Transgender Regrets

This new generation where we accept these trannies or even those who think they are the opposite sex is disturbing.

How many tomboys from the past would be considered trannies if they were kids these days?

The blurring of lines between sexes started with good intentions within the feminist movement but that inadvertently stunted male development which now provides us with a generation of wimpy men, and now those men have now had sons and they are even more wimpy and weak.

Now if a kid is a john Wayne type A type then they are a bully and with the no tolerance policies out there most likely removed from school unless they change to be wimpy and weak.

This is a problem and it's only going to get worse.
Isnt that not inform someone of the risks

It is most certainly major malpractice, and deliberately criminal, for a professional medical surgeon to operate on clearly mentally ill people with such extreme genital self-mutilation obsessions. they need to be locked up like criminals as well. They're just as sick, but they have no excuse for doing that other than money.
Clearly, some are just not happy in any gender's body.
Would be pretty messed up when it snows and all your drunk buddies run out to write their names in the snow, you follow but then you realize......
Trannies be like .....

From one parent dealing with a trans wannabe, and a hostile school... heartbreaking...

"This has been a nightmare for me! Extremely stressful! My daughter has delved deeply into this trans thing via internet and social media. She got most of her coaching and support there. She was getting militant with us for calling her the name we gave her or the “incorrect” pronoun. She was begging for hormone blockers and testosterone. I’m going to be getting rid of as much of the social media and internet access that as I can especially YouTube. She had even set up a GoFundMe for donations for her “Top Surgery”! This all happened out of the blue. I should have yanked her out of the public school when I discovered all this last November. My husband tried to set up parental controls, but she bypassed them. Little by little she tries to “pass” as a boy. I try not to make a big deal about it because she is the oppositional type.

I am so disgusted with how the trans thing is being promoted and encouraged by so many people with greedy agendas (i.e. the doctors, politicians). Have not heard much about Caitlin Jenner, Woman of the Year, lately–that sure did not help impressionable young teens. The public schools where I live are letting the kids change their name and gender at school; this policy was implemented by the school board in 2014 with no announcement or information home to the parents. They can go to whatever bathroom they want. I found out that my daughter was using the restroom in the nurses office (no longer using the girls restroom). The school was calling her the new name (and perhaps the new pronoun) without telling or informing me. I was shocked–more and more parents will be going through the same thing. But sadly for the kids, some parents won’t be as skeptical as we are.

She will soon be taking drivers ed because she is turning 15 at the end of November. I am hoping that helps in the way of an extracurricular activity. I will try to find other ways her busy, too.

We do not have any adults I can think of who can make a positive influence. My husband and I have small families who are not close. I hope someone comes into our life. You are right, she ignores the advice of my husband and me.

Thanks for the ideas regarding volunteering. She enjoys young children–so perhaps reading to them would be something she would really like to do."

Not all Trans folk are happy with the results, like Walt Heyer:

I Wish I Had Been Told About Risks Before I Had Gender Surgery

Did I read that right?

100 percent of the study participants were Islamic shithole people living in an Islamic shithole!
Imagine regular non-Islamics having regrets about chopping their dick off and then realizing that what the Dr.s told them in their surgery disclaimer (this surgery will not make you female; they have to disclose that) was true....

They be like "I wonder if I should've spent that fortune on therapy instead?" Ah, hindsight is 20-20...

BTW, I wonder if it's legal for doctors to have patients sign disclaimers saying "the surgery I'm about to perform will not make you female (or male)"; and then proceed anyway knowing their patient believes it will? That's the reason these surgeries go forward, because the patient still believes such surgery will make them the opposite gender. Can doctors be thrown in jail for this?
From one parent dealing with a trans wannabe, and a hostile school... heartbreaking...

"This has been a nightmare for me! Extremely stressful! My daughter has delved deeply into this trans thing via internet and social media. She got most of her coaching and support there. She was getting militant with us for calling her the name we gave her or the “incorrect” pronoun. She was begging for hormone blockers and testosterone. I’m going to be getting rid of as much of the social media and internet access that as I can especially YouTube. She had even set up a GoFundMe for donations for her “Top Surgery”! This all happened out of the blue. I should have yanked her out of the public school when I discovered all this last November. My husband tried to set up parental controls, but she bypassed them. Little by little she tries to “pass” as a boy. I try not to make a big deal about it because she is the oppositional type.

I am so disgusted with how the trans thing is being promoted and encouraged by so many people with greedy agendas (i.e. the doctors, politicians). Have not heard much about Caitlin Jenner, Woman of the Year, lately–that sure did not help impressionable young teens. The public schools where I live are letting the kids change their name and gender at school; this policy was implemented by the school board in 2014 with no announcement or information home to the parents. They can go to whatever bathroom they want. I found out that my daughter was using the restroom in the nurses office (no longer using the girls restroom). The school was calling her the new name (and perhaps the new pronoun) without telling or informing me. I was shocked–more and more parents will be going through the same thing. But sadly for the kids, some parents won’t be as skeptical as we are.

She will soon be taking drivers ed because she is turning 15 at the end of November. I am hoping that helps in the way of an extracurricular activity. I will try to find other ways her busy, too.

We do not have any adults I can think of who can make a positive influence. My husband and I have small families who are not close. I hope someone comes into our life. You are right, she ignores the advice of my husband and me.

Thanks for the ideas regarding volunteering. She enjoys young children–so perhaps reading to them would be something she would really like to do."

Since you were wondering, Jenner is one of the ones that have regrets. That's why he lost his tv show. He refused to have a boyfriend. He still has male parts and is not gay. He is expected to go back in the next couple of years,

Caitlyn Jenner Regrets Transitioning To A Woman, Wants To Become Bruce Again: Report
Since you were wondering, Jenner is one of the ones that have regrets. That's why he lost his tv show. He refused to have a boyfriend. He still has male parts and is not gay. He is expected to go back in the next couple of years,

Caitlyn Jenner Regrets Transitioning To A Woman, Wants To Become Bruce Again: Report

The article was written May, we shall see. The pressure to remain Trans, prominently and vocally, will be strong. If he does go back to Bruce, will he be as active in saying it was a mistake and suggesting others, especially minors, do not do it? I wonder, or to more honest, I doubt it.
Not all Trans folk are happy with the results, like Walt Heyer:

I Wish I Had Been Told About Risks Before I Had Gender Surgery
I guess he thought that whacking off his member and having pictures tattooed on his body is all a matter of a temporary lark. Having your sex changed isn't like taking the A-Train into the city and giving a pint of blood. If you haven't considered the risks before you made the decision ........ then you get no sympathy from me.

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