Transgender Regrets

Why do cons care?

Anyone who either is female, or who has a wife, sister, daughter, mother or any other females loved ones whose well-being is of concern, should certainly be very concerned about any movement which seeks to let creepy male perverts have free access to women's restrooms, locker rooms, showers, dressing rooms, and similar facilities.
Why would we be afraid of a male that identifies as female? It's males that are the problem.

Or males dressed as females using a law to get at young girls in restrooms.
Why do cons care?

Anyone who either is female, or who has a wife, sister, daughter, mother or any other females loved ones whose well-being is of concern, should certainly be very concerned about any movement which seeks to let creepy male perverts have free access to women's restrooms, locker rooms, showers, dressing rooms, and similar facilities.
Why would we be afraid of a male that identifies as female? It's males that are the problem.

Or males dressed as females using a law to get at young girls in restrooms.
They can't though.
Why do cons care?

Anyone who either is female, or who has a wife, sister, daughter, mother or any other females loved ones whose well-being is of concern, should certainly be very concerned about any movement which seeks to let creepy male perverts have free access to women's restrooms, locker rooms, showers, dressing rooms, and similar facilities.
Why would we be afraid of a male that identifies as female? It's males that are the problem.

Or males dressed as females using a law to get at young girls in restrooms.
They can't though.

What's stopping them if the law says someone can use a restroom they identify with?
Why do cons care?

Anyone who either is female, or who has a wife, sister, daughter, mother or any other females loved ones whose well-being is of concern, should certainly be very concerned about any movement which seeks to let creepy male perverts have free access to women's restrooms, locker rooms, showers, dressing rooms, and similar facilities.
Why would we be afraid of a male that identifies as female? It's males that are the problem.

Generally true and even with tons of drugs and lots of surgery a male>female often treats lesbians and other women like dirt, abusive also.

Study closely this site for examples. One teen trans knew of at least 20 predators who were male>female trans.

They're now brainwashing 5th graders into believing this severe pathology is 'normal' and 'natural' and just fine. Sick stuff. And there are sociopaths here who run around in these threads claiming 'it's nobody else's business' ...
If it really is no one else's business, what I would like to know is why do they go ahead and put their lives out there for the rest of us to know about?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. To me, what they don't seem to get is that the world doesn't belong to just them. Well in my opinion, if they don't like having to share the place, they are free to leave at any time.
Got to draw a line somewhere between what is delusional and what is reality. Transgenderism is where I draw my line.

Well, in reality happiness is from magic rays of sunshine that come down when you're feeling blue. The transgender ultimate happiness comes after cutting their pecker off and become a woman. After ultimate happiness is achieved, there is nothing else to live for and almost half of them kill themselves.
If it really is no one else's business, what I would like to know is why do they go ahead and put their lives out there for the rest of us to know about?

It's just one of the retarded activities they do, run around screaming for all that In Your Face!!! attention whoring, and then sniveling when they get it. They're mentally ill, so there is no sane answer as to why they do such idiotic nonsense; it's just part of the media agenda they have.

God bless you always!!!


Thank you.

Here's their strategy. As you can see every tactic listed here is what you see daily here and everywhere else, and then you have MSM staffs on board with the agenda, too, and enable it at the expense of any objective reporting of their mental issues. It's straight out of Alinsky's 'Rules For Radicals', AKA 'Gramsci For Dummies':


They took advantage of the misplaced sympathy for homosexual fetishists generated by their mindless self-inflicted AIDS crisis and have been lying and forcing their sickness on everybody else and their children for a while now. The 'gay rights movement leadership' didn't even get rid of their NAMBLA front until 1994, and then only because it cost them Clinton's endorsement as an UN recognized NGO; they only dumped them for PR reasons after some 20 happy years with their fellow 'activists' loving support .

Some 10% of them still opposed dumping them, just to give some idea of their fans in the 'gay rights' farce. Almost none voted to toss them out because they had any particular disapproval of kiddie rape, they just felt it made them 'look bad' to normals.
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Even with tons of drugs and lots of surgery a male>female often treats lesbians and other women like dirt, sexually abusive also. The male nature is still there.

Study closely this site for examples. One teen trans ('Max Robinson' - link below) knew of at least 20 predators who were male>female trans.

April | 2016 | 4thWaveNow
Got to draw a line somewhere between what is delusional and what is reality. Transgenderism is where I draw my line.

Well, in reality happiness is from magic rays of sunshine that come down when you're feeling blue. The transgender ultimate happiness comes after cutting their pecker off and become a woman. After ultimate happiness is achieved, there is nothing else to live for and almost half of them kill themselves.

The surgeons who perform these operations are soooo unethical, IMO. Since I've been involved in discussing this issue, I've read some real horror stories from those with regrets. They have all kinds of problems. The male pelvis and inside organs are not meant to have a vagina.
Got to draw a line somewhere between what is delusional and what is reality. Transgenderism is where I draw my line.

Well, in reality happiness is from magic rays of sunshine that come down when you're feeling blue. The transgender ultimate happiness comes after cutting their pecker off and become a woman. After ultimate happiness is achieved, there is nothing else to live for and almost half of them kill themselves.

The surgeons who perform these operations are soooo unethical, IMO. Since I've been involved in discussing this issue, I've read some real horror stories from those with regrets. They have all kinds of problems. The male pelvis and inside organs are not meant to have a vagina.

The self inflicted injury in the form of between legs cavity is vagina as much is my arm pit.
^^ Good article. It sounds like a lawyer wrote it and may be part of the arguments for the 13 states vs the fed with the public school bathroom lawsuit.
It's hilarious how Kaitlin Jenner is a conservative Republican, supported Ted Cruz, and now supports Donald Trump. It forces Leftwacks to concede that trannies are mentally ill after all.
Why do cons care?

Anyone who either is female, or who has a wife, sister, daughter, mother or any other females loved ones whose well-being is of concern, should certainly be very concerned about any movement which seeks to let creepy male perverts have free access to women's restrooms, locker rooms, showers, dressing rooms, and similar facilities.
Why would we be afraid of a male that identifies as female? It's males that are the problem.

Or males dressed as females using a law to get at young girls in restrooms.
They can't though.
Oh yes they can. Thanks to your guy obama. Public schools have to allow boys to use girls bathrooms or could get their funding cut. Liberalism is a mental disease.

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