Tribal Warfare


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
Again ?
"Gaddafi has always thought that there are people in eastern Libya, in Benghazi and Ajdabiya and so on, that are not very trustworthy and not very loyal," said Dirk Vandewalle, a Libya expert at Dartmouth College, in the United States.

"Remember that Libya was kind of artificially created in 1951 and the provinces at the time, Cyrenaica where Benghazi is, and Tripolitania where Tripoli is, had very little in common.

"From the beginning there were issues with that partnership and that increased even further when oil was discovered that kind of straddled both provinces," he said.

Neglect, tribalism, history fuel east Libya revolt | Reuters

Why? Was there any threat to oil production prior to the rebellion ? Why is France so suddenly eager to fight ?
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Again ?

Neglect, tribalism, history fuel east Libya revolt | Reuters

Why? Was there any threat to oil production prior to the rebellion ? Why is France so suddenly eager to fight ?


1. Next year are French elections. Sarkozy polls at 30%, Marie LePen at 27%.
Sarkozy could fish in LePen's lake by bombing some Muslims.

2. France FM Marie Alliot offered security forces to Tunisian President to crush the demonstrations, 3 days before he was ousted by his own population.
French FM had to resign due to this.
French minister defends offer of security forces to Tunisia | World news | The Guardian
PR repair in Libya.

3. Oil.
Qaddaffi has been a PITA for 40 years. I bet there are many in Europe who would prefer any other devil to this one.

I seen no good coming out of this. either we get a perment civil war, or Qaddaffi manages to crunch his enemies. (Those enemies who might have knocked him out three weeks ago are probably all dead by now)
I'm betting there is zero chance of him staying in power now. The laughable coalition has crossed the Rubicon and the messiah has spoken.

I guess they could split the country and each tribe could pick a leader.
Libyan 'civilians'.

Capturing Fighter-Aircraft, flying it and mistakenly friendly-fire it down with missiles.

On the way to camping

Offering a cup of tea to executive branch of constitution
These are not the kind of civilians we've seen on Tahrir square.
They are not civilians at all.


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