company report, and achieved that reach not through user choice but primarily as a result of Facebook’s own platform design and engagement-hungry algorithm.
How Facebook got addicted to spreading misinformation
The company’s AI algorithms gave it an insatiable habit for lies and hate speech. Now the man who built them can't fix the problem.
The report, written in October 2019 and obtained by MIT Technology Review from a former Facebook employee not involved in researching it, found that after the 2016 election, Facebook failed to prioritize fundamental changes to how its platform promotes and distributes information. The company instead pursued a whack-a-mole strategy that involved monitoring and quashing the activity of bad actors when they engaged in political discourse, and adding some guardrails that prevented “the worst of the worst.”
But this approach did little to stem the underlying problem, the report noted. Troll farms—professionalized groups that work in a coordinated fashion to post provocative content, often propaganda, to social networks—were still building massive audiences by running networks of Facebook pages. Their content was reaching 140 million US users per month—75% of whom had never followed any of the pages. They were seeing the content because Facebook’s content-recommendation system had pushed it into their news feeds.
“Instead of users choosing to receive content from these actors, it is our platform that is choosing to give [these troll farms] an enormous reach,” wrote the report’s author, Jeff Allen, a former senior-level data scientist at Facebook.
And what are they pushing?



Anything that will wealen our country
And what are they pushing?



Anything that will wealen our country
No Lesh...what they are pushing is division. Some take the Right's side..and some take the Left's side. The issue is is the division that is desired. To weaken us...and to occupy our energy in our eternal internecine combat..while they nibble away at the margins.
If you think our enemies take any side other than their might want to rethink that.
No Lesh...what they are pushing is division. Some take the Right's side..and some take the Left's side. The issue is is the division that is desired. To weaken us...and to occupy our energy in our eternal internecine combat..while they nibble away at the margins.
If you think our enemies take any side other than their might want to rethink that.
And what would most weaken us?

Yea...letting the virus run rampant
The didn't reach me, I deleted my facebook before Trump was sworn in. It was getting so ugly by my friends on both sides of the aisle that I had no choice.
I have an aunt that is a compulsive reposter. The sheer volume of crap pushed on to her page must be astounding. She's exactly what the propagandists desire most, a super-spreader.
And what would most weaken us?

Yea...letting the virus run rampant
You risk being a one note song Lesh. What weakens us most is division. Refusing to compromise..refusing to see another point of view..even if we disagree.
No one is letting the virus 'run rampant'.
OTOH, you can't tell me that the powers on the Left are not using the virus to shoehorn their agenda.I've seen it in congress, as bills that have nothing at all to do with the Pandemic are slipped into Coronavirus relief packages.
Not that I don't agree with much of it..but it is dishonest...and very much old school politics.

My point is that there are powers in the world that are happy to help you demonize your fellow Americans

Perhaps you shouldn't do that~
Well..this should not be news to most of us..although many seem to be invested in downplaying this sort of thing..for whatever reason~

In the run-up to the 2020 election, the most highly contested in US history, Facebook’s most popular pages for Christian and Black American content were being run by Eastern European troll farms. These pages were part of a larger network that collectively reached nearly half of all Americans, according to an internal company report, and achieved that reach not through user choice but primarily as a result of Facebook’s own platform design and engagement-hungry algorithm.
How Facebook got addicted to spreading misinformation
The company’s AI algorithms gave it an insatiable habit for lies and hate speech. Now the man who built them can't fix the problem.
The report, written in October 2019 and obtained by MIT Technology Review from a former Facebook employee not involved in researching it, found that after the 2016 election, Facebook failed to prioritize fundamental changes to how its platform promotes and distributes information. The company instead pursued a whack-a-mole strategy that involved monitoring and quashing the activity of bad actors when they engaged in political discourse, and adding some guardrails that prevented “the worst of the worst.”
But this approach did little to stem the underlying problem, the report noted. Troll farms—professionalized groups that work in a coordinated fashion to post provocative content, often propaganda, to social networks—were still building massive audiences by running networks of Facebook pages. Their content was reaching 140 million US users per month—75% of whom had never followed any of the pages. They were seeing the content because Facebook’s content-recommendation system had pushed it into their news feeds.
“Instead of users choosing to receive content from these actors, it is our platform that is choosing to give [these troll farms] an enormous reach,” wrote the report’s author, Jeff Allen, a former senior-level data scientist at Facebook.
If he can't fix it it's time to tear it down.
Well..this should not be news to most of us..although many seem to be invested in downplaying this sort of thing..for whatever reason~

In the run-up to the 2020 election, the most highly contested in US history, Facebook’s most popular pages for Christian and Black American content were being run by Eastern European troll farms. These pages were part of a larger network that collectively reached nearly half of all Americans, according to an internal company report, and achieved that reach not through user choice but primarily as a result of Facebook’s own platform design and engagement-hungry algorithm.
How Facebook got addicted to spreading misinformation
The company’s AI algorithms gave it an insatiable habit for lies and hate speech. Now the man who built them can't fix the problem.
The report, written in October 2019 and obtained by MIT Technology Review from a former Facebook employee not involved in researching it, found that after the 2016 election, Facebook failed to prioritize fundamental changes to how its platform promotes and distributes information. The company instead pursued a whack-a-mole strategy that involved monitoring and quashing the activity of bad actors when they engaged in political discourse, and adding some guardrails that prevented “the worst of the worst.”
But this approach did little to stem the underlying problem, the report noted. Troll farms—professionalized groups that work in a coordinated fashion to post provocative content, often propaganda, to social networks—were still building massive audiences by running networks of Facebook pages. Their content was reaching 140 million US users per month—75% of whom had never followed any of the pages. They were seeing the content because Facebook’s content-recommendation system had pushed it into their news feeds.
“Instead of users choosing to receive content from these actors, it is our platform that is choosing to give [these troll farms] an enormous reach,” wrote the report’s author, Jeff Allen, a former senior-level data scientist at Facebook.
tim his explains the xiden vote
And what are they pushing?



Anything that will wealen our country
well you didn’t need the troll farms to push anti-vaccine in the lead up to the 2020 election…the dnc, lead by Harris and Cuomo where doing enough is that on CNN and MSDNC
The didn't reach me, I deleted my facebook before Trump was sworn in. It was getting so ugly by my friends on both sides of the aisle that I had no choice.
Years ago, I joined facebook to stay in touch with high school class illumni. That lasted about 2 weeks because they had just moved on to other interests over time. Later on there were rumors people online were getting their bank accounts emptied. I left and had my account closed and never looked back. Too bad. I will be fond of my fellow Mustangs forever. ♡♡♡♡♡
Years ago, I joined facebook to stay in touch with high school class illumni. That lasted about 2 weeks because they had just moved on to other interests over time. Later on there were rumors people online were getting their bank accounts emptied. I left and had my account closed and never looked back. Too bad. I will be fond of my fellow Mustangs forever. ♡♡♡♡♡
I was never keen on facebook to begin with TBH. friends from college kept pushing me, one in particular so all I did was join and suddenly I was friend requested by most of the people I knew from there. A couple secret groups was all that really kept me going there and even they started getting annoying. I miss it about 5 minutes a year but it is what it is.

I do miss twitter quite a bit. I didn't do much politics there but once they started being the thought police last year, I deleted my account there as well.
The only thing that's changed is that China now runs the Troll farms with the support of Zuckerberg.
Do you just make this shit up as you go? China is running the Eastern Europe Troll farms--what...did they buy them from Putin?
I imagine every major nation..and some not so major...have skin in this game.

I wonder if I'm the only one who finds amusement in the fact that WE started this..with Voice of America?
Do you just make this shit up as you go? China is running the Eastern Europe Troll farms--what...did they buy them from Putin?

Putin doesn't run eastern Europe, moron. And your masters simply overwhelmed them. Flooding is the CCP way.

I imagine every major nation..and some not so major...have skin in this game.

I wonder if I'm the only one who finds amusement in the fact that WE started this..with Voice of America?

The Nazi democrats melted down about memes on the internet. That isn't election interference. democrats fear information they can't censor.
Well..this should not be news to most of us..although many seem to be invested in downplaying this sort of thing..for whatever reason~

In the run-up to the 2020 election, the most highly contested in US history, Facebook’s most popular pages for Christian and Black American content were being run by Eastern European troll farms. These pages were part of a larger network that collectively reached nearly half of all Americans, according to an internal company report, and achieved that reach not through user choice but primarily as a result of Facebook’s own platform design and engagement-hungry algorithm.
How Facebook got addicted to spreading misinformation
The company’s AI algorithms gave it an insatiable habit for lies and hate speech. Now the man who built them can't fix the problem.
The report, written in October 2019 and obtained by MIT Technology Review from a former Facebook employee not involved in researching it, found that after the 2016 election, Facebook failed to prioritize fundamental changes to how its platform promotes and distributes information. The company instead pursued a whack-a-mole strategy that involved monitoring and quashing the activity of bad actors when they engaged in political discourse, and adding some guardrails that prevented “the worst of the worst.”
But this approach did little to stem the underlying problem, the report noted. Troll farms—professionalized groups that work in a coordinated fashion to post provocative content, often propaganda, to social networks—were still building massive audiences by running networks of Facebook pages. Their content was reaching 140 million US users per month—75% of whom had never followed any of the pages. They were seeing the content because Facebook’s content-recommendation system had pushed it into their news feeds.
“Instead of users choosing to receive content from these actors, it is our platform that is choosing to give [these troll farms] an enormous reach,” wrote the report’s author, Jeff Allen, a former senior-level data scientist at Facebook.

There is a very good way for Facebook to put a stop to this.

Discontinue the automatic feed algorithm.

If people want to find something on line or Facebook, let them go look for it themselves.

Stop piping lies into people's computer.

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