"Transpocalypse now", they're everywhere.........


Active Member
Mar 23, 2019
This guy is flipping out a little, there's no doubt that a few of the people he points out are obvious trannies but then there are a few others I cant be as sure as he is.

He thinks all the actors on the show "Billions" are trannies, even the "men" on the show, he thinks they are really women underneath.

It's 16 minutes long, I generally wont post something longer than 5 minutes because I ASSume everyone has as short attention span as myself so I give the brief summation, at around 10 minutes he starts talking about the wording of Genesis and how the new agers are trying to redescribe Adam as an androgynous hermaphrodite.

From there he continues on with the general theme of which I agree, just am not as convinced as he is that everyone he sees these days is a tranny. I guess I'll start paying more attention to hip width and potential adams apples.


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