Transocean tries to limit liability for sunken rig

Please, by all means Miss Morally Superior Cali Bitch, inform me specifically what I should be doing.

:clap2::clap2::clap2: Good for yeeeeeuuuu!

How? Unless you have training certification in the handling of oil, about all you would be good for right now is your long locks of oil absorbing hair. And you don't need to be here to do that. Since you're such a great person I'm sure you'll have no problem shaving your hair and sending it to us, right?

Many donating hair to clean up Gulf Coast oil spill | WSBT - News, Weather, Sports South Bend | Local News
There are many other ways to help a community in need other than actually sopping up oil retard!! Again, how do you get out of the house without killing yourself or setting the house on fire??

And yet - no one is willing to tell me how to help. You and Cali actually appear more interested in hurling insults than helping people figure out what they can do to help.

So says the poster who calls me 'whore' and 'c*nt. What a joke.

'They'? Who? You want my help? Fuck you.
There are many other ways to help a community in need other than actually sopping up oil retard!! Again, how do you get out of the house without killing yourself or setting the house on fire??

And yet - no one is willing to tell me how to help. You and Cali actually appear more interested in hurling insults than helping people figure out what they can do to help.

So says the poster who calls me 'whore' and 'c*nt. What a joke.

'They'? Who? You want my help? Fuck you.

SpiderdufusBooba is a fraud. He/she/it is not really worth trying to engage in debate.
And yet - no one is willing to tell me how to help. You and Cali actually appear more interested in hurling insults than helping people figure out what they can do to help.

So says the poster who calls me 'whore' and 'c*nt. What a joke.

'They'? Who? You want my help? Fuck you.

SpiderdufusBooba is a fraud. He/she/it is not really worth trying to engage in debate.

Yep. His idea of debate is 'agree with me or you are an anti-American whore'.
Transocean tries to limit liability for sunken rig - U.S. business-

A spokesman for the Swiss company said the company will cite an 1851 law that says the owner of a sunken vessel is liable only for its value after the accident.

The liability limit would cap the amount that Transocean would be forced to pay if it loses any of the numerous lawsuits related to the Deepwater Horizon explosion. The company also may be able to delay other proceedings for years while a judge determines the size of Transocean's liability, said Keith Hall, a New Orleans lawyer who represents oil and gas companies.

Wasn't Cali-G just telling everyone how these corporations have already admitted fault and were more than happy to pay for the damages in a separate thread???

TransOcean also has the rig registered in the Marshall Islands, of all places, as a regulation dodge, in case that hasn't been mentioned.
Transocean tries to limit liability for sunken rig - U.S. business-

A spokesman for the Swiss company said the company will cite an 1851 law that says the owner of a sunken vessel is liable only for its value after the accident.

The liability limit would cap the amount that Transocean would be forced to pay if it loses any of the numerous lawsuits related to the Deepwater Horizon explosion. The company also may be able to delay other proceedings for years while a judge determines the size of Transocean's liability, said Keith Hall, a New Orleans lawyer who represents oil and gas companies.

Wasn't Cali-G just telling everyone how these corporations have already admitted fault and were more than happy to pay for the damages in a separate thread???

TransOcean also has the rig registered in the Marshall Islands, of all places, as a regulation dodge, in case that hasn't been mentioned.

At the risk of stating the fucking obvious..... Cali G (ie me) never told everyone that 'these corporations have already admitted fault'. The OP lied.... and by quoting him, you support that lie.... ergo, NY, you are a liar too. Just like VaYank. Fucking idiots.

And yet.... neither of you - or the other droolers.... Spidey and truthdon't matter acknowledge that the fucking POTUS - OBAMA -signed off on the damned drilling. He's as responsible as the corps.
Transocean tries to limit liability for sunken rig - U.S. business-

Wasn't Cali-G just telling everyone how these corporations have already admitted fault and were more than happy to pay for the damages in a separate thread???

TransOcean also has the rig registered in the Marshall Islands, of all places, as a regulation dodge, in case that hasn't been mentioned.

At the risk of stating the fucking obvious..... Cali G (ie me) never told everyone that 'these corporations have already admitted fault'. The OP lied.... and by quoting him, you support that lie.... ergo, NY, you are a liar too. Just like VaYank. Fucking idiots.

And yet.... neither of you - or the other droolers.... Spidey and truthdon't matter acknowledge that the fucking POTUS - OBAMA -signed off on the damned drilling. He's as responsible as the corps.

They signed off on drilling, not spilling. The fact that alcohol is legal doesn't make the president to blame for every drunk driver that kills someone.
Drill-rig owner seeks to limit liability; Gulf spill reportedly 70,000 barrels a day -

If confirmed by the Coast Guard it would mean the spill long ago eclipsed the 11 million gallons the Exxon Valdez tanker spilled in Prince William Sound in Alaska in 1989.
Today is the 24th day since the blowout, so that would work out to more than 70 billion gallons of crude oil that have poured into the Gulf — 70,560,000 to be exact.

Now Sarah, what was that you said about "DRILL BABY DRILL!" And this nightmare is far from being over. The tides may bring oil tar up the east coast and certainly onto Florida's pristene beaches. We have been very lucky so far.
Drill-rig owner seeks to limit liability; Gulf spill reportedly 70,000 barrels a day -

If confirmed by the Coast Guard it would mean the spill long ago eclipsed the 11 million gallons the Exxon Valdez tanker spilled in Prince William Sound in Alaska in 1989.
Today is the 24th day since the blowout, so that would work out to more than 70 billion gallons of crude oil that have poured into the Gulf — 70,560,000 to be exact.

Now Sarah, what was that you said about "DRILL BABY DRILL!" And this nightmare is far from being over. The tides may bring oil tar up the east coast and certainly onto Florida's pristene beaches. We have been very lucky so far.

What is happening is truly awful but think of the fact live the alternative for a week and see how you liked it. No driving, no electricity at night, no trips down to the restaurant for dinner, no supermarkets and don't forget to drill a well in your yard to get the water you need because that is pumped to your house via electricity as well. Oh yeah I almost forgot....better dig a hole for your outhouse as well.

Life is a series of tradoffs. We live well because of oil. Stop the oil and return to the bronze age. It's as simple as that.
everyone tries to limit their liabiltiy....

but i agree.. the damage from this is gonna be ....well beyond what has happened values etc

Can you imagine if lightning or some other accident actually set the gulf on fire? At the rate this stuff is flowing, it could be a very large and lasting flame, it appears.
As this continues to get worse, we will see the whole of the voting American Citizenery measuring whether the dangers of off shore drilling out weigh the benefits. Should this continue spewing, and the oil get to the Florida Keys, and destroys the coral there, I think that offshore drilling will be a dead issue.

It is time to make our own energy from sources that will not pollute the land and endanger our future. We have the technology, what we lack is the will. Too much money coming from interests vested in the polluting fuels. Too little honesty in the politicians of any stripe. And far too many really stupid Conservatives that eschew any real conservative principles.
Actually they are having a hard time getting this stuff to burn.

Right now, it looks increasing like this is going to be an unprecedented ecological disaster. And each day brings the hurricane season closer.

We have the means to get off of fossil fuels. We simply choose not to.
Actually they are having a hard time getting this stuff to burn.

Right now, it looks increasing like this is going to be an unprecedented ecological disaster. And each day brings the hurricane season closer.

We have the means to get off of fossil fuels. We simply choose not to.

Exactly! I agree on all points. I expect if you "follow the money" you will find why we never got very far with alternative fuels, even after the gas crisis of the 70s. I remember, don't you? I didn't know how I was going to get back to college because I left on an even numbered day of the month and my plates allowed me to buy gas only on an odd day. Do you recall that disaster?

Then, the truth came out about oil reserves extending beyond my lifetime. Cude oil prices stabilized and the SUV era was just around the corner. And what did we do? We sat around on our frigin hands, thinking fossil fuel will be cheap and available forever.

I see all these energy conservation programs being initiated. I read all the literature about energy saving within your home and I think...'I have been here before!'

Yup, I was involved in energy saving programs in the mid and late 70s. Then we forgot our way, or the money from the oil industry helped Congress forget the way. Had we kept the nose to the wheel in 1973, the country would be nearing energy independence right now. But we didn't and we have what we have. :doubt::(
I well remember the 70's. I had started college as a much older student. And managed to get a job with the Forest Service that paid tuition. However, had the job paid ten dollars less a week, I could have qualified for food stamps. The increase in gas prices and the resultant spiral in other costs simply ended my college. I was already a journey level millwright, so I got my tools back out, and started making money again.

Had we learned from that, and invested then in the R and D to make alternative energy happen, we would be in far better shape today. Instead we elected a nice senile old gentleman as President, and let the oil industry dictate energy policy.
I well remember the 70's. I had started college as a much older student. And managed to get a job with the Forest Service that paid tuition. However, had the job paid ten dollars less a week, I could have qualified for food stamps. The increase in gas prices and the resultant spiral in other costs simply ended my college. I was already a journey level millwright, so I got my tools back out, and started making money again.

Had we learned from that, and invested then in the R and D to make alternative energy happen, we would be in far better shape today. Instead we elected a nice senile old gentleman as President, and let the oil industry dictate energy policy.

Invest in R and D or elect a nice senile old gentleman. Obviously the only two choices available and obviously mutually exclusive.
Drill-rig owner seeks to limit liability; Gulf spill reportedly 70,000 barrels a day -

If confirmed by the Coast Guard it would mean the spill long ago eclipsed the 11 million gallons the Exxon Valdez tanker spilled in Prince William Sound in Alaska in 1989.
Today is the 24th day since the blowout, so that would work out to more than 70 billion gallons of crude oil that have poured into the Gulf — 70,560,000 to be exact.

Now Sarah, what was that you said about "DRILL BABY DRILL!" And this nightmare is far from being over. The tides may bring oil tar up the east coast and certainly onto Florida's pristene beaches. We have been very lucky so far.

What is happening is truly awful but think of the fact live the alternative for a week and see how you liked it. No driving, no electricity at night, no trips down to the restaurant for dinner, no supermarkets and don't forget to drill a well in your yard to get the water you need because that is pumped to your house via electricity as well. Oh yeah I almost forgot....better dig a hole for your outhouse as well.

Life is a series of tradoffs. We live well because of oil. Stop the oil and return to the bronze age. It's as simple as that.

Actually, you could still have electricity from coal fired power plants. But I wish those folks a lot of luck finding jobs within walking distance of their houses. And I hope they have a farmer nearby with lots of cows & chickens.
Hey, aren't you the idiot who keeps claiming that BP have to be forced to clean up? Fucking idiot.

For the record, according to the BBC, the clean up has already cost BP in excess of $300m. I see no sign of them refusing to pay for the clean up and yet you still scream about them being forced to pay for it.

The moron cap fits you. Wear it with left wing pride.

$300M??? They haven't cleaned up a goddamn thing. I surely hope you are not taking BP's word on how much this has cost them so far?

Which part of the phrase "according to the BBC" is complicated for you? Jeez you are one dumb mofo.

TFF! Doncha know BP owns the BBC? LOL.

And, the hilarious thing is folks saying this is a foreign company when almost all the USA ops are Amoco.

Cracks me up.
SpiderdufusBooba is a fraud. He/she/it is not really worth trying to engage in debate.

Yep. His idea of debate is 'agree with me or you are an anti-American whore'.

Pot? Meet kettle.:cuckoo:

I insult only on intellect, because that is evidenced. Spidey - like a few of the most pathetic posters on here - can't attack on intellect, so he resorts to ridiculous, personal insults like 'whore'.

That you do not understand the difference is unsurprising.... because you are a moron. Now, you'll notice that I do not insult your looks, personality, penis size, or anything I cannot evidence - only your intellect.... or, more appropriately, the lack of it.
$300M??? They haven't cleaned up a goddamn thing. I surely hope you are not taking BP's word on how much this has cost them so far?

Which part of the phrase "according to the BBC" is complicated for you? Jeez you are one dumb mofo.

TFF! Doncha know BP owns the BBC? LOL.

And, the hilarious thing is folks saying this is a foreign company when almost all the USA ops are Amoco.

Cracks me up.

Interesting part.... BP quote the figure as $450m. Do any of the droolers consider that and accept the BBC's figure? Nope. They're too fucking stupid.

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