Senior Member
EXCELLENT Piece - while I don't agree with every conclusion contained herein, I support the findings of the author. I should send my Mom this link.
Trinity Broadcasting was established in 1973, and has grown into the worldÂ’s largest religious broadcaster, with more than 1,200 outlets ( November 1999 figures). I have had some hope that things would cahnge over the years, they have but not for the better.
The Crouches oversee a $100-million-plus-a-year enterprise. In 1998 they’re ministry was asked to be sold and they turned it down, Crouch said he would never sell. Its worth was about 1.9 billion then. Their salary--TBN’s founder and president, received over a 64 percent raise in 1998. The newspaper said it was “the largest pay increase in the country for the top executive of a major not-for-profit group.” Crouch’s earnings went from $159,500 in 1997 to $262,915 the following year. Jan, the organization’s vice president, also received a big raise. Her earnings more than doubled, going from $159,500 to $321,375 during the same time period.
Recently Trinity Broadcasting Network has purchased a Newport Beach house for close to $5 million, according to Orange County Realtors. The Crouches had previously been living in a smaller house in the same neighborhood. Their new three-story, nearly 9,500-square-foot house, has six bedrooms, nine bathrooms, a billiard room, a climate-controlled wine cellar, a sweeping staircase and a crystal chandelier has an elevator, a six-car garage, a tennis court and a pool with a fountain.
Another of the Crouch's estates is TBN's ranch in Colleyville, TX, just minutes away from the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. The 80-plus acre ranch contains eight houses and horse stables, is estimated to be worth about $10 million. TBN is no small time operation, it goes into almost all the countries of the world. The question that needs to be asked is, what do people see when they veiw TBN?
In the Jan. of 2000 newsletter it has on the front the Rev.14:6 global network. The Crouches now view their satellite broadcasting as the angel mentioned in the book of Revelation. Never mind that angels are creatures God made, they interpret it as their programming going to all the world through their satelite.
Those who have a high profile in the ministry (on TV) need to be aware that their lifestyle affects the image the entire Church shows to the public. Now the public compares people in the pulpit to the TV evangelists, thinking they are all like this-conniving for money. The unsaved world sees what is going on, and can usually spot a con; this type of broadcasting continues to stumble many in the church and we continues to be mocked by the world. No doubt they believe in the message they are spreading and are comfortable preparing for the kingdom they are making.
Over the years I have seen some outrageous things take place on TBN, from those who have another gospel to no gospel like Robert Schuller; those who coerce people to give money to them for God's blessing, to those who teach new revelations that are a figment of their own mind. False prophets appear regularly on the program and are accepted as the real deal. Catholicism with its idolatry is held in equal status with Biblical Christianity. Today one hears more of kingdom dominionism, the church taking over the world for Jesus before he comes than Jesus coming for the church. The victory of the present church overtaking the world with a greater display of power from the apostles in the book of Acts. There have been a lot of unbiblical changes introduced to the Church over the last few years, many of these were launched through TBN's broadcasts.
Well hasn't TBN done some good? Yes, I'm aware there are still a few good people on the programming; there are some teachings on creationism that explain the flaws of evolution; and yes, there are a few that explain the gospel to the unsaved and are not preaching to the choir. But the majority are not teaching sound doctrine, we still have the element of those who are hosted that do not hold to the core doctrines of the faith. It does not seem to matter if one does not believe in one of the main fundamentals, the trinity, as T.D. Jakes certainly is welcomed as well as other oneness Pentecostals who are anti-tinitarian. But can we expect anymore from an owner who said doctrine is something he doesn't want to get involved in.
My question is where is this all heading? Well with the movers and the shakers that regularly appear one does not have to second guess.
The electronic media has become the teaching medium for much of the Church instead of an evangelistic outreach to the unsaved. There is a good reason for this, that will be discussed at the end of the article. I have watched TBN go from bad to worse and people are influenced to believe that good teachers are those who have big programs on TV. We have forgotten our reward is in heaven and we will be rewarded on what we do for the Lord openly or privately, large or small. But a worldly perspective has come into the church prompting us to have our stars to represent Christ just like Hollywood has theirs. Many seem to have held these men in high esteem as the standard for what real evangelism and Christianity is; they are not. There are many small congregations and evangelists who are not famous doing GodÂ’s work all over the world and making a real difference. Unfortunately, these local churches and ministries suffer because the money that could be used to help those in local congregations and their communities is going instead to those who receive the most publicity. The job of evangelism is left to a few famous performers on television, because people are under the assumption that more people will be reached with less money.
“Well, I'm on the little fixed income. I can't afford' --you can't afford not to do something, to plant something. If you're going to obey the command of Jesus Christ and go into all the world and preach the gospel, the only way many can do that is to send someone else . . . to give so that others can go” (Spring Praise-a-Thon 4/1/91). TBN gives the people the idea that only the famous on TV are qualified to share the gospel and they deserve our support. Certainly we should give to support the gospel, but is that what is happening here?
And yet with all this going on there are but a few people preaching an unadulterated gospel. What has become the purpose of TBN. Its focus is on the body with hardly any true evangelism going on despite their touting numbers -14 millions of souls saved like MacDonalds hamburgers. Because someone believes in Jesus he is counted in the tally even though he may not have heard what sin is, that he is a sinner and that Jesus is the only way to be saved from the penalty of our sin. What exactly are they believing in?
The clear presentation of the gospel is replaced with things that tickle the ears; the Bible codes-Paul Crouch believes his guest Yacov Ramsel who says he found in Isa.30 twin towers-- September 11-- and Manhattan in it. Bible codes are esoteric interpretations. People often turn to this type of interpretation when they are unable to receive the literal word of God. Ramsel says encoded in the Bible in Gen.7:13-14 where Noah is getting the animals on the ark. Starting with the third letter in the eight word counting forward every 15th letter spells Paul adjacent to name in the same ELS is Jan the name of his wife. Starting with the 4th letter with third word counting every twentieth letter spells TBN. Adjacent letters in the same ELS spell at least eleven different words that are directly associated with the work of TBN such as faith of the gospel and Matt his son and his wife. There is no questioning this, but accepting it as if it is the gospel truth.
The Omega Code was a full-length feature film produced by TBN based upon a secret code hidden within the Scripture. It was a Christian hit despite its unbiblical premise and teaching. The majority who went to see it were TBN supporters.
I'm not going to mention all the examples I can give but here are a few incidences over the years that should make ones hair raise.
The holy ghost bartender Rodney- Howard Browne brought laughter and mirth into the house and was exposed for all to see how silly this has all become, this in turn brought the Toronto blessing which brought the Brownsville revival etc.we can trace all this to TBN's favorite revelator Benny Hinn. Then came the gold dust and a host of non biblical manifestations; on and on it goes...
On the November 9, 1990 Praise-a-Thon, Hinn told Crouch a new revelation. “Paul, I can say this -- Are you ready for this? We may have two years before the rapture. . . Can I be blunt with ya? I don't know if we have two years left. . . I'm gonna prove to you from the Word tonight, that we have less than two years.” Crouch then asked people to give because of the time element we have left. 1993 came and went with no rapture. Surprised?
In March Rev. John J. Hinkle of Christ Church in Los Angeles, shared a revelation to the TBN audience. “I was awaken and the lord spoke to me in the most awesome voice I heard it outside and inside and as I sat up he said “On Thursday night, March the 11th, the Lord spoke to me in a loud firm voice,” … “On Thursday, June the 9th, I will rip the evil out of this world. And I turned the calendar to 1994 and there it was Thursday June the 9th that he would rip the evil out of this world. And I knew then that the most cataclysmic experience that the world has ever known since the resurrection.” Crouch interjects: remember first of all it was made clear to John this was not the 2nd coming of Christ this not the rapture of the church of Jesus Christ its just something is going to happen on June the 9th.
June 9th 1994 came and went, evil was not ripped from our world (as if the Bible said it would be) no apologies were found from the mouth of TBN, Crouch or John Hinkle who uttered this false revelation. Where is the accountability, the integrity that is supposed to be found in Christian leadership? Remember this is going out to the whole world not just a church.
Lavern Tripp in the 1997 TBN praise-a-thon speaking as Jesus in the first person about the boy with the loaves and fishes: “For all these people...I already knew what I was going to do when I asked him the question but I wanted to see what he would do and what he would say. I knew what I was going to do when you came in to this but I wanted to see what you going do.
“Now, the little boy with the bread and with the fish, he gave everything he had to my disciples, they didn’t think it was much because they said, “There’s just a little boy here and all he’s got is some loaves and fish, and what is that among so many?” But it was a lot to me, and it was a lot to him. And when he gave something that was precious to him, I gave him something back. I gave him back twelve times what he gave, and I’m going to do the same thing now. I’m going to do the same thing now.
“He gave all he had. I knew what I was going to do when I asked the question. Now, I am the Bread of Life, and I have come to give life to the whole world. And I asked them where were we going to get bread to feed this multitude.
“I am moved with compassion at the hurting, hungry people of the world. I am moved with compassion, and I move in the lives of those who have my compassion and my Spirit. I already know I’m going to do it. I just want to see what you’re going to do. I haven’t changed. I’m the same right now as I was then. I still move with compassion to the hungry, hurting people. I’m still moved with compassion to the hurting people, and I’ve got little boys with bread and fish. To some of my disciples, it don’t look like much to them, but they don’t see what I see. And when my little ones bring their baskets and give it to me, I’m going to bless it. I’m going to break it, and I’m going to multiply it. And when this thing is over with, I want you to look how much you’re going to pick up that’s going to be left over....
“…I already know I’m going to do it. I just want to see what you’re going to do. I haven’t changed. I’m the same right now as I was then. I still move with compassion to the hungry, hurting people… The whole world is going to see..what I do now because it’s going to be quick and it’s going to be fast, and multitudes are going to be satisfied because I am the Bread and I am the Life. And it shall be done through my little ones…through my little ones, I will feed the multitudes of the world. Yes, I’m going to give back to them, but I am the God of more than enough, and I take what people think are nothing and turn it into major things. That’s the way my kingdom works….
“You can get in my kingdom by believing on me and trusting in me. I have a Kingdom Book called the Bible, and it will instruct you in the ways of the kingdom. And you already know, in the kingdom, that when you give, you shall receive. I take your gift, and I bless it, and I multiply it, and it will grow and grow and grow and Grow and GROW until my light and my glory fills the earth….
“I have come as your Savior, your King, and your Lord. So, come now, my little ones. Come now my little ones and bring that that I have given to you. Lay it in my hands, and I’m going to bless you with fire from on high. Nothing will ever shake you or move you again. Nothing will ever shake you or move you again because a fire will burn it out before it can even get to you. ..whooh.. There it comes. There it comes. There’s your healing. There it is. Even as you begin to say I am gonna move, I’ve already moved. There I am. There’s the healing in your belly. There’s the healing in your chest. There’s the healing in your joints. There’s the healing in your blood. There’s the healing in your eyes. There’s the healing in your nose. There’s the healing in your neck. There’s the healing in your feet....whowhoooh..
“For the fire has come. The fire has come to burn out all the chaff, burn out all the disease, ..the sickness, burn out all the enemy has done. For this is My Day. This is MY DAY. For the Day of the Lord has Come!” (Congregation begins speaking in tongues)
This was not prophecy but speaking in the first person as Jesus himself, it would need to be seen and heard to be understand what is operating here. This is more like new age channeling. I have underlined the “I” and “me” to point this out. Let me ask you has the day of the Lord come? Is this is the Tribulation, someone is confused and I don't think it's Jesus. Unfortunately most people would not even catch this and would wholeheartedly accept it.
This is the variety one gets watching TBN, and it is all approved by the owners. Why? Because anything goes in the name of Jesus, they make no distinctions, because they do not believe we are to judge or discern a thing, and they teach the people the same. Well almost no judgment, they do judge those who discern their programming and have pointed out someglaring problems, in fact they have condemned them to the nth degree. Paul Crouch said he will shoot heresy hunters (theology) if God doesn't. (Praise-a-thon (TBN) 4/2/91) “God, we proclaim DEATH to anything or anyone that will lift a hand against this network and this ministry that belongs to You, God. It is Your work, it is Your idea, it is Your property, it is Your airwaves, it is Your world, and we proclaim DEATH to anything that would stand in the way of God's great voice of proclamation to the whole world. In the name of Jesus, and all the people said Amen!” (Praise The Lord TBN, 11/7/97). I remember Jesus rebuking the sons of thunder for this very spirit.
Crouch at times has reacted to those who use their discernment on those who taught the we are gods doctrine (ps.82) and said “I AM A LITTLE GOD... I am a little god. Critics be gone!” (Praise the Lord show July 7, 1986). Is this is the attitude of a Christian leader? Time went on and he said “God draws no distinction between Himself and us. God opens up the union of the very godhead (Trinity), and brings us into it.” (Praise-a-thon” TBN, 11/90) While Jesus makes us have a spiritual unity that he enjoys Jn.17 does not have the meaning that we become part of God, or little gods.